Despite already admitting it was real, Trump now says the Access Hollywood tape was fake

Oh look. The Trumpies are so upset with this news they’re blaming me for reporting it.
How funny is that.
Further proof their propaganda media keeps them in the dark with important news.

I don't really care. Most men have been in locker rooms before and have heard worse. It's not bragging, its bullshitting.

Also, you've probably never heard of groupies before. They indeed are available to stars to have a pussy grab now and again. Are you naive?

Then there were the websites developed that stalked Pro Athletes that told gold diggers where these athletes would be at any given time. Many of the women admitted they wanted to have sex with the athlete so they could get pregnant to either A.) Marry a superstar, or B.) get pregnant and rake in the dough from big child support payments.

Quit acting like any of this, including the tape, is anything new cuz it's not.

Locker Room talk?

A married man who's wife is pregnant boasts about trying to have sex with married women and kissing and grabbing other women's pussies?

Never been in that locker room

I doubt if you've been in many then. It is so common that your comment is laughable.
Outrage that a Presidential candidate admitted to trying to have sex with a married woman while his wife was pregnant with his son?

Outrage that he admits to forcing himself on women and grabbing their pussies?

Outrage that a married man is bragging about this stuff?
What women did Trump try to have sex with? And he said you can grab their pussy's if you are rich and powerful. That's a dig on the fame hungry women not Trump.
And many married men brag about non existent conquests, it's how we cope with a life spent with one women.
Keep on digging when the whole is 6X4X6 get in and cover yourself up.
Outrage that a Presidential candidate admitted to trying to have sex with a married woman while his wife was pregnant with his son?

Outrage that he admits to forcing himself on women and grabbing their pussies?

Outrage that a married man is bragging about this stuff?
What women did Trump try to have sex with? And he said you can grab their pussy's if you are rich and powerful. That's a dig on the fame hungry women not Trump.
And many married men brag about non existent conquests, it's how we cope with a life spent with one women.
Keep on digging when the whole is 6X4X6 get in and cover yourself up.
Nancy O’Dell, who was married when he hit on her. You admire men who try to commit adultery, don’t ya?
You people have the wrong angle here. This isn’t about Trump being a scumbag adulterer. Of course he is. It’s not about him being a sexual predator. No doubt about that either.
This is about guy trying to pass onto us that what we know to be true, isn’t.
We know it’s his voice on the tape. We know he already admitted saying those lewd revolting things. But to now try to float the theory it’s not him on the tape is beyond bizarre behavior.
When Reagan had Alzheimer’s in the latter years of his presidency and Nancy had to answer questions he didn’t understand, the press didn’t alert the country that we had an incapacitated president.
Well we’re now in that same predicament.
There is something seriously wrong with this president. This is not normal behavior.

And sorry DEPLORABLES.. you can wish this all away by calling I️t fake news.
It’s been covered by almost every news outlet. This story has legs.
Plus this is not the first time this president has exhibited bizarre unnatural behavior.

For the good of the country people need to start speaking up and not normalizing this demented type of behavior.

Dementia is not a laughing matter.
Nancy O’Dell, who was married when he hit on her. You admire men who try to commit adultery, don’t ya?
No I don't but you libs have watered down any disgust for such behavior by defending sex perverts like Clinton, Kennedy, and other dems.
It's no longer a big deal thanks to hypocrites like you.
Nancy O’Dell, who was married when he hit on her. You admire men who try to commit adultery, don’t ya?
No I don't but you libs have watered down any disgust for such behavior by defending sex perverts like Clinton, Kennedy, and other dems.
It's no longer a big deal thanks to hypocrites like you.
I never voted for any candidate I knew committed adultery. You?
For the good of the country people need to start speaking up and not normalizing this demented type of behavior.
You missed that chance back when you defended Clinton's behavior by saying it's his private life.
You libs are your own worst enemy, you all watered down this kind of behavior by defending your own perverts like Clinton and Carlos Danger so don't be surprised if we treat it lightly... looks like democrat Senators, mega Hollywood donors and left wingnut media moguls are the worst offenders.
Keep on Pissing into the wind progs...
If Trump said the bus tape is fake, we all know the pseudocon Tard Herd here would instantly bleev him.

And they would work feverishly for the next several years to "prove" it was fake.
I never voted for any candidate I knew committed adultery. You?
You defended him and were ready to vote for his wife the same women that set out to smear and destroy his accusers lives...if you ask me that's worse. But we all know Faun's two faces don't we?
If Trump said the bus tape is fake, we all know the pseudocon Tard Herd here would instantly bleev him.

And they would work feverishly for the next four years to "prove" it was fake
The outrage was fake you hypocrite false, phony outrage...
I never voted for any candidate I knew committed adultery. You?
You defended him and were ready to vote for his wife the same women that set out to smear and destroy his accusers lives...if you ask me that's worse. But we all know Faun's two faces don't we?
His wife is not him and didn’t commit adultery as far as I know.

But thanks for avoiding answering my question. Your non-answer answered for you. :badgrin:
Yes, I know that we liberals bash Trump at every opportunity.....

BUT, even a hard-assed Trump supporter must acknowledge that this moron-in-chief is NOW questioning the validity of a tape that he HIMSELF validated through an apology, shows that the clown is simply INSANE !!!

The pathology of Trump has raised questions before, and this latest flip-flop shows that the guy may indeed be not only a liar, but a danger to the rest of us.
Yes, I know that we liberals bash Trump at every opportunity.....

BUT, even a hard-assed Trump supporter must acknowledge that this moron-in-chief is NOW questioning the validity of a tape that he HIMSELF validated through an apology, shows that the clown is simply INSANE !!!

The pathology of Trump has raised questions before, and this latest flip-flop shows that the guy may indeed be not only a liar, but a danger to the rest of us.

Ha.ha. and his supporters are bat shit crazy too. They'll believe anything he says--even if he contradicts his past statements and apologies--


A neuroscientist explains what may be wrong with Trump supporters’ brains
You know, when I said a few months back that Trump appears to keep amping up the crazy on a week to week basis, I was only saying that it APPEARED that way.

Sadly, in the aftermath of the month of October, it is no longer just appearing that way, but rather that is the way things actually are.

I'm thinking he's gonna shoot someone on 5th Ave. any day now just to see if his theory during the election still holds.
Yes, I know that we liberals bash Trump at every opportunity.....

BUT, even a hard-assed Trump supporter must acknowledge that this moron-in-chief is NOW questioning the validity of a tape that he HIMSELF validated through an apology, shows that the clown is simply INSANE !!!

The pathology of Trump has raised questions before, and this latest flip-flop shows that the guy may indeed be not only a liar, but a danger to the rest of us.

Ha.ha. and his supporters are bat shit crazy too. They'll believe anything he says--even if he contradicts his past statements and apologies--


A neuroscientist explains what may be wrong with Trump supporters’ brains
Just love it when a "Scientist" claims that 51% of the US citizens have something wrong with their brains. Just like the crooked bitch called US deplorables. Yep, keep it up tards, keep poking the sleeping giant..

Yes, I know that we liberals bash Trump at every opportunity.....

BUT, even a hard-assed Trump supporter must acknowledge that this moron-in-chief is NOW questioning the validity of a tape that he HIMSELF validated through an apology, shows that the clown is simply INSANE !!!

The pathology of Trump has raised questions before, and this latest flip-flop shows that the guy may indeed be not only a liar, but a danger to the rest of us.
If Trump tweeted the bus tape was fake, every last pseudocon on this forum would spend the next several years "proving" it was a fake.

The hunt for the five million illegal Mexican voters in California continues...

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