Despite already admitting it was real, Trump now says the Access Hollywood tape was fake

Yes, I know that we liberals bash Trump at every opportunity.....

BUT, even a hard-assed Trump supporter must acknowledge that this moron-in-chief is NOW questioning the validity of a tape that he HIMSELF validated through an apology, shows that the clown is simply INSANE !!!

The pathology of Trump has raised questions before, and this latest flip-flop shows that the guy may indeed be not only a liar, but a danger to the rest of us.
If Trump tweeted the bus tape was fake, every last pseudocon on this forum would spend the next several years "proving" it was a fake.

The hunt for the five million illegal Mexican voters in California continues...

I would have preferred it if he had tweeted it, because then there would have been a hard record of his idiocy. Unfortunately, according to the news reports, he has said this to a staffer of his, as well as one Senator, but unfortunately, all we have for this story is hearsay.

Trump's latest conspiracy? The 'Access Hollywood' tape was a fake! - CNNPolitics

But, apparently, Trump now believes that, somehow, the tape is either false or has been doctored. And, not only that, but, according to the Times report, Trump has shared his theory with at least one adviser and a sitting US senator. (What I wouldn't pay to be a fly on the wall of that conversation!)
Yes, I know that we liberals bash Trump at every opportunity.....

BUT, even a hard-assed Trump supporter must acknowledge that this moron-in-chief is NOW questioning the validity of a tape that he HIMSELF validated through an apology, shows that the clown is simply INSANE !!!

The pathology of Trump has raised questions before, and this latest flip-flop shows that the guy may indeed be not only a liar, but a danger to the rest of us.
If Trump tweeted the bus tape was fake, every last pseudocon on this forum would spend the next several years "proving" it was a fake.

The hunt for the five million illegal Mexican voters in California continues...
You have to want to find them.
Yes, I know that we liberals bash Trump at every opportunity.....

BUT, even a hard-assed Trump supporter must acknowledge that this moron-in-chief is NOW questioning the validity of a tape that he HIMSELF validated through an apology, shows that the clown is simply INSANE !!!

The pathology of Trump has raised questions before, and this latest flip-flop shows that the guy may indeed be not only a liar, but a danger to the rest of us.
If Trump tweeted the bus tape was fake, every last pseudocon on this forum would spend the next several years "proving" it was a fake.

The hunt for the five million illegal Mexican voters in California continues...
You have to want to find them.
I'm sure they are running around in your head.

"I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"
If Trump tweeted the bus tape was fake, every last pseudocon on this forum would spend the next several years "proving" it was a fake.

Actually, it is EXACTLY what CULT members must do....
Yes, I know that we liberals bash Trump at every opportunity.....

BUT, even a hard-assed Trump supporter must acknowledge that this moron-in-chief is NOW questioning the validity of a tape that he HIMSELF validated through an apology, shows that the clown is simply INSANE !!!

The pathology of Trump has raised questions before, and this latest flip-flop shows that the guy may indeed be not only a liar, but a danger to the rest of us.
If he can convince himself that a conversation he had suddenly didn't happen--a conversation he admitted he had and apologized for at the time--then he can convince himself that North Korea can only be stopped with a pre-emptive strike.
If he can convince himself that a conversation he had suddenly didn't happen--a conversation he admitted he had and apologized for at the time--then he can convince himself that North Korea can only be stopped with a pre-emptive strike.

....and THAT, my dear,should scare the crap of even his mindless cult members.....
Yes, I know that we liberals bash Trump at every opportunity.....

BUT, even a hard-assed Trump supporter must acknowledge that this moron-in-chief is NOW questioning the validity of a tape that he HIMSELF validated through an apology, shows that the clown is simply INSANE !!!

The pathology of Trump has raised questions before, and this latest flip-flop shows that the guy may indeed be not only a liar, but a danger to the rest of us.
If Trump tweeted the bus tape was fake, every last pseudocon on this forum would spend the next several years "proving" it was a fake.

The hunt for the five million illegal Mexican voters in California continues...
You have to want to find them.
There is no conspiracy theory or Trump lie that Lil Mikey wouldn’t go to the mat defending. He has zero values.
Yes, I know that we liberals bash Trump at every opportunity.....

BUT, even a hard-assed Trump supporter must acknowledge that this moron-in-chief is NOW questioning the validity of a tape that he HIMSELF validated through an apology, shows that the clown is simply INSANE !!!

The pathology of Trump has raised questions before, and this latest flip-flop shows that the guy may indeed be not only a liar, but a danger to the rest of us.
If Trump tweeted the bus tape was fake, every last pseudocon on this forum would spend the next several years "proving" it was a fake.

The hunt for the five million illegal Mexican voters in California continues...
You have to want to find them.
I'm sure they are running around in your head.

"I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"

And millions upon millions of child molesting Alabamians are in your head.
If he can convince himself that a conversation he had suddenly didn't happen--a conversation he admitted he had and apologized for at the time--then he can convince himself that North Korea can only be stopped with a pre-emptive strike.

....and THAT, my dear,should scare the crap of even his mindless cult members.....
Clinton would have surrendered by now.
That wasn't even the worst of his Apprentice recordings, supposedly there are some with him using the n-word and saying more lewd and demeaning things about women.
Yes, I know that we liberals bash Trump at every opportunity.....

BUT, even a hard-assed Trump supporter must acknowledge that this moron-in-chief is NOW questioning the validity of a tape that he HIMSELF validated through an apology, shows that the clown is simply INSANE !!!

The pathology of Trump has raised questions before, and this latest flip-flop shows that the guy may indeed be not only a liar, but a danger to the rest of us.
If Trump tweeted the bus tape was fake, every last pseudocon on this forum would spend the next several years "proving" it was a fake.

The hunt for the five million illegal Mexican voters in California continues...
You have to want to find them.
I'm sure they are running around in your head.

"I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"
Not at all, I just know what partisan scum there are in Washington.
Only problem is Nat, it won't. They will think that Trump can do no wrong and will applaud him for his tough negotiating skills.

Several psychological tests have been done on folks who practice idolatry such as Trump cult members seem to be doing.....These folks rank with extremely low self-esteem when compared to others.
Pussy grabbing and child molestation? The Party may not all love it but the billionaire core can never get enough!
A victory for Mr. Moore could be just as punishing for Republicans, because it could taint their candidates across the country by association with a man accused of child molestation.

Scott Jennings, a Republican strategist close to Mr. McConnell, said the race had developed into a no-win situation.

“Either we’re saddled with a Democrat in a seat that ought to be Republican,” Mr. Jennings said, “or we’re saddled with a brand anvil that’s going to drag down the president, drag down the Senate, drag down the party and plunge the Senate into immediate turmoil when he gets there.”

For its part, Mr. Moore’s campaign is thrilled to have the president’s tacit support and is promising to highlight it.

“We’re going to make it clear to the voters of Alabama that Roy Moore is the candidate to help President Trump get a conservative Supreme Court and cut taxes,” said Brett Doster, a top Moore adviser. “That will be included in our ads, definitely.”
Why Trump Stands by Roy Moore, Even as It Fractures His Party
But who cares about those actually breathing anyway?
I asked this on another thread, and got no answer. I'll try it here.

Is there actual proof that Trump is now claiming the video is fake?
You gotta question whether the loss of the 2016 election incurred symptoms of mental illness similar to PTSD among liberals. Apparently they thought nothing about the (hold your nose) image of Bill Clinton in a freaking closet with the pizza girl and then claiming that sodomy isn't the same as sexual relations. It wouldn't even be an argument if the current leader of the democrat party didn't act as her husband's enabler and worse. You gotta scratch your head when Bill Clinton doubled down on insanity and bombed a defenseless country in freaking Europe while the 9-11 terrorists were attending flight school in freaking Florida.
When will his sheep finally admit this guy is just not mentally well?
If this doesn’t confirm it, I don’t know what will.

Meanwhile Billy Bush’s career is over with this tape President Crazypants now says didn’t happen.

The whole world is laughing at us.

No the world isn’t laughing at us, they are laughing at y’all stupid liberals. Y’all are just to funny.
Trump trolls y’all,and y’all loose your minds.

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