Despite already admitting it was real, Trump now says the Access Hollywood tape was fake

Just once I’d like to see one of you trump sheep tell the truth and say,” This guy is crazy to say that..”
But nooooooooo
No matter how absurd, how bizarre... you know it’s your duty to defend any lame ass thing he says.
When will his sheep finally admit this guy is just not mentally well?
If this doesn’t confirm it, I don’t know what will.

Meanwhile Billy Bush’s career is over with this tape President Crazypants now says didn’t happen.

The whole world is laughing at us.

What do you mean? He is fucking nuts. We are not afraid to say that at all.

Still prefer him over Hitlary.
Of course you do. You don't care about this nation at all, you have no respect for morality or ethics.

But you proaborts do.


You small people fail to understand the fundamental essence of President Donald T. Trump.
Obviously his essence is one of a lunatic.
And you don’t have the balls to admit it.

Nov 2016- I apologize for the crude language I used on that Access Hollywood tape.
Nov 2017- I doubt the authenticity of that tape.

Nothing strange here, right?
President Crazypants is now verifying he’s really not right in the head.

He really thinks people are stupid enough to believe his bullshit.
Oh wait, the deplorables will probably even buy this nonsense.

It’s pretty clear that Donald Trump doesn’t exist in the same reality as the rest of us, or at least he thinks he doesn’t, which is why he can declare that proven facts are “fake news,” why he thinks it’s anything but horrifically tacky to coat everything he owns in gold, and why he just generally seems like such a big fucking idiot. Recently, Trump has been making another attempt to drag us all down into his world, telling multiple people that the Access Hollywood tape—the one where he said “Grab them by the pussy”—isn’t real. Apparently, he told a senator earlier this year that it was fake, and he repeated that to an adviser at some point after that, suggesting that he’s trying to spread the lie—and it is a lie—that he never said “I moved on her like a bitch,” “I just start kissing them…I don’t even wait,” or any other highlights from the tape that got Billy Bush fired but had virtually no effect on Trump’s path to the White House.

Trump’s sudden decision to deny the authenticity of the tape was acknowledged in a larger New York Times piece about his wholly unsurprising decision to endorse accused pedophile and Republican senate candidate Roy Moore (apparently the Old Gray Lady took a break from Nazi puff pieces this weekend), with the paper correctly noting that Trump actually admitted the tape was real. Shortly after it came out last October, Trump dismissed the recording as “locker room banter” and apologized “if anyone was offended,” implying that he had no doubt that it was real.

The Times story doesn’t go into this topic any further, but it’s probably giving Trump far too much credit to assume that this rewriting of facts is a response to the movement to expose accused sexual harassers and predators in various fields. It seems much more likely that he’s such a narcissistic fiend that he has actually convinced himself the tape was fake, and he’s just adapting our reality to line up with the one that only exists in his head.
Who cares besides a bunch of pseudo adults pretending outrage at something they have all done?
Yeah, I grab women by the pussies all day long. Common behavior in my place of employment. On the street too. Women expect and welcome it.
View attachment 162956
The anonymous source! Unidentified white house aides. Certainly nothing is more reliable.
Nixon was brought down with anonymous sources.
Funny you’re one of the last holdouts in the country that doesn’t realize this president is in the early stages of Alzheimer’s.
Democrats are compulsive liars who continue with their nonsense even when proved wrong.

What will you do when Trump is easily reelcted?

This has nothing to do with democrats tinker bell. All of these chaos are coming out from this petulant little sissy boy president mouth that you snowflakes support....
After that tape was released. Grab them by the pussy......... . This dodo president admitted it was a bar talk that even his bimbo wife came out and supported him.

Now this lying SOB said it’s a fake. What the fuck kind of asshole president is that?
View attachment 162956
The anonymous source! Unidentified white house aides. Certainly nothing is more reliable.
Nixon was brought down with anonymous sources.
Funny you’re one of the last holdouts in the country that doesn’t realize this president is in the early stages of Alzheimer’s.
Democrats are compulsive liars who continue with their nonsense even when proved wrong.

What will you do when Trump is easily reelcted?

This has nothing to do with democrats tinker bell. All of these chaos are coming out from this petulant little sissy boy president mouth that you snowflakes support....
After that tape was released. Grab them by the pussy......... . This dodo president admitted it was a bar talk that even his bimbo wife came out and supported him.

Now this lying SOB said it’s a fake. What the fuck kind of asshole president is that?

The kind that NEVER said it was a fake. Anonymous sources say that he said it was a fake. The same sources that have been lying all along.

That’s what he said. Since when does an accused sexual assaulter get to decide the women wanted it?

Since he can tell how they reacted to it, at the time.
You have no idea how they reacted. And we can’t go by just his word alone, he’s the groper and a bunch of women came forward to say his groping was not welcome.

We have his word. We have Hollywood, which we can see is a cesspit. We have the lack of complaints at the time.

HIs claim that women treat men with fame and fortune differently, is completely believable.
He never said all of the women were Hollywood. And despite being a cesspool, not every single person in Hollywood is.

Yet, you don't deny that Hollywood is a cesspit. WHy do you think that is?
Money, power, celebrity, glitz and glamor. Still, not everyone in Hollywood succumbs to the wicked side of Hollywood. And again, trump never said it was only Hollywood women he was groping.
Believes 17 women lied about Trump.
Believes 9 women lied about Moore.
Probably believes Anita Hil lied about Clarence Thomas.
Anyone see a pattern here?

You believe Juanita Broadrick and Paula Jones lied about Bill Clinton.
I believe Juanita Broaddrick...

"During the 1992 Presidential campaign there were unfounded rumors and stories circulated that Mr. Clinton had made unwelcome sexual advances toward me in the late seventies. Newspaper and tabloid reporters hounded me and my family, seeking corroboration of these tales. I repeatedly denied the allegations and requested that my family's privacy be respected. These allegations are untrue and I had hoped that they would no longer haunt me, or cause further disruption to my family." ~ Juanita Broaddrick

Paula Jones I don’t believe since her case was dismissed due to lack of merit.

Juanita Broaddrick - Wikipedia

"Broaddrick shared the hotel room with her friend and employee Norma Rogers. Rogers attended a conference seminar that morning, and says she returned to their room to find Broaddrick on the bed “in a state of shock,” her pantyhose torn in the crotch and her lip swollen as though she had been hit.[7] Rogers says Broaddrick told her Clinton had "forced himself on her."[7] Rogers helped Broaddrick ice her lip, and then the women left Little Rock. Rogers said that Broaddrick was very upset on the way home and blamed herself for letting Clinton in the room.[3] Broaddrick says she did not tell her husband, Gary Hickey, about the incident, and told him she accidentally injured her lip. He told NBC he did not remember the injury or her explanation.[3][8] David Broaddrick, however, has said he noticed her injured lip, and she told him that Clinton had raped her when he asked about it.[3]Three other friends confirmed that Broaddrick had told them about the incident at the time: Susan Lewis, Louis Ma, and Jean Darden, Norma Rogers’ sister."


Despite your hilarious sources, Broaddrick swore Clinton did not rape her. I choose to believe her statements made under the threat of perjury for lying. Which I note, a penalty for which she was never charged.

Your choice to choose the statements made to make it all go away, are very self serving of you.

As is your dismissal of wikipedia.

The point stands. She was witnessed in shock and with injuries consistent with her version of events.

Would you like to explain why you are dismissing that fact?
Because she swore it never happened.
We're supposed to take him seriously but not literally.

Or figuratively, but not substantially.

Or theoretically, but not tastefully.

Fuck it, who knows at this point.

we all know.... he's a lying loon

and a sexual predator
They didn’t come forward until trump painted them as star-struck groupies who wanted to be sexually assaulted.

And given trump’s confession, they are indeed credible.

Trump did not confess to sexual assault. He "confessed" to being allowed to do sexual contact because women are impressed with fame and fortune.

That you feel a need to lie about that, shows that you know your position is bullshit.
Of course he confessed to sexual assault. He admitted he can grab womens’ pussies because he’s a celebrity. A bunch of women, however, said they didn’t “let him” like he portrayed it.

YOur second sentence is structured as though it supports your first, but it does not.

YOu are still lying. The act of lying shows that you know you need to lie to defend your position.

Bragging about how women treat stars, LET ting then do this and that, is not a confession of sexual assault.

You are a liar.
Of course it does. We know this based on all the women who confirmed it.

No, we know it is based on your desire to smear your enemies.

I caught you lying. YOu did not refute that.

YOur point is invalid because of your lie.

Saying, ”of course it does,” is me refuting your hollow insult.

So now everyone see you’re an idiot AND desperate.
View attachment 162956
The anonymous source! Unidentified white house aides. Certainly nothing is more reliable.
Nixon was brought down with anonymous sources.
Funny you’re one of the last holdouts in the country that doesn’t realize this president is in the early stages of Alzheimer’s.
Democrats are compulsive liars who continue with their nonsense even when proved wrong.

What will you do when Trump is easily reelcted?

This has nothing to do with democrats tinker bell. All of these chaos are coming out from this petulant little sissy boy president mouth that you snowflakes support....
After that tape was released. Grab them by the pussy......... . This dodo president admitted it was a bar talk that even his bimbo wife came out and supported him.

Now this lying SOB said it’s a fake. What the fuck kind of asshole president is that?

The kind that NEVER said it was a fake. Anonymous sources say that he said it was a fake. The same sources that have been lying all along.
Tipsy rat lover is going against every news organization that printed this story. Her source? Her asshole.
It was the outrage that was fake...look at the liberal world. Casting couches in every office intern touchers in our government...Left wing media womanizers, You failed liberals...thank goodness...
President Crazypants is now verifying he’s really not right in the head.

He really thinks people are stupid enough to believe his bullshit.
Oh wait, the deplorables will probably even buy this nonsense.

It’s pretty clear that Donald Trump doesn’t exist in the same reality as the rest of us, or at least he thinks he doesn’t, which is why he can declare that proven facts are “fake news,” why he thinks it’s anything but horrifically tacky to coat everything he owns in gold, and why he just generally seems like such a big fucking idiot. Recently, Trump has been making another attempt to drag us all down into his world, telling multiple people that the Access Hollywood tape—the one where he said “Grab them by the pussy”—isn’t real. Apparently, he told a senator earlier this year that it was fake, and he repeated that to an adviser at some point after that, suggesting that he’s trying to spread the lie—and it is a lie—that he never said “I moved on her like a bitch,” “I just start kissing them…I don’t even wait,” or any other highlights from the tape that got Billy Bush fired but had virtually no effect on Trump’s path to the White House.

Trump’s sudden decision to deny the authenticity of the tape was acknowledged in a larger New York Times piece about his wholly unsurprising decision to endorse accused pedophile and Republican senate candidate Roy Moore (apparently the Old Gray Lady took a break from Nazi puff pieces this weekend), with the paper correctly noting that Trump actually admitted the tape was real. Shortly after it came out last October, Trump dismissed the recording as “locker room banter” and apologized “if anyone was offended,” implying that he had no doubt that it was real.

The Times story doesn’t go into this topic any further, but it’s probably giving Trump far too much credit to assume that this rewriting of facts is a response to the movement to expose accused sexual harassers and predators in various fields. It seems much more likely that he’s such a narcissistic fiend that he has actually convinced himself the tape was fake, and he’s just adapting our reality to line up with the one that only exists in his head.
Goodness at the nonsense! The President cannot even admit he was wrong about something without the media fed simpletons wetting themselves.
You should’ve applied for spiceys job. You make a great cheerleader!
We're supposed to take him seriously but not literally.

Or figuratively, but not substantially.

Or theoretically, but not tastefully.

Fuck it, who knows at this point.
We're supposed to let Trump be Trump.

Whatever that means.
President Crazypants is now verifying he’s really not right in the head.

He really thinks people are stupid enough to believe his bullshit.
Oh wait, the deplorables will probably even buy this nonsense.

It’s pretty clear that Donald Trump doesn’t exist in the same reality as the rest of us, or at least he thinks he doesn’t, which is why he can declare that proven facts are “fake news,” why he thinks it’s anything but horrifically tacky to coat everything he owns in gold, and why he just generally seems like such a big fucking idiot. Recently, Trump has been making another attempt to drag us all down into his world, telling multiple people that the Access Hollywood tape—the one where he said “Grab them by the pussy”—isn’t real. Apparently, he told a senator earlier this year that it was fake, and he repeated that to an adviser at some point after that, suggesting that he’s trying to spread the lie—and it is a lie—that he never said “I moved on her like a bitch,” “I just start kissing them…I don’t even wait,” or any other highlights from the tape that got Billy Bush fired but had virtually no effect on Trump’s path to the White House.

Trump’s sudden decision to deny the authenticity of the tape was acknowledged in a larger New York Times piece about his wholly unsurprising decision to endorse accused pedophile and Republican senate candidate Roy Moore (apparently the Old Gray Lady took a break from Nazi puff pieces this weekend), with the paper correctly noting that Trump actually admitted the tape was real. Shortly after it came out last October, Trump dismissed the recording as “locker room banter” and apologized “if anyone was offended,” implying that he had no doubt that it was real.

The Times story doesn’t go into this topic any further, but it’s probably giving Trump far too much credit to assume that this rewriting of facts is a response to the movement to expose accused sexual harassers and predators in various fields. It seems much more likely that he’s such a narcissistic fiend that he has actually convinced himself the tape was fake, and he’s just adapting our reality to line up with the one that only exists in his head.
Who cares besides a bunch of pseudo adults pretending outrage at something they have all done?
Yeah, I grab women by the pussies all day long. Common behavior in my place of employment. On the street too. Women expect and welcome it.

That was talk. Talk is not action.
President Crazypants is now verifying he’s really not right in the head.

He really thinks people are stupid enough to believe his bullshit.
Oh wait, the deplorables will probably even buy this nonsense.

It’s pretty clear that Donald Trump doesn’t exist in the same reality as the rest of us, or at least he thinks he doesn’t, which is why he can declare that proven facts are “fake news,” why he thinks it’s anything but horrifically tacky to coat everything he owns in gold, and why he just generally seems like such a big fucking idiot. Recently, Trump has been making another attempt to drag us all down into his world, telling multiple people that the Access Hollywood tape—the one where he said “Grab them by the pussy”—isn’t real. Apparently, he told a senator earlier this year that it was fake, and he repeated that to an adviser at some point after that, suggesting that he’s trying to spread the lie—and it is a lie—that he never said “I moved on her like a bitch,” “I just start kissing them…I don’t even wait,” or any other highlights from the tape that got Billy Bush fired but had virtually no effect on Trump’s path to the White House.

Trump’s sudden decision to deny the authenticity of the tape was acknowledged in a larger New York Times piece about his wholly unsurprising decision to endorse accused pedophile and Republican senate candidate Roy Moore (apparently the Old Gray Lady took a break from Nazi puff pieces this weekend), with the paper correctly noting that Trump actually admitted the tape was real. Shortly after it came out last October, Trump dismissed the recording as “locker room banter” and apologized “if anyone was offended,” implying that he had no doubt that it was real.

The Times story doesn’t go into this topic any further, but it’s probably giving Trump far too much credit to assume that this rewriting of facts is a response to the movement to expose accused sexual harassers and predators in various fields. It seems much more likely that he’s such a narcissistic fiend that he has actually convinced himself the tape was fake, and he’s just adapting our reality to line up with the one that only exists in his head.
Who cares besides a bunch of pseudo adults pretending outrage at something they have all done?
Yeah, I grab women by the pussies all day long. Common behavior in my place of employment. On the street too. Women expect and welcome it.
We're supposed to take him seriously but not literally.

Or figuratively, but not substantially.

Or theoretically, but not tastefully.

Fuck it, who knows at this point.

we all know.... he's a lying loon

and a sexual predator

Yep, you and that turd in your pocket. "We" my ass.
The guy lies and lies so much that he believes that he can tell any lie no matter how outrageous and his supporters will support him.

His supporters want to get raped by the guy as they simply ride that fucker around like nothing is happening.
Since he can tell how they reacted to it, at the time.
You have no idea how they reacted. And we can’t go by just his word alone, he’s the groper and a bunch of women came forward to say his groping was not welcome.

We have his word. We have Hollywood, which we can see is a cesspit. We have the lack of complaints at the time.

HIs claim that women treat men with fame and fortune differently, is completely believable.
He never said all of the women were Hollywood. And despite being a cesspool, not every single person in Hollywood is.

Yet, you don't deny that Hollywood is a cesspit. WHy do you think that is?
Money, power, celebrity, glitz and glamor. Still, not everyone in Hollywood succumbs to the wicked side of Hollywood. And again, trump never said it was only Hollywood women he was groping.

The point is not that Hollywood women are different from other women, but that they are NOT.

Women treat stars differently, that was what Trump was saying.

That you lefties pretend to misunderstand that and pretend that it is an admission of wrongdoing.

is just you lefties being liars.
You believe Juanita Broadrick and Paula Jones lied about Bill Clinton.
I believe Juanita Broaddrick...

"During the 1992 Presidential campaign there were unfounded rumors and stories circulated that Mr. Clinton had made unwelcome sexual advances toward me in the late seventies. Newspaper and tabloid reporters hounded me and my family, seeking corroboration of these tales. I repeatedly denied the allegations and requested that my family's privacy be respected. These allegations are untrue and I had hoped that they would no longer haunt me, or cause further disruption to my family." ~ Juanita Broaddrick

Paula Jones I don’t believe since her case was dismissed due to lack of merit.

Juanita Broaddrick - Wikipedia

"Broaddrick shared the hotel room with her friend and employee Norma Rogers. Rogers attended a conference seminar that morning, and says she returned to their room to find Broaddrick on the bed “in a state of shock,” her pantyhose torn in the crotch and her lip swollen as though she had been hit.[7] Rogers says Broaddrick told her Clinton had "forced himself on her."[7] Rogers helped Broaddrick ice her lip, and then the women left Little Rock. Rogers said that Broaddrick was very upset on the way home and blamed herself for letting Clinton in the room.[3] Broaddrick says she did not tell her husband, Gary Hickey, about the incident, and told him she accidentally injured her lip. He told NBC he did not remember the injury or her explanation.[3][8] David Broaddrick, however, has said he noticed her injured lip, and she told him that Clinton had raped her when he asked about it.[3]Three other friends confirmed that Broaddrick had told them about the incident at the time: Susan Lewis, Louis Ma, and Jean Darden, Norma Rogers’ sister."


Despite your hilarious sources, Broaddrick swore Clinton did not rape her. I choose to believe her statements made under the threat of perjury for lying. Which I note, a penalty for which she was never charged.

Your choice to choose the statements made to make it all go away, are very self serving of you.

As is your dismissal of wikipedia.

The point stands. She was witnessed in shock and with injuries consistent with her version of events.

Would you like to explain why you are dismissing that fact?
Because she swore it never happened.

YOur pretense that you have not heard why, is you being a lying piece of shit.

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