Despite CIA pressure, Trump decides not to block the declassification of the JFK files

Hillary Clinton's 25 Ap 2009 trip to Lebanon was for the anniversary of the pullout from Syria. Two days later (two days after Brittanee Drexel's American-born Turkish DNA disappeared), a firearms link:

27 Ap 2009 Bill H.R. 1620 SAFE (Secure Access to Firearms Enhancement) was referred to a House subcommittee.

Che Guevara was executed on 9 Oct 1967.

National Security Archive
National Security Archive | 30+ Years of Freedom of Information Action
'....9 Oct 1967....'

'On October 9, 1967, the Intelligence Division of the U.S. Secret Service in Washington told the head of its Atlanta office that it had "reviewed" the file on Joseph Milteer and saw "nothing to indicate that this subject presents a danger to any person under our protective jurisdiction [and] that quarterly investigations should be discontinued at this time." The Atlanta office received a report about Milteer from their Valdosta office in south Georgia on October 10, and two days later told the Intelligence Division, "[We] heartily agree with you in this action," and that they would "discontinue" [their] quarterly investigations of Milteer. The FBI had been kept abreast of the Secret Service activities related to Milteer, and would have been told of the investigation's termination

Though the decision was legally justified, it's tragic that the Secret Service abandoned their Milteer investigation because they felt he wasn't "a danger to any person under our protective jurisdiction," without making some type of referral to another agency. A serious investigation of Milteer would have shown that he was still a danger to civil rights leaders like Dr. King, even if he was no longer an active threat to President Johnson or Vice President Hubert Humphrey.'
(Legacy of Secrecy, pp. 507-8)
Milteer emphatically denied responsibility for the bombing of the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church in Birmingham, Alabama on 15 Nov 1963.

Joseph Adams Milteer

Christian mental geometry and its potential for extreme violence is exemplary in Eric Rudolph, who links to Trafficante's heroin at Ft. Benning, showing that the will can come through a drug, even marijuana:

Eric Rudolph
Eric Rudolph - Wikipedia
So Kelly the atheist was exposed to the christian geometry of identity, a la Rudolph, ending at age 26.

'Haegglund aptly reveals a clue about the tortured mental geometry of religion's protection rackets, and even a hint as to the origin of the agnostic's "We'll see."

'If the essence of X is to be identical to itself, then the consummation of X must be thinkable as an Idea even though it is inaccessible for our temporal cognition. Finitude is thus a negative limitation that prevents us from having access to the fullness of being. But given the deconstructive logic of identity,, a completely different argument emerges. If the essence of X is to (not [italics]) be identical to itself, , then the consummation of X cannot even be posited as an Idea since it would cancel out X. Finitude is thus not a negative limitation that prevents us from having access to the fullness of being. On the contrary, finitude is an unconditional condition that makes the fullness of being unthinkable as such.

The relation between the conditional and unconditional in Derrida's thinking can thus be described as an autoimmune relation. Inscribed within the condition for X is the unconditional coming of time that attacks the integrity of X a priori.'
(Haegllund M, Radical Atheism: Derrida and the Time of Life, p.30)

Kelly was attending to that part of his atheism that he only partially understood or could control, whereby the conundrum of autoimmunity caused an understandable problematic that is exacerbated by the automatons of the Theologian.
The JFK assassination links well with Kristeva eet al's Why the United States.

The Kristeva Reader: Chapter 11 Why the United States?
Full text of "The Kristeva Reader"
'....warns against the psychotic violence which may lurk under this surface of "non-verbalization" the culture that confronts psychosis and sublates that will only become more pronounced here in Catholic Western Europe....a return of something McCarthyism repressed....a crisis of subjectivity due to failure of the paternal turning towards an apprehension of itself preceding the moment of failure and renewing a bond with the maternal....Readings of Narcissus, Chapter 7....'

Thus, one has a comparison base between McCarthyism and the mafia godfathers' interests during the Kennedy administration.
The Kelly Texas shooting is like a James Holmes replay, where the shrink's papers get shredded at the knock on the door:

"Preserving the confidentiality of this information is not only a matter of policy, it is federal and state law."
(Peak Behavior Health)

'Huie, who had interviewed several admitted Klan murderers, wrote that "Klansmen don't kill for pay. Nor do they pay killers. Klansmen kill from religious conviction. The average Klan killer attends church and has no previous criminal record" '
(Legacy of Secrecy, p. 499)
'Pepper won a 1999 civil court verdict for the King family, which found that a conspiracy involving Marcello killed Dr. King. In 2000, at the request of Coretta Scott King and her family, President Clinton and Attorney General Janet Reno had the Justice Department review the case and Pepper's evidence. However, their report didn't mention, let alone address, their Department's own 1968 memo about Marcello's brokering the King contract. The Justice Department's 2000 report left out much more relevant information, such as Marcello's detailed 1985 FBI confession to JFK's assassination, and the FBI's hundreds of hours of still-unreleased prison audio tapes of Marcello, which could shed additional light on both assassinations.'
(Legacy of Secrecy, p. 515)
Msm Anal Retention and Seasonal Affective Disroder

The question of Devin Kelly's meds aligns with JFK's favorite movie, The Manchurian Candidate, a la James Holmes. The media wants to manipulate the story while skirting the issue of medication for Kelly's violence, a violence that came to fruition according to seasonal biorhythms, no less. Who was Kelly's doctor? Like de Mohrenschildt's doctor, few will get to know the name or even see the signed license to practice in a State.

Kelly's story is an excellent study in the copulation of church and state and its ensuing terror.
The first bs we see is that a search "Devin Kelly" retrieves a page that refers to another Devin Patrick Kelly. When clicking on that, the msm prisoner is directed to the Sutherland Church shooting page. Apparently Devin Patrick Kelly does not deserve a page of his own. As we plumb the pathologies, we note that Kelly was residing in a Christian and Missionary Alliance mafia town, Colorado Springs. In fact, it is this protection racket's national headquarters. Thus, the question of drugs is even more serious due to the Clinton mafia link to the Christian and Missionary Alliance for the Bedford Heroin Rally
'I pursue the notion of arch-violence through a critical reading of Emmanuel Levinas's ethical metaphysics, and take issue with the influential Levinasian readings of Derrida by Robert Bernasconi, Simon Critchley, and Drucilla Cornell. Refuting the prevalent idea that Derrida subscribed to Levinas's concept of alterity, I argue that Derrida pursued a consistent thinking of time and violence throughout his career. The argument is sustained by detailed analyses of Derrida's late work on questions of justice, hospitality, and responsibility.'
(Haegglund, Radical Atheism, p. 11)

Devin Kelly's theologian gets a grade of F for the last two parameters of Derrida's synthesis.
Also at the Last Refuge page: "Three-fourths of the doctor visits resulted in drug treatment....'
On the Last Refuge page, we pick up the drug trajectory: scroll to Benson II, on 6 Nov 2017 @ 11:05 A.
Autopsy for Devin Patrick Kelly mentions a gunshot wound to the head, though as yet, no blood-sample report.
'While the higher-level groups didn't take physical action against unions, they deflected workers' frustrations away from employers, racist politicians, and blockbusting real estate firms by instead directing their anxiety and anger toward blacks and their leaders.
Congressional investigators spotlighted one of these high-level Southern business groups, whose president said in a speech after Dr. King's murder "that Martin Luther King brought his crime upon himself." The members of this group included an "assistant Vice President [of] Southern Bell....Atlanta," a "Vice President [of] Mississippi Power & Light," and one of the highest executives at "Carolina Power & Light." '

In contrast to the inflammatory rhetoric found in publications from the Klan and in Stoner's Thunderbolt newspaper, this Southern business group's literature featured smoothly written, PR-savvy denunciations of the media's coverage of racism in the South and "communist infiltration of the Negro movement." They also favored ending union rights and sanctions against civil rights in 1967 -- and the House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA) discovered that one of its members had offered a contract on Dr. King's life.

John Sutherland was a member of that business group and Congressional investigators found that he was also a member and "early organizer" of the White Citizen's Council in St. Louis....Byers Testified that "Sutherland offered [him] $50,000 to kill Martin Luther King." '
(Legacy of Secrecy, p. 500)
The blockbusting concept mentioned also relates to drug trafficking, as in the Clinton mafia's link to the Bedford Heroin Rally, Michigan and to British Intelligence at Oliver Springs,Tennessee, which latter link is also for Clower familial DNA at Mena, Arkansas..
The James Holmes question is the Kelly question: what meds? Conflicting stories about Devin Kelly stem from two locations for Peak Behavioral Health Services: El Paso, Texas and Teresa, Texas.
There is a double-town phenomenon for JFK and MLK assassinations:

''But "the night before he was to interview a significant witness" -- a nightclub owner Congressional investigators had linked to Marcello -- Sartor was murdered. It took twenty-one years until the Waco, Texas, district attorney "officially declared [Sartor's] death a homicide."
Sartor was getting his information about the plot second- and thirdhand,so some details are wrong. For example, he (or his source) assumed that the town of Quitman being discussed was the one in Mississippi, the state where Sartor lived, instead of Quitman, Georgia, the home of Joseph Milteer. But other sources and documents corroborate many aspects of Sartor's basic story.'
(Legacy of Secrecy, p. 514)

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