Despite CIA pressure, Trump decides not to block the declassification of the JFK files

'The faces around the table -- Johnson, Rusk, McNamara, General Taylor, General Lemnitzer, , Jerome Wiesner, Allen Dulles, Glenn Seaborg of the Atomic Energy Commission, Edward R. Murrow and a few others -- were set an anxious. The time was short, and the Secretary of State quickly submitted a draft presidential statement announcing an immediate American decision to resume tests -- essentially, he thought, both to demonstrate our resolution on Berlin and to satisfy the domestic clamor.

The President dissented. "Why should we put ourselves into this business right away?" he asked. "Nehru said last year that whoever resumed testing would win the opprobrium of mankind. There may be a storm of exasperation in the United States if we don't announce resumption, but we can stand that for a few days." '
(Schlesinger, AM Jr., A Thousand Days, p. 448)

Mini Reactors Show Promise for Clean Nuclear Power's Future
'....portable modular units developed at Oregon State University....'
Obviously, a search at the site is required for this particular Seaborg item from 1964. The machine may be documenting the geography of the machine that is making the archive requests.
The document states: '....from Glenn T. Seaborg to Earl Warren....includes internal FBI memo.'
Hillary Clinton / Russia / Ethiopia

New Uranium Mining Projects -- Africa
Ethiopia: Ethiopian Reporter 16 Ap 2011'....uranium explorations....Financed by the Russian government, Zaru Bezggeologia, is providing technical assistance to the geological survey....'

Hillary Clinton arrives in Ethiopia in June 2011:

13 Jun 2011 Volcano Eruption in Eritrea Cuts Short Hillary Clinton Visit
Could you stop, please? You're way off topic.

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No, JFK and the Congo,JFK and atomic energy has already been excerpted in this thread. Your pathology is the pathology of categorization. We'll connect the dots without your help.
So, OP's post #1 is the Trump-Obama pivot to a contract on JFK's life and the contractual process of Uranium One. We assume that Marcello was involved in the JFK contract:

'Unlike other such tirades against Kennedy, however, on this occasion Carlos Marcello said, referring to President Kennedy, 'Yeah, I had the son of a bitch killed. I'm glad I did. I'm sorry I couldn't have done it myself.'
The Informant had nothing to gain by making up such an admission, since he would antagonize the very FBI he was risking his life to help if he failed the lie-detector test, or the witness denied it. Also, the Informant didn't try to leveraqe Marcello's JFK admission for anything else. Finally, by reporting Marcello's JFK confession to the FBI, the Informant increased the chance that Marcello would take potentially lethal action against him, if the godfather ever found out.'
(Legacy of Secrecy, p. 754)

Aspects of the contractual process show how Obama's role in Uranium One can be compared to roles of the group involved in the JFK assassination:

'The higher the level of conflictuality, then, the more difficult it will be to achieve an agreement. At this point the process must be bilateral; it must be a collective contract, or actually a bilateral normative process....

It is interesting to investigate how the collective contract, for example, tends to be eliminated or transfigured in this process.This happens to the extent that the contract is intended to discipline the conflict. The reference to the normative process to an indeterminate and indeterminable series of successive relationships, which distinguishes the collective contract from the private contract, has to be dissolved here into the formulas of the bilateral normative process -- so that every privatist residue is eliminated from the traditional; conception of the collective contract. Gradually, the collective contractual process gives way to an indefinite contractual procedure that remains continually open or that closes on single moments only to open up again. The avenues of the further expansion of this process are thus quickly defined. In the place of a substantial normative process there is a code of procedures for the solution of singular and continually unforeseeable conflicts. In the place of a collective contractual process there is a collective administration that makes the normative process permanent, , and in order to guarantee this normative process it establishes a collective jurisdiction of industrial conflictuality, so that the unification of powers in a continuous normative process is fully realized.'
(Labor of Dionysus, p. 95)

This excerpt sheds much light on the mechanism of Clinton-Obama Uranium One. Applying it to the JFK assassination includes moving the playing pieces around on the chessboard for any potential resonance with the contractual mechanism.
'One reason for Kennedy's western speaking tour was to prepare American opinion for the negotiations on Berlin that he expected to begin soon. Polls showed voters in the region to be more resistant to talks with Moscow than any other Americans outside the South.

In a speech at the University of Washington in Seattle, Kennedy reminded his audience,
"We must work with certain countries lacking in freedom in order to strengthen the cause of freedom.
My dolzhny rabotat pri nekotorye strany nuzhdaias' v svobode dlia togo chtoby usilit' prichinu svobody.

We must face problems which do not lend themselves to easy or quick or permanent solutions.
My dolzhny smotret' na prolemu ne oldalzhivaiut k legkoi ili postaviannym razresheniam."
Judith Campbell claimed that on April 28, 1961, Kennedy and Giancana briefly met in secret at the Ambassador Hotel in Chicago: "Sam arrived first and then Jack, who put his arms around me....Sam said hello, he called him 'Jack', not 'Mr. President....The President's official log (which Sorensen has described as "far from complete") asserts that on April 28 he arrived at his Conrad Hilton Hotel suite at 4:45 P and remained there before departing at 7:11 P for a Democratic dinner. Of course, the log mentions no meeting with Giancana, but this does not exclude the possibility that the two men met.
Campbell wondered in 1988 whether by delivering the envelopes to Giancana, she may have been "helping Jack orchestrate the attempted assassination of Fidel Castro." This is doubtful
. Logistics were the CIA's province. Giancana in 1961 was more concerned about staying out of jail. The Chicago boss may nonetheless have used what opportunities he had to pressure the President to fulfill the CIA's plans against Cuba and the removal of the Mob's nemesis, Fidel Castro.'
(Beschloss MR, The Crisis Years, pp. 142-3)
'On Sunday night, June 9, the President flew eastward, scrawling last-minute changes into his text.

"As Americans, we find communism profoundly repugnant.
Po mere togo kak amerikantsy my schitaiut kommunizm glubokomyslenno otvratitel'nyi." '
(The Crisis Years, op cit p. 598)

Are Capitalism and Communism Becoming One? and-Communism-Becoming-One.html
The problem with the report above, is the confounding of socialism with communism, which was the Bernie Sanders deceptive role in 2016 for the middle tine of the Impossible Trident (wikipedia), exemplary in one of Hardt and Negri's finest passages:

'The working-class struggle puts the functioning of the law of value in definitive crisis, not only in the sense that its practices determine and reinforce the functioning of the law of the tendential fall of the rate of profit, but in the even more profound sense of destabilizing the very terms on which the law holds, in other words, taking away the very meaning of the relation between necessary labor and surplus labor (which, as Marx says, is in the final instance the foundation of everything). At this very moment, socialism becomes impossible. Socialism and the socialist utopias try to put forth the actual realization of the law of value, which amounts to saying the complete real subsumption of social labor into capital. This is possible, however, only in terms of the dialectic of the classes, only as a moment of class struggle. At this point, all the variants of the socialist utopia, both the objectivist ones (socialism as the socialization of the means of production and the rationalization of command) and the subjectivist ones (the new mode of production, cooperation, participation, comanagement, and so forth), are put in crisis, because the law of value is never realized except by at the same time shattering itself apart, imposing at an extremely high level the new antagonism among capitalist labor, command (however legitimated), and the set of productive social forces of the proletariat.'
(Labor of Dionysus, pp.205-6)

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