Despite CIA pressure, Trump decides not to block the declassification of the JFK files

JFK October 1962 Chron

The most recent shooting in a church places it at Tellico Plains, Tennessee, 12 miles from Madisonville, birthplace of Estes Kefauver, and chemical abortion links to Kefauver familial DNA at Alanthus Grove, Missouri.

Like Mohammed's cartoons, Kefauver reeled at the danger of comic books with the one hand, while signing DNA-control documents with the other:

8 Jun 2016 Yale University Library / Comic Book Scare
Yale student curates exhibit about "Senators, Sinners, and Supermen" | Yale University Library

Mind Control Projects Part 3
Mind-Control Projects - MCRAIS
'....Kefauver's Senate Subcommittee on Organized Crime....'

Kefauver Harris Amendment
Kefauver Harris Amendment - Wikipedia
'....strengthened the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's control of experimentation on humans....signed by President Kennedy on 10 Oct 1962....'
The Lee Harvey Oswald autopsy apparently does not mention any blood work, though he was reportedly very calm after the assassination of Kennedy. Oswald's hemartoma is interesting in light of Jack Ruby's cancer.
Schizoanalysis of the Bouvier-Castro Chron
(Links to post #481)

The trajectory goes back to as early as 1921.

'Pseudoautomeris antioquia Schaus [1921] Holotype: one male, Antioquia, Mesopotamia, 5,000 ft.; Antioquia, Santuario 19 Ap 1987 (C.E. Rodriguea G.), Rd., Cali to Buenaventura; Anchicaya 19 Jul 1965, 17 May, 21 Nov 1967; Anchicaya, Dec 1963 (L. and L. Denhez); Peru, Tingo Maria 30 Nov 1951; La Merced, Jan/Feb 1964
P. irene irene (Cramer) French Guiana, Camopi 24 Feb 1990 (F. Beneluz)

P. irene arminirene (Strand)

Bolivia, Provincia Hernando Siles, Rd. Sucre to Camiri, 25, 26 28 Feb 1984 (T. Porion)

Ecuador, Rd, Pangayacu to Loreto 13 Aug 1990 (D. Herbin).
(Lamaire, The Saturniidae)

'Castro explained....Cuba's obligations as a sugar producer were taking up too much of the population's time....Their training went into high gear after Fidel Castro's birthday, 13 Aug....visitors dropped in every weekend: either high officials or Fidel Castro.'
(Castaneda, The Life and Death of Che Guevara)

Comparable is lepidoptera chron with Fidel's birthday and Raul's first day as president. Pseudoautomeris is strongly suggestive of CIA's Ted Shackley.
Schizoanalysis of the Bouvier-Castro Chron

Comparing Lee Harvey Oswald's hemartoma with the assassin caterpillar's hematoma-causing toxin:

Lonomia obliqua Assassin Caterpiller
Lonomia obliqua - Wikipedia

As will be shown, the assassin caterpillar also links to human sacrifice.
'Lonomia rufescens Lemaire, Holotype: one male, Columbia: Valle, Anchicaya, 1000m, Jan 1965 (L. and L. Denhez), Costa Rica, Heredia, Puerto Viejo de Sarapiqui, fincala Selv, 55m (D.H. Janzen), Cartigo Turialba, IICA grounds 21 Mar 1963 (R. Saundera); Puntarenas, 1.8km nw of Rincon, IICA grounds, 3 Mar 1971 (J.P. Donahue, C.L. Hogue)

Lonomia achelous (Cramer), Trinidad, Caparo, Dec (S.M. Klages); Guyana, Georgetown.

Lonomia achelous diabolus Draudt [1929] French Guiana, Piste de Kaw Ap 1985 (S. Boucher)

Lonomia electra Druce [1886] Costa Rica, San Jose Cerro de la Muerte, La Georgina 12 Jun 1963 (C.L. Hogue), Puntarenas, Villa Nelly 11 Aug 1963 (C.L. Hogue), Puntarenas, Monteverde 12/15 Jun 1974 (W.A. Harding, J.A. Donahue); Mexico, Yucatan, Chichen-Itza June (E.C. Welling)

Lonomia venezuelensis Lemaire, Carabobo, Valle de Rio Bordurata 875m 22 Sept 1939 (R. Lichy).;
(Lemaire, The Saturniidae)
Thus, the Assassin Caterpillar, Lonomia, also occurs at the sacrificial cenote of Chichen-Itza.
Schizoanalysis of Buglosi's Chapter on Oswald's Lawyer

'Mark Lane, the Pied Piper of conspiracy theorists, was the New York lawyer retained by Lee Harvey Oswald's mother, Marguerite, to represent her son's interests before the Warren Commission, a representation that the Commission did not allow. Through his lectures and best-selling 1966 book, Rush to Judgment, Lane has been by far the most persistent and audible single voice in turning the American people against the Warren Commission's conclusions.
Lane was the slickest and most voluble of the early left-wing groups of writers, and the KGB (per copies of documents from KGB files spirited out of Russia by a KGB defector in 1992) even contributed two thousand dollars, through an intermediary whose association with the KGB Lane was probably unaware of, to Lane's efforts. Five hundred dollars of it paid for his trip to Europe in early 1964 to spread his conspiracy gospel, where, unlike the United States, political assassinations resulting from a conspiracy, rather than a lone gunman. are the rule rather than the exception.'
(Bugliosi, Reclaiming History, pp. 1000-1)

Vince Foster died on 20 Jul 1993.
If the URL is non-functional, search www. for "Mark Lane and the KGB Google Groups" to retrieve the webpage:
Google Groups
'This Machine Kills Fascists
....On page 223, The Sword and the Shield provides the KGB's account of its efforts to blame the Jonestown tragedy on the CIA, although remarkably, the book fails to mention that Mark Lane was the lawyer for Jonestown.'
Bugliosi does not mention that the KGB defector defected to the British.

Obviously, the Assassin Caterpillar, Lonomia achelous occurs both at Jonestown and at Georgetown, Guyana, though the collector is not named. in Lemaire's book. S.M. Klages collects it in Trinidad, and this Klages link is the DNA link to the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute-Harriman Railroad, mentioned earlier in this thread.
Schizoanalysis of the Bouvier-Castro Chron

'Like Lenin, Mao, and other great revolutionaries, Castro was not a son of the working class. His orphaned father, Angel Castro y Argiz, had left Spain at thirteen t live with an uncle in the Mayari region of Cuba. The American presence was more intense in this district than almost anywhere else on the island, thanks largely to the United Fruit Company, which in 1954 helped the CIA to evict the leftist Guatemalan government of President Jacobo Arbenz GUzman after he threatened expropriation of the firm's Guatemalan holdings.

Angel laid track for a United Fruit railway, rented some of the company's land, and peddled merchandise from (finca [italics]) to (finca[italics]). He used the profits to became a landowner in Oriente province, but what Fidel Castro later professed to remember was the "shame" of growing up a citizen of an American-dominated "pseudo-republic." '
(Beschloss, The Crisis Years, p. 92)

In Beschloss' two paragraphs are the link to Bouvier previously mentioned for lepidoptera, the CIA's Ted Shackley as "Blond Ghost" for Pseudoautomeris, and Automeris excreta linking Jacobo Arbenz.
Bugliosi does mention the defector Mitrokhin:

'The issue of Nosenko's credibility as a bona fide defector was virtually laid to rest by the publication, in 1999, of the book The Sword and the Shield: The Mitrokhin Archive and the Secret History of the KGB by British author Christopher Andrew and his coauthor Vasili MItrokhin, who had worked for years in the foreign intelligence archives of the KGB. Before defecting to Britain through the British SIS in 1992, Mitrokhin spent over a decade making notes and transcripts of these highly classified files, which he smuggled out of the archives and kept beneath the floor in his dacha.'
(Bugliosi, Reclaiming History, p.1253)

Bugliosi fails to mention that Mark Lane was the lawyer for Jonestown. This does not seem to be an oversight, for Jim Jones links to someone still alive who remembers Jones's link to Kamook Banks and the $20,000 loan from Jones's congregation in California: Leonard Peltier.
It was also convenient for Bugliosi not to go further, especially since Peltier links to the shoot-out at Jumping Bull's in 1975:

'Internal KGB documents provided by Mitrokhin showed that the KGB viewed Nosenko's defection as a serious setback, made every effort to discredit him after he defected, and added him to its list of "particularly dangerous traitors" to be assassinated abroad if the effort would not carry an unacceptable risk. In 1975, the KGB actually found a gangster willing to kill Nosenko for $100,000, but before the contract killer could earn his fee, he was arrested for other crimes.'
(Bugliosi, p.1253)

Bugliosi does not give the source for the contract killer. The chron aligns with the arrest of Leonard Peltier after escaping from Brando's motor-home. Which came first?
In Reclaiming History, Bugliosi will only go as far as is convenient. An example is his treatment of James Jesus Angleton:

'Nosenko ran into immediate credibility problems because Anatoliy Golitsyn, a KGB agent who had defected to the West in early 1962, got the ear of James Jesus Angleton, the CIA's legendary chief of counterintelligence whom David Atlee Phillips referred to as the "CIA's answer to the Delphic Oracle: seldom seen, but with an awesome reputation nurtured over the years by word of mouth and intermediaries padding out of his office with pronouncements which we seldom professed to understand fully but accepted on faith anyway."
However, he also fed Angleton and the CIA some unintentional misinformation that sprang from his paranoid tendencies -- for example, that as part of the KGB's effort at global deception, the Sino-Soviet split and the Prague Spring in Czechoslovakia were merely charades to deceive the United States.'
(Bugliosi, p.1250)

Here Bugliosi is covering for Angleton, who did not believe in the Sino-Soviet split. Furthermore, Bugliosi never has the stones to pursue the implications and suspicions that Angleton was actually the mole (Winks, Cloak and Gown). By not mentioning what MI5's Roger Hollis was doing all this time, Bugliosi deflects the link to the Clinton mafia.
Mark Lane ran into the jungle rather than drink cyanide kool-aid. This is likely the closest he came to being stung by a Lonomia:

The Legend of Pine Ridge
List of JFK Assassination Records Missing from the Archives -- Billy Kelly

10. The CIA's study of the 20 Jul 1944 attempt to kill Hitler to be adopted for use against Castro. as mentioned by Desmond FitzGerald in his 23 Sept 1963 briefing of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is the subject of a FOIA lawsuit by the Assassination Archives and Research Center (AARC).

35. The JMWAVE NPIC records and other NPIC assassination records were, according to NPIC secretary, boxed and at the orders of Robert Kennedy sent to the Smithsonian Institute instead of the NARA.

A quick look at the files reveals that, at a minimum, the ARRB was unable to obtain the full assassination-related records for 1963 and other relevant dates for Angleton's CI-SIG unit, the CIA Office of Security, the signals/communications intelligence section Staff D, the Miami CIA station, the Mexico City CIA station, and similar documents within NSA, Army Intelligence, ONI, Marine Intelligence, and Customs. Virtually all of the AMOT records are missing, as well as the related units AMCHEER and AMFAST.

Oswald's original New York school records

Oswald's original New York court records

Oswald's original New York psychiatric records

LHO's Louisiana State Hospital application

Sergio Aracha Smith's map of Dealey Plaza sewer system

The source of the 12:45 subject description

Original data used for the Neutron Activation Analysis

Identity of person who signed Oswald's name on Atomic Museum register

74-page transcript of Angleton's Church Committee testimony

Complete Albert Schweitzer College file on Oswald

Over 39,000 files from Angleton's secret collection

Office of Naval Intelligence files on Oswald

De Mohrenschildt's CIA affiliate personnel file (destroyed Nov 1964)

Forrest Sorrel's notebook

Oswald's note to Hosty ordered destroyed two days after his death by Gordon Shanklin
Mole Campbell and the claim that Russia wishes to control the uranium market is also linked to Paducah's plant, already posted: The enrichment occurs only after the order is confirmed.
21 Nov 2017 Brucella abortus New Jersey

Brucellosis Report by Bouvier
Bouvier G, (1947) Observations sur les malades du gibier en 1946, Schw. Arch. f. Thk 89: 240-254

We note here that brucellosis skyrocketed in Peru in 1967, the year of publication of Report from Iron Mountain.

'At the time, Lane was trying to represent the interests of Oswald and Oswald's mother to the Commission. Even early in 1967, "the official list of secret Commission documents then being held in a National Archives vault included at least seven FBI files on Lane, which were classified on supposed grounds of 'national security.' Among these secret Bureau reports were 'Mark Lane, Buffalo appearances." '
(Waldron and Hartmann, Legacy of Secrecy, p. 357)
Tracking the Automeris-Pseudoautomeris chron, there is another Bouvier connection. Mazaruni-Potaro refers to rivers:

'Automeris amoena amoena (Boisduval) [1875], Boisduval and Draudt [1929], Boisduval, Bouvier and Riel [1931], Guyana, Kartabo, Mazaruni-Potaro (H. Fleming 1945 as A. pictus); Fleming H.,The Satrunioidae (moths) of British Guiana and Carapito, Venezuela, Zoologica 34: 19-20.

Automeris cecrops pamina (Neumoegen) [1882] Nuemoegen, Bouvier, and Riel [1931] McDunnough [1938], Arizona, Prescott 8 May 1975 (M. van Buskirk), Nogales, 26 Jun 1903 (Oslar).'
(Lemaire, The Saturniidae)

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