Despite CIA pressure, Trump decides not to block the declassification of the JFK files

The Files video (above) mentioned Ft. Bragg. Ft. Bragg links to David Morales. The website states: '....13 Mar 2014 The CIA told [plaintiff Anthony] Bothwell that no responsive records were generated for the three people (Johnny Roselli, Jean Souetre, and David Morales).'
There is no way that the Clinton mafia can deny that Joshua Reynolds DNA is (or was) their employee DNA. The link to the Clinton mafia for Jean Souetre, British MI5 &6, the CIA, and Averell Harriman comes full circle at these two addresses: 8702 & 8718 Douglas Rd., Temperance, Michigan. Corsica's Pablo Paoli and Joshua Reynolds were friends. Reynolds painted Paoli.

Thus, the alleged presence of Jean Souetre in Dallas:

Corsican Assassin in Dallas on Day JFK was Killed

The Mertz heroin link mentioned in the article above is also the link to Ban Me Thuot, South Vietnam and the Corsican air-traffic opium route/landing strip nearby. The Christian and Missionary Alliance mafia link at the two Michigan addresses at Temperance, Michigan mentioned above, is the Christian and Missionary Alliance link to the leprosarium at Ban Me Thuot. The Viet Cong knew about the trafficking and kidnapped the C & MA workers of the leprosarium. Harriman, Tennessee methamphetamine links to the meth lab that was located at the two Michigan addresses mentioned above, and the Bedford Heroin Rally (Bedford Township, Michigan). The Christian and Missionary Alliance in Hong Kong (22 Ridge Road) was at one time quite near to the local heroin labs, facts that can be checked by most anyone.

Suggested reading is McCoy, The Politics of Heroin.
The Harriman-JFK-Sekou Toure relationship comes full circle precisely for the 1960s at Mamou, Guinea, where the Christian and Missionary Alliance mafia installation was practicing child abuse and rape. See "All God's Children."
Establishing historical connections in the JFK investigation, heroin trafficking in Bedford Township, Michigan, follows suit with Ohio's heroin problem. Trafficante's operations territory at Phenix City, Alabama and Ft. Benning, Georgia, link to Isham CIA-employee DNA for all three states:

Michigan's Governor Cass is the Temperance, Michigan Isham link to Trafficante via treaties of Indian removal and relocation:

Lewis Cass
Lewis Cass - Wikipedia

One Georgia-Alabama Isham link to Trafficante's territory (Creek Indians, post-removal) is here:

Creek Indians / Isham / Social Ecology Theory
Providing community education: lessons learned from Native Patient Navigators. - PubMed - NCBI

The Clinton mafia link to original Temperance Towns is here:

List of Temperance Towns
List of temperance towns - Wikipedia
'....Temperance Town, Cardiff, Wales....'
The Bouvier link to David Morales "El Indio" is also the lepidopteran link to Ted Shackley: Che Guevara, Jacobo Arbenz, etc., a history that goes back to 1954:

David Sanchez Morales / CIA's PBSUCCESS
David Morales - We Took Care of That SOB

Recalling the Isham Social Ecology study and its "guided intervention," we note that in Sekou Toure's Guinea, the Christian and Missionary Alliance mafia was already operating at Mamou when Kennedy was confronting the African crisis of Lumumba:

'That evening Kennedy told the nation that he was "seriously concerned at what appears to be the threat of unilateral intervention" in the Congo and warned: "There should be no misunderstanding of the position of the United States if any government is planning to take so dangerous and irresponsible a step." Massive, unilateral intervention by any country, the President said, would bring with it "risks of war." He denounced the "purported recognition of Congolese factions as so-called governments" and said that the only legitimate government was that of President Kasavubu -- a remark that infuriated both Sekou Toure and Nkrumah and touched off a heated exchange of letters between kennedy and the Ghanaian President.'
(Mahoney RD, JFK: Ordeal in Africa, p.73)
While finishing the Files video (above), we note that Trafficante went to Asia in 1968, though the connections were already established druing the first Indochina war:

The Mafia Comes to Asia, Santo Trafficante Visited Saigon in '68
'....These family relations play an important role in the international drug traffic.'

According to Salvador Astucia's Opium Lords: Israel, The Golden Triangle, and the Kennedy Assassination,

....'The 1979 House Select Committee on Assassinations linked Meyer Lansky to Jack Ruby....Trafficante was a top lieutenant for Jewish mafia chief Meyer Lansky....the observations of narcotics agents Seeley and Knierem are significant because they indicate that heroin did not become a problem until around the time of President Kennedy's assassination in 1963, and it slowly increased thereafter until becoming an epidemic in 1968.'

The Christian and Missionary Alliance workers being kidnapped by the Viet Cong at Ban Me Thuot on 30 May 1962, not only links to Corsican opium trafficking near to the leporosarium, but is comparable to events in Africa during this time, and also meshes with Che Guevara's speech:

Che Guevara May Day Speech
For the Files video (above)

Laos at point 42:37
JMWAVE / Alpha at point 1:43
Ferrie and cancer research at point 1:55:37
From the Files video at the Ferrie/cancer point, we compare this excerpt:

'The Attwood-Kennedy policy was able to succeed, of course, because it came at the right time. But, if Washington had persisted in its conviction that Guinea was irreclaimable, we would not have been in the position to take advantage of the Soviet errors. Attwood discharged his mission brilliantly despite personal difficulties sadly caused by an attack of polio. Kennedy, greatly admiring, rated him very high among his ambassadors. When he left Guinea in 1963, later moving off to Kenya, James Loeb went to Conakry and carried forward his work.'
(Schlesinger AM, Jr. A Thousand Days, p. 570)

Mary, Ferrie and the Monkey Virus by ET Haslam may or may not record that Dr. Mary Sherman also studied polio cases in Feliciana Parish.

Feliciana Parish, Louisiana
Thanks for the Kangas link.

Posner's (Case Closed) and Bugliosi's (Reclaiming History) account of the events leading up to the first police broadcast at 12:45 P describing the shooter have contradictions. Posner says 1:00 P for Sorrel's arrival, Bugliosi says 12:50 P.

When following the kidnapping trajectory for 30 May 1962 previously posted, one finds....

Kennedy Slide of 1962
'....During the time of the Kennedy slide, the head of the American Stock Exchange, Edwin Posner....'

30 May 1962 President and Mrs. Kennedy spend Memorial Day at Glen Ora, Middleburg, Virginia.

Here is how Posner handles the 12:45 contradictions:

'The 12:45 identification has been the focus of great controversy. Summers says, "In what today seems an astonishing failure, the Warren inquiry never did establish the source of this description." But the Commission did settle the issue, despite the best efforts of some to obfuscate it. In his testimony before the Commission, Brennan mistakenly called the plainclothes officer "Sorrels," the name of a Secret Service agent he met about fifteen minutes after he met Inspector Sawyer (WC Vol. III p. 145). After the assassination, Sorrels did not return to Dealey until nearly 1:00 PM, so Brennan could not have given him the description broadcast at 12:45. Sawyer testified to the Warren Commission that he was the one who received the description and broadcast the first identification of the assassin (WC Vol. VI, pp. 321-23; WC Vol. XXI, Sawyer Exhibit A p. 392; Brennan, Eyewitness to History, p. 17).'
(Posner, Case Closed, p. 249)
As Mueller goes for Flynn, we note that we have already tracked Erdogan family DNA to Brittanee Drexel's neighborhood, and that the Chappqua Blue Racer, Hillary Clinton, was airborne to Lebanon on the day that Brittanee Drexel disappeared.

5 Nov 2017 Special Counsel Mueller Has Enough Evidence to Charge Flynn, Son: NBC
'....and Flynn's role in a possible plan to remove an opponent of the Turkish president from the United States for millions of dollars....'

Mr. Einstein Muller has some explaining to do:

Targeting Michael Flynn and Shielding the Radical Cleric Gulen: Special Counsel Robert Mueller Must Step Down
Targeting Michael Flynn & Shielding the Radical Cleric Gulen: Special Counsel Robert Mueller MUST Step Down

Mueller's lips now In synch with the newly-released JFK files, we go back to the year 2009 to take a closer look. Readers can retrieve this on their own:

4 Sept 2016 Canberra Followers of Fethullah Gulen Afraid to Return to Turkey
'....What is happening in Turkey right now is like what happened in the McCarthy era in America or in Hitler's Germany....'

'Lisa Howard had been frustrated in her efforts to get LBJ to continue JFK's attempts at secret peace negotiations, so she had arranged for Senator Eugene McCarthy to meet with Che at her apartment. However, a long-secret report about the meeting shows that McCarthy was clueless about what he was supposed to do with Che. After that meeting, Che left New York for an extended three-month trip overseas -- and when Che returned to Cuba in March, he would be put under house arrest.'
(Waldron & Hartmann, Legacy of Secrecy: The Long Shadow of the JFK Assassination, p. 325)
Pop Quiz:

In the report above, when did Gulen's followers go to
Canberra and ACT (Australian Capital Territory)?
Thanks for the Kangas link.

Posner's (Case Closed) and Bugliosi's (Reclaiming History) account of the events leading up to the first police broadcast at 12:45 P describing the shooter have contradictions. Posner says 1:00 P for Sorrel's arrival, Bugliosi says 12:50 P.

When following the kidnapping trajectory for 30 May 1962 previously posted, one finds....

Kennedy Slide of 1962
'....During the time of the Kennedy slide, the head of the American Stock Exchange, Edwin Posner....'

30 May 1962 President and Mrs. Kennedy spend Memorial Day at Glen Ora, Middleburg, Virginia.

Here is how Posner handles the 12:45 contradictions:

'The 12:45 identification has been the focus of great controversy. Summers says, "In what today seems an astonishing failure, the Warren inquiry never did establish the source of this description." But the Commission did settle the issue, despite the best efforts of some to obfuscate it. In his testimony before the Commission, Brennan mistakenly called the plainclothes officer "Sorrels," the name of a Secret Service agent he met about fifteen minutes after he met Inspector Sawyer (WC Vol. III p. 145). After the assassination, Sorrels did not return to Dealey until nearly 1:00 PM, so Brennan could not have given him the description broadcast at 12:45. Sawyer testified to the Warren Commission that he was the one who received the description and broadcast the first identification of the assassin (WC Vol. VI, pp. 321-23; WC Vol. XXI, Sawyer Exhibit A p. 392; Brennan, Eyewitness to History, p. 17).'
(Posner, Case Closed, p. 249)

"Posner says 1:00 P for Sorrel's arrival, Bugliosi says 12:50 P."

Well then, clearly the CIA did it. o_O
Description of "Oswald" went out 12:45 P and the building was open to two-way traffic for ten minutes without law enforcement.
For those following Mueller's blunders, Weiner was engaged to Abedin on 23 May 2009, almost a month after Drexel.

Waldron and Hartmann state for the video in post #499, that

'Such arrangements could also ensure that certain pro-conspiracy witnesses could be grilled and polygraphed either until they changed their stories or until an SUS (Special Unit Senator) report was written saying that they had.
The key areas of evidence destruction and missing files center on the questions of whether more than one shooter was involved, and whether the mafia or drug trafficking played some role. David Morales's involvement in Bobby's murder could account for many of those problems, such as the fact that LAPS's Johnny Roselli file was missing when the House Select Committee on Assassinations asked for it in 1978....which would have allowed a CIA officer like Morales to have the LAPD suppress its Roselli file for reasons of national security.
We have found repeated examples where references to drugs and the mafia were eliminated or were made on a BBC program n November 20, 2006, that Morales and two other CIA associates were visible in videotape and films taken in the Ambassador's ballroom the night Bobby was shot. (These allegations were disproven the following year). We feel that the cautious Morales would never have allowed himself to be visible in the Ambassador's ballroom, especially in front of cameras. Also, Bobby had met Morales in the past and could have recognized him.'
(Waldron and Hartmann, Legacy of Secrecy, p. 680-2)
Should read "LAPD's Johnny Roselli file"

Links to Brittanee Drexel's Disappearing American-Born Turkish DNA

Very close to the day that Hillary Clinton is in Lebanon, the Gulen report from Tadjikistan links the Uzbek biker-killing truck driver, from the country next door:

RFE RL 26 Ap 2009 Turkish Schools Coming Under Increasing Scrutiny in Central Asia
Turkish Schools Coming Under Increasing Scrutiny In Central Asia

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