Despite CIA pressure, Trump decides not to block the declassification of the JFK files

The Swiss-German link to the Clinton mafia is not only the two Michigan addresses we have shown for Temperance, Michigan. It is also for Swiss-German Jacobo Arbenz, born at Quetzaltenango, Guatemala and the Guatemalan Jesus Moth:

Automeris excreta Draudt (1929). Guatemala: Quetzaltenango, Sant Maria de Jesus, 1530 m alt., 1 Jan 1976.....excreta Draudt Lectotype (designated by Lemaire, 1971), one male, Mexico: Veracruz: Orizaba 11 Sept 1912 (MNHU)....the name was based by Bouvier (1936) on an unspecified number of topotypical female specimens, the postmedial line of the hindwing of which is bordered by gray instead of yellow.'
(Lemaire, The Saturniidae)

This link to economic hitmen is also the link to the Obsidian Butterfly, Itz Papalotl.
Rothschildia orizaba-Obsidian Butterfly is the mountain link to Santa Maria de jesus for Theodore Shackley's "opposite number.".
'If Lee had picked up a copy of that day's Dallas Morning News in the lunchroom at the Texas School Book Depository, he would have read the front-page headline story: Governor John Connally and the chairman of the state's Democratic Party, Eugene Locke, asked "The Blue-Ribbon Citizen's Council" to handle a noon-time luncheon honoring the president on either November 21 or 22. There were no details as to the location of the affair.

The next day, Tuesday, Jim Hosty made another trip to Fort Worth....The next day, Wednesday, November 6, Oswald visited the branch of the Dallas Public Library in Oak Cliff, where he checked out a book called The Shark and the Sardines. The book was by the former president of Guatemala, Juan Jose Arevalo, and was directly addressed to the American people. It accused American policy of being predatory toward the people and governments of Latin America, which Arevalo compared to the policy of the shark toward sardines. (Another Guatemalan president, Jacobo Arbenz, had been overthrown by a CIA-inspired coup in 1954.)'
(Bugliosi, Reclaiming History, pp.776-7)
28 Aug 2008 Moscow Times KGB Spy Remembers Cuba and Oswald
'Nechiporenko....unstable person....neurotic, but not crazy.'

'As Nechiporenko walked over from the embassy, he saw Oswald standing on the steps of the consulate building.'
(Bugliosi, Reclaiming History, p. 755)

'The identity of Nechiporenko, who was later expelled from Mexico in 1970 for conspiring to overthrow the Mexican government, only became known at a 1992 press conference in Moscow. He then hired a Californian, Brian Litman, to represent him, and he began working on a book based on his meeting with Oswald.'
(Posner, Case Closed, p. 183)

Jasenovac archives are at Fayetteville, Arkansas.

Jasenovac: The Unknown Camp of Croatia Unknown_Camp_of_Croatia
'....After returning to Fayetteville, I will....receive guidance on the incorporation of the newly acquired information into my project.'

'BR 356 Spisak od 3.205 logorasha koncentraionog Igora Jasenovac koji su primali pakete prekopaketarnice do kraja 1944 godine.

221. Blagojevic, Ljuban, Stanka grupa X.
2199. Nichiporenko, Boris, Viktora, grupa II.'
(Miletic A, Koncentracioni Logo Jasenovac, 1941-1945, Dokumenta Knjiga I & II, Narodna knjiga, Beograd, 1986)

The absence of either Nechiporenko or Nichiporenko from the prisoners list at Jasenovac Research Center (University of Arkansas) does not coincide with Miletic's published book.
Harriman's house, where the Kennedy widow went to live, is the closest link to the British MI6 connection at Oliver Springs, Tennessee. Because of Roger Hollis MI5, the link to the Congo crisis is Rajeshwar Dayal. Dayal would link to Roger Hollis's brother (because of Madras) at Balliol, thus Joshua Reynolds's father at Balliol. Clinton mafia employee DNA is Joshua Reynolds DNA.
A la Harriman, Dayal shows up for Lumumba's widow:

'The CIA dusted off its plans for the second time -- to have Mobuto attack Gizenga's forces in Orientale Province Another member of the agency's camarilla, Surete Chief Nendaka, moved swiftly against the Lumumbists in Leopoldville unleashing what the UN Special Representative Dayal called "a new wave of terror." Mobuto dispatched six Lumumbist leaders to Bakwanga where they were executed.

Lumumba's wife returned to Leopoldville ffom Luluabourg to claim her husband's body and their possessions from the house on Boulevard Albert Ier. She came, in the Bantu tradition of mourning, with bare breasts and a shaved head. ANC soldiers were occupying the house and denied her entry. They beat her two-year-old son Roland. She sough refuge with Dayal who found her "the picture of sorrow and despair." Dayal arranged for a UN plane to take them back to Lumumba's secessionist stronghold in Stanleyville.'
(Mahoney, JFK: Ordeal in Africa, p.74)

Orientale Province is not only the mining pathology that served to make schizoid the Congo, it is also the site of ebola infection near the gold mine.
George de Mohrenschildt's doctor's name was a newly-arrived one to Dallas: Dr. Charles Mendoza.

Oltmans / de Mohrenschildt
(Scroll down to (3) Jim Marrs, Crossfire)
We have compared the Harriman-Dayal assemblage for widows (Kennedy widow, Lumumba widow).

'84. Analytical Supplement, 11 Mar 1061, p. 5. The fact that Lumumba was transferred to Katanga and killed on January 17 -- two days before the Kennedy inauguration -- would seem to indicate that the new poplicy had no influence on his death. However, members of the incoming administration had met informally and unofficially before January 17 and it was common knowledge within the government that a new policy was in the offing. One CIA official (then serving in the Directorate of Operations) dated his awareness that there would be rapprochement with the Afro-Asians and support the UN neutralization at "mid-January 1961 -- in any case before JFK took office." Confidential Interview 31.
White House photographer Jacques Lowe caught Kennedy, horror-struck, with head in hand, receiving the first news by telephone a full four weeks later on February 13th. All the anguished searching for a way around Lumumba had been for naught. Forty-eight hours before Kennedy had taken the presidential oath, Lumumba was already dead.'
(Mahoney, JFK: Ordeal in Africa, pp. 267 & 70, respectively)
'The Kennedy Plan, paradoxically, may also have contributed to Lumumba's execution, or so the State Department secretly concluded in March 1961: ....the murder of Lumumba was quite possibly triggered by the new U.S. approach which involved U.S. advocacy of the freeing of all Congolese political prisoners....[It] was thus -- as [were] so many other developments in the Congo crisis -- a perfectly logical distasteful event".'"
(Mahoney, op cit p.71)
Posner says that Tippit received four dispatches concerning the identity of the presidential assassin, while Bugliosi says there were three. What is interesting is how Bugliosi never questions his own contradictions in his book, which place Forrest Sorrels at the Book Depository (where he got a description of the assassin from Howard Brennan) at 12:50 PM, while Tippit's orders to proceed to Oak Cliff came over the radio at 12: 45 PM. Bugliosi says:

'1:08 PM. Officer J.D. Tippit, probably traveling south on Beckley or southeast on Crawford in the general direction of Jefferson Boulevard in central Oak Cliff, spots Oswald waling on the right side of the street in front of him and sees that he vaguely fits the physical description of the suspect in the Kennedy assassination that he heard over the police radio in his squad car, it having been broadcast over channel I at 12:45 PM, 12:48 PM, and again at 12:55 PM. Slowly trailing Oswald from behind, he tried to call the radio dispatcher for a further description of the suspect.
12:50 PM. Forrest Sorrels, the agent in charge of the Dallas Secret Service office, arrives at the side of the Texas School Book Depository and walks to the same back door used by Frazier and Oswald that morning....Sorrels heads for the front of the building ...."Is there anyone here that saw anything?" "That man over there," a voice calls out, pointing to Howard Brennan, standing nearby.'
(Bugliosi, Reclaiming History, pp. 74 & 67, respectively)

How did Howard Brennan, who gave the (apparently) first description, have given it while the Secret Service was still in the dark about the first dispatch to Tippit, broadcast more than five minutes previously? Who was the origin of the first description of the presidential assassin, if not Brennan?
Bugliosi (Reclaiming History) states that Marrion Baker had his gun drawn when first confronting Oswald in the Book Depository. Posner (Case Closed) does not mention that Baker had his gun drawn.

Oswald left the Depository three minutes after firing the final shot, and it is odd that Brennan had no fellow construction workers to tell about what he saw. One would think that since the sniper's nest and front entrance to the building (by which entrance Oswald left) which are on the same side according to Posner's drawings, would be a hotspot to scrutinize, at least for three minutes.

'12:43 PM.....Officer E. W. Barnett, with Howard Brennan in tow, tells Inspector Sawyer that he has an eye witness who saw the gunman.

"What did you see?" Sawyer asks Brennan
The steelworker gives him a description of the man in the window and the inspector mashes the button on his car radio again: "The wanted person in this is a slender white male about thirty. Five foot ten. A hundred and sixty-five. And carrying a -- what looked like -- a 30-30 or some type of Winchester."
"It was a rifle?" the dispatcher asks.
"A rifle, yes," Sawyer replies. The dispatcher immediately throws a switch in the radio room that allows him to broadcast simultaneously on both channels of the Dallas police radio, effectively reaching every officer in the city. The dispatcher repeats the message, adding, "No further description or information at this time, 12:45 PM, KKB-364, Dallas." '
(Bugliosi, op cit p.64)
Came across the James Files story...

James Files - Wikipedia

The guy seems credible. Also worth mentioning he didn't come out with this information on his own...took years of pressing from a private investigator named Joe West, who got the tip to look into Files from an FBI agent....then when West unexpectedly passed away, took another year or so for people following up with the case to get the interview out of him.

While not having finished the Files video, this is what Bugliosi says:

'Another alleged assassin is James E. Files (true name James Sutton), the Rodney Dangerfield of Kennedy assassins. For years Files has been begging people to believe that he killed Kennedy, but with few exceptions, no one, not even those n the fringe of the conspiracy community, respects him or his story....the Stateville Correctional Center in Joliet, Illinois, where File is serving a fifty-year sentence for the attempted murders of two Illinois police officers....West and Vernon are the ones who started the whole Files story and got it out there. It is noteworthy that on September 5, 1992, West wrote to Files, "When I get your songs, I'm going to show them to a friend of mine who is a music producer and see if there is anything he can do with them." '
(Bugliosi, op cit p.917)
'Most recently, in 2005, mobster Sam Giancana's daughter, Antoinette, and two co-authors have featured Files in their book on the assassination, JFK and Sam, calling Files "The Real Assassin." '
(Bugliosi, p. 917)
At point 42:39 in the Files video (which we call the "El Indo" sequence), things become problematic, because of File's mention of Ft. Bragg, which implicates David Morales aka "El Indio," who was also at Ft. Bragg. Airborne training at Ft. Benning (Yuchi Town) also links Trafficante, who did not use a patsy across the river at Phenix City, Alabama.
Because Files mentions FT. Bragg in the video, we immediately link it to David Sanchez Morales, aka "El Indio" who also was at Ft. Bragg, which is the Sirhan Sirhan link:

David Sanchez Morales el sicario de la CIA
Astonishingly, neither Posner (Case Closed) nor Bugliosi (Reclaiming History) seems to mention David Morales in their indexes.

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