Destroy President Elect Trump @ All Cost

Is this what you once said about Obama? Pay backs a bitch.

Sad for you your guy is a corrupt treasonous bastard that allows for his own downfall.
Is this what you once said about Obama? Pay backs a bitch.

Sad for you your guy is a corrupt treasonous bastard that allows for his own downfall.
And on and on it goes, by the way obongo was a corrupt treasonous communist bastard...
Is this what you once said about Obama? Pay backs a bitch.

Sad for you your guy is a corrupt treasonous bastard that allows for his own downfall.
Psychiatrists have drugs to treat your condition now, Mathew. You can live a normal life. Get help.

The pig ate all the blueberry pie...

August 29, 2017

Daniel Greenfield

Another reminder that leftist activists with Jewish last names have absolutely no regard for Jews and don't object to anti-Semitism when it comes from their allies on the left.


The Crown Heights Pogrom terrorized a Jewish neighborhood in Brooklyn. 3 people died. Two of them were murdered. One was a Jewish visitor from Australia named Yankel Rosenbaum. The other was an Italian man mistaken for an Orthodox Jew because of his hat. A Holocaust survivor who saw the racist mob swarming outside committed suicide.

And Al Sharpton got to speak at the Democratic National Convention. Then he got a gig at MSNBC.

As you read this, remember that leftists are not Jews. They're leftists with Jewish last names.

The glowing coverage comes from Dana Milbank at the Washington Post. "What did it take to finally unite Al Sharpton and Jews? Donald Trump."

Let's savor this "modern day miracle" in which a Jew-hating racist and Jew-hating Jews march together.

By "Jews", Dana Milbank means a handful of leftists who have zero regard for Jewish lives. Who would walk over a heap of Jewish corpses for social justice. That's what this disgusting farce is. But leftists invariably claim to speak for everyone.

Miserable human garbage like Dana Milbank and his radical leftist political allies claim to speak for "the Jews". Not the Jews who were beaten in Crown Heights. Not those who were terrorized by racist mobs. But the New York Times reporters and other media types who covered it up and then rallied to get the vote out for Mayor Dinkins.

Call them, the Anti-Jews.

Here's Dana Milbank again...


Jewish Leftists March With Anti-Semitic Sharpton Against Trump
Obama did some really awful things and the media covered his ass. Trump will be criticized no matter what.

If Trump hadn't gone to Texas, they would have skewered him. He went to Texas and they are skewering him.

Obama pardoned some real dirt bags who went on to commit more heinous crimes. Terrorists that were freed went right back to attacking infidels. Trump pardons a sheriff who's only 'crime' was upholding immigration laws and the left looses their shit.

Obama did some really awful things and the media covered his ass. Trump will be criticized no matter what.

If Trump hadn't gone to Texas, they would have skewered him. He went to Texas and they are skewering him.

Obama pardoned some real dirt bags who went on to commit more heinous crimes. Terrorists that were freed went right back to attacking infidels. Trump pardons a sheriff who's only 'crime' was upholding immigration laws and the left looses their shit.

President Trump retweets false facts about Obama pardons

Did Obama pardon a terrorist and a traitor?
Obama did some really awful things and the media covered his ass. Trump will be criticized no matter what.

If Trump hadn't gone to Texas, they would have skewered him. He went to Texas and they are skewering him.

Obama pardoned some real dirt bags who went on to commit more heinous crimes. Terrorists that were freed went right back to attacking infidels. Trump pardons a sheriff who's only 'crime' was upholding immigration laws and the left looses their shit.

President Trump retweets false facts about Obama pardons

Did Obama pardon a terrorist and a traitor?

Obama did free GITMO terrorists who went back to terrorism. He pardoned Manning, who is a traitor.
Obama did some really awful things and the media covered his ass. Trump will be criticized no matter what.

If Trump hadn't gone to Texas, they would have skewered him. He went to Texas and they are skewering him.

Obama pardoned some real dirt bags who went on to commit more heinous crimes. Terrorists that were freed went right back to attacking infidels. Trump pardons a sheriff who's only 'crime' was upholding immigration laws and the left looses their shit.

President Trump retweets false facts about Obama pardons

Did Obama pardon a terrorist and a traitor?

Obama did free GITMO terrorists who went back to terrorism. He pardoned Manning, who is a traitor.
Not to mention all that money the negroid gave to the iranian beasts...
Obama did some really awful things and the media covered his ass. Trump will be criticized no matter what.

If Trump hadn't gone to Texas, they would have skewered him. He went to Texas and they are skewering him.

Obama pardoned some real dirt bags who went on to commit more heinous crimes. Terrorists that were freed went right back to attacking infidels. Trump pardons a sheriff who's only 'crime' was upholding immigration laws and the left looses their shit.

President Trump retweets false facts about Obama pardons

Did Obama pardon a terrorist and a traitor?

Obama did free GITMO terrorists who went back to terrorism. He pardoned Manning, who is a traitor.
Not to mention all that money the negroid gave to the iranian beasts...

Yeah, giving them back their own money. You're like a cockroach - you only come out at night.
Coulter: How the Establishment Will Try to Destroy Trump
There's a long and tragic history of Republicans who won the war but lost the peace by trading results for respectability.
Ann Coulter

Shortly before Thanksgiving, New York Times columnist Frank Bruni wrote a column that should chill you to the bone.

Titled "Donald Trump's Demand for Love," Bruni said: "I had just shaken the president-elect's normal-size hand and he was moving on to the next person when he wheeled around, took a half step back, touched my arm and looked me in the eye anew. 'I'm going to get you to write some good stuff about me,' Donald Trump said.”

Bruni is a fabulous writer, but if he ever writes good stuff about you, Mr. President-elect, YOU WILL HAVE FAILED.

I assume this was just our president-elect doing something he gets the least credit for, which is being nice. But you can never be too careful.

The Times is in total opposition to Trump's stated goal to make America great again. Trump has got to know -- not next year, but by 5 p.m. today -- that anyone pursuing his agenda will incite rage, insanity and spitting blood from that newspaper.


Trump has just annihilated 16 far more experienced Republican rivals, the Clinton machine and the entire media/Hollywood/Wall Street complex by raising the one issue no other politician would touch: putting America's interests first on immigration

What promise do you think they want Trump to break?

Luckily for the country, Trump doesn't seem obsessed with what the elites think of him
. But his advisers include just the type of Republicans whose second-tier law schools make them particularly susceptible to the cheap respectability of establishment media approval.


Trump is down to his last wish from Aladdin. He can impress The New York Times, or he can make America great again. But he can't do both.

Coulter: How the Establishment Will Try to Destroy Trump
Obama did some really awful things and the media covered his ass. Trump will be criticized no matter what.

If Trump hadn't gone to Texas, they would have skewered him. He went to Texas and they are skewering him.

Obama pardoned some real dirt bags who went on to commit more heinous crimes. Terrorists that were freed went right back to attacking infidels. Trump pardons a sheriff who's only 'crime' was upholding immigration laws and the left looses their shit.

President Trump retweets false facts about Obama pardons

Did Obama pardon a terrorist and a traitor?

Obama did free GITMO terrorists who went back to terrorism. He pardoned Manning, who is a traitor.
Not to mention all that money the negroid gave to the iranian beasts...

Yeah, giving them back their own money. You're like a cockroach - you only come out at night.
Poor squaw, your just pisst off because I shot down your fake news story last night, rolmao...

Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I might start doing that more often...:whip:
Obama did some really awful things and the media covered his ass. Trump will be criticized no matter what.

If Trump hadn't gone to Texas, they would have skewered him. He went to Texas and they are skewering him.

Obama pardoned some real dirt bags who went on to commit more heinous crimes. Terrorists that were freed went right back to attacking infidels. Trump pardons a sheriff who's only 'crime' was upholding immigration laws and the left looses their shit.

President Trump retweets false facts about Obama pardons

Did Obama pardon a terrorist and a traitor?

Obama did free GITMO terrorists who went back to terrorism. He pardoned Manning, who is a traitor.
Not to mention all that money the negroid gave to the iranian beasts...

Yeah, giving them back their own money. You're like a cockroach - you only come out at night.
Poor squaw, your just pisst off because I shot down your fake news story last night, rolmao...

Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I might start doing that more often...:whip:

What exactly did you do - other than state the obvious? Should your handle be Captain Obvious?

Obama did free GITMO terrorists who went back to terrorism. He pardoned Manning, who is a traitor.
Not to mention all that money the negroid gave to the iranian beasts...

Yeah, giving them back their own money. You're like a cockroach - you only come out at night.
Poor squaw, your just pisst off because I shot down your fake news story last night, rolmao...

Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I might start doing that more often...:whip:

What exactly did you do - other than state the obvious? Should your handle be Captain Obvious?
No just call me Boom Boom...:whip:
Obama did some really awful things and the media covered his ass. Trump will be criticized no matter what.

If Trump hadn't gone to Texas, they would have skewered him. He went to Texas and they are skewering him.

Obama pardoned some real dirt bags who went on to commit more heinous crimes. Terrorists that were freed went right back to attacking infidels. Trump pardons a sheriff who's only 'crime' was upholding immigration laws and the left looses their shit.

President Trump retweets false facts about Obama pardons

Did Obama pardon a terrorist and a traitor?

Obama did free GITMO terrorists who went back to terrorism. He pardoned Manning, who is a traitor.
Not to mention all that money the negroid gave to the iranian beasts...

Yeah, giving them back their own money. You're like a cockroach - you only come out at night.

They lost the right to it when they imprisoned 44 Americans.
Obama did some really awful things and the media covered his ass. Trump will be criticized no matter what.

If Trump hadn't gone to Texas, they would have skewered him. He went to Texas and they are skewering him.

Obama pardoned some real dirt bags who went on to commit more heinous crimes. Terrorists that were freed went right back to attacking infidels. Trump pardons a sheriff who's only 'crime' was upholding immigration laws and the left looses their shit.

President Trump retweets false facts about Obama pardons

Did Obama pardon a terrorist and a traitor?

Obama did free GITMO terrorists who went back to terrorism. He pardoned Manning, who is a traitor.
NEITHER of those were Pardons Clementine.....

And Manning was not pardoned. His sentence was commuted, shortened he was not pardoned.

Words have meaning, for a reason!
Obama did some really awful things and the media covered his ass. Trump will be criticized no matter what.

If Trump hadn't gone to Texas, they would have skewered him. He went to Texas and they are skewering him.

Obama pardoned some real dirt bags who went on to commit more heinous crimes. Terrorists that were freed went right back to attacking infidels. Trump pardons a sheriff who's only 'crime' was upholding immigration laws and the left looses their shit.

President Trump retweets false facts about Obama pardons

Did Obama pardon a terrorist and a traitor?

Obama did free GITMO terrorists who went back to terrorism. He pardoned Manning, who is a traitor.
Not to mention all that money the negroid gave to the iranian beasts...

Yeah, giving them back their own money. You're like a cockroach - you only come out at night.

They lost the right to it when they imprisoned 44 Americans.
You commie lefties have been trying to get rid of Trump since June 16, 2015 and you're still not quite done lol. All the hoaxes you morons were blaming on Trump/Russians It was literally Biden/China/Ukraine/etc it was really the “Biden crime family. Well I'll leave you all with that I'm headed back to the Caribbean I might be back I might not.
Merry Christmas and hopefully a happier New Year
You commie lefties have been trying to get rid of Trump since June 16, 2015 and you're still not quite done lol. All the hoaxes you morons were blaming on Trump/Russians It was literally Biden/China/Ukraine/etc it was really the “Biden crime family. Well I'll leave you all with that I'm headed back to the Caribbean I might be back I might not.
Merry Christmas and hopefully a happier New Year
I see the moronic commies still can't get the job done, lol Trumps to clean and can't be bought. Well I'll be back after the Red Wave rolls over the socialist/commies to rub it in but good. MAGA, LGB/FJB, From the Sunny Caribbean, Ta-ta.

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