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Destroying America: More on the North AMerican Union

Mr.Conley said:
Read it before you respond.

I already responded. This has been the plan all along for instituting world totalitarianism. The plan was to allow human abusing totalitarians into world trade, give them favored nations status, and then convince everyone else the only way to react is to compete with them. I say we screw the New World Order, and cease all trade with countries which do not allow the modern definition of human rights and private ownership, until THEY comply with US. This is how we beat the USSR. It will work again. Kissingers satanic NWO plan is foiled. Sorry. The NWO you desire isn't going to happen.
Mr.Conley said:
Oh, I know you responded, but I want you to read what I said before you do so.

I did. You're omitting the all important actual correct solution: Stopping trade with totalitarian nations.
Mr.Conley said:
Then the continent should work together inorder to compete with India.

India's fine. we don't need to do that with them. Their individual rights are in place such that as they become richer, it will go throughout society and raise wages over time. Totalitarians must be cut out completely, however.
rtwngAvngr said:
India's fine. we don't need to do that with them. Their individual rights are in place such that as they become richer, it will go throughout society and raise wages over time. Totalitarians must be cut out completely, however.
Can't do it. Too much money is involved in the China trade. If any politician so much as puts the words China and embargo in the same sentence, then all of Wall Street will be working against him.
As for Saudi Arabia and the other Arab states, I have one word: oil.
Singapore: Too much money involved. They can just go elsewhere at this point.
Cuba: We don't trade with Cuba. Look where that's got us. The only way Reagan's outspend them strategy will work is if they don't have the economy to win, and only if they bite. Cuba hasn't biten.
Pakistan: Our beloved ally in the Long War? I don't think so.
Uzbekistan (and all the other stans for that matter)- probably won't affect them. Russia and China will pick up anything we drop.
Most of Africa: We'd just be giving up ground to the Chinese.
Mr.Conley said:
Can't do it. Too much money is involved in the China trade. If any politician so much as puts the words China and embargo in the same sentence, then all of Wall Street will be working against him.
As for Saudi Arabia and the other Arab states, I have one word: oil.
Singapore: Too much money involved. They can just go elsewhere at this point.
Cuba: We don't trade with Cuba. Look where that's got us. The only way reason Reagan's outspend them strategy well work is if they don't have the economy for it to win, and only if they bite. Cuba hasn't biten.
Pakistan: Our beloved ally in the Long War? I don't think so.
Uzbekistan (and all the other stans for that matter)- probably won't affect them. Russia and China will pick up anything we drop.
Most of Africa: We'd just be giving up ground to the Chinese.

Nope. Your logic values money over freedom and self determination. That valuation is all wrong. We must only trade with nations which have an individual rights oriented constitution in place. Sorry to burst your NWO bubble, but americans are starting to wake up.
See this commie using economic arguments? This is the heart of the neocon deception.
The problem rtwngAvngr, is that we are at war. It is not a war like World War 2 or even the Cold War, it is economic war. Every dollar we make, every factory we build, every corporation we buy, every new product we make is a sign we are winning that war and a new weapon for the next battle. If we want to win that war, we have to fight the battle in every market on the planet. We can't spread democracy by withdrawing from battles we haven't won yet. We have to go into every country and do what we've done before. South Korea, Taiwan, Malaysia, Japan, Germany, Italy, Spain, and Portugal were all dictatorships before the US entered their marketplaces and slowly they became democracies. Conversely, it's countries like Iran, North Korea, and Cuba, the countries we don't trade with, that are our greatest enemies today. China is showing all the signs of going through the same transformations we've seen in these other countries. It's only by engaging them in their own market that we can win. When it comes to economic warfare, America has proven time and time again to be the most adapt. When we enter a country's market with more than the intent of buying its resources and getting out (like Africa), democracy follows. But if we withdraw, as you propose, from the markets and countries we haven't already won, you're taking away the best tool we have for spreading democracy and human rights around the planet.
Mr.Conley said:
The problem rtwngAvngr, is that we are at war. It is not a war like World War 2 or even the Cold War, it is economic war. Every dollar we make, every factory we build, every corporation we buy, every new product we make is a sign we are winning that war and a new weapon for the next battle. If we want to win that war, we have to fight the battle in every market on the planet. We can't spread democracy by withdrawing from battles we haven't won yet. We have to go into every country and do what we've done before. South Korea, Taiwan, Malaysia, Japan, Germany, Italy, Spain, and Portugal were all dictatorships before the US entered their marketplaces and slowly they became democracies. Conversely, it's countries like Iran, North Korea, and Cuba, the countries we don't trade with, that are our greatest enemies today. China is showing all the signs of going through the same transformations we've seen in these other countries. It's only by engaging them in their own market that we can win. When it comes to economic warfare, America has proven time and time again to be the most adapt. When we enter a country's market with more than the intent of buying its resources and getting out (like Africa), democracy follows. But if we withdraw, as you propose, from the markets and countries we haven't already won, you're taking away the best tool we have for spreading democracy and human rights around the planet.

Why so desperate? China is committed to totalitarianism. That will never change. Buying their crap only encourages it. We can't compete with them, because they will reduce half the population to slaves in order to win if they have to. Should we do the same? If we stop trading with them now, they will be brought to their knees. It will hurt us too, but not nearly as much; americans are independant and creative enough to pull out of the slump on our own. The chinese are too mentally dependant from years of repression.

I'm sorry conley, I fully advocate limiting trade to only those nations with an individual rights oriented constitution similar to our own.

You see guys? The freedom hating lib gets the nwo plan, and is all for it. We gotta wise up and pull out of ultimately harmful trade relations immediately. Of course, it would be easier for us to just go along and be good little neocons, but we must think of the future generations.

Conley, does it hurt when Satan speaks through you?
Dude you're the one who wants to throw millions in to poverty. If that's not evil, I don't know what is.
rtwngAvngr said:
Why so desperate? China is committed to totalitarianism. That will never change. Buying their crap only encourages it. We can't compete with them, because they will reduce half the population to slaves in order to win if they have to. Should we do the same? If we stop trading with them now, they will be brought to their knees. It will hurt us too, but not nearly as much; americans are independant and creative enough to pull out of the slump on our own. The chinese are too mentally dependant from years of repression.
The CCP does rule China, but the Chinese people only want them around as long as they provide growth and economic freedom. Even though the CCP is doing this, they're still seeing nearly 100,000 riots and revolts every year. Right now, the Chinese economy is running wild, beyond anyones control. Eventually, something's going to break down and China is going to see a few years of economic hardship. That's when the CCP will fall. They are already losing power. Compared to 30, 15, or even 5 years ago, the CCP is weak and freedom is marching in China. Besides, even if me stop trading, they'll still have Europe, Russia, the Middle East, Africa, India, Japan, South Korea, Australia, Indonesia, Singapore, Malyasia, and many other countries still open for business. Ultimately, we'll be hurt the most.
rtwngAvngr said:
I'm sorry conley, I fully advocate limiting trade to only those nations with an individual rights oriented constitution similar to our own.
So I guess you do wanted the Soviets to win the Cold War. And you say you support America.
rtwngAvngr said:
You see guys? The freedom hating lib gets the nwo plan, and is all for it. We gotta wise up and pull out of ultimately harmful trade relations immediately. Of course, it would be easier for us to just go along and be good little neocons, but we must think of the future generations.
Perhaps the viewers of this thread will realize that you want to destroy America. That you hate the expansion of freedom and democracy. That you want to throw tens of millions into poverty. That you would destroy the Capitalism and the free market. You need to examine your own words and see the Satanic evils you so fervishly support.
Mr.Conley said:
Dude you're the one who wants to throw millions in to poverty. If that's not evil, I don't know what is.

The CCP does rule China, but the Chinese people only want them around as long as they provide growth and economic freedom. Even though the CCP is doing this, they're still seeing nearly 100,000 riots and revolts every year. Right now, the Chinese economy is running wild, beyond anyones control. Eventually, something's going to break down and China is going to see a few years of economic hardship. That's when the CCP will fall. They are already losing power. Compared to 30, 15, or even 5 years ago, the CCP is weak and freedom is marching in China. Besides, even if me stop trading, they'll still have Europe, Russia, the Middle East, Africa, India, Japan, South Korea, Australia, Indonesia, Singapore, Malyasia, and many other countries still open for business. Ultimately, we'll be hurt the most.

So I guess you do wanted the Soviets to win the Cold War. And you say you support America.

Perhaps the viewers of this thread will realize that you want to destroy America. That you hate the expansion of freedom and democracy. That you want to throw tens of millions into poverty. That you would destroy the Capitalism and the free market. You need to examine your own words and see the Satanic evils you so fervishly support.

The communist party is firmly in control there. They do what they want. There are no individual freedoms. Our trade only empowers them. We should cut off all trade with them and encourage others to do the same until they support the western notion of individual freedom. Actually we should also not trade with anyone who trades with them. Our market it is STILL the worlds golden goose. We can never compete with slave labor. We can beat them the same way we beat the USSR, NOT trading with them. Your insane over the top allegations at the end prove what an insane satanic liar you are.

What a psycho. HE wants to dissolve our borders, yet he says I'm the one who wants to destroy America.

Do you see how this NWO agent popped his lid and revealed the plan for destroying us?

This is real, people, and it's important.
Kathianne said:
so which is it? Dying or overtaking us? The NWO that is...:tinfoil:

It depends on what we want it to be doing. What do you want Kathianne? Do you accept that we must compete with a totalitarian nation in a deathrace to depths of inhumanity. Or should we suffer the minor setback of stopping trade with them until they accept individual rights and guarantee a free and sovereign america for generations to come?
rtwngAvngr said:
What a psycho. HE wants to dissolve our borders, yet he says I'm the one who wants to destroy America.

Do you see how this NWO agent popped his lid and revealed the plan for destroying us?

This is real, people, and it's important.
Don't lie rtwng. I never said I wanted to dissolve our borders and you know it. I want to secure our borders with Mexico and Canada via free trade and military cooperation. That way we can focus on the rest of the world.

I'm also Jewish right?
rtwngAvngr said:
The communist party is firmly in control there. They do what they want. There are no individual freedoms. Our trade only empowers them. We should cut off all trade with them and encourage others to do the same until they support the western notion of individual freedom. Actually we should also not trade with anyone who trades with them. Our market it is STILL the worlds golden goose. We can never compete with slave labor. We can beat them the same way we beat the USSR, NOT trading with them. Your insane over the top allegations at the end prove what an insane satanic liar you are.
That's not true. Everyday the CCP loses a bit more power. Every government company they privatize, every rebuke of an upstart provincial governor who tries to screw over the peasents the CCP is a shell of its former self, and you know it. The only thing what you propose will do is empower the CCP and impoverish million. The only problem you have with my allegations is that they are true.
rtwngAvngr said:
It depends on what we want it to be doing. What do you want Kathianne? Do you accept that we must compete with a totalitarian nation in a deathrace to depths of inhumanity. Or should we suffer the minor setback of stopping trade with them until they accept individual rights and guarantee a free and sovereign america for generations to come?
Never mind me, you were the one that posted two contradictory posts in order. What do YOU think?
Kathianne said:
Never mind me, you were the one that posted two contradictory posts in order. What do YOU think?

You got me, kat. Thanks for your input.
Mr.Conley said:
Don't lie rtwng. I never said I wanted to dissolve our borders and you know it. I want to secure our borders with Mexico and Canada via free trade and military cooperation. That way we can focus on the rest of the world.

I'm also Jewish right?

That's not true. Everyday the CCP loses a bit more power. Every government company they privatize, every rebuke of an upstart provincial governor who tries to screw over the peasents the CCP is a shell of its former self, and you know it. The only thing what you propose will do is empower the CCP and impoverish million. The only problem you have with my allegations is that they are true.

That's right conley. You just think a north american trade bloc is the only way to compete. You don't want to dissolve our sovereignty. My bad. :rolleyes:

The ccp is not losing power. They control everything. Maybe they screw some local commandentes occassionally, but they are not a free country, and the wealth will NEVER trickle down the way it should. They are totalitarians. They are committed to that.

You ignore the best option, ceasing trade with totalitarians, like we did effectively with the USSR. We can do the same with china, and simlar abominable countries.

Your deperation on this supposedly paranoid issue proves I'm right. The forces of good will stop you and your NWO ILK.
We can switch gears people. We are not locked into this suicidal track.

There is no fate.


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