Destroying America: More on the North AMerican Union

rtwngAvngr said:
They have more stuff, they are not more free, there is a difference. Once agian, freedom is being equated with materialism. This is satan's ploy.

You want to trade with china but go back to the gold standard? You're all messed up.

We only enable the totalitarians with our billions in trade. Sorry, that's how I see it. They're not really communisty anymore more. They're totalitarian fascists who won't give their people basic modern freedoms of speech, religion, press, or thought.

No, they are more free than in the days of Mao. There are no more purges, and travel is freer than it was. We have chinese people working at my office for that matter, and they travel home for the holidays. And what you describe as "materialism" is one of the most crucial human rights of all--property rights. There are property rights now, but during the days of Mao, property rights were precisely zero.

You aren't serving tyrants with free trade. In fact you're making it suicidal for them to attack america. There's nothing "messed up" about a gold standard either. It is impossible to build up these insane trade imbalances under a gold standard. Here's an experiment: go to your library and find a story about the US manufacturing sector being shipped overseas, or record-setting gazillion-dollar trade deficits. Okay, now out of all the stories your search brings up, see how many were printed before 1971--probably none. 1971 is the year Nixon took us off the Bretton Woods agreement, the last vestige of the gold standard. How many times have we heard the argument "it takes 2 incomes to buy what 1 used to"? When did that start? In the 70's. Ever hear pundits mention that real incomes have been mostly stagnant for 35 years? Hmm, what happened 35 years ago.

Really, if you're going to be all up in arms about NWO conspiracies, you might want to remember how the leading proponents of world government made their fortunes--the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Morgans, etc. all made it in banking. They were against sound money and did everything they could to steer us towards a "flexible" currency. If you want to deliver an open-palmed slap to the face of NWO neo-feudalists, there is no better way than by supporting a gold standard.

Anyway, there is no example of trade embargos bringing a totalitarian nation to reform, ever. I'm not saying that free trade is automatically going to lead to rainbows and daisies, but it will deliver prosperity while reducing the chances of a military conflict with China.
BaronVonBigmeat said:
No, they are more free than in the days of Mao. There are no more purges, and travel is freer than it was. We have chinese people working at my office for that matter, and they travel home for the holidays. And what you describe as "materialism" is one of the most crucial human rights of all--property rights. There are property rights now, but during the days of Mao, property rights were precisely zero.

You aren't serving tyrants with free trade. In fact you're making it suicidal for them to attack america. There's nothing "messed up" about a gold standard either. It is impossible to build up these insane trade imbalances under a gold standard. Here's an experiment: go to your library and find a story about the US manufacturing sector being shipped overseas, or record-setting gazillion-dollar trade deficits. Okay, now out of all the stories your search brings up, see how many were printed before 1971--probably none. 1971 is the year Nixon took us off the Bretton Woods agreement, the last vestige of the gold standard. How many times have we heard the argument "it takes 2 incomes to buy what 1 used to"? When did that start? In the 70's. Ever hear pundits mention that real incomes have been mostly stagnant for 35 years? Hmm, what happened 35 years ago.

Really, if you're going to be all up in arms about NWO conspiracies, you might want to remember how the leading proponents of world government made their fortunes--the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Morgans, etc. all made it in banking. They were against sound money and did everything they could to steer us towards a "flexible" currency. If you want to deliver an open-palmed slap to the face of NWO neo-feudalists, there is no better way than by supporting a gold standard.

Anyway, there is no example of trade embargos bringing a totalitarian nation to reform, ever. I'm not saying that free trade is automatically going to lead to rainbows and daisies, but it will deliver prosperity while reducing the chances of a military conflict with China.

Not trading with russia damaged them and brought them down.

We're SOOOOO past the point of going to a gold standard. there's not enough tea in china to back the dollars we've printed out of thin air, let alone gold. I agree with you fractional reserve lending/fiat currency was bad mojo.

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