Detox from the Jab

Harpy Eagle

Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2017
Well, this is a new twist...

In a TikTok video that has garnered hundreds of thousands of views, Dr. Carrie Madej outlined the ingredients for a bath she said will “detox the vaxx” for people who have given into Covid-19 vaccine mandates.

But yes, I think everyone should soak in borax to remove the nanoparticles from your body.... :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

I got 20 bucks that says some of our forum members have already done this
It's sad that our gov't. is forcing this on people.

Having to decide between providing for a family and taking something you do not trust or believe in is not a good position to be in.

Never thought I would see this kind of tyranny in this country.

I do agree that it is wrong for the Govt to force private companies to require their employees get vaccinated.

Borax is a very handy product to have on hand. Kills yeast, fungi and some bacteria, great for ant and wasp bait, helps make glass dishes and silverware shiny, great to put in clothes washer too.

Boron is also an element mammals bodies use so soaking in a tub with some boron aka borax once in awhile just like one would with Epsom salts aka Magnesium not a bad idea even if one hasn't been jabbed. Essentiality of boron for healthy bones and joints - PubMed Oh' and it does help degrade graphene oxide.

Borax is a very handy product to have on hand. Kills yeast, fungi and some bacteria, great for ant and wasp bait, helps make glass dishes and silverware shiny, great to put in clothes washer too.

Boron is also an element mammals bodies use so soaking in a tub with some boron aka borax once in awhile just like one would with Epsom salts aka Magnesium not a bad idea even if one hasn't been jabbed. Essentiality of boron for healthy bones and joints - PubMed Oh' and it does help degrade graphene oxide.

What's the problem with borax? Borax can have short- and long-term health effects:

Short-term irritant. Borax can be irritating when exposure occurs through skin or eye contact, inhalation or ingestion. Poison reports suggest misuse of borax-based pesticides can result in acute toxicity, with symptoms including vomiting, eye irritation, nausea, skin rash, oral irritation and respiratory effects. Toddlers and young children face special risks from hand-to-mouth transfer of carpet or crack and crevice, dust or spray borax treatments.

Hormone disruption. Borax and its cousin, boric acid, may disrupt hormones and harm the male reproductive system. Men working in boric acid-producing factories have a greater risk of decreased sperm count and libido. According to EPA's safety review of these pesticides, chronic exposure to high doses of borax or boric acid causes testicular atrophy in male mice, rats and dogs.

What's the problem with borax? Borax can have short- and long-term health effects:

Short-term irritant. Borax can be irritating when exposure occurs through skin or eye contact, inhalation or ingestion. Poison reports suggest misuse of borax-based pesticides can result in acute toxicity, with symptoms including vomiting, eye irritation, nausea, skin rash, oral irritation and respiratory effects. Toddlers and young children face special risks from hand-to-mouth transfer of carpet or crack and crevice, dust or spray borax treatments.

Hormone disruption. Borax and its cousin, boric acid, may disrupt hormones and harm the male reproductive system. Men working in boric acid-producing factories have a greater risk of decreased sperm count and libido. According to EPA's safety review of these pesticides, chronic exposure to high doses of borax or boric acid causes testicular atrophy in male mice, rats and dogs.
At over 60 and having had both Boric acid and Borax around to use for any purpose it is suitable plus knowing grands that lived to the near 100 mark who always used it (and they had lots of children) I'll keep taking that chance of it being bad for us... :auiqs.jpg:
You don't have to remember to put on your vaccine every day.

Not seeing what difference that makes.

One goes in your body, one goes on it. If you cannot see the difference then there is nothing that anyone can do to help you.

I am not an anti-Jabber, I have gotten mine. But I am against the Govt forcing it upon private companies
At over 60 and having had both Boric acid and Borax around to use for any purpose it is suitable plus knowing grands that lived to the near 100 mark who always used it (and they had lots of children) I'll keep taking that chance of it being bad for us... :auiqs.jpg:

If you wish to bathe in Borax, please have at it. I am just presenting the data for people to see. I would never try and stop you from your borax baths
Why lie?

It's not just 1 shot and done. You need a booster every few months for the rest of your life. Hopefully you won't get a Newsom reaction to it.

You ask him why he lies and then lie yourself.

One more partisan hack born without a sense of irony
One goes in your body, one goes on it. If you cannot see the difference then there is nothing that anyone can do to help you.

I am not an anti-Jabber, I have gotten mine. But I am against the Govt forcing it upon private companies
There is no difference. The military and the public school.system have been mandating shots for decades, most medical professionals are required to get flu shots as well. This is nothing new, it's just as much a common sense issue as a hard hat or a respirator while painting.
Why lie?

It's not just 1 shot and done. You need a booster every few months for the rest of your life. Hopefully you won't get a Newsom reaction to it.
I have seen you type some dumb stuff on this forum but this one is top of the pile of crap you churn out here

And that's saying something
But Sue we should wear them safety glasses and hard hats while doing laundry, bathing and dishes too...

If you wish to bathe in Borax, please have at it. I am just presenting the data for people to see. I would never try and stop you from your borax baths
I present data too.

Compared eye solutions Boric acid one wins out Comparison of corneal wound healing rates after instillation of commercially available latanoprost and travoprost in rat debrided corneal epithelium - PubMed

Feets Boric Acid Inhibition of Trichophyton rubrum Growth and Conidia Formation - PubMed

Reduces graphene oxide Boric Acid Assisted Reduction of Graphene Oxide: A Promising Material for Sodium-Ion Batteries - PubMed
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