Detroit Public Schools FAIL

As long as you have FAILED TEACHERS (hey, a paycheck for baby sitting is the SAME as one that tries to teach these "humans" what being civilized is!) teaching the verging THUGERY, with NO SUPPORT from a ONE FAMILY home, that looks to little TRAYVON as a part of HER meal ticket, these muggers, rapists, robbers, and murderers, IN WAITING, will continue to stay FERAL!

Better to take them and FORM A MILITARY UNIT of these "humans" and see if THAT can actually supply them with discipline, order, and a sense of ethics that they will NEVER get in the shitholes they live in!
"93% Not Proficient in Reading; 96% Not Proficient in Math"

When is the black community going to realize dem policies do not serve them well?

Detroit Public Schools: 93% Not Proficient in Reading; 96% Not Proficient in Math

b/c leftist will be out in force blaming it on the gop.

Generations of mostly black schools have sucked, poor minority schools are always the worst in the are and the (D) keeps them that way.

The plan to keep blacks dumb and poor has worked so well that hispanics fell right into the same trap and it will keep working.
What is your solution? Solutions are what the American people want from conservatives before they hand you power again.
How many times do you have to be told?

vouchers, so parents can send their kids to good public schools instead of the shitholes they are currently forced to.
get rid of the teachers union monopoly, so we can get rid of, not just criminal teachers and staff, but teachers that don't perform.
cut cost by getting rid of useless classes and put more into the basics

you've been given this kind of list thousands of times, and you claim you don't know.

I hope that some day, while you are practicing your numbers, that you get past 'potato'
Get rid of teachers that are ineffective.
Get rid of teachers' unions.
Make it easier to get teachers with real world experience.
Let kids who don't want to learn leave after 8th grade. They can get a job digging ditches.
Get rid of students who are disruptive. They can dig ditches right next to those who don't want to be there.
Bring back vocational- technical training and stop thinking that every kid should go to college or they are failures. Look to Germany for example.
Get industry involved for teaching STEM courses.
Stop worrying about making sure kids are full of social justice stuff and really stress the Three R's. They need Trig way more than they need to know about Heather and her Two Mommies.
What is your solution? Solutions are what the American people want from conservatives before they hand you power again.
How many times do you have to be told?

vouchers, so parents can send their kids to good public schools instead of the shitholes they are currently forced to.
get rid of the teachers union monopoly, so we can get rid of, not just criminal teachers and staff, but teachers that don't perform.
cut cost by getting rid of useless classes and put more into the basics

you've been given this kind of list thousands of times, and you claim you don't know.

I hope that some day, while you are practicing your numbers, that you get past 'potato'
Vouchers, eliminating the teachers union, and firing lots of teachers.

Okay gotcha.
What is your solution? Solutions are what the American people want from conservatives before they hand you power again.

Solution? Discipline in schools first. Make the brats pay attention and stop disrupting other students 1st and only chance to learn. If they refuse to sit in class like a normal student....kick them out. Remove them. Call the cops if.....oh...shit...wait....nevermind.

Ummm...fuck...I guess just asked the kids to start caring more. Eventually they will. I promise.
What is your solution? Solutions are what the American people want from conservatives before they hand you power again.
How many times do you have to be told?

vouchers, so parents can send their kids to good public schools instead of the shitholes they are currently forced to.
get rid of the teachers union monopoly, so we can get rid of, not just criminal teachers and staff, but teachers that don't perform.
cut cost by getting rid of useless classes and put more into the basics

you've been given this kind of list thousands of times, and you claim you don't know.

I hope that some day, while you are practicing your numbers, that you get past 'potato'
Vouchers, eliminating the teachers union, and firing lots of teachers.

Okay gotcha.
and here's the moronic left that demands that kids stay in horrid schools b/c he thinks fucking them over the same way, just harder, will work this time.

whats the matter, afraid darkies will show up in your kids school?
What is your solution? Solutions are what the American people want from conservatives before they hand you power again.
How many times do you have to be told?

vouchers, so parents can send their kids to good public schools instead of the shitholes they are currently forced to.
get rid of the teachers union monopoly, so we can get rid of, not just criminal teachers and staff, but teachers that don't perform.
cut cost by getting rid of useless classes and put more into the basics

you've been given this kind of list thousands of times, and you claim you don't know.

I hope that some day, while you are practicing your numbers, that you get past 'potato'
Vouchers, eliminating the teachers union, and firing lots of teachers.

Okay gotcha.
and here's the moronic left that demands that kids stay in horrid schools b/c he thinks fucking them over the same way, just harder, will work this time.

whats the matter, afraid darkies will show up in your kids school?
No no you're plan is great. Very realistic.
What is your solution? Solutions are what the American people want from conservatives before they hand you power again.
My solution is to stop throwing money at corrupt administrators and bad teachers.
What is your solution? Solutions are what the American people want from conservatives before they hand you power again.
Well, for one thing, we could get the Federal Government out of our schools. They are the ones who messed them up in the first place.
What is your solution? Solutions are what the American people want from conservatives before they hand you power again.
How many times do you have to be told?

vouchers, so parents can send their kids to good public schools instead of the shitholes they are currently forced to.
get rid of the teachers union monopoly, so we can get rid of, not just criminal teachers and staff, but teachers that don't perform.
cut cost by getting rid of useless classes and put more into the basics

you've been given this kind of list thousands of times, and you claim you don't know.

I hope that some day, while you are practicing your numbers, that you get past 'potato'
Vouchers, eliminating the teachers union, and firing lots of teachers.

Okay gotcha.
and here's the moronic left that demands that kids stay in horrid schools b/c he thinks fucking them over the same way, just harder, will work this time.

whats the matter, afraid darkies will show up in your kids school?
No no you're plan is great. Very realistic.

It would be easy to do, better and cheaper.

Nice to see that you finally realize that doing the same thing over and over again has caused generations of harm to poor Americans.

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