Detroit Public Schools FAIL

Sick-out by teachers shuts nearly all Detroit public schools

Associated Press
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16 hrs ago

DETROIT — Nearly all of Detroit's public schools were closed Monday after the teachers union urged members to call out sick following a weekend announcement that the district wouldn't be able to pay its teachers starting this summer.

District spokeswoman Michelle Zdrodowski said in an email Monday morning that 94 of the district's 97 schools would be closed for the day. About 46,000 students are enrolled in the district's schools.


Sick-out by teachers shuts nearly all Detroit public schools
They should all be fired for incompetence and replaced.
The U.S. public school system has been a seriously poor quality educational system for decades.
Add to that, black students criticize any black peers that try to achieve good grades and succeed as trying to be "white," which is absurd. I don't care what nation you go to, the people that succeed in business, tend to be well educated and fluent in the language of the nation.
What is your solution? Solutions are what the American people want from conservatives before they hand you power again.

Again? Republicans have not had power in the schools in these massively failed districts. See Chicago, Detroit, St. Louis, Washington, DC and the list goes on.
What is your solution? Solutions are what the American people want from conservatives before they hand you power again.
Well, for one thing, we could get the Federal Government out of our schools. They are the ones who messed them up in the first place.

Get the UNIONS out of all government schools, PERIOD. Here is a quote from a now retired top union official.

National Education Association General Counsel Bob Chanin stated in July 2009.

Chanin: "It is not because we care about children. And it is not because we have a vision of a great public school for every child. NEA and its affiliates are effective advocates because we have power. And we have power because there are more than 3.2 million people who are willing to pay us hundreds of millions of dollars in dues...."

Says it all, does it not?
"Detroit Public Schools FAIL"

And the reprehensible right attempts to exploit this for some perceived partisan gain.

"Perceived partisan gain"? Really? Democrat school systems FAIL and Democrats steadfastly refuse to allow solutions which would reverse that downward spiral. Why?
Lefties maintain that blacks are SOOOOO dysfunctional and stupid that they need exponentially more assistance, and even then it is unrealistic to expect them to do as well as whites.
Sick-out by teachers shuts nearly all Detroit public schools

Associated Press
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16 hrs ago

DETROIT — Nearly all of Detroit's public schools were closed Monday after the teachers union urged members to call out sick following a weekend announcement that the district wouldn't be able to pay its teachers starting this summer.

District spokeswoman Michelle Zdrodowski said in an email Monday morning that 94 of the district's 97 schools would be closed for the day. About 46,000 students are enrolled in the district's schools.


Sick-out by teachers shuts nearly all Detroit public schools
They should all be fired for incompetence and replaced.

That's a fine sentiment but, unlike the air controllers fired by President Reagan, replacements cannot live anywhere. How many quality teachers would intentionally move to Detroit?
Lefties maintain that blacks are SOOOOO dysfunctional and stupid that they need exponentially more assistance, and even then it is unrealistic to expect them to do as well as whites.
Sick-out by teachers shuts nearly all Detroit public schools

Associated Press
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16 hrs ago

DETROIT — Nearly all of Detroit's public schools were closed Monday after the teachers union urged members to call out sick following a weekend announcement that the district wouldn't be able to pay its teachers starting this summer.

District spokeswoman Michelle Zdrodowski said in an email Monday morning that 94 of the district's 97 schools would be closed for the day. About 46,000 students are enrolled in the district's schools.


Sick-out by teachers shuts nearly all Detroit public schools
They should all be fired for incompetence and replaced.

That's a fine sentiment but, unlike the air controllers fired by President Reagan, replacements cannot live anywhere. How many quality teachers would intentionally move to Detroit?
True, but when you have a group who has so terribly failed the public for decades, it is time they be fired en-mass.
Go to school uniforms across the board from K to 12. Permanently kick out all the kids who are repetitive trouble makers. Get rid of the janitorial staff and make the kids clean the school.

Without Janitors, Students Are In Charge Of Keeping School Shipshape

It's a start, but ultimately, the City of Detroit is populated by the dredges of society and cancer breeds cancer.
None of the issues will be resolved as long as teachers unions have the power they have. The Governor of Michigan should have fired every single of those teachers who called in sick.

Here's a few ways you fix schools (after breaking unions)

Uniforms for students and faculty.

Year round school with more short breaks , let's get past this agrarian summers off schedule.

Dual track high school, either college bound or trade bound.

A complete end to both Pel Grants and student loans. Simple , if you graduate HS with a 3.0 and score X on your exit exam you gain free college at the state college of your choice, if you don't you don't get any government assistance attending college.

Parental involvement. EVERY parent must volunteer X number of hours per year at their child's school doing SOMETHING.

Bring back discipline. I'm not talking about paddling here, but obviously students today don't respect or fear their teachers (or anyone else for that matter)

That's just a short starter wish list.

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