Developing: 15 feet of snow to bury California

Ah, more fake doom predictions. God dammit Mindwars. I like some of your threads, but this shit is annoying. Heres a prediction for you... this will not happen, nothing even close to this will happen, and when it doesnt happen youll never mention it again and youll soon make another thread about some other ridiculous doomsday scenario that ALSO wont happen. How many times are you willing to be wrong about this shit before you learn your lesson?
That's actually not a doom prediction (tho he may think it is), it's just the (hopefully) end of drought cycle here in CA. Lots of snow pack....but also mud goes with living here. If it weren't this, it would be dry and more fires.
15 feet of snow would be catastrophic. Its not happening.

Guess they will see, they better hope it doesn't happen imagine if it does and all that crap melts to quick lol
yeah, especially 15 inches of snow In San Diego...

The only way Sandyeggo gets 15 inches of snow is if a drug running cargo ship blows up in the Sandyeggo harbor.
If you didn't notice, he used only generalities instead of specifics...
DEVELOPING: 15 Feet Of Snow To Bury California!

A series of winter storms is forecast to continue hammering California with several feet of heavy snow and driving rain over the next few days and into the weekend, good news for the drought-plagued state and for ski areas, but potentially bad news for travelers and homeowners worried about floods and mudslides. Meanwhile, a storm could also spread a
DEVELOPING: 15 Feet Of Snow To Bury California!

Maybe it's pay back for turning traitor on the American people and siding with the devil LOL...
Eric Holdier was elected there's your first clue of a crooked ass bastard with a few lives on his chart.
Maybe he can show that global warming . bhahaah.

I can only hope it comes with a 10.0 magnitude earthquake.
It's time for Kali to slip off into the night.
All we can do is hope it causes a tsunami to wash all that trash out of Texass...
DEVELOPING: 15 Feet Of Snow To Bury California!

A series of winter storms is forecast to continue hammering California with several feet of heavy snow and driving rain over the next few days and into the weekend, good news for the drought-plagued state and for ski areas, but potentially bad news for travelers and homeowners worried about floods and mudslides. Meanwhile, a storm could also spread a
DEVELOPING: 15 Feet Of Snow To Bury California!

Maybe it's pay back for turning traitor on the American people and siding with the devil LOL...
Eric Holdier was elected there's your first clue of a crooked ass bastard with a few lives on his chart.
Maybe he can show that global warming . bhahaah.

I can only hope it comes with a 10.0 magnitude earthquake.
It's time for Kali to slip off into the night.
All we can do is hope it causes a tsunami to wash all that trash out of Texass...

Sorry,we dont have earthquakes here.
Oh really? I think you better research that factoid...

While we may get an occasional mild earthquake they really dont affect us.
The last earthquake that was an issue formed Caddo lake in northeast Texas in 1811 I guess it really fucked the indians but we cant be sure since the savages really had no written language.
85 years ago 6.5 magnitude, 10 km depth
Fort Davis, Texas, United States

22 years ago 5.7 magnitude, 17 km depth
Alpine, Texas, United States

5 years ago 4.8 magnitude, 5 km depth
Karnes City, Texas, United States

5 years ago 4.8 magnitude, 5 km depth
Timpson, Texas, United States

41 years ago 4.8 magnitude, 5 km depth
Pecos, Texas, United States

6 years ago 4.6 magnitude, 10 km depth
Sierra Blanca, Texas, United States

And how much damage did they do?
I know the answer but let me hear it from a retarded Okie.
85 years ago 6.5 magnitude, 10 km depth
Fort Davis, Texas, United States

22 years ago 5.7 magnitude, 17 km depth
Alpine, Texas, United States

5 years ago 4.8 magnitude, 5 km depth
Karnes City, Texas, United States

5 years ago 4.8 magnitude, 5 km depth
Timpson, Texas, United States

41 years ago 4.8 magnitude, 5 km depth
Pecos, Texas, United States

6 years ago 4.6 magnitude, 10 km depth
Sierra Blanca, Texas, United States

And how much damage did they do?
I know the answer but let me hear it from a retarded Okie.
Why do you need me to answer that which you already know?
You said there were no earthquakes in Texass, I roved you wrong, now you want me to prove you right.....Sounds like a damn Texican, to lazy to do their own thinking.......Fortunately my grandparents that were from Texas were not that way......But ten again, that was over 100 years ago they left Texas...
Ah, more fake doom predictions. God dammit Mindwars. I like some of your threads, but this shit is annoying. Heres a prediction for you... this will not happen, nothing even close to this will happen, and when it doesnt happen youll never mention it again and youll soon make another thread about some other ridiculous doomsday scenario that ALSO wont happen. How many times are you willing to be wrong about this shit before you learn your lesson?
That's actually not a doom prediction (tho he may think it is), it's just the (hopefully) end of drought cycle here in CA. Lots of snow pack....but also mud goes with living here. If it weren't this, it would be dry and more fires.
15 feet of snow would be catastrophic. Its not happening.
feet of snow would be catastrophic. Its not happening.
And, Trump will never win the election

How do you know it's not happening...
did God share this with you?
My mother, in Mesquite, NV, was just complaining yesterday that its 45F there - apparently there was a mad rush on parka's in the community. :D

(They moved there full time 2 years ago, from Alaska, where I still live, it's 1F right now heh)
85 years ago 6.5 magnitude, 10 km depth
Fort Davis, Texas, United States

22 years ago 5.7 magnitude, 17 km depth
Alpine, Texas, United States

5 years ago 4.8 magnitude, 5 km depth
Karnes City, Texas, United States

5 years ago 4.8 magnitude, 5 km depth
Timpson, Texas, United States

41 years ago 4.8 magnitude, 5 km depth
Pecos, Texas, United States

6 years ago 4.6 magnitude, 10 km depth
Sierra Blanca, Texas, United States

And how much damage did they do?
I know the answer but let me hear it from a retarded Okie.
Why do you need me to answer that which you already know?
You said there were no earthquakes in Texass, I roved you wrong, now you want me to prove you right.....Sounds like a damn Texican, to lazy to do their own thinking.......Fortunately my grandparents that were from Texas were not that way......But ten again, that was over 100 years ago they left Texas...

You roved me wrong? Look here okey doke,you dont know shit about Texas earthquakes,when you do get back with me.
DEVELOPING: 15 Feet Of Snow To Bury California!

A series of winter storms is forecast to continue hammering California with several feet of heavy snow and driving rain over the next few days and into the weekend, good news for the drought-plagued state and for ski areas, but potentially bad news for travelers and homeowners worried about floods and mudslides. Meanwhile, a storm could also spread a
DEVELOPING: 15 Feet Of Snow To Bury California!

Maybe it's pay back for turning traitor on the American people and siding with the devil LOL...
Eric Holdier was elected there's your first clue of a crooked ass bastard with a few lives on his chart.
Maybe he can show that global warming . bhahaah.

Yep, I've got three feet of new global warming on my property over the last 48 hours.
Ah, more fake doom predictions. God dammit Mindwars. I like some of your threads, but this shit is annoying. Heres a prediction for you... this will not happen, nothing even close to this will happen, and when it doesnt happen youll never mention it again and youll soon make another thread about some other ridiculous doomsday scenario that ALSO wont happen. How many times are you willing to be wrong about this shit before you learn your lesson?
That's actually not a doom prediction (tho he may think it is), it's just the (hopefully) end of drought cycle here in CA. Lots of snow pack....but also mud goes with living here. If it weren't this, it would be dry and more fires.
15 feet of snow would be catastrophic. Its not happening.

It's happened several times before. It ain't catastrophic. It IS annoying however.
Ah, more fake doom predictions. God dammit Mindwars. I like some of your threads, but this shit is annoying. Heres a prediction for you... this will not happen, nothing even close to this will happen, and when it doesnt happen youll never mention it again and youll soon make another thread about some other ridiculous doomsday scenario that ALSO wont happen. How many times are you willing to be wrong about this shit before you learn your lesson?
That's actually not a doom prediction (tho he may think it is), it's just the (hopefully) end of drought cycle here in CA. Lots of snow pack....but also mud goes with living here. If it weren't this, it would be dry and more fires.
15 feet of snow would be catastrophic. Its not happening.
In the mountains, 15 feet of snow in places would be a nice start.......years ago, before this last drought, we drove from my father in law's in the Sierras, over the top on Hwy 4 to late June....the snow was still piled up on both sides of the road over 10 the afternoon, the melt was running all over the road, but still lots more to go.

Just a few years ago we were still skiing in July. Northstar and Heavenly were still open.
Ah, more fake doom predictions. God dammit Mindwars. I like some of your threads, but this shit is annoying. Heres a prediction for you... this will not happen, nothing even close to this will happen, and when it doesnt happen youll never mention it again and youll soon make another thread about some other ridiculous doomsday scenario that ALSO wont happen. How many times are you willing to be wrong about this shit before you learn your lesson?
That's actually not a doom prediction (tho he may think it is), it's just the (hopefully) end of drought cycle here in CA. Lots of snow pack....but also mud goes with living here. If it weren't this, it would be dry and more fires.
15 feet of snow would be catastrophic. Its not happening.
feet of snow would be catastrophic. Its not happening.
And, Trump will never win the election

How do you know it's not happening...
did God share this with you?
Yes, god told me. He was like "dude, the OP is out of her mind. Im not dumping 15 feet of snow on California. That would be ridiculous."
DEVELOPING: 15 Feet Of Snow To Bury California!

A series of winter storms is forecast to continue hammering California with several feet of heavy snow and driving rain over the next few days and into the weekend, good news for the drought-plagued state and for ski areas, but potentially bad news for travelers and homeowners worried about floods and mudslides. Meanwhile, a storm could also spread a
DEVELOPING: 15 Feet Of Snow To Bury California!

Maybe it's pay back for turning traitor on the American people and siding with the devil LOL...
Eric Holdier was elected there's your first clue of a crooked ass bastard with a few lives on his chart.
Maybe he can show that global warming . bhahaah.
Snow 15 feet deep in the mountains isn't all that unusual. Now if it was in LA or San Fagcisco, that would be another thing.
DEVELOPING: 15 Feet Of Snow To Bury California!

A series of winter storms is forecast to continue hammering California with several feet of heavy snow and driving rain over the next few days and into the weekend, good news for the drought-plagued state and for ski areas, but potentially bad news for travelers and homeowners worried about floods and mudslides. Meanwhile, a storm could also spread a
DEVELOPING: 15 Feet Of Snow To Bury California!

Maybe it's pay back for turning traitor on the American people and siding with the devil LOL...
Eric Holdier was elected there's your first clue of a crooked ass bastard with a few lives on his chart.
Maybe he can show that global warming . bhahaah.

I can only hope it comes with a 10.0 magnitude earthquake.
It's time for Kali to slip off into the night.

save the hot broads with real jugs first

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