DeVos to end federal common core

The collapse of education has coincided with the collapse of the family. It also depends on location. Here is Wisconsin bigger wealthy public school districts are offering 20 thousand dollar bonuses to attract teachers from smaller successful public districts. Perhaps we will see this happen across the nation. The smaller districts are losing their staffbecausre teachers can make 80 grand just in salary to leave the smaller districts most of which are very good.
The more the feds have gotten involved the worse it has gotten.
It's high time and time to put schools back in local control.

Betsy DeVos at Trump Michigan Rally: Time to ‘Finally Put an End to Federal Common Core’

DeVos said, “It won’t be Washington, D.C. that unlocks that potential” in each child, and continued:

It won’t be a giant bureaucracy or a federal department. Nope. The answer isn’t bigger government. The answer is local control. It’s listening to parents and it’s giving more choices. And if I’m fortunate enough to be confirmed as your secretary of education, our kids, your kids will have someone fighting for them every single day.

Prior to introducing DeVos, Trump said the choice of education secretary was one of his “most important decisions,” and that DeVos was one of the “top education reformers in our nation, someone…who has devoted decades to helping disadvantaged students.”

“We’re going to reform our broken education system to put students and families first,” he said.

Trump added his administration’s “reform plan includes eliminating Common Core, bringing education local, and providing school choice.”

He continued that all children should be “able to attend the public, private, charter, magnet, or religious school that is right for them.”

Betsy DeVos at Trump Michigan Rally: Time to ‘Finally Put an End to Federal Common Core’ - Breitbart


You're an will persist in this fantasy about the superiority of local school boards, as US educational achievement continues to fall behind the rest of the industrialized world....
One reason other countries may have higher scores in education is that they go to school, then go to tutoring classes after school. Many also weed out poorer students and divert them to trade programs. All excellent ideas, when will the US start?
Yup. Leave it p to the locals. Our district taxpayers just approved a 15 million dollar referendum overwhelmingly. We still care about education!
I'm still mystified as to why the objection to the common core. All it does, in fairly complex educational gobblydegook, is list what educational objectives are taught at each grade level. It does not tell teachers what content to teach or how to teach it. It simply says by the end of Grade 2, for instance, students will be able to do this, this and this in English language arts and math. It emphasizes higher level thinking skills and introducing students to those habits of questioning and "thinking outside the box" even before they are old enough master complex thought themselves.
It would have been helpful to kids whose parents move across state lines so the states were consistent in grade level competencies, and a kid who had successfully passed Grade 7 in Georgia, for instance, would be ready for Grade 8 in Minnesota if they moved there.
It does not tell states or local governments what texts to use or what methods to use. It is approved or not at the state level. It is not a federal dictate.
What am I missing that is so objectionable?

When they first started out with this 12 years ago it was a great idea and it is necessary; however, they rushed the finished product and the States had largely introduced standards that were higher than what CORE had developed. In that rush to produce was a group of private industry profiteers that were involved and it showed. They didn't even pilot test it. They took 120 teachers that were desperate by that time to sign off on it.
The charters and vouchers will and should have to accept any kid no matter if they are a complete disruption. Plus they will have to write IEP plans for each of them to ensure their success.
One reason other countries may have higher scores in education is that they go to school, then go to tutoring classes after school. Many also weed out poorer students and divert them to trade programs. All excellent ideas, when will the US start?

You don't want that. The testing that is done to make the comparison is using about 1400 15 year olds from the US. More importantly what they are finding is that those students that go to hagwons are memorizing facts but aren't retaining information.
I read the Federalist article. (Thanks, Sassy). The objections, though, pretty much state the misconceptions I already knew about. At least I think they're misconceptions. Our state adapted the Common Core used in K-12 for Adult Education, which is how I've gotten to know them. The "New Math" has been confusing kids and parents since the 1980's, anyway, if not before. It seems like almost all the complaints in the article from the Federalist has to do with the fact that parents don't get how to do the New Math. I can relate to that--I was always challenged enough trying to do the OLD math. Done right, though, it is supposed to explain to kids WHY numbers can do what they do. The Common Core itself is supposed to help kids learn the habits of mind to learn on their feet and be flexible in their methods, using a number of different techniques. This is supposed to make them successful employees in the age of innovation, when the only constant will be change.

Getting rid of the Common Core at the federal level is okay with me. It won't change how the SAT or ACT is structured though, so it's not going to change how Math is taught. It is not going to stop states that have already adopted it from using it, either. It may make a lot of parents happy, but they'll be celebrating the destruction of something that never actually existed in the way they believe it did.
The charters and vouchers will and should have to accept any kid no matter if they are a complete disruption. Plus they will have to write IEP plans for each of them to ensure their success.

Education is not about teaching down to the lowest student, it is about raising as many as possible up to a high standard.
It's high time and time to put schools back in local control.

Betsy DeVos at Trump Michigan Rally: Time to ‘Finally Put an End to Federal Common Core’

DeVos said, “It won’t be Washington, D.C. that unlocks that potential” in each child, and continued:

It won’t be a giant bureaucracy or a federal department. Nope. The answer isn’t bigger government. The answer is local control. It’s listening to parents and it’s giving more choices. And if I’m fortunate enough to be confirmed as your secretary of education, our kids, your kids will have someone fighting for them every single day.

Prior to introducing DeVos, Trump said the choice of education secretary was one of his “most important decisions,” and that DeVos was one of the “top education reformers in our nation, someone…who has devoted decades to helping disadvantaged students.”

“We’re going to reform our broken education system to put students and families first,” he said.

Trump added his administration’s “reform plan includes eliminating Common Core, bringing education local, and providing school choice.”

He continued that all children should be “able to attend the public, private, charter, magnet, or religious school that is right for them.”

Betsy DeVos at Trump Michigan Rally: Time to ‘Finally Put an End to Federal Common Core’ - Breitbart
They will replace Common Core with creationism being superior to evolution, global warming is a myth and the wonders of supply side economics

Hahaha the panick.on these guys. Awesome!!!!!
I agree with all those tenente and they are all true.

Name one prediction from an inconvenient truth that has come true?
Its a fucking joke to rich.
I read the Federalist article. (Thanks, Sassy). The objections, though, pretty much state the misconceptions I already knew about. At least I think they're misconceptions. Our state adapted the Common Core used in K-12 for Adult Education, which is how I've gotten to know them. The "New Math" has been confusing kids and parents since the 1980's, anyway, if not before. It seems like almost all the complaints in the article from the Federalist has to do with the fact that parents don't get how to do the New Math. I can relate to that--I was always challenged enough trying to do the OLD math. Done right, though, it is supposed to explain to kids WHY numbers can do what they do. The Common Core itself is supposed to help kids learn the habits of mind to learn on their feet and be flexible in their methods, using a number of different techniques. This is supposed to make them successful employees in the age of innovation, when the only constant will be change.

Getting rid of the Common Core at the federal level is okay with me. It won't change how the SAT or ACT is structured though, so it's not going to change how Math is taught. It is not going to stop states that have already adopted it from using it, either. It may make a lot of parents happy, but they'll be celebrating the destruction of something that never actually existed in the way they believe it did.

Oh but they did change math with common core. Do a little research on that.
It seems those creating the stuff have very little actual classroom experience. Get these people into schools and working with kids for long periods of time. The real world. Not their offices.
Education is about raising all kids upon so they go onto post high school education. That leads to higher wages for all. We don't need more blue collar workers.
Education is about raising all kids upon so they go onto post high school education. That leads to higher wages for all. We don't need more blue collar workers.

All kids can't make it through college. Votech often has great opportunities for kids and..........many of your IEPs won't attend anything.
One reason other countries may have higher scores in education is that they go to school, then go to tutoring classes after school. Many also weed out poorer students and divert them to trade programs. All excellent ideas, when will the US start?

You don't want that. The testing that is done to make the comparison is using about 1400 15 year olds from the US. More importantly what they are finding is that those students that go to hagwons are memorizing facts but aren't retaining information.

Many are, and much of the work there has kids learning and practicing techniques and strategies proven to boost scores. Most importantly, kids and their families are not afraid of hard work.
Education is about raising all kids upon so they go onto post high school education. That leads to higher wages for all. We don't need more blue collar workers.
I sure hope you said that sarcastically, since not all kids are equipped for higher education. While we may not need them, some people are going to be blue collar workers because that is how they are equipped and sometimes what they prefer. There is nothing wrong with manual labor or a "menial" job like janitor or trash collector. Try living in a society without them. Work needs to be respected as honest work, and NOT everyone is capable of college level work. A lot of people aren't. The colleges have constantly had to dumb down their content and offer a full range of remedial courses for freshman. It's ridiculous. Focus on raising standards in HIGH SCHOOL education, including more trade options, and leave the poor kids alone!

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