DeVos to end federal common core

You're an will persist in this fantasy about the superiority of local school boards, as US educational achievement continues to fall behind the rest of the industrialized world....

Yes, because until 1980 when the federal Department of Education was created in D.C. our school system was in complete shambles, right? Oh, no, wait. Actually, it was quite the opposite. We had one of those most successful public education systems in the world where kids actually learned something. Now, 30 something years later, not only are we spending three times as much money on public education, the results have declined drastically and we rank almost dead last among the First World.

But hey, you're right, clown, let's keep the status quo in place. The dumber the populace, the more dependency they'll need on the elites. You really shouldn't be calling anybody else an imbecile.

No THERE'S a tsunami of inchoate rage......

Are you suggesting that the creation of the Dept of Ed was the CAUSE of declining academic performance in the US relative to the rest of the industrialized world?
Hundreds and hundreds of students who are or have studied in hagwan, and at least as many adults who did years ago.

So, a much larger sample size than any study you can Google. are an educator. You wouldn't accept that from your own students. You can't ask me to.

I mean you can ask but I can't accept that.

If you can't accept reality, I'll have to assume you are a liberal.

If you are attempting to use "personal experience" as a legitimate source in debate.....

It's not a "debate," I'm just correcting your misunderstanding. Your ignorance isn't entirely your fault.
So, a much larger sample size than any study you can Google. are an educator. You wouldn't accept that from your own students. You can't ask me to.

I mean you can ask but I can't accept that.

If you can't accept reality, I'll have to assume you are a liberal.

If you are attempting to use "personal experience" as a legitimate source in debate.....

It's not a "debate," I'm just correcting your misunderstanding. Your ignorance isn't entirely your fault.

I'm trying to think of any area where your personal experience would be considered a legitimate source.............nope, can't find it.
So, a much larger sample size than any study you can Google. are an educator. You wouldn't accept that from your own students. You can't ask me to.

I mean you can ask but I can't accept that.

If you can't accept reality, I'll have to assume you are a liberal.

If you are attempting to use "personal experience" as a legitimate source in debate.....

It's not a "debate," I'm just correcting your misunderstanding. Your ignorance isn't entirely your fault.

I'm trying to think of any area where your personal experience would be considered a legitimate source.............nope, can't find it.

Just helping you with your ignorance, that's all. are an educator. You wouldn't accept that from your own students. You can't ask me to.

I mean you can ask but I can't accept that.

If you can't accept reality, I'll have to assume you are a liberal.

If you are attempting to use "personal experience" as a legitimate source in debate.....

It's not a "debate," I'm just correcting your misunderstanding. Your ignorance isn't entirely your fault.

I'm trying to think of any area where your personal experience would be considered a legitimate source.............nope, can't find it.

Just helping you with your ignorance, that's all.

Oh, I see. Helping by providing me with your ignorance? Please keep your ignorance. It's like the flu or a cold, just keep all that ignorance to yourself.
You're an will persist in this fantasy about the superiority of local school boards, as US educational achievement continues to fall behind the rest of the industrialized world....

Yes, because until 1980 when the federal Department of Education was created in D.C. our school system was in complete shambles, right? Oh, no, wait. Actually, it was quite the opposite. We had one of those most successful public education systems in the world where kids actually learned something. Now, 30 something years later, not only are we spending three times as much money on public education, the results have declined drastically and we rank almost dead last among the First World.

But hey, you're right, clown, let's keep the status quo in place. The dumber the populace, the more dependency they'll need on the elites. You really shouldn't be calling anybody else an imbecile.
It's because public education was given the task of educating every child, regardless of disability or behavioral challenge, but failed to provide realistic means to do so. The government choked the special education system with paperwork and regulations that increased costs without increasing educational attainment and took a vast chunk of resources from educating the kids it had educated in the past. I don't oppose special education--I've taught it and I will defend those students' right to learn to the hilt--but when it is rolled into the existing public education system without realistic changes in how it is organized and funded, you create the disaster we have now.
Are you suggesting that the creation of the Dept of Ed was the CAUSE of declining academic performance in the US relative to the rest of the industrialized world?

No, I'm pointing out that it's been a completely useless waste of billions of dollars over the last 36 years because the quality of education in this country is abysmal. Getting the federal government out of education, which for 200 years prior was a local and more successful function, will not harm anything. It will probably improve things.
If you can't accept reality, I'll have to assume you are a liberal.

If you are attempting to use "personal experience" as a legitimate source in debate.....

It's not a "debate," I'm just correcting your misunderstanding. Your ignorance isn't entirely your fault.

I'm trying to think of any area where your personal experience would be considered a legitimate source.............nope, can't find it.

Just helping you with your ignorance, that's all.

Oh, I see. Helping by providing me with your ignorance? ......

Providing you with the benefit of experience. There is a real world outside Google, you know.
You're an will persist in this fantasy about the superiority of local school boards, as US educational achievement continues to fall behind the rest of the industrialized world....

Yes, because until 1980 when the federal Department of Education was created in D.C. our school system was in complete shambles, right? Oh, no, wait. Actually, it was quite the opposite. We had one of those most successful public education systems in the world where kids actually learned something. Now, 30 something years later, not only are we spending three times as much money on public education, the results have declined drastically and we rank almost dead last among the First World.

But hey, you're right, clown, let's keep the status quo in place. The dumber the populace, the more dependency they'll need on the elites. You really shouldn't be calling anybody else an imbecile.
It's because public education was given the task of educating every child, regardless of disability or behavioral challenge, but failed to provide realistic means to do so. The government choked the special education system with paperwork and regulations that increased costs without increasing educational attainment and took a vast chunk of resources from educating the kids it had educated in the past. I don't oppose special education--I've taught it and I will defend those students' right to learn to the hilt--but when it is rolled into the existing public education system without realistic changes in how it is organized and funded, you create the disaster we have now.

I agree, that's part of the problem.
If you are attempting to use "personal experience" as a legitimate source in debate.....

It's not a "debate," I'm just correcting your misunderstanding. Your ignorance isn't entirely your fault.

I'm trying to think of any area where your personal experience would be considered a legitimate source.............nope, can't find it.

Just helping you with your ignorance, that's all.

Oh, I see. Helping by providing me with your ignorance? ......

Providing you with the benefit of experience. There is a real world outside Google, you know.

Because Unkotare says so is not a viable response. You know it. You just like trying to troll me.
It's not a "debate," I'm just correcting your misunderstanding. Your ignorance isn't entirely your fault.

I'm trying to think of any area where your personal experience would be considered a legitimate source.............nope, can't find it.

Just helping you with your ignorance, that's all.

Oh, I see. Helping by providing me with your ignorance? ......

Providing you with the benefit of experience. There is a real world outside Google, you know.

Because Unkotare says so is not a viable response. ......

You don't need to be defensive just because you have no actual experience. Instead, you should try to learn something.
Michigan spends $1B on charter schools but fails to hold them accountable

Jennifer Dixon, DetroitFreePress 6:58 p.m. EDT August 24, 2016

Michigan taxpayers pour nearly $1 billion a year into charter schools — but state laws regulating charters are among the nation’s weakest, and the state demands little accountability in how taxpayer dollars are spent and how well children are educated.


And a record number of charter schools run by for-profit companies that rake in taxpayer money and refuse to detail how they spend it, saying they’re private and not subject to disclosure laws. Michigan leads the nation in schools run by for-profits.

Michigan spends $1B on charter schools but fails to hold them accountable

When you make public schools For Profit, you ruin them, and Betsy DeVos began all this in MI in the 90's.

Betsy Devos should retire in her vacation home.
Michigan spends $1B on charter schools but fails to hold them accountable

Jennifer Dixon, DetroitFreePress 6:58 p.m. EDT August 24, 2016

Michigan taxpayers pour nearly $1 billion a year into charter schools — but state laws regulating charters are among the nation’s weakest, and the state demands little accountability in how taxpayer dollars are spent and how well children are educated.


And a record number of charter schools run by for-profit companies that rake in taxpayer money and refuse to detail how they spend it, saying they’re private and not subject to disclosure laws. Michigan leads the nation in schools run by for-profits.

Michigan spends $1B on charter schools but fails to hold them accountable

When you make public schools For Profit, you ruin them, and Betsy DeVos began all this in MI in the 90's.

Betsy Devos should retire in her vacation home.

As if public education isn't a mess? Really?
There is no place for forced public education… Collectivism sucks fucking ass
It's high time and time to put schools back in local control.

Betsy DeVos at Trump Michigan Rally: Time to ‘Finally Put an End to Federal Common Core’

DeVos said, “It won’t be Washington, D.C. that unlocks that potential” in each child, and continued:

It won’t be a giant bureaucracy or a federal department. Nope. The answer isn’t bigger government. The answer is local control. It’s listening to parents and it’s giving more choices. And if I’m fortunate enough to be confirmed as your secretary of education, our kids, your kids will have someone fighting for them every single day.

Prior to introducing DeVos, Trump said the choice of education secretary was one of his “most important decisions,” and that DeVos was one of the “top education reformers in our nation, someone…who has devoted decades to helping disadvantaged students.”

“We’re going to reform our broken education system to put students and families first,” he said.

Trump added his administration’s “reform plan includes eliminating Common Core, bringing education local, and providing school choice.”

He continued that all children should be “able to attend the public, private, charter, magnet, or religious school that is right for them.”

Betsy DeVos at Trump Michigan Rally: Time to ‘Finally Put an End to Federal Common Core’ - Breitbart


You're an will persist in this fantasy about the superiority of local school boards, as US educational achievement continues to fall behind the rest of the industrialized world....

Come on man, you honestly believe that bureaucrats in Washington are better at deciding what kid's education needs are than the teachers and parents in the particular system? Most absurd Socialist idea I've heard in a long time. Do away with the department of education and let the states and local governments educate their kids.
I'm still mystified as to why the objection to the common core. All it does, in fairly complex educational gobblydegook, is list what educational objectives are taught at each grade level. It does not tell teachers what content to teach or how to teach it. It simply says by the end of Grade 2, for instance, students will be able to do this, this and this in English language arts and math. It emphasizes higher level thinking skills and introducing students to those habits of questioning and "thinking outside the box" even before they are old enough master complex thought themselves.
It would have been helpful to kids whose parents move across state lines so the states were consistent in grade level competencies, and a kid who had successfully passed Grade 7 in Georgia, for instance, would be ready for Grade 8 in Minnesota if they moved there.
It does not tell states or local governments what texts to use or what methods to use. It is approved or not at the state level. It is not a federal dictate.
What am I missing that is so objectionable?
Trump could not understand common core.
Well I hope she has come up with something better to replace it with. I say get rid of the testing but the standards and objectives from common core need to stay.

Common standards are in line with top achieving countries. Kids in America find it challenging because they're not use to being challenged. But if you take those same common standards to U.K or Japan, they could achieve them easily.
It's high time and time to put schools back in local control.

Betsy DeVos at Trump Michigan Rally: Time to ‘Finally Put an End to Federal Common Core’

DeVos said, “It won’t be Washington, D.C. that unlocks that potential” in each child, and continued:

It won’t be a giant bureaucracy or a federal department. Nope. The answer isn’t bigger government. The answer is local control. It’s listening to parents and it’s giving more choices. And if I’m fortunate enough to be confirmed as your secretary of education, our kids, your kids will have someone fighting for them every single day.

Prior to introducing DeVos, Trump said the choice of education secretary was one of his “most important decisions,” and that DeVos was one of the “top education reformers in our nation, someone…who has devoted decades to helping disadvantaged students.”

“We’re going to reform our broken education system to put students and families first,” he said.

Trump added his administration’s “reform plan includes eliminating Common Core, bringing education local, and providing school choice.”

He continued that all children should be “able to attend the public, private, charter, magnet, or religious school that is right for them.”

Betsy DeVos at Trump Michigan Rally: Time to ‘Finally Put an End to Federal Common Core’ - Breitbart


You're an will persist in this fantasy about the superiority of local school boards, as US educational achievement continues to fall behind the rest of the industrialized world....

Come on man, you honestly believe that bureaucrats in Washington are better at deciding what kid's education needs are than the teachers and parents in the particular system? Most absurd Socialist idea I've heard in a long time. Do away with the department of education and let the states and local governments educate their kids.

The problem with allowing states to choose what kids learn has led to children being disadvantaged or too high of an advantage when transferring schools that are in another state or district.
As I understood common core its goal was to standardize what subjects would be taught in each grade level making it easier for the military and others that move from school to school. My sister ran into this problem and complained that she was constantly turning in her homework on Monday mornings that had been assigned the Friday before.

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