Devout Christians should not be prevented from engaging in NCAA sports.

What's sick is devoting your will to con man preachers and their wealth worship rather than following what the bible actually says.

Wouldn't know about that. But prohibiting a school from NCAA sports because they are Christian is Nazi bullshit.
There was a time when blacks had their own negro leagues. White Christians can form their own segregated leagues.

I hear they had their own water fountains and bathrooms, hell they even had special place on the buses and in the diners.....
True. And we corrected that with the shame that came with being that.
Now the bar has been moved.
Now Grown men who feel pretty on a Monday morning have the right to listen to a little girl pee as he sits next to her in a stall.
And women did not ask to participate in mens sports. They asked for their own leagues. And rightfully sue. But now the bar has changed. Women can no longer have their own league...they need to share it with men who realized..."I am faster than most women, but not fast enough to compete against men, so I will say i feel pretty and compete against the women"

Exactly how is that fair to women?

I know....I know....trump is a dump.....GOPers hate seniors....GOPers hate children....gopers only care about the rich.....blah blah blah.
The NCAA is threatening to ban ORU if they don't promote transgenderism and homosexuality.

Where have they done this?

Do any of you Nazis bother to read the OP?

The ONE saving grace is that as evil as you Nazis are, y'all are some DUMB motherfuckers...
The NCAA is threatening to ban ORU if they don't promote transgenderism and homosexuality.

Where have they done this?

Do any of you Nazis bother to read the OP?

The ONE saving grace is that as evil as you Nazis are, y'all are some DUMB motherfuckers...

An opinion from USA Today is not the NCAA doing anything.
I hear they had their own water fountains and bathrooms, hell they even had a special place on the buses and in the diners.....

So democrats were actually helping blacks?

democrats. democrats never change...

Close. The South changes very slowly.

You may want to think that because it makes your point more valid.
But you are wrong.
The south moves slowly....and that is a good thing. No rat race down here. But as for change? We change at the same pace as everyone.

Oh wait..I forgot...I am an irredeemable deplorable.
Are you under the care of a therapist, yes or no?

That's not an answer, but I expect nothing from you Nazis.

I know, you don't do facts or engage in rational debate.

Just like Hitler's Germany, you have your designated scapegoat to foment hatred against.

And you staged your Reichstag Fire.

You democrats are following a script.
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No one has banned anyone from sports.

Seriously try and follow the conversation.

Playing sports on Sunday doesn't ban anyone from playing sports at all.

Which has not a fucking thing to do with anything.

The NCAA is threatening to ban ORU if they don't promote transgenderism and homosexuality.

The entire opinion piece linked to in USA Today comes down to this statement of personal bias by the author:

"This matters to me because what is happening to Oral Roberts University is coming to all of us who hold to such outdated ideas. I serve as a dean at Wheaton College, an evangelical institution where students commit to a community covenant. We, too, call students to a lifestyle in alignment with our Christian beliefs. We don’t hold quite the same standards as ORU, but ours won’t pass the new tolerance test, either."

This man wants his private Christian University to receive public funding, and be able to hire and fire people based on discrimination against "sinners", but then claim "religious discrimination" against his university because of their "community policies" violate the law.

Either these biased and unconstitution religious outfits eschew private money or they stop discrimminating against gays, or minorities. If you want public money, you can't discrimminate against other taxpayers. You're free to follow your faith with your own money, but not with taxpayer money.

It's called "the separation of Church and State" You want to be assholes, do it on your own dime.
An opinion from USA Today is not the NCAA doing anything.

The Nazi party is calling for the expulsion of ORU for not following Reich group think.

The only NAZI's I'm seeing here are the ones trying refusing to sign on to the "Community covenant" that the NCAA requires of its membership. Sort of like how all students their universities have to sign a "community covenant" in order to attend a Christian University, the NCAA requires it's member institutions to promise to respect all students rights in order to participate in its programs too.

What's sick is devoting your will to con man preachers and their wealth worship rather than following what the bible actually says.

Wouldn't know about that. But prohibiting a school from NCAA sports because they are Christian is Nazi bullshit.
There was a time when blacks had their own negro leagues. White Christians can form their own segregated leagues.

I hear they had their own water fountains and bathrooms, hell they even had special place on the buses and in the diners.....
True. And we corrected that with the shame that came with being that.
Now the bar has been moved.
Now Grown men who feel pretty on a Monday morning have the right to listen to a little girl pee as he sits next to her in a stall.
And women did not ask to participate in mens sports. They asked for their own leagues. And rightfully sue. But now the bar has changed. Women can no longer have their own league...they need to share it with men who realized..."I am faster than most women, but not fast enough to compete against men, so I will say i feel pretty and compete against the women"

Exactly how is that fair to women?

I know....I know....trump is a dump.....GOPers hate seniors....GOPers hate children....gopers only care about the rich.....blah blah blah.

Are you a woman? I am and I don't know any female athletes who have any issues with all of this transgender shit. I do know a lot of MEN who seem to have a problem with it. THIS IS NOT A REAL ISSUE.

Women have REAL issues they want dealt with and transgendered people in women's sports aren't even on the list. Women are being attacked, raped and killed by straight men, male partners, and can't even leave their drinks on a table in a bar. Why don't you assholes every talk about women REAL ISSUES OF SAFETY AND CONCERN.

How about Gender based violence against women - like we saw in Atlanta?

How about that pay gap?
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An opinion from USA Today is not the NCAA doing anything.

The Nazi party is calling for the expulsion of ORU for not following Reich group think.

The only NAZI's I'm seeing here are the ones trying refusing to sign on to the "Community covenant" that the NCAA requires of its membership. Sort of like how all students their universities have to sign a "community covenant" in order to attend a Christian University, the NCAA requires it's member institutions to promise to respect all students rights in order to participate in its programs too.

What's sick is devoting your will to con man preachers and their wealth worship rather than following what the bible actually says.

Wouldn't know about that. But prohibiting a school from NCAA sports because they are Christian is Nazi bullshit.
There was a time when blacks had their own negro leagues. White Christians can form their own segregated leagues.

I hear they had their own water fountains and bathrooms, hell they even had special place on the buses and in the diners.....
True. And we corrected that with the shame that came with being that.
Now the bar has been moved.
Now Grown men who feel pretty on a Monday morning have the right to listen to a little girl pee as he sits next to her in a stall.
And women did not ask to participate in mens sports. They asked for their own leagues. And rightfully sue. But now the bar has changed. Women can no longer have their own league...they need to share it with men who realized..."I am faster than most women, but not fast enough to compete against men, so I will say i feel pretty and compete against the women"

Exactly how is that fair to women?

I know....I know....trump is a dump.....GOPers hate seniors....GOPers hate children....gopers only care about the rich.....blah blah blah.

Are you a woman? I am and I don't know any female athletes who have any issues with all of this transgender shit. I do know a lot of MEN who seem to have a problem with it. THIS IS NOT A REAL ISSUE.

Women have REAL issues and they are being attacked, raped and killed by straight men, not dealing with transgendered people. Why don't you assholes every talk about women REAL ISSUES OF SAFETY AND CONCERN.

How about Gender based violence against women - like we saw in Atlanta?

How about that pay gap?
I am a man.
Yes, I have seen interviews with High School female athletes that have not place in county and states in T and F because they lost to transgenders. The ones interviewed? Broke all records set by non trnasgender, but still lost becuase trangenders were allowed to compete.

So Yes, they do complain. They train for years to get a scholarship and then lose it to a transgender.

Going into the other crap. Yes, I agree that exists. It has since the cavemen days.....but what the hell does that have to do with the topic at hand?
An opinion from USA Today is not the NCAA doing anything.

The Nazi party is calling for the expulsion of ORU for not following Reich group think.

The only NAZI's I'm seeing here are the ones trying refusing to sign on to the "Community covenant" that the NCAA requires of its membership. Sort of like how all students their universities have to sign a "community covenant" in order to attend a Christian University, the NCAA requires it's member institutions to promise to respect all students rights in order to participate in its programs too.

What's sick is devoting your will to con man preachers and their wealth worship rather than following what the bible actually says.

Wouldn't know about that. But prohibiting a school from NCAA sports because they are Christian is Nazi bullshit.
There was a time when blacks had their own negro leagues. White Christians can form their own segregated leagues.

I hear they had their own water fountains and bathrooms, hell they even had special place on the buses and in the diners.....
True. And we corrected that with the shame that came with being that.
Now the bar has been moved.
Now Grown men who feel pretty on a Monday morning have the right to listen to a little girl pee as he sits next to her in a stall.
And women did not ask to participate in mens sports. They asked for their own leagues. And rightfully sue. But now the bar has changed. Women can no longer have their own league...they need to share it with men who realized..."I am faster than most women, but not fast enough to compete against men, so I will say i feel pretty and compete against the women"

Exactly how is that fair to women?

I know....I know....trump is a dump.....GOPers hate seniors....GOPers hate children....gopers only care about the rich.....blah blah blah.

Are you a woman? I am and I don't know any female athletes who have any issues with all of this transgender shit. I do know a lot of MEN who seem to have a problem with it. THIS IS NOT A REAL ISSUE.

Women have REAL issues and they are being attacked, raped and killed by straight men, not dealing with transgendered people. Why don't you assholes every talk about women REAL ISSUES OF SAFETY AND CONCERN.

How about Gender based violence against women - like we saw in Atlanta?

How about that pay gap?
I am a man.
Yes, I have seen interviews with High School female athletes that have not place in county and states in T and F because they lost to transgenders. The ones interviewed? Broke all records set by non trnasgender, but still lost becuase trangenders were allowed to compete.

So Yes, they do complain. They train for years to get a scholarship and then lose it to a transgender.

Going into the other crap. Yes, I agree that exists. It has since the cavemen days.....but what the hell does that have to do with the topic at hand?
This woman got a fractured skull trying to accept a man as just another woman.
Well, that and Syracuse
Do they still believe in God at Syracuse?
Actually, the basketball and football players have "equality" on the back of their jerseys.

The irony?

I was a walk on. Busted my ass for 3 years with no scholarship. Worked ay the local grocery store and moonlighted at the local gas station so I can pay my way (with loans) and be at the gym at 6AM. Never complained. Coach Maloney (late 70's) assigned me to what we called "the death squad"....we were the practice squad for the first string. In essence....we made them feel good as they crushed our asses.
My fourth year? I got a ride that year. Saw little action. We had no home turf (the dome was being built)....but I got a ride.

What bothers me is how those assholes put "equality" on their jerseys when, in fact, they are getting more from society than the students that support them.

They are fucking arrognat pieces of shit in my eyes.....and I let the AD at Syracuse know my sentiments when I explained I will no longer be a booster.
No one has banned anyone from sports.

Seriously try and follow the conversation.

Playing sports on Sunday doesn't ban anyone from playing sports at all.

Which has not a fucking thing to do with anything.

The NCAA is threatening to ban ORU if they don't promote transgenderism and homosexuality.

The entire opinion piece linked to in USA Today comes down to this statement of personal bias by the author:

"This matters to me because what is happening to Oral Roberts University is coming to all of us who hold to such outdated ideas. I serve as a dean at Wheaton College, an evangelical institution where students commit to a community covenant. We, too, call students to a lifestyle in alignment with our Christian beliefs. We don’t hold quite the same standards as ORU, but ours won’t pass the new tolerance test, either."

This man wants his private Christian University to receive public funding, and be able to hire and fire people based on discrimination against "sinners", but then claim "religious discrimination" against his university because of their "community policies" violate the law.

Either these biased and unconstitution religious outfits eschew private money or they stop discrimminating against gays, or minorities. If you want public money, you can't discrimminate against other taxpayers. You're free to follow your faith with your own money, but not with taxpayer money.

It's called "the separation of Church and State" You want to be assholes, do it on your own dime.

It comes down to the PREVAILING TREND by the fascist democrats of CANCELLING anyone and anything which deviates or threatens the goals of the Reich. The democrat cultural revolution is far more than an attempt to expel ORU from NCAA sports, it is a cancer which has metastasized in every cell of the once great and free American Republic.

There isn't a molecule of difference between democrats and the other fascist scum, Hitler's Nazis, or Mao, or Stalin, or Pol Pot, Idi Amin, et al.

But the democrat Reich has chosen to use a scapegoat and racism as a vehicle to impose the terrorist tyranny of their Reich. Using a scapegoat most closely follows the path of Adolf Hitler, hence we recognize that the democrats are in actual fact a Nazi party.

What the Nazi democrats wage war against is liberty.

Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

But you and the Reich directly seek to prohibit the free exercise to force others to adopt the views and beliefs of the Reich.

If you don't agree with ORU, don't go there, don't send your gender confused biological offspring there. But you don't get to end their rights, you don't get to force your beliefs on them.

You Nazis are violent thugs, but you have overstepped.
Well, that and Syracuse
Do they still believe in God at Syracuse?
Actually, the basketball and football players have "equality" on the back of their jerseys.

The irony?

I was a walk on. Busted my ass for 3 years with no scholarship. Worked ay the local grocery store and moonlighted at the local gas station so I can pay my way (with loans) and be at the gym at 6AM. Never complained. Coach Maloney (late 70's) assigned me to what we called "the death squad"....we were the practice squad for the first string. In essence....we made them feel good as they crushed our asses.
My fourth year? I got a ride that year. Saw little action. We had no home turf (the dome was being built)....but I got a ride.

What bothers me is how those assholes put "equality" on their jerseys when, in fact, they are getting more from society than the students that support them.

They are fucking arrognat pieces of shit in my eyes.....and I let the AD at Syracuse know my sentiments when I explained I will no longer be a booster.
The left is just a gaggle of knee-jerks following the leader

which is ironic because thats their preferred knock on conservervstives who support trump
An opinion from USA Today is not the NCAA doing anything.

The Nazi party is calling for the expulsion of ORU for not following Reich group think.

The only NAZI's I'm seeing here are the ones trying refusing to sign on to the "Community covenant" that the NCAA requires of its membership. Sort of like how all students their universities have to sign a "community covenant" in order to attend a Christian University, the NCAA requires it's member institutions to promise to respect all students rights in order to participate in its programs too.

What's sick is devoting your will to con man preachers and their wealth worship rather than following what the bible actually says.

Wouldn't know about that. But prohibiting a school from NCAA sports because they are Christian is Nazi bullshit.
There was a time when blacks had their own negro leagues. White Christians can form their own segregated leagues.

I hear they had their own water fountains and bathrooms, hell they even had special place on the buses and in the diners.....
True. And we corrected that with the shame that came with being that.
Now the bar has been moved.
Now Grown men who feel pretty on a Monday morning have the right to listen to a little girl pee as he sits next to her in a stall.
And women did not ask to participate in mens sports. They asked for their own leagues. And rightfully sue. But now the bar has changed. Women can no longer have their own league...they need to share it with men who realized..."I am faster than most women, but not fast enough to compete against men, so I will say i feel pretty and compete against the women"

Exactly how is that fair to women?

I know....I know....trump is a dump.....GOPers hate seniors....GOPers hate children....gopers only care about the rich.....blah blah blah.

Are you a woman? I am and I don't know any female athletes who have any issues with all of this transgender shit. I do know a lot of MEN who seem to have a problem with it. THIS IS NOT A REAL ISSUE.

Women have REAL issues they want dealt with and transgendered people in women's sports aren't even on the list. Women are being attacked, raped and killed by straight men, male partners, and can't even leave their drinks on a table in a bar. Why don't you assholes every talk about women REAL ISSUES OF SAFETY AND CONCERN.

How about Gender based violence against women - like we saw in Atlanta?

How about that pay gap?

Frau ChiCom Lady, what is it that makes you a woman? Can you decide in an hour to be a lamp? Perhaps a park bench?

Remember, you Nazis LIED (you always lie, you're Nazis) that the attack in Atlanta was directed at Asians (despite several victims being white - but you hate whites so they don't count.) A creep went after prostitutes. That's not systemic gender violence, you lying Nazi.

Systemic attacks on women are those by Quid Pro by destroying women's sports - but you don't give a fuck about women, only in furthering absolute power of the left.

The REAL endangerment of women is Quid Pro forcing women's shelters to admit men, perhaps even the same men who had abused the women that are seeking shelter - but you don't give a fuck about women, only in furthering absolute power of the left.

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