Devout Christians should not be prevented from engaging in NCAA sports.

Just because you hate what some people are saying it does not mean they are necessarily being hateful. It's like when someone reminds you of what Jesus said and you want to beat them up. Sometimes the hate is in you.

Just because you ban people from sports because you don't like their religion; just because you expel people for having ideas contrary to the Reich; just because you prohibit speech contrary to party goals, just because congress tries to shut down press that reports critically on them doesn't mean that you're Nazis.

Oh, wait a minute - that's exactly what it means - that you are as a matter of irrefutable fact, Nazis.

Fuck all Nazis.

No one has banned anyone from sports. Playing sports on Sunday doesn't ban anyone from playing sports at all. If you choose not to play sports on Sunday because it violates your religious beliefs, that's the essence of "freedom of religion". You're free to choose your own beliefs and adhere to your own principles.

But you can't claim victimhood for your own choices and beliefs. You made your choice. You don't get to force the rest of us to make the same choice. Especially when doing so, would limit the available playing time and actually reduce both the numbers of teams which could play, and would probably completely eliminate a 15th ranked team from playing at all.

What Oral Roberts University seems to be saying is they want to play with the cool kids, but they want everyone else to play by their rules. That's not how it works. If you want to join a league, you play by the league rules. If those rules are not acceptable to you, find a league with rules that you can live with, or make your own league with your own rules.

Freedom of religion means the rest of us are free from YOUR religion, and you are free to do as you believe - within the limits of the law. When I have vegetarian friends over, I have a vegetarian option, but it doesn't mean I have to go meatless.

A Jewish friend once said to me he figured that Easter wasn't a very important Christian holiday and I was shocked by this. My response was that not only was Easter an important Christian holiday, it was THE most important holiday in Christianity. It's the belief in the Crucifiction and the
This is the liberals wanting to cancel the university. It has nothing to do with sports. That's just the punishment du jour.

Nothing liberal about it. You can't be a liberal then say and do illiberal things.

Liberal, progressive, left, global. All the same. And they are destroying our country...

If liberals are "destroying your country", why is every economic crash in the past 100 years under the helm of a Republican President, operating under a Republican tax code?

If liberals are "destroying your country", why has the middle class declined since 1980, and cratered in 2020? Every time conservatives crash the economy, America turns to Democrats to patch it up and get it back on the rails.

Nothing fails like Republican economic policies.
If this is fact and not emotion...then why do republicans win every other cycle (give or take)?

Republicans have lost the popular vote in every Presidential election save one since 2000, and yet they've held the White House for 12 of the past 20 years.

In 2020 the Republican Party had no platform, no plans, no agenda, nothing but Trump, and his record of incompetence and chaos. In response to losing the election, their first instinct isn't to get rid of Trump and develop new ideas and a platform to appeal to a wider swath of voters, it's to stop minorities and the poor from voting in large numbers before the next election.

When Obama was in office, 70% of the talking heads on the MSM and FOX News were Republicans slamming the Obama economic recovery as the "worst recovery in American history", when in fact it was the best. The longest, most successful, most sustained recovery in American history, and one that Trump took credit for the moment he took office.

Then you have a large billionaire owned right wing media with a vested interest in keep tax cutting Republicans in office. Look at the fact check record for FOX, or Breitbart, or the Sinclair network. All of those privately owned media corporations are pushing Republican policies because their owners are billionaires - the only class of people who do actively benefit from Republican governance.

It's a combination of all of those things, but the American people are waking up to the basic dishonesty of Republicans and their obsession with white power at this point in history. And what's it's costing the country in both the short and long term.
You're free to choose your own beliefs and adhere to your own principles.

You don't get to force the rest of us to make the same choice

Freedom of religion means the rest of us are free from YOUR religion, and you are free to do as you believe

Yes yes yes!! Your post is full of truths and great ideas! So, this means you'll apply all of those ideas to your forcing your beliefs on other people, correct?

No one is forcing their beliefs on Christian Universities, but under their current belief structures, they don't qualify for membership in the NCAA. Just like gay couples don't qualify to attend Oral Roberts University because they can't meet the "community standards" pledge the University requires. Oral Roberts University doesn't meet "community standards" that the NCAA requires.

What is absolutely hilarious is that you fail to see the irony in this.
What i mean is, Christians can't force their beliefs on you, so you shouldn't force your beliefs on them, right?
Christians can and do force their beliefs on Americans by force of law and then cry about religious freedom when those laws are defeated or overturned. To many Christians the separation of church and state means that the wider world has no right to defend itself from their efforts to make sin illegal.

Have they forced you to love your neighbor yet?
Christians can and do force their beliefs on Americans by force of law and then cry about religious freedom when those laws are defeated or overturned. To many Christians the separation of church and state means that the wider world has no right to defend itself from their efforts to make sin illegal.

Which laws?

Be specific, Herr Himmler.
Just read any of Tree's posts. That shit comes straight from the pulpit, and that needs to be stopped

And there is the reason for separation of church and state. To keep you from stopping the shit that comes straight from the pulpit. This is America. Shit is allowed to come from the pulpit and you...
Just because you hate what some people are saying it does not mean they are necessarily being hateful. It's like when someone reminds you of what Jesus said and you want to beat them up. Sometimes the hate is in you.

Just because you ban people from sports because you don't like their religion; just because you expel people for having ideas contrary to the Reich; just because you prohibit speech contrary to party goals, just because congress tries to shut down press that reports critically on them doesn't mean that you're Nazis.

Oh, wait a minute - that's exactly what it means - that you are as a matter of irrefutable fact, Nazis.

Fuck all Nazis.

No one has banned anyone from sports. Playing sports on Sunday doesn't ban anyone from playing sports at all. If you choose not to play sports on Sunday because it violates your religious beliefs, that's the essence of "freedom of religion". You're free to choose your own beliefs and adhere to your own principles.

But you can't claim victimhood for your own choices and beliefs. You made your choice. You don't get to force the rest of us to make the same choice. Especially when doing so, would limit the available playing time and actually reduce both the numbers of teams which could play, and would probably completely eliminate a 15th ranked team from playing at all.

What Oral Roberts University seems to be saying is they want to play with the cool kids, but they want everyone else to play by their rules. That's not how it works. If you want to join a league, you play by the league rules. If those rules are not acceptable to you, find a league with rules that you can live with, or make your own league with your own rules.

Freedom of religion means the rest of us are free from YOUR religion, and you are free to do as you believe - within the limits of the law. When I have vegetarian friends over, I have a vegetarian option, but it doesn't mean I have to go meatless.

A Jewish friend once said to me he figured that Easter wasn't a very important Christian holiday and I was shocked by this. My response was that not only was Easter an important Christian holiday, it was THE most important holiday in Christianity. It's the belief in the Crucifiction and the
This is the liberals wanting to cancel the university. It has nothing to do with sports. That's just the punishment du jour.

Nothing liberal about it. You can't be a liberal then say and do illiberal things.

Liberal, progressive, left, global. All the same. And they are destroying our country...

If liberals are "destroying your country", why is every economic crash in the past 100 years under the helm of a Republican President, operating under a Republican tax code?

If liberals are "destroying your country", why has the middle class declined since 1980, and cratered in 2020? Every time conservatives crash the economy, America turns to Democrats to patch it up and get it back on the rails.

Nothing fails like Republican economic policies.
If this is fact and not emotion...then why do republicans win every other cycle (give or take)?

Republicans have lost the popular vote in every Presidential election save one since 2000, and yet they've held the White House for 12 of the past 20 years.

In 2020 the Republican Party had no platform, no plans, no agenda, nothing but Trump, and his record of incompetence and chaos. In response to losing the election, their first instinct isn't to get rid of Trump and develop new ideas and a platform to appeal to a wider swath of voters, it's to stop minorities and the poor from voting in large numbers before the next election.

When Obama was in office, 70% of the talking heads on the MSM and FOX News were Republicans slamming the Obama economic recovery as the "worst recovery in American history", when in fact it was the best. The longest, most successful, most sustained recovery in American history, and one that Trump took credit for the moment he took office.

Then you have a large billionaire owned right wing media with a vested interest in keep tax cutting Republicans in office. Look at the fact check record for FOX, or Breitbart, or the Sinclair network. All of those privately owned media corporations are pushing Republican policies because their owners are billionaires - the only class of people who do actively benefit from Republican governance.

It's a combination of all of those things, but the American people are waking up to the basic dishonesty of Republicans and their obsession with white power at this point in history. And what's it's costing the country in both the short and long term.
You're free to choose your own beliefs and adhere to your own principles.

You don't get to force the rest of us to make the same choice

Freedom of religion means the rest of us are free from YOUR religion, and you are free to do as you believe

Yes yes yes!! Your post is full of truths and great ideas! So, this means you'll apply all of those ideas to your forcing your beliefs on other people, correct?

No one is forcing their beliefs on Christian Universities, but under their current belief structures, they don't qualify for membership in the NCAA. Just like gay couples don't qualify to attend Oral Roberts University because they can't meet the "community standards" pledge the University requires. Oral Roberts University doesn't meet "community standards" that the NCAA requires.

What is absolutely hilarious is that you fail to see the irony in this.
What i mean is, Christians can't force their beliefs on you, so you shouldn't force your beliefs on them, right?
Christians can and do force their beliefs on Americans by force of law and then cry about religious freedom when those laws are defeated or overturned. To many Christians the separation of church and state means that the wider world has no right to defend itself from their efforts to make sin illegal.

Have they forced you to love your neighbor yet?

I'm betting that one is a real Mrs. Kravitz to live near
Just because you hate what some people are saying it does not mean they are necessarily being hateful. It's like when someone reminds you of what Jesus said and you want to beat them up. Sometimes the hate is in you.

Just because you ban people from sports because you don't like their religion; just because you expel people for having ideas contrary to the Reich; just because you prohibit speech contrary to party goals, just because congress tries to shut down press that reports critically on them doesn't mean that you're Nazis.

Oh, wait a minute - that's exactly what it means - that you are as a matter of irrefutable fact, Nazis.

Fuck all Nazis.

No one has banned anyone from sports. Playing sports on Sunday doesn't ban anyone from playing sports at all. If you choose not to play sports on Sunday because it violates your religious beliefs, that's the essence of "freedom of religion". You're free to choose your own beliefs and adhere to your own principles.

But you can't claim victimhood for your own choices and beliefs. You made your choice. You don't get to force the rest of us to make the same choice. Especially when doing so, would limit the available playing time and actually reduce both the numbers of teams which could play, and would probably completely eliminate a 15th ranked team from playing at all.

What Oral Roberts University seems to be saying is they want to play with the cool kids, but they want everyone else to play by their rules. That's not how it works. If you want to join a league, you play by the league rules. If those rules are not acceptable to you, find a league with rules that you can live with, or make your own league with your own rules.

Freedom of religion means the rest of us are free from YOUR religion, and you are free to do as you believe - within the limits of the law. When I have vegetarian friends over, I have a vegetarian option, but it doesn't mean I have to go meatless.

A Jewish friend once said to me he figured that Easter wasn't a very important Christian holiday and I was shocked by this. My response was that not only was Easter an important Christian holiday, it was THE most important holiday in Christianity. It's the belief in the Crucifiction and the
This is the liberals wanting to cancel the university. It has nothing to do with sports. That's just the punishment du jour.

Nothing liberal about it. You can't be a liberal then say and do illiberal things.

Liberal, progressive, left, global. All the same. And they are destroying our country...

If liberals are "destroying your country", why is every economic crash in the past 100 years under the helm of a Republican President, operating under a Republican tax code?

If liberals are "destroying your country", why has the middle class declined since 1980, and cratered in 2020? Every time conservatives crash the economy, America turns to Democrats to patch it up and get it back on the rails.

Nothing fails like Republican economic policies.
If this is fact and not emotion...then why do republicans win every other cycle (give or take)?

Republicans have lost the popular vote in every Presidential election save one since 2000, and yet they've held the White House for 12 of the past 20 years.

In 2020 the Republican Party had no platform, no plans, no agenda, nothing but Trump, and his record of incompetence and chaos. In response to losing the election, their first instinct isn't to get rid of Trump and develop new ideas and a platform to appeal to a wider swath of voters, it's to stop minorities and the poor from voting in large numbers before the next election.

When Obama was in office, 70% of the talking heads on the MSM and FOX News were Republicans slamming the Obama economic recovery as the "worst recovery in American history", when in fact it was the best. The longest, most successful, most sustained recovery in American history, and one that Trump took credit for the moment he took office.

Then you have a large billionaire owned right wing media with a vested interest in keep tax cutting Republicans in office. Look at the fact check record for FOX, or Breitbart, or the Sinclair network. All of those privately owned media corporations are pushing Republican policies because their owners are billionaires - the only class of people who do actively benefit from Republican governance.

It's a combination of all of those things, but the American people are waking up to the basic dishonesty of Republicans and their obsession with white power at this point in history. And what's it's costing the country in both the short and long term.
You're free to choose your own beliefs and adhere to your own principles.

You don't get to force the rest of us to make the same choice

Freedom of religion means the rest of us are free from YOUR religion, and you are free to do as you believe

Yes yes yes!! Your post is full of truths and great ideas! So, this means you'll apply all of those ideas to your forcing your beliefs on other people, correct?

No one is forcing their beliefs on Christian Universities, but under their current belief structures, they don't qualify for membership in the NCAA. Just like gay couples don't qualify to attend Oral Roberts University because they can't meet the "community standards" pledge the University requires. Oral Roberts University doesn't meet "community standards" that the NCAA requires.

What is absolutely hilarious is that you fail to see the irony in this.
What i mean is, Christians can't force their beliefs on you, so you shouldn't force your beliefs on them, right?

When have Christians failed to force Christian beliefs on the rest of the nation? Christian religious holidays - Christmas, Good Friday, Easter, are public holidays. What other religion closes down the nation to celebrate their holidays? There used to be laws requiring businesses to be closed on Sundays, so Christians could go to Church, too.

Conservatives have used the Bible to argue in favour of slavery, against bi-racial marriage and gay marriage. It's also been used to refuse rights to women and minorities. Until recently the Mormon Church would not allow either blacks or Native Americans to hold office in their Church.

Americans have pushed back and based their laws on secular concerns regarding rights for non-white, women and gays, but recently the independent and wealthy "mega-churches" have aligned themselves behind the Republican Party in return for which the Republicans have adopted policies which are in opposition to rights for women, gays, or minorities.

These independent conservative congregations are preaching a brand of "prosperity Christianity" which has no basis in scripture or Biblical references. Jesus preached AGAINST excessive wealth, and urged followers to sell their possessions and give to the poor. Crystals Cathedrals aren't doing much charity work. The Mormon Church is sitting on billions of dollars in "investments".

These independent churches have been seeking political power for generations, and this is the antithesis of the separation of Church and State. But when they oppose one President as "demonic", but then call Trump "God's chosen one", saying that while not perfect, he wouldn't have been elected if God didn't want him in office. Huh?

Well if someone isn't elected unless God wants them to be elected, then doesn't that mean that God wanted Obama to be elected? Shouldn't they now be supporting President Biden, since Trump would not have lost office unless God wanted him to lose?

These evangelical fringe crazies are on a quest to establish a theocracy in the USA. That's behind their quest to control the courts, and overturn socially liberal laws regarding gay marriage and women's rights. They're brainwashing from the pulpit, demonizing Democrats and leftists are being anti-Christian, which is an utter falsehood. It's time to stop these wealthy so-called "men of God" from seeking political power using the pulpit to sell the idea that Democrats can't be voted for because they're policies are "sinful".

Just read any of Tree's posts. That shit comes straight from the pulpit, and that needs to be stopped. That's exactly WHY the Founders sought to separate Church and State.

None of them are public laws.

Are you suggesting the churches be prohibited from investing? Perhaps you can pass laws which constrain churches and Christians to ensure they don't have any political and social power? Obviously you'll need to identify all Christians, perhaps a yellow armband with a cross on it?

Look, you're a bigot, a Nazi. You lie a great deal, particularly when you seek to slander the enemy of your filthy Reich.

As a demagogue fomenting hatred, you make claims of people pushing for theocracy. You can't back the claims up, but that doesn't matter - you are promoting prejudice and bigotry, not reality. All you need to do is stir up emotion, create hatred and fear.

It's how you Nazis operate.

Oh, and your lie about slavery is so typical of you Nazi scum - it was the Christians who started and promoted the abolition movement, forcing the democrat slave holders to give up their slaves.

You lie about everything in order to slander and libel the enemies of your Nazi Reich with the crimes you scum have committed.
Christians can and do force their beliefs on Americans by force of law and then cry about religious freedom when those laws are defeated or overturned. To many Christians the separation of church and state means that the wider world has no right to defend itself from their efforts to make sin illegal.

Which laws?

Be specific, Herr Himmler.
All manner of laws concerning sex, decency, titty bars, regular bars, prostitution, what you can and can't do on Sunday, abortion, pot, porn, alcohol and other assorted debauchery.
Quit preaching hatred and division - problem solved.

I couldn't think of better advice to give to you.

A fascist against "hatred and division." That's classic. Didn't see that one coming. If only you meant it
As I said earlier in the thread: Just because you hate what someone is saying it does not mean someone is being hateful. Sometimes the hate is in you.
Quit preaching hatred and division - problem solved.

I couldn't think of better advice to give to you.

A fascist against "hatred and division." That's classic. Didn't see that one coming. If only you meant it
As I said earlier in the thread: Just because you hate what someone is saying it does not mean someone is being hateful. Sometimes the hate is in you.

Yeah, but this time it's in you since you support destroying and violence against anyone not being a Democrat
Quit preaching hatred and division - problem solved.

I couldn't think of better advice to give to you.

A fascist against "hatred and division." That's classic. Didn't see that one coming. If only you meant it
As I said earlier in the thread: Just because you hate what someone is saying it does not mean someone is being hateful. Sometimes the hate is in you.

Yeah, but this time it's in you since you support destroying and violence against anyone not being a Democrat
Nope. I want nothing more for you people than to wise the hell up. Still trying to fight the boomer culture wars at this late date is the single most hateful phenomena in American society.
Quit preaching hatred and division - problem solved.

I couldn't think of better advice to give to you.

A fascist against "hatred and division." That's classic. Didn't see that one coming. If only you meant it
As I said earlier in the thread: Just because you hate what someone is saying it does not mean someone is being hateful. Sometimes the hate is in you.

Yeah, but this time it's in you since you support destroying and violence against anyone not being a Democrat
Nope. I want nothing more for you people than to wise the hell up. Still trying to fight the boomer culture wars at this late date is the single most hateful phenomena in American society.

You've consistently supported fascism and the fascist Democrat on the board, Nazi. You're just lying
Quit preaching hatred and division - problem solved.

I couldn't think of better advice to give to you.

A fascist against "hatred and division." That's classic. Didn't see that one coming. If only you meant it
As I said earlier in the thread: Just because you hate what someone is saying it does not mean someone is being hateful. Sometimes the hate is in you.

Yeah, but this time it's in you since you support destroying and violence against anyone not being a Democrat
Nope. I want nothing more for you people than to wise the hell up. Still trying to fight the boomer culture wars at this late date is the single most hateful phenomena in American society.

You've consistently supported fascism and the fascist Democrat on the board, Nazi. You're just lying
Why do you sound exactly like uncensored 2008? Did you forget which sock you were using?
Quit preaching hatred and division - problem solved.

I couldn't think of better advice to give to you.

A fascist against "hatred and division." That's classic. Didn't see that one coming. If only you meant it
As I said earlier in the thread: Just because you hate what someone is saying it does not mean someone is being hateful. Sometimes the hate is in you.

Yeah, but this time it's in you since you support destroying and violence against anyone not being a Democrat
Nope. I want nothing more for you people than to wise the hell up. Still trying to fight the boomer culture wars at this late date is the single most hateful phenomena in American society.

You've consistently supported fascism and the fascist Democrat on the board, Nazi. You're just lying
Why do you sound exactly like uncensored 2008? Did you forget which sock you were using?

Why do you sound exactly like every other leftist on the board? Did you forget which sock you were using? That's a lot of socks
Quit preaching hatred and division - problem solved.

I couldn't think of better advice to give to you.

A fascist against "hatred and division." That's classic. Didn't see that one coming. If only you meant it
As I said earlier in the thread: Just because you hate what someone is saying it does not mean someone is being hateful. Sometimes the hate is in you.

Yeah, but this time it's in you since you support destroying and violence against anyone not being a Democrat
Nope. I want nothing more for you people than to wise the hell up. Still trying to fight the boomer culture wars at this late date is the single most hateful phenomena in American society.

You've consistently supported fascism and the fascist Democrat on the board, Nazi. You're just lying
Why do you sound exactly like uncensored 2008? Did you forget which sock you were using?

Why do you sound exactly like every other leftist on the board? Did you forget which sock you were using? That's a lot of socks
LOL at the troll. Why the two accounts? One for the laptop and one on the phone?
Why do you sound exactly like every other leftist on the board? Did you forget which sock you were using? That's a lot of socks
LOL at the troll. Why the two accounts? One for the laptop and one on the phone?

Why are you a brainless twat who needs Democrats to do your thinking for you?
It's not that I actually care if you have two accounts but you could at least try to make them distinct from one another in some way. Otherwise what's the point?

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