DHS Agrees to Let Fla. Access Database to Purge Non-Citizens from Voting Rolls

Florida has a record of unevenly purging voters, there would be no problem if they did it in a nonpartisan way with a constant eye on avoiding purging eligible voters but sadly this has not been the case, Democrats fought Florida purges because they suck at it.

No it doesn't son. Try again.
That seals it, no way Obama lets an election happen this November. He lost 10% of the votes in PA and now the non-living have been disenfranchised in FL.

:redface:I think the non-living are smarter than Ubama. Maybe they would have voted the other way.
In a victory for Republicans - to let Florida use a law enforcement database to challenge people's right to vote if they are suspected ....

after spending 70 million of his own money to be elected governor, winning by less than 1% ... Scott pads his margin for 2014.

The FSC also obliged by upholding one of Jeb!'s laws, which states defendants in drug cases are PRESUMED guilty. Rick "I wasn't indicted' Scott says he will fight for the draconian law all the way to the USSC. A Federal district court struck it down last year, next stop the 11th Circuit.
Purging illegals, and dead people really isn't going to help the Left's claim that they speak for the majority.
I love how they call this a Victory for Republicans Only. It's a Victory for anyone who thinks this Country is a country of Laws, and those laws should be enforced. It's a Victory for anyone that wants our elections to be as Fraud Free as possible.
You are so correct.

WASHINGTON (AP) — In a victory for Republicans, the federal government has agreed to let Florida use a law enforcement database to challenge people's right to vote if they are suspected of not being U.S. citizens.

The agreement, made in a letter to Florida Gov. Rick Scott's administration that was obtained by The Associated Press, grants the state access to a list of resident noncitizens maintained by the Homeland Security Department. The Obama administration had denied Florida's request for months but relented after a judge ruled in the state's favor in a related voter-purge matter

DHS Agrees to Let Fla. Access Database to Purge Non-Citizens from Voting Rolls | CNSNews.com

They didn't agree to jack shit. Florida won the lawsuit. By law they have a right to the database. Score one for Florida.

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