DHS Vans Taking Antifa Away

Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.
Yes, how dare police arrest people who commit crimes like arson, destruction of public property, assault, and more. The horror!

That’s not what these people were doing when they were kidnapped by the gestapo.

The REAL looting you should be worried about are the billions T
rump and Mnuchin are shovelling out the door to billionaires.
fuck that I'm going to watch him bitch slap the rioters destroying the country.
Only because you're a fascist.
Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.

No...the gestapo tactics are what obama did to General Flynn and the other Trump associates.....using the FBI, CIA, DOJ and State Department to get illegal FISA warrants to spy on them and as we saw in the FBI notes, knowing that Flynn was innocent, going after him anyway....those are gestapo tactics..using the IRS to deny conservative groups their tax free status before an election is gestapo tactics....

Arresting violent rioters, who are attacking a federal building is called enforcing the law.
Well that's a lie. Too much Faux Newz rots yer brain.

Just think Obama started these tactics.
Another lie.

The lie is, he was a good president.

well that's one way to get them off the streets.

hey man, y'all see freddy???
nah man, he got "van-go'd" the other night at the riots...
Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.
Lol, I think you diaper needs to be changed. This lawlessness has been going on for month's and the democrats in charge did nothing. Once again Trump is cleaning up your mess.
So another tRumpling goes on record as supportive of a police state.

Not a surprise. As previously mentioned tRumplings have always been fascists.

Just more confirmation.
Yea not like having a leader say people do what they do as they rear down the county.

ya fuck.

So the actions of tin pot dictatorships are fine so long as they go after people you don’t like. Quick question, and only one question. What happens when they come after you?
Did you ever think if you obey the law, you actually don't have anything to worry about? What a novel idea.

I believe the British said the same thing. I am sure the Chinese said it.
Just think if the democrsts leaders of seattle took care of this problem months ago. This wouldn't be happening. But we know liberals don't think.

I am betting you are a fan of Star Wars. The classic Good versus Evil story. A quote from the movie comes to mind. You say you think. The quote is the tighter you squeeze your hand, the more systems will slip between your fingers.

What made America great, what made it work was that we did not have that tight fist of control. We had a few laws that were enforced, but mostly we allowed people to be as free as possible. A Republic means that we have laws that prevent the Government from subjugating the people. A Democracy is literally defined as, properly defined as, mob rule. Which is why we have a Republic. We have certain things that we do not allow the Government to do. That keeps that hand from squeezing so hard that things slip between the fingers.

Those rules are outlined in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Things like Travel, the requirements for searches, the right to keep and bear arms. We have strayed from that. We have strayed from those rules, and the fist is tightening. It has been doing so for decades, but especially since 9-11. More rights eroded, and more polarizing of the population. Anyone who disagrees is a traitor, or an enemy. Part of the problem. No Compromise is available when dealing with the enemies. Only victory. The hand tightens

The leaders of those cities realized a truth, and it is a truth you have yet to figure out. Despite believing that you are smarter, you aren't learning from History, and you aren't able to plot out the next moves. But let's help you out there. Let's say you get your fondest wish and the Police and Military opens up with live ammo on the crowd. Yes, they disperse. Yes they run home. Problem solved. But is it? A week later when a cop is driving through the neighborhood alone in his car, he is killed in an ambush. See Northern Ireland in the 1970's and 1980's.

Now, you can't patrol those neighborhoods with a single cop, or even a pair. You have to go in Fire team or squad strength. Probably in Armored Vehicles. You have just created a true insurrection. And if your answer is more hostility, more violence, and more shows of strength, then the violence against those forces continues to grow asymmetrical, or unconventional if you prefer.

See Afghanistan today if you need an example.

So you keep sending larger groups of police and national guard and military in, and they continue to suffer casualties. Their responses drive more people to oppose them, see Afghanistan, and eventually you're in a quagmire of no escape.

Or you can lose a little now, let the anger dissipate, and then work to effect real change. Expose the lies that have been told by the Police, and we know they are lying don't we? It's why one of Trump's first actions was to end the investigations into Police Departments that had exposed thousands of policies and procedures that were unconstitutional.

The leaders we elect swear an oath to support and defend that Constitution. That means the whole document. Because if Biden wins in November, you are going to be the malcontent that needs to have his head cracked open by the cops. You are going to be the lawless insurgent who threatens public safety. And I will still be arguing in favor of the civil rights YOU are being denied.

Because if we don't defend the Constitution in every single case of an abuse, that right is eroded. If like those who hate Trump we argue that the Brady Rule Violations are routine and irrelevant and we should lock Flynn up anyway, then you are not defending the Constitution. You are not serving the Country, you are enabling a totalitarian regime that for the moment, is on your side. That moment passes quickly, and eventually you'll be calling for a Civil War to overthrow an abusive and totalitarian Government. When the only thing that really changed, was the targets of the abuses.
Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.
Yes, how dare police arrest people who commit crimes like arson, destruction of public property, assault, and more. The horror!

That’s not what these people were doing when they were kidnapped by the gestapo.

The REAL looting you should be worried about are the billions Trump and Mnuchin are shovelling out the door to billionaires.

I bet when we get the full story, the people grabbed have been formally charged with serious crimes. That they might have been grabbed later, does not mean the arrest is not proper.
I bet we never get the full story. Constitutional violations like that will be covered up as well as possible.

What do you want to bet?

well that's one way to get them off the streets.

hey man, y'all see freddy???
nah man, he got "van-go'd" the other night at the riots...
Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.
Lol, I think you diaper needs to be changed. This lawlessness has been going on for month's and the democrats in charge did nothing. Once again Trump is cleaning up your mess.
So another tRumpling goes on record as supportive of a police state.

Not a surprise. As previously mentioned tRumplings have always been fascists.

Just more confirmation.

Why do you think you will be taken seriously, when you talk like a retarded baby?

well that's one way to get them off the streets.

hey man, y'all see freddy???
nah man, he got "van-go'd" the other night at the riots...
Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.
Lol, I think you diaper needs to be changed. This lawlessness has been going on for month's and the democrats in charge did nothing. Once again Trump is cleaning up your mess.
So another tRumpling goes on record as supportive of a police state.

Not a surprise. As previously mentioned tRumplings have always been fascists.

Just more confirmation.
Like I said if the democrats that are in control there did their job. Trump wouldn't be doing anything.
Yea not like having a leader say people do what they do as they rear down the county.

ya fuck.

So the actions of tin pot dictatorships are fine so long as they go after people you don’t like. Quick question, and only one question. What happens when they come after you?
Did you ever think if you obey the law, you actually don't have anything to worry about? What a novel idea.

I believe the British said the same thing. I am sure the Chinese said it.
Just think if the democrsts leaders of seattle took care of this problem months ago. This wouldn't be happening. But we know liberals don't think.

I am betting you are a fan of Star Wars. The classic Good versus Evil story. A quote from the movie comes to mind. You say you think. The quote is the tighter you squeeze your hand, the more systems will slip between your fingers.

What made America great, what made it work was that we did not have that tight fist of control. We had a few laws that were enforced, but mostly we allowed people to be as free as possible. A Republic means that we have laws that prevent the Government from subjugating the people. A Democracy is literally defined as, properly defined as, mob rule. Which is why we have a Republic. We have certain things that we do not allow the Government to do. That keeps that hand from squeezing so hard that things slip between the fingers.

Those rules are outlined in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Things like Travel, the requirements for searches, the right to keep and bear arms. We have strayed from that. We have strayed from those rules, and the fist is tightening. It has been doing so for decades, but especially since 9-11. More rights eroded, and more polarizing of the population. Anyone who disagrees is a traitor, or an enemy. Part of the problem. No Compromise is available when dealing with the enemies. Only victory. The hand tightens

The leaders of those cities realized a truth, and it is a truth you have yet to figure out. Despite believing that you are smarter, you aren't learning from History, and you aren't able to plot out the next moves. But let's help you out there. Let's say you get your fondest wish and the Police and Military opens up with live ammo on the crowd. Yes, they disperse. Yes they run home. Problem solved. But is it? A week later when a cop is driving through the neighborhood alone in his car, he is killed in an ambush. See Northern Ireland in the 1970's and 1980's.

Now, you can't patrol those neighborhoods with a single cop, or even a pair. You have to go in Fire team or squad strength. Probably in Armored Vehicles. You have just created a true insurrection. And if your answer is more hostility, more violence, and more shows of strength, then the violence against those forces continues to grow asymmetrical, or unconventional if you prefer.

See Afghanistan today if you need an example.

So you keep sending larger groups of police and national guard and military in, and they continue to suffer casualties. Their responses drive more people to oppose them, see Afghanistan, and eventually you're in a quagmire of no escape.

Or you can lose a little now, let the anger dissipate, and then work to effect real change. Expose the lies that have been told by the Police, and we know they are lying don't we? It's why one of Trump's first actions was to end the investigations into Police Departments that had exposed thousands of policies and procedures that were unconstitutional.

The leaders we elect swear an oath to support and defend that Constitution. That means the whole document. Because if Biden wins in November, you are going to be the malcontent that needs to have his head cracked open by the cops. You are going to be the lawless insurgent who threatens public safety. And I will still be arguing in favor of the civil rights YOU are being denied.

Because if we don't defend the Constitution in every single case of an abuse, that right is eroded. If like those who hate Trump we argue that the Brady Rule Violations are routine and irrelevant and we should lock Flynn up anyway, then you are not defending the Constitution. You are not serving the Country, you are enabling a totalitarian regime that for the moment, is on your side. That moment passes quickly, and eventually you'll be calling for a Civil War to overthrow an abusive and totalitarian Government. When the only thing that really changed, was the targets of the abuses.
Lol, the rioters are destroying private businesses and private property. Taking over a city and holding the residents hostage and your fine with that. You are the problem. Trump gave the democrat leadership month's to take care of it. They did nothing, and now Trump has to solve it quickly. The military will leave when law and order is back. So go change your diaper.
ANTIFA is a foreign invasion. First the foreigners need to be hauled off with those who let them into the country in the first place, and then the rest of us need our gun rights restored to defend ourselves so that such a thing can never happen again.
Guns solve everything huh? Only crybabies with small peckers need Guns to fix there issues

Or save innocent lives


well that's one way to get them off the streets.

hey man, y'all see freddy???
nah man, he got "van-go'd" the other night at the riots...
Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.
Lol, I think you diaper needs to be changed. This lawlessness has been going on for month's and the democrats in charge did nothing. Once again Trump is cleaning up your mess.
So another tRumpling goes on record as supportive of a police state.

Not a surprise. As previously mentioned tRumplings have always been fascists.

Just more confirmation.
Like I said if the democrats that are in control there did their job. Trump wouldn't be doing anything.
Yea not like having a leader say people do what they do as they rear down the county.

ya fuck.

So the actions of tin pot dictatorships are fine so long as they go after people you don’t like. Quick question, and only one question. What happens when they come after you?
Did you ever think if you obey the law, you actually don't have anything to worry about? What a novel idea.

I believe the British said the same thing. I am sure the Chinese said it.
Just think if the democrsts leaders of seattle took care of this problem months ago. This wouldn't be happening. But we know liberals don't think.

I am betting you are a fan of Star Wars. The classic Good versus Evil story. A quote from the movie comes to mind. You say you think. The quote is the tighter you squeeze your hand, the more systems will slip between your fingers.

What made America great, what made it work was that we did not have that tight fist of control. We had a few laws that were enforced, but mostly we allowed people to be as free as possible. A Republic means that we have laws that prevent the Government from subjugating the people. A Democracy is literally defined as, properly defined as, mob rule. Which is why we have a Republic. We have certain things that we do not allow the Government to do. That keeps that hand from squeezing so hard that things slip between the fingers.

Those rules are outlined in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Things like Travel, the requirements for searches, the right to keep and bear arms. We have strayed from that. We have strayed from those rules, and the fist is tightening. It has been doing so for decades, but especially since 9-11. More rights eroded, and more polarizing of the population. Anyone who disagrees is a traitor, or an enemy. Part of the problem. No Compromise is available when dealing with the enemies. Only victory. The hand tightens

The leaders of those cities realized a truth, and it is a truth you have yet to figure out. Despite believing that you are smarter, you aren't learning from History, and you aren't able to plot out the next moves. But let's help you out there. Let's say you get your fondest wish and the Police and Military opens up with live ammo on the crowd. Yes, they disperse. Yes they run home. Problem solved. But is it? A week later when a cop is driving through the neighborhood alone in his car, he is killed in an ambush. See Northern Ireland in the 1970's and 1980's.

Now, you can't patrol those neighborhoods with a single cop, or even a pair. You have to go in Fire team or squad strength. Probably in Armored Vehicles. You have just created a true insurrection. And if your answer is more hostility, more violence, and more shows of strength, then the violence against those forces continues to grow asymmetrical, or unconventional if you prefer.

See Afghanistan today if you need an example.

So you keep sending larger groups of police and national guard and military in, and they continue to suffer casualties. Their responses drive more people to oppose them, see Afghanistan, and eventually you're in a quagmire of no escape.

Or you can lose a little now, let the anger dissipate, and then work to effect real change. Expose the lies that have been told by the Police, and we know they are lying don't we? It's why one of Trump's first actions was to end the investigations into Police Departments that had exposed thousands of policies and procedures that were unconstitutional.

The leaders we elect swear an oath to support and defend that Constitution. That means the whole document. Because if Biden wins in November, you are going to be the malcontent that needs to have his head cracked open by the cops. You are going to be the lawless insurgent who threatens public safety. And I will still be arguing in favor of the civil rights YOU are being denied.

Because if we don't defend the Constitution in every single case of an abuse, that right is eroded. If like those who hate Trump we argue that the Brady Rule Violations are routine and irrelevant and we should lock Flynn up anyway, then you are not defending the Constitution. You are not serving the Country, you are enabling a totalitarian regime that for the moment, is on your side. That moment passes quickly, and eventually you'll be calling for a Civil War to overthrow an abusive and totalitarian Government. When the only thing that really changed, was the targets of the abuses.
Lol, the rioters are destroying private businesses and private property. Taking over a city and holding the residents hostage and your fine with that. You are the problem. Trump gave the democrat leadership month's to take care of it. They did nothing, and now Trump has to solve it quickly. The military will leave when law and order is back. So go change your diaper.

You prefer a full out insurgency that will destroy the Country?
Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.
Yes, how dare police arrest people who commit crimes like arson, destruction of public property, assault, and more. The horror!

That’s not what these people were doing when they were kidnapped by the gestapo.

The REAL looting you should be worried about are the billions Trump and Mnuchin are shovelling out the door to billionaires.

I bet when we get the full story, the people grabbed have been formally charged with serious crimes. That they might have been grabbed later, does not mean the arrest is not proper.
I bet we never get the full story. Constitutional violations like that will be covered up as well as possible.

What do you want to bet?
Figure of speech. I have enough excitement in my life not to need silly unenforceable internet bets.

well that's one way to get them off the streets.

hey man, y'all see freddy???
nah man, he got "van-go'd" the other night at the riots...
Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.
Lol, I think you diaper needs to be changed. This lawlessness has been going on for month's and the democrats in charge did nothing. Once again Trump is cleaning up your mess.
So another tRumpling goes on record as supportive of a police state.

Not a surprise. As previously mentioned tRumplings have always been fascists.

Just more confirmation.

Why do you think you will be taken seriously, when you talk like a retarded baby?
Babies know words like "police state", "fascists", and "supportive"?

Or is it just that you don't so you assume they are not real words?

well that's one way to get them off the streets.

hey man, y'all see freddy???
nah man, he got "van-go'd" the other night at the riots...
Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.
Lol, I think you diaper needs to be changed. This lawlessness has been going on for month's and the democrats in charge did nothing. Once again Trump is cleaning up your mess.
So another tRumpling goes on record as supportive of a police state.

Not a surprise. As previously mentioned tRumplings have always been fascists.

Just more confirmation.
Like I said if the democrats that are in control there did their job. Trump wouldn't be doing anything.
Yea not like having a leader say people do what they do as they rear down the county.

ya fuck.

So the actions of tin pot dictatorships are fine so long as they go after people you don’t like. Quick question, and only one question. What happens when they come after you?
Did you ever think if you obey the law, you actually don't have anything to worry about? What a novel idea.

I believe the British said the same thing. I am sure the Chinese said it.
Just think if the democrsts leaders of seattle took care of this problem months ago. This wouldn't be happening. But we know liberals don't think.

I am betting you are a fan of Star Wars. The classic Good versus Evil story. A quote from the movie comes to mind. You say you think. The quote is the tighter you squeeze your hand, the more systems will slip between your fingers.

What made America great, what made it work was that we did not have that tight fist of control. We had a few laws that were enforced, but mostly we allowed people to be as free as possible. A Republic means that we have laws that prevent the Government from subjugating the people. A Democracy is literally defined as, properly defined as, mob rule. Which is why we have a Republic. We have certain things that we do not allow the Government to do. That keeps that hand from squeezing so hard that things slip between the fingers.

Those rules are outlined in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Things like Travel, the requirements for searches, the right to keep and bear arms. We have strayed from that. We have strayed from those rules, and the fist is tightening. It has been doing so for decades, but especially since 9-11. More rights eroded, and more polarizing of the population. Anyone who disagrees is a traitor, or an enemy. Part of the problem. No Compromise is available when dealing with the enemies. Only victory. The hand tightens

The leaders of those cities realized a truth, and it is a truth you have yet to figure out. Despite believing that you are smarter, you aren't learning from History, and you aren't able to plot out the next moves. But let's help you out there. Let's say you get your fondest wish and the Police and Military opens up with live ammo on the crowd. Yes, they disperse. Yes they run home. Problem solved. But is it? A week later when a cop is driving through the neighborhood alone in his car, he is killed in an ambush. See Northern Ireland in the 1970's and 1980's.

Now, you can't patrol those neighborhoods with a single cop, or even a pair. You have to go in Fire team or squad strength. Probably in Armored Vehicles. You have just created a true insurrection. And if your answer is more hostility, more violence, and more shows of strength, then the violence against those forces continues to grow asymmetrical, or unconventional if you prefer.

See Afghanistan today if you need an example.

So you keep sending larger groups of police and national guard and military in, and they continue to suffer casualties. Their responses drive more people to oppose them, see Afghanistan, and eventually you're in a quagmire of no escape.

Or you can lose a little now, let the anger dissipate, and then work to effect real change. Expose the lies that have been told by the Police, and we know they are lying don't we? It's why one of Trump's first actions was to end the investigations into Police Departments that had exposed thousands of policies and procedures that were unconstitutional.

The leaders we elect swear an oath to support and defend that Constitution. That means the whole document. Because if Biden wins in November, you are going to be the malcontent that needs to have his head cracked open by the cops. You are going to be the lawless insurgent who threatens public safety. And I will still be arguing in favor of the civil rights YOU are being denied.

Because if we don't defend the Constitution in every single case of an abuse, that right is eroded. If like those who hate Trump we argue that the Brady Rule Violations are routine and irrelevant and we should lock Flynn up anyway, then you are not defending the Constitution. You are not serving the Country, you are enabling a totalitarian regime that for the moment, is on your side. That moment passes quickly, and eventually you'll be calling for a Civil War to overthrow an abusive and totalitarian Government. When the only thing that really changed, was the targets of the abuses.
Lol, the rioters are destroying private businesses and private property. Taking over a city and holding the residents hostage and your fine with that. You are the problem. Trump gave the democrat leadership month's to take care of it. They did nothing, and now Trump has to solve it quickly. The military will leave when law and order is back. So go change your diaper.
A. What's he's doing is unconstitutional and unAmerican in the EXTREME.

2. No, we aren't really ok with it but this isn't the way to solve it. I have to admit I did lol at "holding it's residents hostage". That was a hilarious bit of hyperbole.

well that's one way to get them off the streets.

hey man, y'all see freddy???
nah man, he got "van-go'd" the other night at the riots...
Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.
Lol, I think you diaper needs to be changed. This lawlessness has been going on for month's and the democrats in charge did nothing. Once again Trump is cleaning up your mess.
So another tRumpling goes on record as supportive of a police state.

Not a surprise. As previously mentioned tRumplings have always been fascists.

Just more confirmation.
Like I said if the democrats that are in control there did their job. Trump wouldn't be doing anything.
Yea not like having a leader say people do what they do as they rear down the county.

ya fuck.

So the actions of tin pot dictatorships are fine so long as they go after people you don’t like. Quick question, and only one question. What happens when they come after you?
Did you ever think if you obey the law, you actually don't have anything to worry about? What a novel idea.

I believe the British said the same thing. I am sure the Chinese said it.
Just think if the democrsts leaders of seattle took care of this problem months ago. This wouldn't be happening. But we know liberals don't think.

I am betting you are a fan of Star Wars. The classic Good versus Evil story. A quote from the movie comes to mind. You say you think. The quote is the tighter you squeeze your hand, the more systems will slip between your fingers.

What made America great, what made it work was that we did not have that tight fist of control. We had a few laws that were enforced, but mostly we allowed people to be as free as possible. A Republic means that we have laws that prevent the Government from subjugating the people. A Democracy is literally defined as, properly defined as, mob rule. Which is why we have a Republic. We have certain things that we do not allow the Government to do. That keeps that hand from squeezing so hard that things slip between the fingers.

Those rules are outlined in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Things like Travel, the requirements for searches, the right to keep and bear arms. We have strayed from that. We have strayed from those rules, and the fist is tightening. It has been doing so for decades, but especially since 9-11. More rights eroded, and more polarizing of the population. Anyone who disagrees is a traitor, or an enemy. Part of the problem. No Compromise is available when dealing with the enemies. Only victory. The hand tightens

The leaders of those cities realized a truth, and it is a truth you have yet to figure out. Despite believing that you are smarter, you aren't learning from History, and you aren't able to plot out the next moves. But let's help you out there. Let's say you get your fondest wish and the Police and Military opens up with live ammo on the crowd. Yes, they disperse. Yes they run home. Problem solved. But is it? A week later when a cop is driving through the neighborhood alone in his car, he is killed in an ambush. See Northern Ireland in the 1970's and 1980's.

Now, you can't patrol those neighborhoods with a single cop, or even a pair. You have to go in Fire team or squad strength. Probably in Armored Vehicles. You have just created a true insurrection. And if your answer is more hostility, more violence, and more shows of strength, then the violence against those forces continues to grow asymmetrical, or unconventional if you prefer.

See Afghanistan today if you need an example.

So you keep sending larger groups of police and national guard and military in, and they continue to suffer casualties. Their responses drive more people to oppose them, see Afghanistan, and eventually you're in a quagmire of no escape.

Or you can lose a little now, let the anger dissipate, and then work to effect real change. Expose the lies that have been told by the Police, and we know they are lying don't we? It's why one of Trump's first actions was to end the investigations into Police Departments that had exposed thousands of policies and procedures that were unconstitutional.

The leaders we elect swear an oath to support and defend that Constitution. That means the whole document. Because if Biden wins in November, you are going to be the malcontent that needs to have his head cracked open by the cops. You are going to be the lawless insurgent who threatens public safety. And I will still be arguing in favor of the civil rights YOU are being denied.

Because if we don't defend the Constitution in every single case of an abuse, that right is eroded. If like those who hate Trump we argue that the Brady Rule Violations are routine and irrelevant and we should lock Flynn up anyway, then you are not defending the Constitution. You are not serving the Country, you are enabling a totalitarian regime that for the moment, is on your side. That moment passes quickly, and eventually you'll be calling for a Civil War to overthrow an abusive and totalitarian Government. When the only thing that really changed, was the targets of the abuses.
Lol, the rioters are destroying private businesses and private property. Taking over a city and holding the residents hostage and your fine with that. You are the problem. Trump gave the democrat leadership month's to take care of it. They did nothing, and now Trump has to solve it quickly. The military will leave when law and order is back. So go change your diaper.

You prefer a full out insurgency that will destroy the Country?
Yes anything to hurt trump.

well that's one way to get them off the streets.

hey man, y'all see freddy???
nah man, he got "van-go'd" the other night at the riots...
Gestapo tactics. Welcome to the police state.
Lol, I think you diaper needs to be changed. This lawlessness has been going on for month's and the democrats in charge did nothing. Once again Trump is cleaning up your mess.
So another tRumpling goes on record as supportive of a police state.

Not a surprise. As previously mentioned tRumplings have always been fascists.

Just more confirmation.
Like I said if the democrats that are in control there did their job. Trump wouldn't be doing anything.
Yea not like having a leader say people do what they do as they rear down the county.

ya fuck.

So the actions of tin pot dictatorships are fine so long as they go after people you don’t like. Quick question, and only one question. What happens when they come after you?
Did you ever think if you obey the law, you actually don't have anything to worry about? What a novel idea.

I believe the British said the same thing. I am sure the Chinese said it.
Just think if the democrsts leaders of seattle took care of this problem months ago. This wouldn't be happening. But we know liberals don't think.

I am betting you are a fan of Star Wars. The classic Good versus Evil story. A quote from the movie comes to mind. You say you think. The quote is the tighter you squeeze your hand, the more systems will slip between your fingers.

What made America great, what made it work was that we did not have that tight fist of control. We had a few laws that were enforced, but mostly we allowed people to be as free as possible. A Republic means that we have laws that prevent the Government from subjugating the people. A Democracy is literally defined as, properly defined as, mob rule. Which is why we have a Republic. We have certain things that we do not allow the Government to do. That keeps that hand from squeezing so hard that things slip between the fingers.

Those rules are outlined in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Things like Travel, the requirements for searches, the right to keep and bear arms. We have strayed from that. We have strayed from those rules, and the fist is tightening. It has been doing so for decades, but especially since 9-11. More rights eroded, and more polarizing of the population. Anyone who disagrees is a traitor, or an enemy. Part of the problem. No Compromise is available when dealing with the enemies. Only victory. The hand tightens

The leaders of those cities realized a truth, and it is a truth you have yet to figure out. Despite believing that you are smarter, you aren't learning from History, and you aren't able to plot out the next moves. But let's help you out there. Let's say you get your fondest wish and the Police and Military opens up with live ammo on the crowd. Yes, they disperse. Yes they run home. Problem solved. But is it? A week later when a cop is driving through the neighborhood alone in his car, he is killed in an ambush. See Northern Ireland in the 1970's and 1980's.

Now, you can't patrol those neighborhoods with a single cop, or even a pair. You have to go in Fire team or squad strength. Probably in Armored Vehicles. You have just created a true insurrection. And if your answer is more hostility, more violence, and more shows of strength, then the violence against those forces continues to grow asymmetrical, or unconventional if you prefer.

See Afghanistan today if you need an example.

So you keep sending larger groups of police and national guard and military in, and they continue to suffer casualties. Their responses drive more people to oppose them, see Afghanistan, and eventually you're in a quagmire of no escape.

Or you can lose a little now, let the anger dissipate, and then work to effect real change. Expose the lies that have been told by the Police, and we know they are lying don't we? It's why one of Trump's first actions was to end the investigations into Police Departments that had exposed thousands of policies and procedures that were unconstitutional.

The leaders we elect swear an oath to support and defend that Constitution. That means the whole document. Because if Biden wins in November, you are going to be the malcontent that needs to have his head cracked open by the cops. You are going to be the lawless insurgent who threatens public safety. And I will still be arguing in favor of the civil rights YOU are being denied.

Because if we don't defend the Constitution in every single case of an abuse, that right is eroded. If like those who hate Trump we argue that the Brady Rule Violations are routine and irrelevant and we should lock Flynn up anyway, then you are not defending the Constitution. You are not serving the Country, you are enabling a totalitarian regime that for the moment, is on your side. That moment passes quickly, and eventually you'll be calling for a Civil War to overthrow an abusive and totalitarian Government. When the only thing that really changed, was the targets of the abuses.
Lol, the rioters are destroying private businesses and private property. Taking over a city and holding the residents hostage and your fine with that. You are the problem. Trump gave the democrat leadership month's to take care of it. They did nothing, and now Trump has to solve it quickly. The military will leave when law and order is back. So go change your diaper.

You prefer a full out insurgency that will destroy the Country?
Yes anything to hurt trump.
I thought you were a tRump supporter.
Yea not like having a leader say people do what they do as they rear down the county.

ya fuck.

So the actions of tin pot dictatorships are fine so long as they go after people you don’t like. Quick question, and only one question. What happens when they come after you?
Did you ever think if you obey the law, you actually don't have anything to worry about? What a novel idea.

I believe the British said the same thing. I am sure the Chinese said it.
Just think if the democrsts leaders of seattle took care of this problem months ago. This wouldn't be happening. But we know liberals don't think.

I am betting you are a fan of Star Wars. The classic Good versus Evil story. A quote from the movie comes to mind. You say you think. The quote is the tighter you squeeze your hand, the more systems will slip between your fingers.

What made America great, what made it work was that we did not have that tight fist of control. We had a few laws that were enforced, but mostly we allowed people to be as free as possible. A Republic means that we have laws that prevent the Government from subjugating the people. A Democracy is literally defined as, properly defined as, mob rule. Which is why we have a Republic. We have certain things that we do not allow the Government to do. That keeps that hand from squeezing so hard that things slip between the fingers.

Those rules are outlined in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Things like Travel, the requirements for searches, the right to keep and bear arms. We have strayed from that. We have strayed from those rules, and the fist is tightening. It has been doing so for decades, but especially since 9-11. More rights eroded, and more polarizing of the population. Anyone who disagrees is a traitor, or an enemy. Part of the problem. No Compromise is available when dealing with the enemies. Only victory. The hand tightens

The leaders of those cities realized a truth, and it is a truth you have yet to figure out. Despite believing that you are smarter, you aren't learning from History, and you aren't able to plot out the next moves. But let's help you out there. Let's say you get your fondest wish and the Police and Military opens up with live ammo on the crowd. Yes, they disperse. Yes they run home. Problem solved. But is it? A week later when a cop is driving through the neighborhood alone in his car, he is killed in an ambush. See Northern Ireland in the 1970's and 1980's.

Now, you can't patrol those neighborhoods with a single cop, or even a pair. You have to go in Fire team or squad strength. Probably in Armored Vehicles. You have just created a true insurrection. And if your answer is more hostility, more violence, and more shows of strength, then the violence against those forces continues to grow asymmetrical, or unconventional if you prefer.

See Afghanistan today if you need an example.

So you keep sending larger groups of police and national guard and military in, and they continue to suffer casualties. Their responses drive more people to oppose them, see Afghanistan, and eventually you're in a quagmire of no escape.

Or you can lose a little now, let the anger dissipate, and then work to effect real change. Expose the lies that have been told by the Police, and we know they are lying don't we? It's why one of Trump's first actions was to end the investigations into Police Departments that had exposed thousands of policies and procedures that were unconstitutional.

The leaders we elect swear an oath to support and defend that Constitution. That means the whole document. Because if Biden wins in November, you are going to be the malcontent that needs to have his head cracked open by the cops. You are going to be the lawless insurgent who threatens public safety. And I will still be arguing in favor of the civil rights YOU are being denied.

Because if we don't defend the Constitution in every single case of an abuse, that right is eroded. If like those who hate Trump we argue that the Brady Rule Violations are routine and irrelevant and we should lock Flynn up anyway, then you are not defending the Constitution. You are not serving the Country, you are enabling a totalitarian regime that for the moment, is on your side. That moment passes quickly, and eventually you'll be calling for a Civil War to overthrow an abusive and totalitarian Government. When the only thing that really changed, was the targets of the abuses.
Nice rant....But is there any evidence to show that the people being rounded up don't have warrants issued?

If they're just being indiscriminately grabbed and thrown in jail, then I'm with you...But I see no real evidence either way.

BTW, the ole Patriot Act. that the leftbat bedwetters said nothing about while Barry Oboingo was renewing it, provides for indefinite detention with no access to council or even family....Totally unconstitutional, but who is going to file the lawsuit?

Guys like me warned y'all about this shit back in '02, and nearly nobody listened.

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