Diabolical Whitey And His Infinite Cunning


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
“Asian Americans need to locate anti-Asian violence as part of a pattern of white supremacy… even if perpetrators of violence are people of colour.”

Mr Nguyen, whose words are quoted above, is of course an educator. Shaping young minds.

Because, you see, when a black thug violently assaults and murders a frail 84-year-old Thai man this can only be because of “white supremacy.” Obviously.

It's not like places like Thailand have anyone who commits crimes against fellow Thai nationals, right?
“Asian Americans need to locate anti-Asian violence as part of a pattern of white supremacy… even if perpetrators of violence are people of colour.”

Mr Nguyen, whose words are quoted above, is of course an educator. Shaping young minds.

Because, you see, when a black thug violently assaults and murders a frail 84-year-old Thai man this can only be because of “white supremacy.” Obviously.

Say what?
“Asian Americans need to locate anti-Asian violence as part of a pattern of white supremacy… even if perpetrators of violence are people of colour.”

Mr Nguyen, whose words are quoted above, is of course an educator. Shaping young minds.

Because, you see, when a black thug violently assaults and murders a frail 84-year-old Thai man this can only be because of “white supremacy.” Obviously.

Having people of color treated equally doesn’t diminish white people. Unless of course, one is white trash.
“Asian Americans need to locate anti-Asian violence as part of a pattern of white supremacy… even if perpetrators of violence are people of colour.”

Mr Nguyen, whose words are quoted above, is of course an educator. Shaping young minds.

Because, you see, when a black thug violently assaults and murders a frail 84-year-old Thai man this can only be because of “white supremacy.” Obviously.

1. there is no problem of white supremacy--that's total bullshit
2. yes, there have been many black on Asian hate crimes/attacks [ and black on white murders/etc ]
3. blacks commit hate crimes at TWICE the rate of whites
4. blacks murder whites at TEN times the rate of vice versa
5. WS murder less than 10 per year
blacks murder 8 blacks every DAY!!!!!
etc etc
here's my thread/links on blacks attacking Asian SENIORS!!!!!
“Asian Americans need to locate anti-Asian violence as part of a pattern of white supremacy… even if perpetrators of violence are people of colour.”

Mr Nguyen, whose words are quoted above, is of course an educator. Shaping young minds.

Because, you see, when a black thug violently assaults and murders a frail 84-year-old Thai man this can only be because of “white supremacy.” Obviously.

Actually Nguyen is correct. Internalized racism creates a person of color who accepts white supremacy as the norm, adopts it as a philosophy, then attacks other races because they see them as inferior.
“Asian Americans need to locate anti-Asian violence as part of a pattern of white supremacy… even if perpetrators of violence are people of colour.”

Mr Nguyen, whose words are quoted above, is of course an educator. Shaping young minds.

Because, you see, when a black thug violently assaults and murders a frail 84-year-old Thai man this can only be because of “white supremacy.” Obviously.

Having people of color treated equally doesn’t diminish white people. Unless of course, one is white trash.

But putting blanket condemnation on Whites does.
“Asian Americans need to locate anti-Asian violence as part of a pattern of white supremacy… even if perpetrators of violence are people of colour.”

Mr Nguyen, whose words are quoted above, is of course an educator. Shaping young minds.

Because, you see, when a black thug violently assaults and murders a frail 84-year-old Thai man this can only be because of “white supremacy.” Obviously.

Actually Nguyen is correct. Internalized racism creates a person of color who accepts white supremacy as the norm, adopts it as a philosophy, then attacks other races because they see them as inferior.

I see ‘certain’ races as inferior based on clear cultural deficiencies, behavioral traits, facts and statistics.
“Asian Americans need to locate anti-Asian violence as part of a pattern of white supremacy… even if perpetrators of violence are people of colour.”

Mr Nguyen, whose words are quoted above, is of course an educator. Shaping young minds.

Because, you see, when a black thug violently assaults and murders a frail 84-year-old Thai man this can only be because of “white supremacy.” Obviously.

Actually Nguyen is correct. Internalized racism creates a person of color who accepts white supremacy as the norm, adopts it as a philosophy, then attacks other races because they see them as inferior.

I find it most telling that the only race on planet earth that claims to be a victim are American blacks.
“Asian Americans need to locate anti-Asian violence as part of a pattern of white supremacy… even if perpetrators of violence are people of colour.”

Mr Nguyen, whose words are quoted above, is of course an educator. Shaping young minds.

Because, you see, when a black thug violently assaults and murders a frail 84-year-old Thai man this can only be because of “white supremacy.” Obviously.

Having people of color treated equally doesn’t diminish white people. Unless of course, one is white trash.

Having people of color treated equally doesn’t diminish white people. Unless of course, one is white trash.
Let me delve into the dark and twisted mind of a Leftist for a moment and ask a simple question.
I see ‘certain’ races as inferior based on clear cultural deficiencies, behavioral traits, facts and statistics.
Cultural deficiencies? Environment affects behavior, which affects culture, which creates "deficiencies"-
Some don't respond well to forced assimilation, especially when they see the 'outcome' of those who don't accept it leads to material benefit- materialism is a cultural deficiency everyone shares and is used as a tool to measure success by those who pretend superiority-
I see ‘certain’ races as inferior based on clear cultural deficiencies, behavioral traits, facts and statistics.
Cultural deficiencies? Environment affects behavior, which affects culture, which creates "deficiencies"-
Some don't respond well to forced assimilation, especially when they see the 'outcome' of those who don't accept it leads to material benefit- materialism is a cultural deficiency everyone shares and is used as a tool to measure success by those who pretend superiority-
“Environment affects behavior, which affects culture, which creates "deficiencies"

America’s “environment” manifests and perpetuates succes and prosperity...ask your Asian neighbors.
Those with cultural deficiencies can’t and won’t seize opportunity.
America’s “environment” manifests and perpetuates succes and prosperity...ask your Asian neighbors.
Those with cultural deficiencies can’t and won’t seize opportunity.
Depends on how success is measured, which I addressed- materialism- and everyone subscribes to it- well most everyone, I don't. One has to see opportunity to seize it- they do, as I addressed- their environment presents an opportunity for easy access to material stuff- therefore, success- US "environment" manifests lots of stuff- period. Using it as a tool for divisiveness is what politicians do, and, apparently many civilians- ever wonder the why of that?
The more stuff the more success- it ain't rocket science but one has to look deeper to see- in fact, one has to be open minded or remain where one is and stay tied to stuff as a strong hold- stuff can't buy happiness, that comes from within and you can't take stuff with you-

Lived his life, the best that he could,
not really bad, just not real good
all the stuff left behind won't matter anyway
what really counts is backing up what you say

Play the hand you were dealt
forget what their rules say
you know you win, when, you live life your own way-
America’s “environment” manifests and perpetuates succes and prosperity...ask your Asian neighbors.
Those with cultural deficiencies can’t and won’t seize opportunity.
Depends on how success is measured, which I addressed- materialism- and everyone subscribes to it- well most everyone, I don't. One has to see opportunity to seize it- they do, as I addressed- their environment presents an opportunity for easy access to material stuff- therefore, success- US "environment" manifests lots of stuff- period. Using it as a tool for divisiveness is what politicians do, and, apparently many civilians- ever wonder the why of that?
The more stuff the more success- it ain't rocket science but one has to look deeper to see- in fact, one has to be open minded or remain where one is and stay tied to stuff as a strong hold- stuff can't buy happiness, that comes from within and you can't take stuff with you-

Lived his life, the best that he could,
not really bad, just not real good
all the stuff left behind won't matter anyway
what really counts is backing up what you say

Play the hand you were dealt
forget what their rules say
you know you win, when, you live life your own way-

That’s an awful lot of anecdotal rhetoric...I like to keep it simple; one who is 100% self sufficient, follows the laws of the land, respects others and lives a principled life is SUCCESSFUL.
I like to keep it simple; one who is 100% self sufficient, follows the laws of the land, respects others and lives a principled life is SUCCESSFUL.
Depends on how success is defined- in "the land", it's called materialism, and respect is earned, only when respect is shown which achieves self respect which is a requirement for showing respect= simple- And what I said is only anecdotal when one chooses for it to be, I prefer it as a life philosophy- no one is 100% self sufficient in this day and time- get over yourself- "principle" is determined by the user, not the witness- that they conflict is called life. ALL conflict is created from one imposing his "principle" on another. That is a historical fact.
America’s “environment” manifests and perpetuates succes and prosperity...ask your Asian neighbors.
Those with cultural deficiencies can’t and won’t seize opportunity.
Depends on how success is measured, which I addressed- materialism- and everyone subscribes to it- well most everyone, I don't. One has to see opportunity to seize it- they do, as I addressed- their environment presents an opportunity for easy access to material stuff- therefore, success- US "environment" manifests lots of stuff- period. Using it as a tool for divisiveness is what politicians do, and, apparently many civilians- ever wonder the why of that?
The more stuff the more success- it ain't rocket science but one has to look deeper to see- in fact, one has to be open minded or remain where one is and stay tied to stuff as a strong hold- stuff can't buy happiness, that comes from within and you can't take stuff with you-

Lived his life, the best that he could,
not really bad, just not real good
all the stuff left behind won't matter anyway
what really counts is backing up what you say

Play the hand you were dealt
forget what their rules say
you know you win, when, you live life your own way-

That’s an awful lot of anecdotal rhetoric...I like to keep it simple; one who is 100% self sufficient, follows the laws of the land, respects others and lives a principled life is SUCCESSFUL.
I think what you're describing is considered a form of White supremacy by many liberal dweebs these days, Too crazy.
I like to keep it simple; one who is 100% self sufficient, follows the laws of the land, respects others and lives a principled life is SUCCESSFUL.
Depends on how success is defined- in "the land", it's called materialism, and respect is earned, only when respect is shown which achieves self respect which is a requirement for showing respect= simple- And what I said is only anecdotal when one chooses for it to be, I prefer it as a life philosophy- no one is 100% self sufficient in this day and time- get over yourself- "principle" is determined by the user, not the witness- that they conflict is called life. ALL conflict is created from one imposing his "principle" on another. That is a historical fact.

Your shit is way too deep and far too anecdotal. I usually like playing word games but circle talk takes its toll.
Again, life in America is simple, the manual on how to succeed and achieve here was written long ago, it has been proven to work over and over again...ask your Asian neighbors how simple it is.
“Some people” are just too lazy and or incompetent to follow the manual.
America’s “environment” manifests and perpetuates succes and prosperity...ask your Asian neighbors.
Those with cultural deficiencies can’t and won’t seize opportunity.
Depends on how success is measured, which I addressed- materialism- and everyone subscribes to it- well most everyone, I don't. One has to see opportunity to seize it- they do, as I addressed- their environment presents an opportunity for easy access to material stuff- therefore, success- US "environment" manifests lots of stuff- period. Using it as a tool for divisiveness is what politicians do, and, apparently many civilians- ever wonder the why of that?
The more stuff the more success- it ain't rocket science but one has to look deeper to see- in fact, one has to be open minded or remain where one is and stay tied to stuff as a strong hold- stuff can't buy happiness, that comes from within and you can't take stuff with you-

Lived his life, the best that he could,
not really bad, just not real good
all the stuff left behind won't matter anyway
what really counts is backing up what you say

Play the hand you were dealt
forget what their rules say
you know you win, when, you live life your own way-

That’s an awful lot of anecdotal rhetoric...I like to keep it simple; one who is 100% self sufficient, follows the laws of the land, respects others and lives a principled life is SUCCESSFUL.
I think what you're describing is considered a form of White supremacy by many liberal dweebs these days, Too crazy.

Yep...we are still holding blacks down...we cap off their ability to achieve...we only allow them to make it to President Of The United States Of America and that’s it....ask the Kenyan.
I think what you're describing is considered a form of White supremacy by many liberal dweebs these days,
If you're saying that based on what I wrote I have to question your reading comprehension- I believe, and live; all men are created equal and have certain unalienable rights- there is no color (or any other) caveat in that "principle"-
Yep...we are still holding blacks down...we cap off their ability to achieve...we only allow them to make it to President Of The United States Of America and that’s it....ask the Kenyan.
That, my man, is the epitome of anecdotal- try addressing what I said-

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