Diane Feinstein passes away

If you're far left, those who hold your views seem moderate to you. She's FAR LEFT, if the Founding Fathers are the American standard
Aside from your delusions. And wtf are you yapping about with Colonial America? Senator Feinstein was no Leftie.


Mrs. Feinstein spent much of her career fielding criticism from opposite ends of the political spectrum. She disappointed liberals with her law-and-order approach toward governance and her long-standing support for the death penalty, even as she frustrated conservatives with her support for gun control and same-sex-marriage rights. While some women celebrated Mrs. Feinstein as a trailblazer, others resented what they considered her insufficient attention to women’s issues.

You people can do your usual personal attacks on the now Late Senator, but she accomplished more for America in her lifetime, than have two or three generations of most misfits here.

Centrist from the start​

Mrs. Feinstein’s centrism dated to the earliest years of her political career. Her elevation to the office of mayor came on the heels of upheaval, including the mass suicide at Jonestown in Guyana — many followers of cult leader Jim Jones were from San Francisco — and attacks by the New World Liberation Front terrorist group, which placed a bomb outside the bedroom window of Mrs. Feinstein’s daughter. For a time, Mrs. Feinstein owned a handgun.

“The lesson Dianne took from this craziness was that she had been right — that all this polarization and bitterness that was extant in the town had now led to these murders,” her biographer, Jerry Roberts, once told the New Yorker magazine, referring to the assassinations of Moscone and Milk. “That’s when she started talking about how the center is so important.”

Of all the legislation that crossed Mrs. Feinstein’s Senate desk, the bill with which she was most associated was the assault weapons ban that President Bill Clinton signed into law in 1994. The uphill effort showcased Mrs. Feinstein at her most determined. When a more senior senator, Larry Craig (R-Idaho), questioned her experience on gun issues, she reminded him that she had become mayor of San Francisco as a result of a double assassination. “I know something about what firearms can do,” she said.

The assault weapons ban expired in 2004. After the mass killing at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., in 2012, in which 20 first-graders and six adults were gunned down, Mrs. Feinstein spearheaded an unsuccessful effort to renew the law.

President Biden, who said he recruited her to serve on the Senate Judiciary Committee when he was chairman, called her “a pioneering American” in a statement Friday, adding: “There’s no better example of her skillful legislating and sheer force of will than when she turned passion into purpose, and led the fight to ban assault weapons.”

I never liked Feinstein. She was my senator for 17 years and I can't remember one thing I agreed with her on. That being said...

I respect her for the simple fact that I do believe she did what she thought the majority of her constituents elected her to do. She was tenacious and she stood up for what she believed. She was not above reaching across the aisle when necessary. She gave thirty years to her state and country, that goes beyond the desire for personal enrichment (though I am fairly certain there was some of that in there somewhere, as there is for all those critters).

Condolences to her family.
Around the world, Democrats are seen as moderates and the GOP are seen as nutjob conspiracy authoritarian tools....

Not anymore. Now they are recognized as the neo fascists that they always have been....but were good at hiding.

The cats out of the bag now, sport.
Noticing you haven't provided that link.................yet. Quelle surprise, coward. Quelle surprise.

What you asked for is stupid. And you ignore the fact that she had a CCW, which you claimed she didn't.

Proving yet again what a dishonest twit you are.

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