Dick Cheney: Edward Snowden Is A 'Traitor' And Possibly A Chinese Spy


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
WASHINGTON -- Former Vice President Dick Cheney said Sunday that Edward Snowden betrayed his country by leaking classified documents about the U.S. government's surveillance programs and warned that the former National Security Agency contractor may be spying for the Chinese government.

"I think he's a traitor,” Cheney said of Snowden in an interview with “Fox News Sunday.”

"I think he has committed crimes in effect by violating agreements given the position he had," he continued. "I think it's one of the worst occasions in my memory of somebody with access to classified information doing enormous damage to the national security interests of the United States."

Cheney defended the NSA surveillance programs, claiming that the United States may have been able to prevent the deadly Sept. 11 terrorist attacks on New York and Washington if such monitoring practices had been in place in 2001.

"As everybody who's been associated with the program's said, if we had had this before 9/11, when there were two terrorists in San Diego -- two hijackers -- had been able to use that program, that capability, against that target, we might well have been able to prevent 9/11," Cheney said.

Cheney also raised questions about Snowden's decision to flee to Hong Kong, suggesting he may be sharing sensitive information with the Chinese government. He hinted that Snowden could even be a Chinese spy.

More: Dick Cheney: Edward Snowden Is A 'Traitor' And Possibly A Chinese Spy - By Jennifer Bendery

Dick Cheney should know a traitor when he sees one.
Cheney is right...

How is Cheney a traitor? WTF did he ever do to deserve that.

Hypocrisy Overload: Dick Cheney Calls Edward Snowden a Traitor

Real Liberal Polotics

I knew to stop there, but no, I just had to go to the first paragraph

Dick Cheney helped mislead the country into invading Iraq and has been convicted of war crimes, but he thinks Edward Snowden is a traitor

Good fucking god liberals are absolute sheep
Yanno..............when it comes to Snowden I'm kinda torn.

I mean..................he DID blow the cover of a secret program that the U.S. had that spied on terrorists by saying that the U.S. government was spying on phone calls.

But................they already knew that and were using burner phones. Why else do you think that the government targeted the various companies that they did?

As far as blowing the cover on secret plans? He should be put in jail, but for no longer than 3 to 5 years (I mean................look at Scooter Libby).

On the other hand...................he should be regarded as a hero for showing Americans what is really going on behind the scenes. Do I like being monitored? Not really, but I know that with every key strike on the computer I have which is connected to the 'net, I know that my thoughts and ideas are being looked at.

I also know that because everyone likes convenience, we now have cell phones (and cars) which can track where we're at, as well as what we like and where we go (remember, you sign up for something, they're gonna see what you do), it's no wonder that the government finally decided to see what was going on.

I don't laud Snowden for betraying his clearance or his country. He should be punished for leaking secret documents.

I do however, laud him for finally making people aware of how much of their privacy they've given away freely, and has been harnessed by the government.

I consider Snowden a flawed hero, but a hero none the less.
Yanno..............when it comes to Snowden I'm kinda torn.

I mean..................he DID blow the cover of a secret program that the U.S. had that spied on terrorists by saying that the U.S. government was spying on phone calls.

But................they already knew that and were using burner phones. Why else do you think that the government targeted the various companies that they did?

As far as blowing the cover on secret plans? He should be put in jail, but for no longer than 3 to 5 years (I mean................look at Scooter Libby).

On the other hand...................he should be regarded as a hero for showing Americans what is really going on behind the scenes. Do I like being monitored? Not really, but I know that with every key strike on the computer I have which is connected to the 'net, I know that my thoughts and ideas are being looked at.

I also know that because everyone likes convenience, we now have cell phones (and cars) which can track where we're at, as well as what we like and where we go (remember, you sign up for something, they're gonna see what you do), it's no wonder that the government finally decided to see what was going on.

I don't laud Snowden for betraying his clearance or his country. He should be punished for leaking secret documents.

I do however, laud him for finally making people aware of how much of their privacy they've given away freely, and has been harnessed by the government.

I consider Snowden a flawed hero, but a hero none the less.

The Idiot Hero

not bad

what he did right up to the point of spilling to the chinese was that, once he spilled, he became a traitor
Lakhota talking about who is a traitor..

you can look in a mirror to see one...you have sold out your people (not that you are a Indian) and your soul to the Government and a party..you are a disgrace
Lakhota talking about who is a traitor..

you can look in a mirror to see one...you have sold out your people (not that you are a Indian) and your soul to the Government and a party..you are a disgrace

who gives a shit what you think?All you do is spew out talking points that are fed to you lunch lady
You ever thought you see when Cheney would become their hero?

Are Lindsey Graham and Peter King their ‘heroes’ as well?

Highly unlikely.

The fact is this is splitting conservatives right down the middle: on one side you’ve got Nixonian neo-cons like Cheney who believe most anyone is likely a ‘traitor’ and should be spied on accordingly; and on the other side you’ve got the partisan right who want desperately to make a ‘hero’ of Snowden and contrive the surveillance programs into some sort of ‘political weapon’ to use against Obama.

Tough choice for most rightists…
WASHINGTON -- Former Vice President Dick Cheney said Sunday that Edward Snowden betrayed his country by leaking classified documents about the U.S. government's surveillance programs and warned that the former National Security Agency contractor may be spying for the Chinese government.

"I think he's a traitor,” Cheney said of Snowden in an interview with “Fox News Sunday.”


Cheney is a dick.

Hopefully his next heart attack will do him in.

You ever thought you see when Cheney would become their hero?

Are Lindsey Graham and Peter King their ‘heroes’ as well?

Highly unlikely.

The fact is this is splitting conservatives right down the middle: on one side you’ve got Nixonian neo-cons like Cheney who believe most anyone is likely a ‘traitor’ and should be spied on accordingly; and on the other side you’ve got the partisan right who want desperately to make a ‘hero’ of Snowden and contrive the surveillance programs into some sort of ‘political weapon’ to use against Obama.

Tough choice for most rightists…

I'm a republican and I dont fall under either of your descriptions.
Oh......and dick cheney can kiss my ass if he thinks this is a good idea.
The same goes with any politician,and any American for that matter.
I no longer trust my gov.....either side. And I'm for the first time,considering bailing on republicans.
Dick Cheney is not a credible man on this issue, at all.
Snowden: It’s An Honor To Be Called A Traitor By Dick Cheney

Asked during a live chat on The Guardian's website to respond to U.S. officials who have called him a traitor, Edward Snowden, the self-proclaimed source of recently leaked top secret National Security Agency documents, said he considers it an honor to be called a traitor by the likes of former Vice President Dick Cheney.

"t's important to bear in mind I'm being called a traitor by men like former Vice President Dick Cheney," Snowden wrote. "This is a man who gave us the warrantless wiretapping scheme as a kind of atrocity warm-up on the way to deceitfully engineering a conflict that has killed over 4,400 and maimed nearly 32,000 Americans, as well as leaving over 100,000 Iraqis dead. Being called a traitor by Dick Cheney is the highest honor you can give an American, and the more panicked talk we hear from people like him, Feinstein, and King, the better off we all are. If they had taught a class on how to be the kind of citizen Dick Cheney worries about, I would have finished high school."

More: Snowden: It's An Honor To Be Called A Traitor By Dick Cheney | TPM LiveWire

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