Dick Cheney: Picking Sarah Palin Was A ‘Mistake’

I keep hearing Palin was a mistake.

I put forth the contention the mistake was McCain.

As opposed to whom? Nobody else was going to beat Obama.

That may or may not be true. Its just speculation................

However McCain lost many supporters just because he sided with democrats many many times.

Isnt compromise wonderful. We only pay a half trillion in interest every year from here on out......

Romney and Huckabee were the only other 2 contenders and Romney can't even get ahead of Obama in this environment, let alone being able to have beaten him in 2008. Huckabee had no chance.

The idea that McCain was a bad choice because someone else could have beaten Obama is stupid.
I disagree with Cheney on this one. Palin helped tremendously in 2010 in the defeat of the left. That's why they keep demonizing her and her family.
No. President Obama is the mistake. And AMERICA made it.

This time around, with any luck at all, we will be correcting that mistake.

I wonder which of the Obama policies President Romney will scuttle first?

How about scuttling 'Czars' that are unelected and unaccountable? Then he can rescind a buttload of Executive orders that circumvent the Constitution/Legislators...
You mean the position created by Saint Ronnie?


Wrong answer Douggie...Try yer hero FDR.
I keep hearing Palin was a mistake.

I put forth the contention the mistake was McCain.

As opposed to whom? Nobody else was going to beat Obama.

That may or may not be true. Its just speculation................

However McCain lost many supporters just because he sided with democrats many many times.

Isnt compromise wonderful. We only pay a half trillion in interest every year from here on out......

If I was ever disappointed in a politician, it was McCain.
Former Vice President Dick Cheney criticized Sen. John McCain's 2008 decision to choose Sarah Palin as his running mate

McCain picking Palin wasn't his mistake. His mistake was promising 4 more years of the crappy W Presidency. Palin couldn't dig him out of that hole.
Former Vice President Dick Cheney criticized Sen. John McCain's 2008 decision to choose Sarah Palin as his running mate

McCain picking Palin wasn't his mistake. His mistake was promising 4 more years of the crappy W Presidency. Palin couldn't dig him out of that hole.

Hell? McCain's staff put a muzzle on her...SHE was upstaging him.
LOL, Obama is qualified to run on 8.2% unemployment, credit rating downgraded, 5 trillion more in dept?
hell yeah, obama is showing his qualifications four years later:lol:

Obama has dropped unemployment 2%...remember how it raised 4% under Bush?

Tea Tards trashed our credit rating and are still too stupid to know better.

Bush was given a 4% unemployment rate and left an 8% unemployment rate
Bush was given a stock market at 10750 and left a market at 8150
Bush was given rising employment numbers and left losing 700,000 jobs a month
Bush was given a Budget surplus and left a trillion dollar budget deficit
Bush was given a nation at peace and left us with two wars

And Romney wants to return to the policies of Bush

still running against Bush I see...not going to work this time...this is all OBama's record NOW

Until Republicans can show that their policies are different than the failed policies of Bush........why wouldn't you run against their record
Obama has dropped unemployment 2%...remember how it raised 4% under Bush?

Tea Tards trashed our credit rating and are still too stupid to know better.

Bush was given a 4% unemployment rate and left an 8% unemployment rate
Bush was given a stock market at 10750 and left a market at 8150
Bush was given rising employment numbers and left losing 700,000 jobs a month
Bush was given a Budget surplus and left a trillion dollar budget deficit
Bush was given a nation at peace and left us with two wars

And Romney wants to return to the policies of Bush

still running against Bush I see...not going to work this time...this is all OBama's record NOW

Until Republicans can show that their policies are different than the failed policies of Bush........why wouldn't you run against their record

Bush Failed Policies > Obama's successful ones
As opposed to whom? Nobody else was going to beat Obama.

That may or may not be true. Its just speculation................

However McCain lost many supporters just because he sided with democrats many many times.

Isnt compromise wonderful. We only pay a half trillion in interest every year from here on out......

If I was ever disappointed in a politician, it was McCain.

Give it a few months and you will say the same thing about Romney

Where is that bus?
Picking Cheney was a mistake

By the end of his presidency, even Bush knew it. Bullied into invading Iraq, deemphasizing anti terror before 9-11, botched energy program, advocating torture, ignoring an economic collapse, opposing TARP.....all Cheneys doing


Picking Cheney was perhaps one of the best decisions made by W.

And there's not a shred of evidence to support your bullshit speculation that W ever got bullied into anything. Making shit up on the fly, as you tend to do so often, is not the same thing as evidence.

The balance of your post is equally merit-less and fictional.

Sadly,it was not until the last four months of his presidency That Bush finally told Cheney to go fuck himself
Picking Cheney was a mistake

By the end of his presidency, even Bush knew it. Bullied into invading Iraq, deemphasizing anti terror before 9-11, botched energy program, advocating torture, ignoring an economic collapse, opposing TARP.....all Cheneys doing


Picking Cheney was perhaps one of the best decisions made by W.

And there's not a shred of evidence to support your bullshit speculation that W ever got bullied into anything. Making shit up on the fly, as you tend to do so often, is not the same thing as evidence.

The balance of your post is equally merit-less and fictional.

Why do you opine "Cheney was perhaps one of the best decisions made by W"?

I understand "W" made some very poor decisions (using the term"Crusade" was the height of ignorance and declaring Victory a mere weeks after invading Iraq were two).

Selecting Cheney and Rumsfeld seem to have been the worst possible choices in retrospect.

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