Dick Cheney

you mean like to anyone who was below him on the list?.....the guy may go next week.....there is a valid point here.....

Thank you.

I understand that it's hard, very hard to line an organ up with a proper person that won't reject it immediately.

I just find it challenging to accept that a man with an average of 4 more years left getting an heart, while there was no one younger that could have decades, on average.

Nothing to do with Dick at all.

Maybe there were no other appropriate tissue matches,, what ya want them to do then,, just throw that fucking heart away instead of giving it to 71 year old Mr. Cheney? what an asswipe you are.

maybe.....but maybe there was....and they dont throw them away......on that list of maybe younger people.....i bet there was at least one who was a match......just speculatin....:eusa_angel:
Whether a person dislikes his politics or not we should not wish him ill.
Why not?

That criminal sonofabitch played a major role in the deception that led to the wrongful invasion of Iraq. He is as guilty as was his titular boss and many believe he was the real driving force behind that monumentally costly and immoral action. I wish Cheney all the suffering and misery he deserves, which unfortunately is far more than his remaining life span allows.

Dick Cheney makes me wish I believed there is a Hell.
I can't help but see where there are those on here who want to take the stand that a man at 71 years of age shouldn't be getting a heart transplant. Wow... do you get this crap from Obamacare? Is this what we can look forward to? "Uh sorry ma'am, but your 65 years old and although we have a kidney for you, we have decided that we should give it to a 25 year old crack addict because our charts show us that you won't live for very long."

Come on Supreme Court... let's get back to sanity... Dump Obamacare!

what if the 25 year old was not a crack addict?......and he was your kid?.....would you still have the same attitude?....
Thank you.

I understand that it's hard, very hard to line an organ up with a proper person that won't reject it immediately.

I just find it challenging to accept that a man with an average of 4 more years left getting an heart, while there was no one younger that could have decades, on average.

Nothing to do with Dick at all.

Maybe there were no other appropriate tissue matches,, what ya want them to do then,, just throw that fucking heart away instead of giving it to 71 year old Mr. Cheney? what an asswipe you are.

maybe.....but maybe there was....and they dont throw them away......on that list of maybe younger people.....i bet there was at least one who was a match......just speculatin....:eusa_angel:

speculatin,, total waste of time and energy, Dick Cheney got that heart and there's not a damn thing you can do about it.. except wish him well. :clap2:
Maybe there were no other appropriate tissue matches,, what ya want them to do then,, just throw that fucking heart away instead of giving it to 71 year old Mr. Cheney? what an asswipe you are.

maybe.....but maybe there was....and they dont throw them away......on that list of maybe younger people.....i bet there was at least one who was a match......just speculatin....:eusa_angel:

speculatin,, total waste of time and energy, Dick Cheney got that heart and there's not a damn thing you can do about it.. except wish him well. :clap2:

I read that Cheney "waited longer than average" for his heart, so no issue there. I don't think he was "fast-tracked" or anything like that.

Dick Cheney...
"more machine now than man." - Obi-Wan Kenobi, Return of the Jedi
I was surprised that he was able to have this procedure done because he is 71 years old. I also wondered if he was given preferential treatment with regards to the waiting period. I did some research and this is what I found:

Analysis: Cheney waited longer than average for heart transplant

At 71, former Vice President Dick Cheney was older than average for a heart transplant and had to wait longer than the typical patient as well -- 20 months compared with a year or less.

The fact that he was still able to receive a donor heart after surviving five heart attacks shows he must have been in excellent health, doctors said on Sunday.

They also pointed to advances in care that have made it possible for older patients to still be good transplant candidates. Cheney is recovering at a Washington-area hospital after undergoing the surgery on Saturday.

Hospitals have traditionally set 65 as the upper limit for heart transplant. But older patients increasingly are getting them, and there is no absolute cut-off age.

Analysis: Cheney waited longer than average for heart transplant | Reuters

Doe not sound as though he was given any preferential treatment.


It was kind of objective of you to dig that up and share it.

Nice form.

Thanks!!! I appreciate it.
This is Larry Hagman all over again.. wasting organs on old people who could fall dead tomorrow while younger people dont get treatment.. the difference, the older people have millions to pay for organs.

A 71 year old should never ever get an organ transplant. It is economically stupid, morally repulsive and goes against any medical logic.

Organs are a very rare commodity in most societies and should be given to those that have the best chance of a long life, and no one can tell me that giving it to a 71 year old with a history of health problems is the best chance that this organ had to prolong some ones life for a long time.

Cheney is at risk from a multiple life ending issues due to his age and his medical history, so he could fall dead tomorrow because of a stroke, blood clot and so on..

This organ was clearly wasted in a corrupt system where money can get you ahead of others... pathetic.

We cannot deny heart transplants to older Americans. What's next?? You can't get one if you're ugly?? This country is too good to ever start anything like that. And I'll bet you would feel differently if somebody you loved was 71 and needed a heart transplant.
This is Larry Hagman all over again.. wasting organs on old people who could fall dead tomorrow while younger people dont get treatment.. the difference, the older people have millions to pay for organs.

A 71 year old should never ever get an organ transplant. It is economically stupid, morally repulsive and goes against any medical logic.

Organs are a very rare commodity in most societies and should be given to those that have the best chance of a long life, and no one can tell me that giving it to a 71 year old with a history of health problems is the best chance that this organ had to prolong some ones life for a long time.

Cheney is at risk from a multiple life ending issues due to his age and his medical history, so he could fall dead tomorrow because of a stroke, blood clot and so on..

This organ was clearly wasted in a corrupt system where money can get you ahead of others... pathetic.

The average wait for a heart transplant is 3 to 6 months. How rare can that be if the wait is so short? Cheney waited 20 months, and to qualify he had to go onto the list before his 70th birthday. The average age for transplant patients is around 55 years. That is only 15 years short of 70 at the point you'd like to see it be eliminated. The average cost of a heart transplant is $240,000. a bunch of which is not paid for by Medicare, but instead by the patients own insurance.

Younger heart patients are more likely to "fall over dead tomorrow" than are more senior Americans. There are a bunch of disqualifying health problems, and Cheny met all the qualifiers to receive the heart, and not be denied.

At the present time the government is not in charge of the supply of hearts, instead non government organizations locate and connect hearts with patients, and a lot has to do with the physical location of the patient and the heart. They heart has to be transplanted in about 6-hours after the death of the patient. That doesn't allow for a lot of logistics and air flight connections.
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Most hospitals will not put you on a heart list after age 60.

Its fact folks.

There are more who need a heart than there are hearts.

They try to give them to the youngest and healthiest people who need one.

SOMEONE died because a 72 year old man with a long history of being sick got this heart.

Christ you're a dumbass applying that calculus to this. And the power you're using to live on a daily basis could probably power air conditioning for a shut-in old lady. Turn off your computer and conserve the energy you unimaginable piece of shit.
Vice President Dick Cheney got a heart transplant. Naturally, there are those on here who will whine, complain, and conjecture that he jumped the line; or that somehow the government paid for the transplant; or this, or that, or whatever. To fantasize that Dick Cheney was a war profiteer is idiotic and ignorant.

Dick Cheney has served his country well. If you don't like his politics, then that's just too bad. I like Vice President Cheney. I think he was someone that you could KNOW from the get-go where he stood on an issue. There was never any question and you didn't have to worry about him flip-flopping based upon poll numbers. I believe it's called "political courage." Would I have wanted him to be President? No, I think the man made an excellent Vice President, and like he said many times, its in that capacity that he could serve the best.

I can't help but see where there are those on here who want to take the stand that a man at 71 years of age shouldn't be getting a heart transplant. Wow... do you get this crap from Obamacare? Is this what we can look forward to? "Uh sorry ma'am, but your 65 years old and although we have a kidney for you, we have decided that we should give it to a 25 year old crack addict because our charts show us that you won't live for very long."

Come on Supreme Court... let's get back to sanity... Dump Obamacare!

Man, you should have stopped after the first sentence. Why does the 25y/o have to be a crack addict? Cheney had a DWI conviction if memory serves. Are we really going to go there? That past crimes should prevent you from getting a heart transplant.

As for the medical issue; I hope he makes a full and speedy recovery. His politics appeal to the darker angels of our nature. Political courage had little to do with it; wishing to expand political ideology did.

EXACTLY!! Past crimes or transgressions have absolutely NOTHING to do with deciding who gets or who doesn't get the next available organ. Just like age has nothing to do with it. OR political affiliation.

My wife got pregnant with our second child. He was born with a prolapsed cord and essentially began breathing in the womb. He drowned and was born basically dead. However, the doctor got his heart breathing again. Over the course of 41 days it was obvious that his brain was completely gone. But for that time, my wife refused to acknowledge that the prognosis was the worst possible. I was the one who turned off the ventilator and held him until he died.

There are those on here who would assign a 'value' to a life based upon ridiculous 'return on investment.' For those who have 'never been there', my hope is that they never know. To tell me that Dick Cheney was 71 and shouldn't have received a heart transplant is ludicrous.

Dick Cheney has the courage to say what he believes. When you disagree with him, then he 'appeals to the darker angels.' I do not disagree... there is nothing 'dark' about what he professes...

You brought up the crack addict; I did not.

This isn't the thread for it so I will self-edit Cheney's politics. Lets just wish this remarkable public servant a full, speedy recovery and several more decades of a fruitful life.
Whether a person dislikes his politics or not we should not wish him ill.
Why not?

That criminal sonofabitch played a major role in the deception that led to the wrongful invasion of Iraq. He is as guilty as was his titular boss and many believe he was the real driving force behind that monumentally costly and immoral action. I wish Cheney all the suffering and misery he deserves, which unfortunately is far more than his remaining life span allows.

Dick Cheney makes me wish I believed there is a Hell.
MikeK, Dick Cheney is one of the best-liked men in the Equality State ever to serve 5 consecutive terms in Congress, elected by the people of Wyoming again and again until he was asked to serve in the White House under President Gerald Ford, I think it was, and several others after that.

What you are doing is taking an innocent man who spent a lifetime serving other people and having an open-door policy in his Congressional office so anybody his state could walk in anytime he was around, and he'd welcome, make them comfortable, and listen to what they had to say.

I was a resident of that state for 35 years, and Dick Cheney is none of the dehumanizing descriptive words with which you are unfairly punishing him, and you are kicking him when he is down.

You're picking up on false stories distributed by conservative detractors.

I suggest you consider looking at who is conspiring to "Wipe the US off the face of the map" before you continue your calumnous diatribe against one of the finest Americans who ever graced the vice President's house in Washington a few years back, is a patriot, and defended your freedom of speech with all his might and main.

Dick Cheney relinquished a fortune to serve this nation. He deserves every good wish in the world, having served his state and the United States for over 40 years.
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he does have a point though......the next 5 people on the list were no doubt much younger.....other older recipients for hearts and Livers have been through this and have been asked the same question....im sure Dick will be no different....

The next 5 people on the list may not have been a match or able to undergo the surgery for whatever reason.

so what if say 3 of them were......and they were all under 40?.......
Whether a person dislikes his politics or not we should not wish him ill.
Why not?

That criminal sonofabitch played a major role in the deception that led to the wrongful invasion of Iraq. He is as guilty as was his titular boss and many believe he was the real driving force behind that monumentally costly and immoral action. I wish Cheney all the suffering and misery he deserves, which unfortunately is far more than his remaining life span allows.

Dick Cheney makes me wish I believed there is a Hell.
MikeK, Dick Cheney is one of the best-liked men in the Equality State ever to serve 5 consecutive terms in Congress, elected by the people of Wyoming again and again until he was asked to serve in the White House under President Gerald Ford, I think it was, and several others after that.

What you are doing is taking an innocent man who spent a lifetime serving other people and having an open-door policy in his Congressional office so anybody his state could walk in anytime he was around, and he'd welcome, make them comfortable, and listen to what they had to say.

I was a resident of that state for 35 years, and Dick Cheney is none of the dehumanizing descriptive words with which you are unfairly punishing him, and you are kicking him when he is down.

You're picking up on false stories distributed by conservative detractors.

I suggest you consider looking at who is conspiring to "Wipe the US off the face of the map" before you continue your calumnous diatribe against one of the finest Americans who ever graced the vice President's house in Washington a few years back, is a patriot, and defended your freedom of speech with all his might and main.

Dick Cheney relinquished a fortune to serve this nation. He deserves every good wish in the world, having served his state and the United States for over 40 years.

Well said, Becki. Damn I wish I could rep you again but have to wait to spread it some more. Cheney was one of the few who I think was a true patriot and public servant offering his time, considerable skill set, and passion to actually doing good things for America. He would have made a great President but instead chose to serve in the shadow of others. He did his job competently and faithfully and, as much as anybody does in recent times, for little or no personal gain.

Americans should give him a heartfelt thank you and best wishes for a full and satisfying recovery. Men of his ability, caliber, skill set, and adult perspective are rare these days, and we need a whole lot more of them.

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