Dick Cheney

Vice President Dick Cheney got a heart transplant. Naturally, there are those on here who will whine, complain, and conjecture that he jumped the line; or that somehow the government paid for the transplant; or this, or that, or whatever. To fantasize that Dick Cheney was a war profiteer is idiotic and ignorant.

Dick Cheney has served his country well. If you don't like his politics, then that's just too bad. I like Vice President Cheney. I think he was someone that you could KNOW from the get-go where he stood on an issue. There was never any question and you didn't have to worry about him flip-flopping based upon poll numbers. I believe it's called "political courage." Would I have wanted him to be President? No, I think the man made an excellent Vice President, and like he said many times, its in that capacity that he could serve the best.

I can't help but see where there are those on here who want to take the stand that a man at 71 years of age shouldn't be getting a heart transplant. Wow... do you get this crap from Obamacare? Is this what we can look forward to? "Uh sorry ma'am, but your 65 years old and although we have a kidney for you, we have decided that we should give it to a 25 year old crack addict because our charts show us that you won't live for very long."

Come on Supreme Court... let's get back to sanity... Dump Obamacare!
(I've not read the entire thread, that said...) The real issue for debate is a very simple one and has nothing to do with Cheney's age or character. The issue is this: Wealth. Mr. Cheney is very rich, and very rich people get what they want, when they want it, apparently even a new lease on life.

Did Mr. Cheney receive preferential treatment and receive a heart which might have benefited a younger person?

Did a quid pro qou exchange occur?

Did another who needed a transplant die when the heart was given to Mr. Cheney?

"conservatives" TALK about transparency.....but, would they be in-favor of demanding that.....the list, of people EXCLUDED (to put The DICK; Cheney at the-front-of-the-line) me made public....in ALL cases, as a matter-of-fact???

If the whole organ-assignment process IS Fair & Balanced, why shouldn't the general-public have access TO that process....and, it's record of outcomes?

Vice President Dick Cheney got a heart transplant. Naturally, there are those on here who will whine, complain, and conjecture that he jumped the line; or that somehow the government paid for the transplant; or this, or that, or whatever. To fantasize that Dick Cheney was a war profiteer is idiotic and ignorant.

Dick Cheney has served his country well. If you don't like his politics, then that's just too bad. I like Vice President Cheney. I think he was someone that you could KNOW from the get-go where he stood on an issue. There was never any question and you didn't have to worry about him flip-flopping based upon poll numbers. I believe it's called "political courage." Would I have wanted him to be President? No, I think the man made an excellent Vice President, and like he said many times, its in that capacity that he could serve the best.

I can't help but see where there are those on here who want to take the stand that a man at 71 years of age shouldn't be getting a heart transplant. Wow... do you get this crap from Obamacare? Is this what we can look forward to? "Uh sorry ma'am, but your 65 years old and although we have a kidney for you, we have decided that we should give it to a 25 year old crack addict because our charts show us that you won't live for very long."

Come on Supreme Court... let's get back to sanity... Dump Obamacare!

Man, you should have stopped after the first sentence. Why does the 25y/o have to be a crack addict? Cheney had a DWI conviction if memory serves. Are we really going to go there? That past crimes should prevent you from getting a heart transplant.

As for the medical issue; I hope he makes a full and speedy recovery. His politics appeal to the darker angels of our nature. Political courage had little to do with it; wishing to expand political ideology did.

as I said in the prior post, it seems pretty clear
I did augment this after posting, so perhaps you missed the example

eg Even if a doctor was from one political party and the patient from another

The oath would not allow him to approach treatment on them differently​

Look to me it is a" definition issue",
we are talking about

A rather odd example, but you're right. Ethically we can't discriminate against a person because we disagree with their politics.
How 'bout their (actual) value, to the general-public....as-opposed-to their past-record (of "value", to the public)....which SHOULD have.....


"Lying at the heart of most of these ethical debates are the twin questions of procurement and distribution. How do we get organs, and how do we decide who will receive the implants? There are always fewer donors than there are potential recipients, and that's why some 5,000 people die every year while waiting for new organs.

As far as distribution goes, everyone has to be able to pay in order to receive a transplant - and that is why many poor people never undergo the process. Overall, transplants are a procedure for people with lots of money or lots of insurance. But should the choice of who gets new organs also depend upon social worth?"

(I've not read the entire thread, that said...) The real issue for debate is a very simple one and has nothing to do with Cheney's age or character. The issue is this: Wealth. Mr. Cheney is very rich, and very rich people get what they want, when they want it, apparently even a new lease on life.

Did Mr. Cheney receive preferential treatment and receive a heart which might have benefited a younger person?

Did a quid pro qou exchange occur?

Did another die when the heart was given to Mr. Cheney?

I'd answer no to the first two questions; as far as the last, there is no way to know the answer to that one. It could be that another person was higher on the list but for whatever reason, couldn't undergo the surgery.
Shouldn't we KNOW, for a fact????

I'm pretty damned cynical, and you probably won't find anyone more radical about healthcare than I am, but I truly don't believe that what happened here is any different than any other procurement and transplant scenario.
Ah, yes.....the ol' "conservative"/moralist conundrum; Belief vs. KNOWLEDGE.
Vice President Dick Cheney got a heart transplant. Naturally, there are those on here who will whine, complain, and conjecture that he jumped the line; or that somehow the government paid for the transplant; or this, or that, or whatever. To fantasize that Dick Cheney was a war profiteer is idiotic and ignorant.

Dick Cheney has served his country well. If you don't like his politics, then that's just too bad. I like Vice President Cheney. I think he was someone that you could KNOW from the get-go where he stood on an issue. There was never any question and you didn't have to worry about him flip-flopping based upon poll numbers. I believe it's called "political courage." Would I have wanted him to be President? No, I think the man made an excellent Vice President, and like he said many times, its in that capacity that he could serve the best.

I can't help but see where there are those on here who want to take the stand that a man at 71 years of age shouldn't be getting a heart transplant. Wow... do you get this crap from Obamacare? Is this what we can look forward to? "Uh sorry ma'am, but your 65 years old and although we have a kidney for you, we have decided that we should give it to a 25 year old crack addict because our charts show us that you won't live for very long."

Come on Supreme Court... let's get back to sanity... Dump Obamacare!

Man, you should have stopped after the first sentence. Why does the 25y/o have to be a crack addict? Cheney had a DWI conviction if memory serves. Are we really going to go there? That past crimes should prevent you from getting a heart transplant.

As for the medical issue; I hope he makes a full and speedy recovery. His politics appeal to the darker angels of our nature. Political courage had little to do with it; wishing to expand political ideology did.

EXACTLY!! Past crimes or transgressions have absolutely NOTHING to do with deciding who gets or who doesn't get the next available organ. Just like age has nothing to do with it. OR political affiliation.

My wife got pregnant with our second child. He was born with a prolapsed cord and essentially began breathing in the womb. He drowned and was born basically dead. However, the doctor got his heart breathing again. Over the course of 41 days it was obvious that his brain was completely gone. But for that time, my wife refused to acknowledge that the prognosis was the worst possible. I was the one who turned off the ventilator and held him until he died.

There are those on here who would assign a 'value' to a life based upon ridiculous 'return on investment.' For those who have 'never been there', my hope is that they never know. To tell me that Dick Cheney was 71 and shouldn't have received a heart transplant is ludicrous.

Dick Cheney has the courage to say what he believes. When you disagree with him, then he 'appeals to the darker angels.' I do not disagree... there is nothing 'dark' about what he professes...
Had a heart transplant today.


A 71 y/o man getting a transplant is nothing to cheer about.

He's at the end of his life, the heart should have gone to someone with decades to go.

Why on earth would they waste a new heart on that man? He's old and very sick, they should have given one to someone who is young and has a life to look forward to.

Why don't we just shoot old people in the head when they reach 70?
Hmmmmmmmm.....yeah, you "conservatives" always were quite the fans o' "survival o' the fittest".

To be fair.....I'm thinkin' those folks (in your advancing-years) should, at least, be given a running-start.

Strapping-someone-down (before eliminating them) would be comparable to the dude who holds-down the live-game, during The DICK; Cheney's hunting-trips.​
well Joe Biden could use one !

Why do you say that? Joe Biden has always been good, he's happy and healthy. He leads a full life and it shows.

Cheney hasn't been well for years and years. If he was any other Joe Schmoe, he would not be pieced together like this every year.

You have one more IQ point than TM.

Anyone with insurance would get this kind of treatment.
....And, those, who can't AFFORD insurance, shouldn't be as entitled.

Funny, how that works-out.....for the 1%ers/rule-makers.
Vice President Dick Cheney got a heart transplant. Naturally, there are those on here who will whine, complain, and conjecture that he jumped the line; or that somehow the government paid for the transplant; or this, or that, or whatever. To fantasize that Dick Cheney was a war profiteer is idiotic and ignorant.

Dick Cheney has served his country well. If you don't like his politics, then that's just too bad. I like Vice President Cheney. I think he was someone that you could KNOW from the get-go where he stood on an issue. There was never any question and you didn't have to worry about him flip-flopping based upon poll numbers. I believe it's called "political courage." Would I have wanted him to be President? No, I think the man made an excellent Vice President, and like he said many times, its in that capacity that he could serve the best.

I can't help but see where there are those on here who want to take the stand that a man at 71 years of age shouldn't be getting a heart transplant. Wow... do you get this crap from Obamacare? Is this what we can look forward to? "Uh sorry ma'am, but your 65 years old and although we have a kidney for you, we have decided that we should give it to a 25 year old crack addict because our charts show us that you won't live for very long."

Come on Supreme Court... let's get back to sanity... Dump Obamacare!

Man, you should have stopped after the first sentence. Why does the 25y/o have to be a crack addict? Cheney had a DWI conviction if memory serves. Are we really going to go there? That past crimes should prevent you from getting a heart transplant.

As for the medical issue; I hope he makes a full and speedy recovery. His politics appeal to the darker angels of our nature. Political courage had little to do with it; wishing to expand political ideology did.

EXACTLY!! Past crimes or transgressions have absolutely NOTHING to do with deciding who gets or who doesn't get the next available organ. Just like age has nothing to do with it. OR political affiliation.

My wife got pregnant with our second child. He was born with a prolapsed cord and essentially began breathing in the womb. He drowned and was born basically dead. However, the doctor got his heart breathing again. Over the course of 41 days it was obvious that his brain was completely gone. But for that time, my wife refused to acknowledge that the prognosis was the worst possible. I was the one who turned off the ventilator and held him until he died.

There are those on here who would assign a 'value' to a life based upon ridiculous 'return on investment.' For those who have 'never been there', my hope is that they never know. To tell me that Dick Cheney was 71 and shouldn't have received a heart transplant is ludicrous.

Dick Cheney has the courage to say what he believes. When you disagree with him, then he 'appeals to the darker angels.' I do not disagree... there is nothing 'dark' about what he professes...

That is so sad, and I'm so sorry for your loss.
Most hospitals will not put you on a heart list after age 60.

Its fact folks.

There are more who need a heart than there are hearts.

They try to give them to the youngest and healthiest people who need one.

SOMEONE died because a 72 year old man with a long history of being sick got this heart.

To any fair observor it is clear that Cheney actually lost assets by taking the office of VP. It's what the left does so well (sadly because they have their MSM echo chamber); they defamed an honest and dedicated public servant for political gain; and poisoned the minds of their minions, creating hatred against him (just look at the comments of the minions here) to an unparalled degree; DISGRACEFUL!

(from the link)
Stock Options

That still would leave the possibility that Cheney could profit from his Halliburton stock options if the company's stock rises in value. However, Cheney and his wife Lynne have assigned any future profits from their stock options in Halliburton and several other companies to charity. And we're not just taking the Cheney's word for this -- we asked for a copy of the legal agreement they signed, which we post here publicly for the first time.

The "Gift Trust Agreement" the Cheney's signed two days before he took office turns over power of attorney to a trust administrator to sell the options at some future time and to give the after-tax profits to three charities. The agreement specifies that 40% will go to the University of Wyoming (Cheney's home state), 40% will go to George Washington University's medical faculty to be used for tax-exempt charitable purposes, and 20% will go to Capital Partners for Education, a charity that provides financial aid for low-income students in Washington, DC to attend private and religious schools.

The agreement states that it is "irrevocable and may not be terminated, waived or amended," so the Cheney's can't take back their options later.

The options owned by the Cheney's have been valued at nearly $8 million, his attorney says. Such valuations are rough estimates only -- the actual value will depend on what happens to stock prices in the future, which of course can't be known beforehand. But it is clear that giving up rights to the future profits constitutes a significant financial sacrifice, and a sizable donation to the chosen charities.
The left doesn't give a shit about the truth. They have their "Cheney is evilllll!!!" programming firmly in place, and nothing -- NOTHING -- will shake it.



Shouldn't you start running.....soon?


Most hospitals will not put you on a heart list after age 60.

Its fact folks.

There are more who need a heart than there are hearts.

They try to give them to the youngest and healthiest people who need one.

SOMEONE died because a 72 year old man with a long history of being sick got this heart.

you're a liar, and that's a fact.

"The level of debate in California has risen as news of the heart transplant has spread.

"You have to wonder if a law-abiding, taxpaying citizen drew one last breath while Jailhouse Joe was getting a second wind," wrote Los Angeles Times columnist Steve Lopez.

Conservative radio talk show host Mark Williams in Sacramento said that two callers who were on transplant waiting lists "were absolutely besides themselves."

I'm SURE elderly-"conservatives" are anxious to start that debate....about the logic behind entitlement.

Most hospitals will not put you on a heart list after age 60.

Its fact folks.

There are more who need a heart than there are hearts.

They try to give them to the youngest and healthiest people who need one.

SOMEONE died because a 72 year old man with a long history of being sick got this heart.

you're a liar, and that's a fact.

Perhaps you could point out his lie more specifically?
What part of his statements are untrue?

Because I can certainly point to where Cheney lied and it cost people their lives.
Most hospitals will not put you on a heart list after age 60.

Its fact folks.

There are more who need a heart than there are hearts.

They try to give them to the youngest and healthiest people who need one.

SOMEONE died because a 72 year old man with a long history of being sick got this heart.

you're a liar, and that's a fact.

Perhaps you could point out his lie more specifically?
What part of his statements are untrue?

Because I can certainly point to where Cheney lied and it cost people their lives.

the moron has absolutely no information that points to the fact that someone else was passed over for that heart. she's a fucking liar for saying it's fact. so sit down now and stfu.
Mr. Cheney was at or near the top. I don't believe who he is had anything to do with it,

Proof once again that some people will believe anything.

Doctors should have let him die on the table. Would have done the world a favor. IMO.
But there is still hope he could die soon. I will keep my fingers crossed.
And what have you done for society? Posted mindless hate on the internet?

Yeah, we're all better off for that, aren't we?
Easy, there.

We wouldn't want to see your ol' ticker punch-out; mid-stride!!!




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you're a liar, and that's a fact.

Perhaps you could point out his lie more specifically?
What part of his statements are untrue?

Because I can certainly point to where Cheney lied and it cost people their lives.

the moron has absolutely no information that points to the fact that someone else was passed over for that heart. she's a fucking liar for saying it's fact. so sit down now and stfu.

YOU are a LAIR!!! :mad:

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