Dick Cheney

Oh my
so sensitive

Actually, I posted to Dave, first
then you responded to me on my post to Dave

Yeah so you dragged me into it

the left tells so many lies
they can't keep them straight

As for the humor you don't seem to appreciate
It is understandable, satire is sometimes lost on the dimwitted

Mr. Trotsky,

Since my original post was to Daveman, I did not exactly drag you in. Is your name Daveman? Talk about not keeping the lies straight (see this one is addressed to you).

I hate to break it to you, but your not funny.........

What does the left got to do with this?

Since my original post was to Dave
and you choose to respond to me,
don't blame me.

I was content not posting to you.

It only seemed polite when you decided to post to me
for me to respond. It is after all, a posting board
where the free flow of ideas, back and forth between
people is the expected norm.

Perhaps, if you believe that only you can post or expect
no return response from a person then you need a different
format. I suggest some type of "soapbox" in any public area.
Something like in London's Hyde Park, "Speaker's Corner",
may be a better fit for you.

Of course you being the butt,,er,, brunt of the jokes
we can understand why you think them not funny

Not funny?
to each his own

You are free to post on a forum, but do not lie and tell me I drug you into it. The free flow of ideas would be an overstatement for you (now THAT is funny).
Read my signature. It applies to you.

Perhaps you should change your signature to the following:

I am an angry man who attempts to get his significance in life with thousands of posts baiting and insulting supposed liberals as opposed to attempting to make a contribution to life. Don't end up like me - study hard in school and use your time wisely.
But that wouldn't be at all truthful.

My signature, however, is true. You can tell because you got all huffy about it.
Now I have wasted enough time in the hopeless task of encouraging you to look at your life and improve it.
My life couldn't stand much improvement. I've got a wonderful family, a great career, I live in one of the most beautiful places in the world, and I don't flatter myself that I have a mandate to change other people's lives by posting arrogantly on the internet.

You might give that last one a try.
Liberal, leftest, etc, I am sure that if it rains at night you look up at the moon and howl that it is the liberals fault.
No. Unlike you, I'm not stupid enough to go outside at night in the rain.

What is Gaea's name ever gave you the idea that you're an intelligent human being? You've been lied to.

From you reaction to my post I am spot on. Bingo, an angry insignicant man.......

BTW, walking in the rain at night is pretty cool. Step awat from the keyboard (28,000+ posts) amd try it. You might be a happier person.
At 71 he had a heart transplant? That's terrible. Considering the available, hearts should go to someone younger. I hope this story isn't true.

You don't have to go so far out of your way to be an asshole rderp. You are already fully recognized as being the lowlife scumbag you are.

Don't call me names you piece of pig shit. You don't post anything supporting your position. Here, read this:

Can anybody go through heart transplantation?

No. The criteria for recipient selection according to Papworth Hospital in Cambridge is as following:

End-stage heart disease with life expectancy limited to 6-12 months.
Age of less than 55 years for coronary arteries disease; less than 60 years for cardiomyopathy
Absence of irreversible hepatic or renal failure
Absence of active infection
Absence of recent pulmonary infection
Psychosocial stability
There is no lower age limit to heart transplantation

Your Guide to Heart Transplantation

No where could I find a cut off age older than 70.

Cheney called in some favors.
At 71 he had a heart transplant? That's terrible. Considering the available, hearts should go to someone younger. I hope this story isn't true.

You don't have to go so far out of your way to be an asshole rderp. You are already fully recognized as being the lowlife scumbag you are.

Don't call me names you piece of pig shit. You don't post anything supporting your position. Here, read this:

Can anybody go through heart transplantation?

No. The criteria for recipient selection according to Papworth Hospital in Cambridge is as following:

End-stage heart disease with life expectancy limited to 6-12 months.
Age of less than 55 years for coronary arteries disease; less than 60 years for cardiomyopathy
Absence of irreversible hepatic or renal failure
Absence of active infection
Absence of recent pulmonary infection
Psychosocial stability
There is no lower age limit to heart transplantation

Your Guide to Heart Transplantation

No where could I find a cut off age older than 70.

Cheney called in some favors.

Read post #516...you'll get your education.
At 71 he had a heart transplant? That's terrible. Considering the available, hearts should go to someone younger. I hope this story isn't true.

You don't have to go so far out of your way to be an asshole rderp. You are already fully recognized as being the lowlife scumbag you are.

Don't call me names you piece of pig shit. You don't post anything supporting your position. Here, read this:

Can anybody go through heart transplantation?

No. The criteria for recipient selection according to Papworth Hospital in Cambridge is as following:

End-stage heart disease with life expectancy limited to 6-12 months.
Age of less than 55 years for coronary arteries disease; less than 60 years for cardiomyopathy
Absence of irreversible hepatic or renal failure
Absence of active infection
Absence of recent pulmonary infection
Psychosocial stability
There is no lower age limit to heart transplantation

Your Guide to Heart Transplantation

No where could I find a cut off age older than 70.

Cheney called in some favors.

Your link is from a facility in the UK. I would suspect they have an even more limited availability of viable organs than we do here, hence the need for stricter criteria.

I posted Inova's criteria for possible exclusion. It did not mention a specific age limit. There are a number of reasons why he was given this heart, preferential treatment isn't one of them.
At 71 he had a heart transplant? That's terrible. Considering the available, hearts should go to someone younger. I hope this story isn't true.

You don't have to go so far out of your way to be an asshole rderp. You are already fully recognized as being the lowlife scumbag you are.

Don't call me names you piece of pig shit. You don't post anything supporting your position. Here, read this:

Can anybody go through heart transplantation?

No. The criteria for recipient selection according to Papworth Hospital in Cambridge is as following:

End-stage heart disease with life expectancy limited to 6-12 months.
Age of less than 55 years for coronary arteries disease; less than 60 years for cardiomyopathy
Absence of irreversible hepatic or renal failure
Absence of active infection
Absence of recent pulmonary infection
Psychosocial stability
There is no lower age limit to heart transplantation

Your Guide to Heart Transplantation

No where could I find a cut off age older than 70.

Cheney called in some favors.

I wonder what favors The Reverend Earl Oldham called in??

DALLAS — A 71-year-old minister says the surgery that made him the world's oldest heart transplant recipient will enable him to continue what he enjoys - serving God. The Rev. Earl Oldham received the heart of a 23-year-old Saturday at Baylor Medical Center

Minister World's Oldest Heart Transplant Recipient - Orlando Sentinel
You don't have to go so far out of your way to be an asshole rderp. You are already fully recognized as being the lowlife scumbag you are.

Don't call me names you piece of pig shit. You don't post anything supporting your position. Here, read this:

Can anybody go through heart transplantation?

No. The criteria for recipient selection according to Papworth Hospital in Cambridge is as following:

End-stage heart disease with life expectancy limited to 6-12 months.
Age of less than 55 years for coronary arteries disease; less than 60 years for cardiomyopathy
Absence of irreversible hepatic or renal failure
Absence of active infection
Absence of recent pulmonary infection
Psychosocial stability
There is no lower age limit to heart transplantation

Your Guide to Heart Transplantation

No where could I find a cut off age older than 70.

Cheney called in some favors.

Read post #516...you'll get your education.

Rdweeb already knows everything he wants to know or about 6% of what is required to pass 3rd grade.
At 71 he had a heart transplant? That's terrible. Considering the available, hearts should go to someone younger. I hope this story isn't true.

You don't have to go so far out of your way to be an asshole rderp. You are already fully recognized as being the lowlife scumbag you are.

Don't call me names * * * *

You are a lowlife scumbag piece of shit motherfucking cock-sucking asshole munching moron.

any questions rderp? Tough. Eat shit.


You really didn't need to go out of your way to prove what a lowlife you are, by the way. Really.
Perhaps you should change your signature to the following:

I am an angry man who attempts to get his significance in life with thousands of posts baiting and insulting supposed liberals as opposed to attempting to make a contribution to life. Don't end up like me - study hard in school and use your time wisely.
But that wouldn't be at all truthful.

My signature, however, is true. You can tell because you got all huffy about it.

My life couldn't stand much improvement. I've got a wonderful family, a great career, I live in one of the most beautiful places in the world, and I don't flatter myself that I have a mandate to change other people's lives by posting arrogantly on the internet.

You might give that last one a try.
Liberal, leftest, etc, I am sure that if it rains at night you look up at the moon and howl that it is the liberals fault.
No. Unlike you, I'm not stupid enough to go outside at night in the rain.

What is Gaea's name ever gave you the idea that you're an intelligent human being? You've been lied to.

From you reaction to my post I am spot on. Bingo, an angry insignicant man.......

BTW, walking in the rain at night is pretty cool. Step awat from the keyboard (28,000+ posts) amd try it. You might be a happier person.
As I said, you see only what you want to see, reality be damned.

And it's funny that you consider yourself a "significant" man. :lol:
At 71 he had a heart transplant? That's terrible. Considering the available, hearts should go to someone younger. I hope this story isn't true.

You don't have to go so far out of your way to be an asshole rderp. You are already fully recognized as being the lowlife scumbag you are.

Don't call me names you piece of pig shit. You don't post anything supporting your position. Here, read this:

Can anybody go through heart transplantation?

No. The criteria for recipient selection according to Papworth Hospital in Cambridge is as following:

End-stage heart disease with life expectancy limited to 6-12 months.
Age of less than 55 years for coronary arteries disease; less than 60 years for cardiomyopathy
Absence of irreversible hepatic or renal failure
Absence of active infection
Absence of recent pulmonary infection
Psychosocial stability
There is no lower age limit to heart transplantation

Your Guide to Heart Transplantation

No where could I find a cut off age older than 70.

Cheney called in some favors.
Rderp, you have a habit of claiming that things outside the US are in the US.

If you have to lie to make your point, your point isn't worth making.

You simply can't understand that.
This is Larry Hagman all over again.. wasting organs on old people who could fall dead tomorrow while younger people dont get treatment.. the difference, the older people have millions to pay for organs.

A 71 year old should never ever get an organ transplant. It is economically stupid, morally repulsive and goes against any medical logic.

Organs are a very rare commodity in most societies and should be given to those that have the best chance of a long life, and no one can tell me that giving it to a 71 year old with a history of health problems is the best chance that this organ had to prolong some ones life for a long time.

Cheney is at risk from a multiple life ending issues due to his age and his medical history, so he could fall dead tomorrow because of a stroke, blood clot and so on..

This organ was clearly wasted in a corrupt system where money can get you ahead of others... pathetic.
This is Larry Hagman all over again.. wasting organs on old people who could fall dead tomorrow while younger people dont get treatment.. the difference, the older people have millions to pay for organs.

A 71 year old should never ever get an organ transplant. It is economically stupid, morally repulsive and goes against any medical logic.

Organs are a very rare commodity in most societies and should be given to those that have the best chance of a long life, and no one can tell me that giving it to a 71 year old with a history of health problems is the best chance that this organ had to prolong some ones life for a long time.

Cheney is at risk from a multiple life ending issues due to his age and his medical history, so he could fall dead tomorrow because of a stroke, blood clot and so on..

This organ was clearly wasted in a corrupt system where money can get you ahead of others... pathetic.

I shudder at the thought of somebody deciding who is the best economic risk to give a heart to.
This is Larry Hagman all over again.. wasting organs on old people who could fall dead tomorrow while younger people dont get treatment.. the difference, the older people have millions to pay for organs.

A 71 year old should never ever get an organ transplant. It is economically stupid, morally repulsive and goes against any medical logic.

Organs are a very rare commodity in most societies and should be given to those that have the best chance of a long life, and no one can tell me that giving it to a 71 year old with a history of health problems is the best chance that this organ had to prolong some ones life for a long time.

Cheney is at risk from a multiple life ending issues due to his age and his medical history, so he could fall dead tomorrow because of a stroke, blood clot and so on..

This organ was clearly wasted in a corrupt system where money can get you ahead of others... pathetic.

I shudder at the thought of somebody deciding who is the best economic risk to give a heart to.

Economic based medical care is done every day in the US. In fact I would wager that this transplant was not done on Mr Cheneys insurance plan... but out of his own pocket.

Organs should go to those who are most in need and have the ability to survive the longest.. Cheney does not meet the latter.
This is Larry Hagman all over again.. wasting organs on old people who could fall dead tomorrow while younger people dont get treatment.. the difference, the older people have millions to pay for organs.

A 71 year old should never ever get an organ transplant. It is economically stupid, morally repulsive and goes against any medical logic.

Organs are a very rare commodity in most societies and should be given to those that have the best chance of a long life, and no one can tell me that giving it to a 71 year old with a history of health problems is the best chance that this organ had to prolong some ones life for a long time.

Cheney is at risk from a multiple life ending issues due to his age and his medical history, so he could fall dead tomorrow because of a stroke, blood clot and so on..

This organ was clearly wasted in a corrupt system where money can get you ahead of others... pathetic.

I shudder at the thought of somebody deciding who is the best economic risk to give a heart to.

I shudder at the thought that only people who can afford it get transplants.

That being said... Even though I don't care for the guy.... I think he's a greedy war mongering scoundrel... I would never wish a fellow human being ill. So, good for him.
Artevelde We can only wish him a speedy recovery.

WE?????? You got a mouse in your pocket or what.

I can only hope there is justice in the world and he drops dead today.

Waste of a good heart on an asshole of a man.
That is a serious thing and i hope he does well with it. It will take him alot of time to adjust and recover from surgery of that type. I wish him the best and will pray for him.

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