Dick Cheney

why do you all refuse to deal with the fact that someone else was refused this match because Cheney was allowed on the list that most hospitals cut off at 60.

Someone didnt get this life saving transplant because Cheney did get it.
There is absolutely no way you can say that.

Perhaps the donor heart tissue-matched no one but Cheney.

But hey, don't let logic get in the way of a good hategasm.
Regarding Dave,

I am not looking for large scale support against Dave. I was addressing him and it is you who butted in to enable his poor behavior. How about just staying out of it and stop trying to defend Dave, or do you feel he is incapable of defending his poor behavior or better yet reforming it? The enabler definition is for you, do not deflect into politics. Such is nothing more than a non-sequetor.

As far as the funny comment goes, the operative word is TRYING.............

Now make like a tree and .........
Read my signature. It applies to you.

Perhaps you should change your signature to the following:

I am an angry man who attempts to get his significance in life with thousands of posts baiting and insulting supposed liberals as opposed to attempting to make a contribution to life. Don't end up like me - study hard in school and use your time wisely.

Now I have wasted enough time in the hopeless task of encouraging you to look at your life and improve it.

Liberal, leftest, etc, I am sure that if it rains at night you look up at the moon and howl that it is the liberals fault.
Let's try to keep the focus on YOUR hypocrisy and hate. That is what the mirror is for - reflection.
The only hypocrisy I see here is yours. The only hatred displayed here has been by zeke and some other leftists.

But you just keep looking for something that isn't there, so you don't have to deal with the uncomfortable fact that your side is exactly what you condemn.

I'd say you have a real need for introspection, but I doubt you're capable.
Even if he has to look in the mirror daily to shave...:badgrin:
He may not be old enough to shave.
The only hypocrisy I see here is yours. The only hatred displayed here has been by zeke and some other leftists.

But you just keep looking for something that isn't there, so you don't have to deal with the uncomfortable fact that your side is exactly what you condemn.

I'd say you have a real need for introspection, but I doubt you're capable.

You engage in constant name calling and then complain about "the left's name calling." Seems like hypocrisy to me.

The left, my side. I do not believe i have stated my side.

Well, I tried to help. Since you appear incapable of introspection, perhaps ypu should seek professional help.

So far you read like an Obamabot. Just saying......................

How did you make that logical leap? All I have down is criticize a couple of posters with poor behavior.

I am beginning to think conservatives have no actual thoughts, just a large bleating in an attempt to shout down opposition. Of course, not all conservatives, that would be over-generalizing, just the intellectually challenged ones I happen to engage on this thread.

Adios (that is good bye in Spanish consider yourself bilingual). This will give you an opportunity to rail againsts liberal immigration policy.
You engage in constant name calling and then complain about "the left's name calling." Seems like hypocrisy to me.

The left, my side. I do not believe i have stated my side.

Well, I tried to help. Since you appear incapable of introspection, perhaps ypu should seek professional help.

So far you read like an Obamabot. Just saying......................

How did you make that logical leap? All I have down is criticize a couple of posters with poor behavior.

I am beginning to think
conservatives have no actual thoughts, just a large bleating in an attempt to shout down opposition. Of course, not all conservatives, that would be over-generalizing, just the intellectually challenged ones I happen to engage on this thread.

Adios (that is good bye in Spanish consider yourself bilingual). This will give you an opportunity to rail againsts liberal immigration policy.

That's a good first step.
Let's try to keep the focus on YOUR hypocrisy and hate. That is what the mirror is for - reflection.
The only hypocrisy I see here is yours. The only hatred displayed here has been by zeke and some other leftists.

But you just keep looking for something that isn't there, so you don't have to deal with the uncomfortable fact that your side is exactly what you condemn.

I'd say you have a real need for introspection, but I doubt you're capable.

You engage in constant name calling and then complain about "the left's name calling." Seems like hypocrisy to me.
It would be, if I had complained about the left's name-calling.

But I haven't. Obviously, you're reading into my posts what you want to see.

That's intellectually bankrupt. But apprently you have a great deal of fun building strawmen.
The left, my side. I do not believe i have stated my side.
I believe it's quite obvious. You're not fooling anyone but yourself.
Well, I tried to help. Since you appear incapable of introspection, perhaps ypu should seek professional help.
If I saw a doctor to help me become a leftist, he'd refuse. "First, do no harm."

That would make it a self-help project. I'd need to inflict some head trauma.

No, thanks.

Meanwhile, you try to do something to justify your arrogance. NOTE: "Being a liberal" isn't doing something.
Regarding Dave,

I am not looking for large scale support against Dave. I was addressing him and it is you who butted in to enable his poor behavior. How about just staying out of it and stop trying to defend Dave, or do you feel he is incapable of defending his poor behavior or better yet reforming it? The enabler definition is for you, do not deflect into politics. Such is nothing more than a non-sequetor.

As far as the funny comment goes, the operative word is TRYING.............

Now make like a tree and .........
Read my signature. It applies to you.

Perhaps you should change your signature to the following:

I am an angry man who attempts to get his significance in life with thousands of posts baiting and insulting supposed liberals as opposed to attempting to make a contribution to life. Don't end up like me - study hard in school and use your time wisely.
But that wouldn't be at all truthful.

My signature, however, is true. You can tell because you got all huffy about it.
Now I have wasted enough time in the hopeless task of encouraging you to look at your life and improve it.
My life couldn't stand much improvement. I've got a wonderful family, a great career, I live in one of the most beautiful places in the world, and I don't flatter myself that I have a mandate to change other people's lives by posting arrogantly on the internet.

You might give that last one a try.
Liberal, leftest, etc, I am sure that if it rains at night you look up at the moon and howl that it is the liberals fault.
No. Unlike you, I'm not stupid enough to go outside at night in the rain.

What is Gaea's name ever gave you the idea that you're an intelligent human being? You've been lied to.
You engage in constant name calling and then complain about "the left's name calling." Seems like hypocrisy to me.

The left, my side. I do not believe i have stated my side.

Well, I tried to help. Since you appear incapable of introspection, perhaps ypu should seek professional help.

So far you read like an Obamabot. Just saying......................

How did you make that logical leap? All I have down is criticize a couple of posters with poor behavior.

I am beginning to think conservatives have no actual thoughts, just a large bleating in an attempt to shout down opposition. Of course, not all conservatives, that would be over-generalizing, just the intellectually challenged ones I happen to engage on this thread.

Adios (that is good bye in Spanish consider yourself bilingual). This will give you an opportunity to rail againsts liberal immigration policy.
You have criticized a couple of conservative posters.

You have completely ignored the hateful leftists. That's because leftists do not criticize each other. Ever.

Say goodnight, Obamabot.
Oh my
so sensitive

Actually, I posted to Dave, first
then you responded to me on my post to Dave

Yeah so you dragged me into it

the left tells so many lies
they can't keep them straight

As for the humor you don't seem to appreciate
It is understandable, satire is sometimes lost on the dimwitted

Mr. Trotsky,

Since my original post was to Daveman, I did not exactly drag you in. Is your name Daveman? Talk about not keeping the lies straight (see this one is addressed to you).

I hate to break it to you, but your not funny.........

What does the left got to do with this?

Since my original post was to Dave
and you choose to respond to me,
don't blame me.

I was content not posting to you.

It only seemed polite when you decided to post to me
for me to respond. It is after all, a posting board
where the free flow of ideas, back and forth between
people is the expected norm.

Perhaps, if you believe that only you can post or expect
no return response from a person then you need a different
format. I suggest some type of "soapbox" in any public area.
Something like in London's Hyde Park, "Speaker's Corner",
may be a better fit for you.

Of course you being the butt,,er,, brunt of the jokes
we can understand why you think them not funny

Not funny?
to each his own
Last edited:
The only hypocrisy I see here is yours. The only hatred displayed here has been by zeke and some other leftists.

But you just keep looking for something that isn't there, so you don't have to deal with the uncomfortable fact that your side is exactly what you condemn.

I'd say you have a real need for introspection, but I doubt you're capable.
Even if he has to look in the mirror daily to shave...:badgrin:
He may not be old enough to shave.

OK...POP zits...fact is? He has to have a mirror handy somewhere where he has to come to self-reckoning?
I was surprised that he was able to have this procedure done because he is 71 years old. I also wondered if he was given preferential treatment with regards to the waiting period. I did some research and this is what I found:

Analysis: Cheney waited longer than average for heart transplant

At 71, former Vice President Dick Cheney was older than average for a heart transplant and had to wait longer than the typical patient as well -- 20 months compared with a year or less.

The fact that he was still able to receive a donor heart after surviving five heart attacks shows he must have been in excellent health, doctors said on Sunday.

They also pointed to advances in care that have made it possible for older patients to still be good transplant candidates. Cheney is recovering at a Washington-area hospital after undergoing the surgery on Saturday.

Hospitals have traditionally set 65 as the upper limit for heart transplant. But older patients increasingly are getting them, and there is no absolute cut-off age.

Analysis: Cheney waited longer than average for heart transplant | Reuters

Doe not sound as though he was given any preferential treatment.
I am sad for the family of a much younger person who deserved the heart more.

I have never heard of a person so old getting a heart.

Some died because cheney got the heart instead

I'm sad for everyone who knows you.

So is everyone who knows her.

She just amazes me. First she bases her posts for the last 2 months on voting rights for illegal aliens, THEN she bitches when a former US Vice president who has been on the transplant list for going on 2 years finally gets the organ he is entitled to.
She is either a hateful idiot or an idiotic hater. I can't decide which and really don't care to waste more time on the problem.
I was surprised that he was able to have this procedure done because he is 71 years old. I also wondered if he was given preferential treatment with regards to the waiting period. I did some research and this is what I found:

Analysis: Cheney waited longer than average for heart transplant

At 71, former Vice President Dick Cheney was older than average for a heart transplant and had to wait longer than the typical patient as well -- 20 months compared with a year or less.

The fact that he was still able to receive a donor heart after surviving five heart attacks shows he must have been in excellent health, doctors said on Sunday.

They also pointed to advances in care that have made it possible for older patients to still be good transplant candidates. Cheney is recovering at a Washington-area hospital after undergoing the surgery on Saturday.

Hospitals have traditionally set 65 as the upper limit for heart transplant. But older patients increasingly are getting them, and there is no absolute cut-off age.

Analysis: Cheney waited longer than average for heart transplant | Reuters

Doe not sound as though he was given any preferential treatment.


It was kind of objective of you to dig that up and share it.

Nice form.
I was surprised that he was able to have this procedure done because he is 71 years old. I also wondered if he was given preferential treatment with regards to the waiting period. I did some research and this is what I found:

Analysis: Cheney waited longer than average for heart transplant

At 71, former Vice President Dick Cheney was older than average for a heart transplant and had to wait longer than the typical patient as well -- 20 months compared with a year or less.

The fact that he was still able to receive a donor heart after surviving five heart attacks shows he must have been in excellent health, doctors said on Sunday.

They also pointed to advances in care that have made it possible for older patients to still be good transplant candidates. Cheney is recovering at a Washington-area hospital after undergoing the surgery on Saturday.

Hospitals have traditionally set 65 as the upper limit for heart transplant. But older patients increasingly are getting them, and there is no absolute cut-off age.

Analysis: Cheney waited longer than average for heart transplant | Reuters

Doe not sound as though he was given any preferential treatment.


It was kind of objective of you to dig that up and share it.

Nice form.

I agree...refreshing.:thup:
Even if he has to look in the mirror daily to shave...:badgrin:
He may not be old enough to shave.

OK...POP zits...fact is? He has to have a mirror handy somewhere where he has to come to self-reckoning?

Oh, he may look in a mirror -- but that's not the same thing as self-reckoning.

If he did that, he might discover that the world does not, in fact, revolve around him.

Can't have that.

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