Dick Cheney

This is Larry Hagman all over again.. wasting organs on old people who could fall dead tomorrow while younger people dont get treatment.. the difference, the older people have millions to pay for organs.

A 71 year old should never ever get an organ transplant. It is economically stupid, morally repulsive and goes against any medical logic.

Organs are a very rare commodity in most societies and should be given to those that have the best chance of a long life, and no one can tell me that giving it to a 71 year old with a history of health problems is the best chance that this organ had to prolong some ones life for a long time.

Cheney is at risk from a multiple life ending issues due to his age and his medical history, so he could fall dead tomorrow because of a stroke, blood clot and so on..

This organ was clearly wasted in a corrupt system where money can get you ahead of others... pathetic.

I shudder at the thought of somebody deciding who is the best economic risk to give a heart to.

Economic based medical care is done every day in the US. In fact I would wager that this transplant was not done on Mr Cheneys insurance plan... but out of his own pocket.

Organs should go to those who are most in need and have the ability to survive the longest.. Cheney does not meet the latter.

well fortunately for us, your wrong and have no fucking idea what you are talking about.

The waiting list is numbers only, no names.

the average wait is 12 months, Dick waited 20.

But lets all be glad you are not an American, we have enough of our own idiots to go around.
This is Larry Hagman all over again.. wasting organs on old people who could fall dead tomorrow while younger people dont get treatment.. the difference, the older people have millions to pay for organs.

A 71 year old should never ever get an organ transplant. It is economically stupid, morally repulsive and goes against any medical logic.

Organs are a very rare commodity in most societies and should be given to those that have the best chance of a long life, and no one can tell me that giving it to a 71 year old with a history of health problems is the best chance that this organ had to prolong some ones life for a long time.

Cheney is at risk from a multiple life ending issues due to his age and his medical history, so he could fall dead tomorrow because of a stroke, blood clot and so on..

This organ was clearly wasted in a corrupt system where money can get you ahead of others... pathetic.

Please see my post above with the multiple links. He didn't pay to get to the head of the line.
Those links go into great detail describing how organ procurement and allocation works in the US. (there is an entire page of pdf links to their policies, I just chose a few to post here)

The checks and oversight on how this system maintains a fair allocation of tissues and organs for transplant is almost overwhelming in its scope.

Just the sheer number of people who would need to be 'paid off' (if that were possible) negates any claim that he received preferential treatment. While I suppose nothing is impossible, this is about as close to that as you can get.

This organization and those responsible for allocation aren't going to risk it all by ignoring policies and giving a particular person preferential treatment.

The hospital transplant service isn't going to risk it all (including losing its very existence) by giving a particular person preferential treatment.

The physicians and other professionals involved (from both ends) aren't going to risk it all by giving a particular person preferential treatment.
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Its true that Cheney didn't DIRECTLY order troops to their deaths. That was the job of Bush's Brain. But, he sure as hell profited from his behind the scenes controls. All you holier than thou rw's, can stop pretending Cheney is a human being. There is no lower life form than a war profiteer.

This may be the first time a transplanted heart rejects the recipient.

hey Dudley?......did any Democrats profit from either of these 2 Wars?....i thought i would ask you.....you seem to be up on this....
Had a heart transplant today.

Let us all pray--regardless of ideology and position--for a fast and full speedy recovery for this remarkable public servant.:eusa_pray:

That's disgusting. He is remarkable in that he will be remembered as a war criminal along with bush and rumsfeld. They can't even leave the country for fear of being arrested. Their administration will go down as the most shameful time in our history. May they all pay before they go meet their maker.
And, please stop with the phony concern for his family. When you start in on Kennedy or Obama or any other Dem/Lib, you can't be bothered caring about the families. Just like you can't be bothered caring about a 17 year old murder victim or his family.

All this phony "conservative compassion" is making me sick at my stomach.

Why don't all of you go back to being your nasty honest selves.

I do remember sympathy from conservatives on this board
for Kennedy

In fact, many commented on how lucky he was getting treatment
before Papa Obama Care fully kicked in ......
Funny, I missed that right wing sympathy for Kennedy.

you seem to miss a lot of things.....but you seem to have no problems seeing what you want to see......maybe you need new glasses.....
As far as his age, it's been established that wouldn't necessarily preclude him from this surgery. It also tells me that there was no one rated higher on the list who was a match and able to undergo the surgery, and that --- other than his heart condition --- he is good health.
Had a heart transplant today.


A 71 y/o man getting a transplant is nothing to cheer about.

He's at the end of his life, the heart should have gone to someone with decades to go.

Wrong. It is something to cheer about. He might live a long and still productive life.

he does have a point though......the next 5 people on the list were no doubt much younger.....other older recipients for hearts and Livers have been through this and have been asked the same question....im sure Dick will be no different....
he does have a point though......the next 5 people on the list were no doubt much younger.....other older recipients for hearts and Livers have been through this and have been asked the same question....im sure Dick will be no different....

The next 5 people on the list may not have been a match or able to undergo the surgery for whatever reason.
Wrong. It is something to cheer about. He might live a long and still productive life.

What part of being 71 and VP of America isn't already long and productive?
American men now live just five years less, on average, than women, closing a gap that once approached eight years. Male life expectancy hit a record 75.2 in 2004, the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently announced.
USATODAY.com - Male life span increasing

So a heart that could have kept a younger person going for decades, has about 4 more years to go in an old man.

71 is great unless he now lives a much longer and still productive life to say 91.

And the fact that he was VP shouldn't DISQUALIFY him from getting the replacement ticker. If he was eligible and didn't bump anybody more entitled to it (in terms of time on the waiting list), then I am thrilled for him. I hope he makes a complete and rapid recovery and lives on well into his 90s.

Thank God there are no ObamaCare "panels" deciding such things.

if you find he did bump someone.....what then?......does he then become a dirtbag?....just asking.....:eusa_angel:
Why?.... Perhaps it is the Hippocratic Oath

Don't worry, but do be careful what you wish for....


Otherwise, stay healthy or you might find yourself the next 71 year old being denied treatment as
an unnecessary cost to the State or for being "obsolete" as of use to the State. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QEQCJtfENAc

This has nothing to do with the Hippocratic Oath. Medicine has limited resources; rationing, triage and decisions on the allocation of these limited resources is as old as the profession itself.

I don't think this was a "waste" of a good heart. There are specific criteria that move one up or down a transplant list, and apparently Mr. Cheney was at or near the top. I don't believe who he is had anything to do with it, and those physicians and other professionals involved in organ procurement and transplant services are not going to risk their programs and their careers by allocating a heart to him if there had been a match further up the list. A match came available in that area and he was offered the chance for the transplant. That's all there is to it.

Emma, a lot of people get turned down for procedures like these if they don't have insurance or resources to pay. People go bankrupt, they sell everything they have to stay alive. This guy just happened to have the money.

Somebody got turned down because we're trying to keep Cheney upright.

i would not be surprised......this scenario has happened before.....
Proof once again that some people will believe anything.

Doctors should have let him die on the table. Would have done the world a favor. IMO.
But there is still hope he could die soon. I will keep my fingers crossed.

I am hoping you die a painful horrifying death.

It is quite easy to level the playing.

Once PapaObama care fully kicks
the odds of your wish coming true go up

Sadly, however, this will also be for all of us, as well
....And, you clueless Teabaggers STILL can't explain how that'll happen!

Had a heart transplant today.


A 71 y/o man getting a transplant is nothing to cheer about.

He's at the end of his life, the heart should have gone to someone with decades to go.

you mean like to anyone who was below him on the list?.....the guy may go next week.....there is a valid point here.....

Thank you.

I understand that it's hard, very hard to line an organ up with a proper person that won't reject it immediately.

I just find it challenging to accept that a man with an average of 4 more years left getting an heart, while there was no one younger that could have decades, on average.

Nothing to do with Dick at all.
I am hoping you die a painful horrifying death.

Break my fuking heart, will ya?

Hey, if you hope in one hand and shit in the other, see which one fills up first.

How does Dick's dick taste in your mouth full auto?

Level the playing field? Yea right.

.....you are nothing but a key board cowboy. A blowhard an internet tough guy.

I laugh at clowns like you, especially when I confront clowns in person.


So.....do you perform these affirmations, daily....in-front-of a mirror....or, is this merely a morning-mantra you chant??

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A 71 y/o man getting a transplant is nothing to cheer about.

He's at the end of his life, the heart should have gone to someone with decades to go.

you mean like to anyone who was below him on the list?.....the guy may go next week.....there is a valid point here.....

Thank you.

I understand that it's hard, very hard to line an organ up with a proper person that won't reject it immediately.

I just find it challenging to accept that a man with an average of 4 more years left getting an heart, while there was no one younger that could have decades, on average.

Nothing to do with Dick at all.

Maybe there were no other appropriate tissue matches,, what ya want them to do then,, just throw that fucking heart away instead of giving it to 71 year old Mr. Cheney? what an asswipe you are.

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