Dick Cheney

Since you're too much of a pussy to accept private messages, I'll have to respond here:


I have caller ID at home as well, assbreath - to keep filth off my voicemail.
You have something to say to me?

Deal it - dick brain.

Right here in public.

Short of that?

Shut the fuck up.
Since you're too much of a pussy to accept private messages, I'll have to respond here:


I have caller ID at home as well, assbreath - to keep filth off my voicemail.
You have something to say to me?

Deal it - dick brain.

Right here in public.

Short of that?

Shut the fuck up.

You not get your Flinstones chewables today Wahrrior102? :( :lol:
"First, do no harm" doesn't necessarily mean to preserve life, especially at all costs. I've been a nurse for nearly 30 years, primarily in hematology/oncology. Trust me, there are things out there far worse than death, and it can be argued that there are times when 'preserving life' causes great harm. Part of my responsibility to my patients is, when their time comes, to assist them as they progress through the dying process, with as much dignity and comfort as possible.

I said it is up to debate,
and state laws, if assisted suicide is allowed.

While one can argue that suicide is legitimate in the choice set of an individual,
physician assisted suicide could lead society down a slippery slope.

Just like IPAB.

The Left likes to point the bill to say there is nothing to worry about
but, as time goes on, more and more promises of PapaObama Care are
becoming lies

The recent mammogram decision by a gov't panel to throw long-time guidelines for breast cancer screening, is a small taste of future cost control under PapaObama Care and the IPAB.

h/t HotAir

IPAB is one of the worst elements of Obamacare and would contribute mightily to the evolution of a single-payer system, as Wisconsin Republican Sen. Ron Johnson explained in a recent Wall Street Journal op-ed:

The idea that a panel of 15 unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats should be empowered to have the final say over Medicare payments should be alien and offensive to any American who values his own autonomy and his ability to elect and hold accountable his own representatives in government. Why Congress willingly ceded control of Medicare payements to a mere 15-member board in the first place is a puzzle.
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Since you're too much of a pussy to accept private messages, I'll have to respond here:


I have caller ID at home as well, assbreath - to keep filth off my voicemail.
You have something to say to me?

Deal it - dick brain.

Right here in public.

Short of that?

Shut the fuck up.

Emma thinks she's smarter than eveyone else...
Soo....does the Hippocratic oath apply to breast implants, botox, and face tucks?

why wouldn't it?

They don't have any therapudic value. They are primarily exercises in vanity...with the occaisional exception....like my girlfriend getting breast implants or something.

They may have therapeutic value. Even if strictly for cosmetic purposes, the docs still should maintain their ethics in deciding if to do the surgery, providing for the patient's privacy, etc.
Look at the hate speech from the left. I guess it's OK to call the former V.P. "darth vader" even if it makes no sense but wishing his body will reject his new heart is a sign of deranged thinking. Say what you want about the right wing, the wish list pretty much deals with elections and maybe indictments for crimes. Look at the left wing, they are infatuated with death. They hoped Clarence Thomas would have a bad diet and die of a heart attack, they chand "kill Rush Limbaugh and now they wish the former vice president rejects his heart transplant. Think about what Rush is accused of doing and you have a double standard times ten.

Is this another one of those glenn beck parodies? It's hard to tell with some of these board members. I think some are really serious.
I said it is up to debate,
and state laws, if assisted suicide is allowed.

While one can argue that suicide is legitimate in the choice set of an individual,
physician assisted suicide could lead society down a slippery slope.

Just like IPAB.

The Left likes to point the bill to say there is nothing to worry about
but, as time goes on, more and more promises of PapaObama Care are
becoming lies

The recent mammogram decision by a gov't panel to throw long-time guidelines for breast cancer screening, is a small taste of future cost control under PapaObama Care and the IPAB.

h/t HotAir
IPAB is one of the worst elements of Obamacare and would contribute mightily to the evolution of a single-payer system, as Wisconsin Republican Sen. Ron Johnson explained in a recent Wall Street Journal op-ed:

The idea that a panel of 15 unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats should be empowered to have the final say over Medicare payments should be alien and offensive to any American who values his own autonomy and his ability to elect and hold accountable his own representatives in government. Why Congress willingly ceded control of Medicare payements to a mere 15-member board in the first place is a puzzle.

In other words? Bureaucrats denying care as they see fit. Denying Doctors helipng thier patients based on whatever Government sees fit...

It's tyranny...and more sinister? Population Control...
The people that aren't paying attention the the HC debate have no clue of what they are in for IF ObamaCare is allowed to stand....

It's game over. Liberty? Dying...and choking on tyranny.

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I am sad for the family of a much younger person who deserved the heart more.

I have never heard of a person so old getting a heart.

Some died because cheney got the heart instead

Who the fuck are you to decide who does and doesn't deserve a heart transplant??
I am sad for the family of a much younger person who deserved the heart more.

I have never heard of a person so old getting a heart.

Some died because cheney got the heart instead

Who the fuck are you to decide who does and doesn't deserve a heart transplant??

It always makes me happy when that dumbass is sad.. yes it do.
The people that aren't paying attention the the HC debate have no clue of what they are in for IF ObamaCare is allowed to stand....

It's game over. Liberty? Dying...and choking on tyranny.

Keep laughing and making jokes when what you think you want won't be the way it is when Government defines your life for you.

And I see Emma thanked you...Emma? I don't see you unless some knucklehead quotes you...you too may screw yourself.
Regarding Dave,

I am not looking for large scale support against Dave. I was addressing him and it is you who butted in to enable his poor behavior. How about just staying out of it and stop trying to defend Dave, or do you feel he is incapable of defending his poor behavior or better yet reforming it? The enabler definition is for you, do not deflect into politics. Such is nothing more than a non-sequetor.

As far as the funny comment goes, the operative word is TRYING.............

Now make like a tree and .........

Oh my
so sensitive

Actually, I posted to Dave, first
then you responded to me on my post to Dave

Yeah so you dragged me into it

the left tells so many lies
they can't keep them straight

As for the humor you don't seem to appreciate
It is understandable, satire is sometimes lost on the dimwitted

Mr. Trotsky,

Since my original post was to Daveman, I did not exactly drag you in. Is your name Daveman? Talk about not keeping the lies straight (see this one is addressed to you).

I hate to break it to you, but your not funny.........

What does the left got to do with this?

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