Dick Cheney

The people that aren't paying attention the the HC debate have no clue of what they are in for IF ObamaCare is allowed to stand....

It's game over. Liberty? Dying...and choking on tyranny.
Some people value comfort over liberty, because I don't think they've ever considered the starvation and mayhem of the dictatorships their leaders befriend to fly in the face of conservative Americans whom they despise, target, and use for whipping boys at every opportunity, including a heart transplant.

And, FWIW, repeating filth about a patriot who is receiving health care for an ongoing problem is inappropriate. It shows how mean-spirited Obama's policies have made members of his own party, to corrupt the beauty of the founders' gift of the Constitution and 3-branch government. The polarized press is a failure because it rewards leftism and punishes parts of the First and all of the Second Amendment in general for all practical purposes.

I'm seeing Jeremiah Wright stuff here, and it's not good.
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The people that aren't paying attention the the HC debate have no clue of what they are in for IF ObamaCare is allowed to stand....

It's game over. Liberty? Dying...and choking on tyranny.
Some people value comfort over liberty, because I don't think they've ever considered the starvation and mayhem like the dictatorships their leaders befriend to fly in the face of conservative Americans whom they despise, target, and use for whipping boys at every opportunity, including a heart transplant.

And, FWIW, repeating filth about a patriot who is receiving health care for an ongoing problem is inappropriate. It shows how mean-spirited Obama's policies have made them, to corrupt the beauty of the founders' gift of the Constitution and 3-branch government. The polarized press is a failure because it rewards leftism and punishes parts of the First and all of the Second Amendment in general for all practical purposes.

And that same press is patting themselves on the back for prostituting the First Amemndment that protects them...that is until government has complete control...then they should be nervous...

The trick here is to never let it get that far.
I don't think he was chosen to receive this heart because he had the money. There's no way to know who was turned down or if that actually happened. There are time and distance limits on these transplants, too. So depending on where they harvested the heart, there were a limited number of people (matched) who were available to be the recipient.

I've known people who work in organ procurement. I really don't think they, or the physicians and programs dedicated to transplant services, are going to risk it all for the sake of keeping this particular person alive.

He waited 20 months for his heart. He could have died at any time between then, just like anyone else who has had 4 heart attacks.
I don't think he was chosen to receive this heart because he had the money. There's no way to know who was turned down or if that actually happened. There are time and distance limits on these transplants, too. So depending on where they harvested the heart, there were a limited number of people (matched) who were available to be the recipient.

I've known people who work in organ procurement. I really don't think they, or the physicians and programs dedicated to transplant services, are going to risk it all for the sake of keeping this particular person alive.

He waited 20 months for his heart. He could have died at any time between then, just like anyone else who has had 4 heart attacks.

I gave out that info earlier today.

We are still in the denial phase. :lol:
Oh my
so sensitive

Actually, I posted to Dave, first
then you responded to me on my post to Dave

Yeah so you dragged me into it

the left tells so many lies
they can't keep them straight

As for the humor you don't seem to appreciate
It is understandable, satire is sometimes lost on the dimwitted

Mr. Trotsky,

Since my original post was to Daveman, I did not exactly drag you in. Is your name Daveman? Talk about not keeping the lies straight (see this one is addressed to you).

I hate to break it to you, but your not funny.........

What does the left got to do with this?

Learn to use the quote function, will ya? I fixed it again.
The people that aren't paying attention the the HC debate have no clue of what they are in for IF ObamaCare is allowed to stand....

It's game over. Liberty? Dying...and choking on tyranny.
Some people value comfort over liberty, because I don't think they've ever considered the starvation and mayhem like the dictatorships their leaders befriend to fly in the face of conservative Americans whom they despise, target, and use for whipping boys at every opportunity, including a heart transplant.

And, FWIW, repeating filth about a patriot who is receiving health care for an ongoing problem is inappropriate. It shows how mean-spirited Obama's policies have made them, to corrupt the beauty of the founders' gift of the Constitution and 3-branch government. The polarized press is a failure because it rewards leftism and punishes parts of the First and all of the Second Amendment in general for all practical purposes.

And that same press is patting themselves on the back for prostituting the First Amemndment that protects them...that is until government has complete control...then they should be nervous...

The trick here is to never let it get that far.
If it ever does, the Postman always rings twice. The dictatorship they clamor for may result is societal collapse, loss of benefits, luxury, home and auto ownership, and travel over what once were state lines but could become unfriendly countries due to insufferable mouthings at respected elderly statesmen who do not dance to the leftist community organizational tune. :rolleyes:
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I don't think he was chosen to receive this heart because he had the money. There's no way to know who was turned down or if that actually happened. There are time and distance limits on these transplants, too. So depending on where they harvested the heart, there were a limited number of people (matched) who were available to be the recipient.

I've known people who work in organ procurement. I really don't think they, or the physicians and programs dedicated to transplant services, are going to risk it all for the sake of keeping this particular person alive.
He waited 20 months for his heart. He could have died at any time between then, just like anyone else who has had 4 heart attacks.

I gave out that info earlier today.

We are still in the denial phase. :lol:
I'd say they need to crack down on their own crack abuse.
My hatred of Dick (The Big Cocksucker) Cheney is not "mindless hatred".

Why don't one of you Cheney lovers list ONE thing that Dick Cheney has done or supported that was good for the country. Dick Cheney has not looked out for anyone other than Dick (multilple Deferment) Cheney since he got in politics. Or his buddies at Haliburton.

And if you call my hatred of Cheney mindless, what do you say about your alls mindless hatred of Obama.

It's like you rethugs think you have a lock on hatred and when you see it coming back at you, you all get all butt hurt and shit.

So, in summary, you prove your hatred isn't mindless by displaying more mindless hatred.


You might want to take a look in the mirror. I am thinking that the world is not a better place for your over 28,000 posts on this board, many of which engaged in petty name calling.
Yeah. WhatEVER you do, don't criticize the mindless hatred exposed by zeke. You might burst into flames.

Let's try to keep the focus on YOUR hypocrisy and hate. That is what the mirror is for - reflection.
The only hypocrisy I see here is yours. The only hatred displayed here has been by zeke and some other leftists.

But you just keep looking for something that isn't there, so you don't have to deal with the uncomfortable fact that your side is exactly what you condemn.

I'd say you have a real need for introspection, but I doubt you're capable.

You might want to take a look in the mirror. I am thinking that the world is not a better place for your over 28,000 posts on this board, many of which engaged in petty name calling.
Yeah. WhatEVER you do, don't criticize the mindless hatred exposed by zeke. You might burst into flames.

Plus this guy only has around 167 posts
He would have us believe that he reviewed all your posts
that he could have such an opinion
He's a liberal. He just knows. :lol:
Yeah. WhatEVER you do, don't criticize the mindless hatred exposed by zeke. You might burst into flames.

Let's try to keep the focus on YOUR hypocrisy and hate. That is what the mirror is for - reflection.
The only hypocrisy I see here is yours. The only hatred displayed here has been by zeke and some other leftists.

But you just keep looking for something that isn't there, so you don't have to deal with the uncomfortable fact that your side is exactly what you condemn.

I'd say you have a real need for introspection, but I doubt you're capable.
Even if he has to look in the mirror daily to shave...:badgrin:
Of course I have not reviewed all of Daveman's posts. That would be a waste of an inordinate amount of time. I have sampled enough. Perhaps i missed the 1 or 2 constructive posts although I have my doubts.

Wow, with only 168 posts I must be doing other things with my life - like working, taking care of my family and reading....books. You know, those things with pages, that if well written, actually make you think.

I am trying to guide Daveman towards self improvement. I request you cease being an enabler and move out of the way.
And of course, to you "self improvement" means "becoming a mindless leftist sheep".

I suggest you mind your own damn business. You ain't got a damn thing I want.
Had a heart transplant today.


Why would you clap?

WARNING if you continue...you will be shocked to your core.


On August 3rd, 1977 the 95th U.S. Congress opened hearings into the reported abuses concerning the CIA's TOP SECRET mind control research program code named MK-Ultra. On February 8th, 1988, a top-level MK-Ultra victim, Cathy O'Brien, was covertly rescued from her mind control enslavement by Intelligence insider Mark Phillips. Their seven year pursuit of Justice was stopped FOR REASONS OF NATIONAL SECURITY. TRANCE Formation of America exposes the truth behind this covert government program and its ultimate goal: psychological control of a nation.

TRANCE Formation of America is the first documented autobiography of a victim of government mind control. Cathy O'Brien is the only vocal and recovered survivor of the Central Intelligence Agency's MK-Ultra Project Monarch operation. Tracing her path from child pornography and recruitment into the program to serving as a top-level intelligence agent and White House sex slave, TRANCE Formation of America is a definitive eye-witness account of government corruption that implicates some of the most prominent figures in U.S. politics


The psychological ramifications of being raped by a pedophile President are mind-shattering enough, but reportedly Bush further reinforced his traumas to Kelly's mind with sophisticated NASA electronic and drug mind-control devices. Bush also instilled the "Who ya gonna call?" and "I'll be watching you" binds on Kelly, further reinforcing her sense of helplessness.

P 158
Trance Formation of America

Kelly's bleeding rectum was but one of the many physical indicators of George Bush's pedophile perversions. I have overheard him speak blatantly of his sexual abuse of her on many occasions. He used this and threats to her life to "pull my strings" and control me.

Page 158
Trance Formation of America

Bush Attempted to sell Cheney on the idea of pedophilia through graphic descriptions of having sex with Kelly. Both were already sexually aroused from drugs and anticipation. Cheney demonstrated to Bush why he did not have sex with kids by exposing himself to Kelly and saying, “Come here”. Upon seeing Cheney’s unusually large penis, Kelly reeled back in horror and cried, “NO!” which made them both laugh. Bush asked Cheney for his liquid cocaine atomizer as he got up to take Kelly to the bedroom. When Cheney remarked how benevolent it was of Bush to numb her with it before sex, Bush replied, ”The hell it is. It’s for me.” He described his excited state in typical vulgar terms and explained that he wanted it to spray cocaine on his penis to last longer.

Cheney said, “I thought it was for the kid”

Bush explained, “Half the fun is having them squirm.” He took Kelly’s hand and led her off to the bedroom.

Cheney told me that since I was “Responsible” for Bush’s assault on my daughter by being caught in A Most Dangerous Game, I would ”burn” (in hell). He burned my inner thigh with the fireplace poker, and threatened to throw Kelly in the fire. He hypnotically enhanced his description of her burning to traumatize me deeply. As he sexually brutalized me, I heard Kelly’s whimpers coming form the bedroom. As her cries grew louder, Cheney turned on classical music to drown out her cries for help.

At 4:00 am, as ordered, Bush Jr (and his helicopter pilot) came to retrieve Kelly and me....

Pages 196-197

Trance Formation of America http://www.trance-formation.com/


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Yeah. WhatEVER you do, don't criticize the mindless hatred exposed by zeke. You might burst into flames.

Let's try to keep the focus on YOUR hypocrisy and hate. That is what the mirror is for - reflection.
The only hypocrisy I see here is yours. The only hatred displayed here has been by zeke and some other leftists.

But you just keep looking for something that isn't there, so you don't have to deal with the uncomfortable fact that your side is exactly what you condemn.

I'd say you have a real need for introspection, but I doubt you're capable.

You engage in constant name calling and then complain about "the left's name calling." Seems like hypocrisy to me.

The left, my side. I do not believe i have stated my side.

Well, I tried to help. Since you appear incapable of introspection, perhaps ypu should seek professional help.
Regarding Dave,

I am not looking for large scale support against Dave. I was addressing him and it is you who butted in to enable his poor behavior. How about just staying out of it and stop trying to defend Dave, or do you feel he is incapable of defending his poor behavior or better yet reforming it? The enabler definition is for you, do not deflect into politics. Such is nothing more than a non-sequetor.

As far as the funny comment goes, the operative word is TRYING.............

Now make like a tree and .........
Read my signature. It applies to you.
Let's try to keep the focus on YOUR hypocrisy and hate. That is what the mirror is for - reflection.
The only hypocrisy I see here is yours. The only hatred displayed here has been by zeke and some other leftists.

But you just keep looking for something that isn't there, so you don't have to deal with the uncomfortable fact that your side is exactly what you condemn.

I'd say you have a real need for introspection, but I doubt you're capable.

You engage in constant name calling and then complain about "the left's name calling." Seems like hypocrisy to me.

The left, my side. I do not believe i have stated my side.

Well, I tried to help. Since you appear incapable of introspection, perhaps ypu should seek professional help.

So far you read like an Obamabot. Just saying......................

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