Dick Durbin Admits the Obama Sequestration Was “Designed as a Budget Threat, Not a Bu


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
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Dick Durbin Admits the Obama Sequestration Was “Designed as a Budget Threat, Not a Budget Strategy”

Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) admitted to David Gregory on Meet the Press today that the Obama sequestration plan was just a political game and was never intended to move forward.

“David, sequestration was designed as a budget threat, not as a budget strategy. And, I think all of us understand that if it goes forward in less than three weeks it’s going to have a dramatic negative impact on several agencies.”

[ame=http://youtu.be/lnqIa5yCJCk]Sen. Dick Durbin: Obama Sequestration Was Just a Political Ploy - YouTube[/ame]

all of it here
Dick Durbin Admits the Obama Sequestration Was ?Designed as a Budget Threat, Not a Budget Strategy? (VIdeo) | The Gateway Pundit
Quite an example of leadership isn't it?

The two party stranglehold on our government will always result in the "gotcha" kind of politics that simply keeps the congress from accomplishing anything worthwhile.
Funny that the Rs have wiggled away from the FACTS about this.

Why don't you take a look at who voted in favor of it.
Funny that the Rs have wiggled away from the FACTS about this.

Why don't you take a look at who voted in favor of it.

the FACT is they all voted for it , BUT one side is ready to let it happen, one side is getting all righteous and weepy, so , who is who?:rolleyes:
Quite an example of leadership isn't it?

The two party stranglehold on our government will always result in the "gotcha" kind of politics that simply keeps the congress from accomplishing anything worthwhile.

I actually prefer congress to do nothing. :)

All congress does is fuck us over.

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