Dick’s, Major Gun Retailer, Will Stop Selling Assault-Style Rifles

What is your main concern with the AR platform? Be specific. What about the AR platform do you believe is too dangerous for civilians to possess?
I will repeat my pretty simple question:
What is it about the AR platform that makes it the weapon of choice for mass shooters?
If it is no different than any other rifle on the market, why do they choose it and why are people so bent out of shape about the possibility of needing to buy one of these "equal" rifles.
I got one answer, saying the AR is built to take any number of add ons, adapting it to any need. So what specific need do mass shooters have and what add on do they use that makes it the weapon of choice for them? What "adaptations" are they talking about?
I will ask my pretty simple question, why is the left attacking the NRA and not the gov. Officials who sat by and let these murders happen?
It`s the National Rampage Association that beats back even the most innocuous gun regulation proposals. They fought Pa. when the state wanted people to report when their guns are stolen. The gun/criminal lobby supports straw buyers obviously.

That lie again.........which laws have they beat back, and now, for the brave part, explain what in the law would stop a mass shooter or criminal from getting the gun.....

Take the challenge, be specific...throwing out allegations then running back to your bedroom doesn't count...

What is the point in reporting stolen guns to police? How does that apply to mass shooters? The average time on the street of a stolen gun is about 11 years....so other than getting their gun back when it is found by the police....what possible benefit is it to know when a gun is stolen?

No....the NRA does not support straw buyers.....it is democrats in democrat cities who refuse to prosecute the baby momma's, grandmothers, sisters and mothers of gang banger who buy the guns....because they can pass federal background checks, which means...you doofus....that they can pass any other background check on a private sale too....you doofus.
You too support straw buyers. I appreciate your honesty.

No shit stain....I want them prosecuted.....you are such a doofus.....your democrats refuse to allow prosecutors to prosecute minorities engaged in straw buying especially if it is a single mother whose boyfriend or baby daddy is a gang member who forced her to buy the gun...
Progressives oppose any sort of weapon that includes compound bows

Weapons are just part of an enormous list of things the Progressives have a completely screwed up view towards ... :thup:

That's why they find it easier to blame the firearm and the NRA.
Otherwise they would have to inspect the multitude of Progressive policies that shielded Nikolas Cruz from the consequences of his actions prior to shooting up the school.

The school district's policies in handling Nikolas Cruz...
Did more towards ensuring he never got the attention he required/warranted ...
And that could have helped prevent the incident.

Yep, My firearms and ammo sales have skyrocketed over the last week or so…
Exactly....nothing is more profitable for the NRA and gun sales than a good All-American mass shooting.

The NRA doesn't sell weapons.
But they do sell memberships.....and I'm quite sure there's some serious kick-back going on between their leaders and gun manufacturers. (and the Russian mafia connection is another interesting possibility)
I have $3,100 worth of excercise equipment being delivered this week. I’ll call shortly and cancel the order. I’ll be sure to let them know why.
Buy more guns and ammo...

Haha...funny you say that.
I have six more builds on order right now including two AR pistols.
And....yet again....nothing is a better money maker for the NRA and gun sales than a mass shooting.
Who kills more humans? The nra or planned parenthood? Women have the right to murder their children and you don’t blink an eye, they get torn apart limb by limb in the wound, their skulls are crushed in the womb and you do not blink. But if some asshole shoots 17 kids you get hysterical. I gotta a feeling it is just political left wing radical politics and nothing more.
You're right. Don't let the liars get you down.
What is your main concern with the AR platform? Be specific. What about the AR platform do you believe is too dangerous for civilians to possess?
I will repeat my pretty simple question:
What is it about the AR platform that makes it the weapon of choice for mass shooters?
If it is no different than any other rifle on the market, why do they choose it and why are people so bent out of shape about the possibility of needing to buy one of these "equal" rifles.
I got one answer, saying the AR is built to take any number of add ons, adapting it to any need. So what specific need do mass shooters have and what add on do they use that makes it the weapon of choice for them? What "adaptations" are they talking about?

The media have made the AR-15 the weapon of choice...

Do you realize that the worst mass school shooting in this country was done with 2 pistols? Pistols used against college students, not high school students.....they are easier to conceal, you can carry several of them if you want, and they are just as easy for a mass shooter to murder people as an AR-15 in close quarters like the inside of a building....

The only reason they are taking the AR-15 is because it has been hyped by the media....
Yeah, I see it on the tv every night. It is all over my ads when I go to Google. It is on every other page of Good Housekeeping.
Try a different argument.

It is in every video game, it is the first thing democrat politicians call to ban when any mass shooting happens...they called for banning it before shooters were actually using it.........you don't even think before you post....
Okay. Let's blame the media for this, too. Better than blaming the gun.
I will repeat my pretty simple question:
What is it about the AR platform that makes it the weapon of choice for mass shooters?
I don't know. A shotgun would be a MUCH better choice.

If it is no different than any other rifle on the market, why do they choose it and why are people so bent out of shape about the possibility of needing to buy one of these "equal" rifles.
I don't know. Ignorance? Maybe the left's obsession with it makes them mistakenly believe it is the best weapon for mass shootings.

I got one answer, saying the AR is built to take any number of add ons, adapting it to any need. So what specific need do mass shooters have and what add on do they use that makes it the weapon of choice for them? What "adaptations" are they talking about?
I said that the AR platform is more useful to the average civilian. I said NOTHING about the platform being more effective for mass shooters.

Again, why do they use ARs? I don't know. If I wanted to shoot up a school, and mass death toll is my goal, I would load up a couple of shotguns and maybe a few hand guns and go to work. The AR is designed for engagements between 100 and 500 yards. It is rarely the preferred weapon in a CQB situation (like a mass shooting).

So, again, what is your problem with the AR platform?
It's been used too often to shoot up crowds. It is not used for hunting. It has no practical purpose except killing lots of people as fast as possible. That is what it was designed for, as the M-16. Why Colt decided to make a civilian knock off and market it to the public is beyond me. They should be shot for it.

Supposing I want a mid-cartridge, light, modular, semiauto gun for long-range target practice?

The AR-15 fills that bill.

A gun designed to kill as many people as fast as possible is a Vulcan cannon, not an AR-15.

Btw, the minigun shoots .308, which is much more powerful than .223

Shooting 3000+ rounds per minute.

I have $3,100 worth of excercise equipment being delivered this week. I’ll call shortly and cancel the order. I’ll be sure to let them know why.
Buy more guns and ammo...

Haha...funny you say that.
I have six more builds on order right now including two AR pistols.
And....yet again....nothing is a better money maker for the NRA and gun sales than a mass shooting.
Who kills more humans? The nra or planned parenthood? Women have the right to murder their children and you don’t blink an eye, they get torn apart limb by limb in the wound, their skulls are crushed in the womb and you do not blink. But if some asshole shoots 17 kids you get hysterical. I gotta a feeling it is just political left wing radical politics and nothing more.

Planned Parenthood also sells the body parts when they're done
What is your main concern with the AR platform? Be specific. What about the AR platform do you believe is too dangerous for civilians to possess?
I will repeat my pretty simple question:
What is it about the AR platform that makes it the weapon of choice for mass shooters?
If it is no different than any other rifle on the market, why do they choose it and why are people so bent out of shape about the possibility of needing to buy one of these "equal" rifles.
I got one answer, saying the AR is built to take any number of add ons, adapting it to any need. So what specific need do mass shooters have and what add on do they use that makes it the weapon of choice for them? What "adaptations" are they talking about?

The media have made the AR-15 the weapon of choice...

Do you realize that the worst mass school shooting in this country was done with 2 pistols? Pistols used against college students, not high school students.....they are easier to conceal, you can carry several of them if you want, and they are just as easy for a mass shooter to murder people as an AR-15 in close quarters like the inside of a building....

The only reason they are taking the AR-15 is because it has been hyped by the media....
Yeah, I see it on the tv every night. It is all over my ads when I go to Google. It is on every other page of Good Housekeeping.
Try a different argument.

It is in every video game, it is the first thing democrat politicians call to ban when any mass shooting happens...they called for banning it before shooters were actually using it.........you don't even think before you post....
Okay. Let's blame the media for this, too. Better than blaming the gun.

It's not the gun, OldLady, it's the people using it.

You're in a room with a loaded .45 and a kitten, which one is more dangerous to you?
The mechanism is exactly the same for almost all semi-automatic rifles.

Know what you are talking about before you get a position on something.
Then why are so many people screeching about possibly needing to buy one of these "exact same" other rifles?

It's not the rifle, it's the simple fact that

1) The law to ban "scary rifles" won't help anything
2) The actual law being proposed by democrats would ban all semi-auto weapons, despite their pleas that they don't want to "ban all guns"
3) That people who support RKBA simply don't trust anyone who can't get the technical things right, or won't even try
4) That people who support RKBA simply don't trust gun controllers period, mostly due to things like item 2.

If you have a link to the proposed law, that would be good....

House Democrats introduce bill prohibiting sale of semi-automatic weapons

That's really gonna drive people to vote for them in the midterms.

Not! :badgrin:

But is sure will galvanize the vote against them outside the coasts and cities.
I have $3,100 worth of excercise equipment being delivered this week. I’ll call shortly and cancel the order. I’ll be sure to let them know why.
Buy more guns and ammo...
Because.....mass shootings are good for the NRA and the gun business.

Repeating a lie doesn't make it true.
How is it a lie?....over and over and over, I'm seeing posts from people here ADMITTING they are running out NOW to get more guns. I don't say anything about mass shootings are good for the NRA and the gun business EXCEPT in reply to posts admitting that's exactly what they are doing. Have you not noticed?
Dick`s wants deer hunters as customers, not people hunters.

Well hey, doesn't every deer hunter absolutely need an AR with 8 or 10 thirty round magazines? :cool-45:

I don't hunt.....but 30 rounds is a minimum for self defense with a rifle.........you don't tell the fire department they can only have 100 gallons of water to put out a fire, they get all they need....and when it is your children, or your wife you may be murdered, I won't have an asshole like you telling me how many chances I can have to keep them alive....

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