Did Acosta Cut A 'Sweet Deal' With Epstein To Protect Slick Willey?

Hey if Clinton partook of Trump's buddy's rape Island he should be prosecuted but that doesn't change the fact that Trump rewarded Acosta for getting this pedophile a sweet deal

prove it. back up what you say for once. just once.
Did tRump give him a job?


Oh, look! Evidence!
After 11 years and two administrations. Why didn't shitstain obama fire him? Why didn't some democynt bring this up at the confirmation hearing?
Bombshell: Alex Acosta Reportedly Claimed Jeffrey Epstein "Belonged To Intelligence"

take it for what it's worth at this point. but it would seem acosta was told to back off epstein cause he had some serious blackmail crap on a lot of high ups and/or he was really part of a sting operation to be able TO blackmail higher ups. rumors are a flyin.

whoever's implicated and proven to be guilty - drop them all on some abandoned island and let them fend for themselves.
What intelligence agency?

Epstein had ties to General Ehud Barak, former IDF intelligence chief and Prime Minister of Israel.
TOP Democrats are publicly questioning why Trump Labor Secretary Acosta still has a job after it was revealed he 'cut a sweet deal' with Epstein in 2008 over Sex Trafficking charges, keeping the case out of federal courts and the national spotlight and allowing Epstein to serve only 13 months for his heinous crimes...

Perhaps they should learn from the past and NOT rush to attack a Trump appointee / associate, since doing so has almost always resulted in a 'boomerang' effect, inflicting more damage on Democrats than on the President.

Their ability to go after President Trump has already been stripped as it has been reported by even the main stream media that Trump personally banned Epstein from his resorts due to Epstein attacking an underage girl years ago...

...but former President and career sexual harasser / assaulter / rapist Slick Willy's special friendship with Epstein and his many rides on Epstein's private plane and visits to his 'pedophile island' get-away have been drawing a lot more attention than he, Hillary, or Democrats want...

Beware the 'Boomerang', Dems / snowflakes...

Pelosi and Schumer: Trump Labor Secretary Acosta must resign over plea deal for Jeffrey Epstein
Money talks, Epstein has billions of dollars, he also has connections to high Democrat Party members who visited him for his sex slaves. Just like with Weinstein, the house of cards is starting to collapse and the Dimwitocraps are going to come tumbling down. Libs dont open the link, it doesnt involve you, because you are too stupid to know better.


It's not just Democrats who have to worry.

Woman suing Trump over alleged teen rape drops suit, again
What if a whole bunch of important people and/or people who work work with them in different professions are involved in this stuff? What does that say about humanity?
Hey if Clinton partook of Trump's buddy's rape Island he should be prosecuted but that doesn't change the fact that Trump rewarded Acosta for getting this pedophile a sweet deal

prove it. back up what you say for once. just once.
Did tRump give him a job?


Oh, look! Evidence!

So stupid that he really believes that in 2008 Acosta agreed to a plea deal in exchange for a job in the Trump administration a decade later.
Not that I'm backing epstein but where were the parents of these kids? Didn't anyone of them tell mom or dad? I understand some were from dirt poor families but where does a parent draw the line for money?

Sort of sounds like the days of Michael Jackson the parents wanted the money.
"facts are important and are being overlooked" - Acosta

he was asked if Epstein's girls are "victims" or "prostitutes"

"they are victims" Acosta bellowed
Acosta was rewarded with a job in TRUMP'S Cabinet.

He ILLEGALLY protected Epstein ...and Trump thanked him.

Who was he protecting?

Bill Barr has just interjected HIMSELF in this case...who does Barr protect?

You are a sad, pathetic Trump-hating idiot...


Acosta got the job based on his rep in Fla...

Trump banned Epstein years ago from his resorts - Lib Media have already debunked your BS.

Slick Willy, however, frequently took a ride on the Lolita Express and visited Pedophile Island 10 years ago...while his wife was SENATOR Clinton...

-- This is the same Perv sticking cigars up inside Interns in the WH while the 1st Lady was out somewhere...but snowflakes want people to believe this same Perv was not screwing little kids...

Yeah, right....

....and Bill Clinton did NOT have sex with 'that' woman, too.


You're disgusting.

He's an attention seeking adolescent. Wait …. you're also right. LOL

Thanks, he's a unique hack, most usually don't go on and on with the hate for President Clinton and President Obama; he thrives on hate which is seriously pathological.

I had a spaniel once who thought any attention was good attention. But he was never malicious, so I thought it entertaining. Easy is not cute. LOL
Not that I'm backing epstein but where were the parents of these kids? Didn't anyone of them tell mom or dad? I understand some were from dirt poor families but where does a parent draw the line for money?

Sort of sounds like the days of Michael Jackson the parents wanted the money.
I think we can pretty much assume that teenage prostitutes lack decent parents. People like Epstein, child pornographers and traffickers seem to be able to smell the desperation.
Hey if Clinton partook of Trump's buddy's rape Island he should be prosecuted but that doesn't change the fact that Trump rewarded Acosta for getting this pedophile a sweet deal

prove it. back up what you say for once. just once.
Did tRump give him a job?


Oh, look! Evidence!

So stupid that he really believes that in 2008 Acosta agreed to a plea deal in exchange for a job in the Trump administration a decade later.
he's trying to sell that shit.

i'm 99% sure he doesn't believe it.
Epstein RICH


Same thing with Bigot Holder and Marc Rich....


and if anyone notices...


what if Christine Blasey Ford was one of Epstein's victims?

i ask the questions the media dont dare ask Acosta, my friends!
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Hey if Clinton partook of Trump's buddy's rape Island he should be prosecuted but that doesn't change the fact that Trump rewarded Acosta for getting this pedophile a sweet deal

prove it. back up what you say for once. just once.
Did tRump give him a job?


Oh, look! Evidence!
But Acosta got a conviction.
Is there something wrong with that now???
The powers that be wanted him to walk.
What powers that be wanted him to walk?
TOP Democrats are publicly questioning why Trump Labor Secretary Acosta still has a job after it was revealed he 'cut a sweet deal' with Epstein in 2008 over Sex Trafficking charges, keeping the case out of federal courts and the national spotlight and allowing Epstein to serve only 13 months for his heinous crimes...

Perhaps they should learn from the past and NOT rush to attack a Trump appointee / associate, since doing so has almost always resulted in a 'boomerang' effect, inflicting more damage on Democrats than on the President.

Their ability to go after President Trump has already been stripped as it has been reported by even the main stream media that Trump personally banned Epstein from his resorts due to Epstein attacking an underage girl years ago...

...but former President and career sexual harasser / assaulter / rapist Slick Willy's special friendship with Epstein and his many rides on Epstein's private plane and visits to his 'pedophile island' get-away have been drawing a lot more attention than he, Hillary, or Democrats want...

Beware the 'Boomerang', Dems / snowflakes...

Pelosi and Schumer: Trump Labor Secretary Acosta must resign over plea deal for Jeffrey Epstein
Trying to ingratiate himself with the Clintons?

UGH: Trump Labor Sec. Alex Acosta Defends DOJ Epstein Deal As Dems Demand Resignation.
Hey if Clinton partook of Trump's buddy's rape Island he should be prosecuted but that doesn't change the fact that Trump rewarded Acosta for getting this pedophile a sweet deal

prove it. back up what you say for once. just once.
Did tRump give him a job?


Oh, look! Evidence!
But Acosta got a conviction.
Is there something wrong with that now???
The powers that be wanted him to walk.
What powers that be wanted him to walk?
Washington Establishment perverts that he took on his trips.
Start with the Clintons and most of the people surrounding them.
TOP Democrats are publicly questioning why Trump Labor Secretary Acosta still has a job after it was revealed he 'cut a sweet deal' with Epstein in 2008 over Sex Trafficking charges, keeping the case out of federal courts and the national spotlight and allowing Epstein to serve only 13 months for his heinous crimes...

Perhaps they should learn from the past and NOT rush to attack a Trump appointee / associate, since doing so has almost always resulted in a 'boomerang' effect, inflicting more damage on Democrats than on the President.

Their ability to go after President Trump has already been stripped as it has been reported by even the main stream media that Trump personally banned Epstein from his resorts due to Epstein attacking an underage girl years ago...

...but former President and career sexual harasser / assaulter / rapist Slick Willy's special friendship with Epstein and his many rides on Epstein's private plane and visits to his 'pedophile island' get-away have been drawing a lot more attention than he, Hillary, or Democrats want...

Beware the 'Boomerang', Dems / snowflakes...

Pelosi and Schumer: Trump Labor Secretary Acosta must resign over plea deal for Jeffrey Epstein
Trying to ingratiate himself with the Clintons?

UGH: Trump Labor Sec. Alex Acosta Defends DOJ Epstein Deal As Dems Demand Resignation.
Instead of demanding 'justice' on the guy who put Epstein in jail, why don't Democrats and Snowflakes demand justice of their 'hero', Slick Willy, who was flying 26 times in 2 years on Epsyein's private plane and screwing little girls on Epstein's private 'Pedophile Island'?
Evidence was pretty strong that Billy Boy had an illegitimate child with an underaged black girl. So strong was the chatter that the “Slickster” had done this and then manipulated DNA test that even Hollywood could not ignore it with Primary Colors.

What evidence. Because if there is a smidgeon of evidence, the Republicans would have trumpted it to the moon and back. I mean look what they did to Paula Jones, and Anita Broaddrick. Broaddrick was threatened with jail if she didn't accuse Trump of rape.

So come up with evidence that wasn't in a plot line in a movie based on a work of fiction.
In other words you've got nothing...except an attempt to hijack the thread / distract from the fact that Slick Willy flew onboard Epsyein's private jet 26 times in 2 years, visited his Pedophile Island numerous times, and was screwing little girls while his wife was 'playing' Senator...

Well, since the girls are all coming forward now, we'll find out shortly, won't we. Because so far, not one of these women has even mentioned Bill Clinton, let alone suggested he did anything untoward, but one of them said Donald Trump beat and raped her when she was 13, more than once. And her eye witness was an Epstein employee who witnessed the whole attack and swore an Affidavit which was filed with the Statement of Claim.

What do you have for evidence? Nothing. As always.

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