Did Acosta Cut A 'Sweet Deal' With Epstein To Protect Slick Willey?

Bombshell: Alex Acosta Reportedly Claimed Jeffrey Epstein "Belonged To Intelligence"

take it for what it's worth at this point. but it would seem acosta was told to back off epstein cause he had some serious blackmail crap on a lot of high ups and/or he was really part of a sting operation to be able TO blackmail higher ups. rumors are a flyin.

whoever's implicated and proven to be guilty - drop them all on some abandoned island and let them fend for themselves.
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TOP Democrats are publicly questioning why Trump Labor Secretary Acosta still has a job after it was revealed he 'cut a sweet deal' with Epstein in 2008 over Sex Trafficking charges, keeping the case out of federal courts and the national spotlight and allowing Epstein to serve only 13 months for his heinous crimes...

Perhaps they should learn from the past and NOT rush to attack a Trump appointee / associate, since doing so has almost always resulted in a 'boomerang' effect, inflicting more damage on Democrats than on the President.

Their ability to go after President Trump has already been stripped as it has been reported by even the main stream media that Trump personally banned Epstein from his resorts due to Epstein attacking an underage girl years ago...

...but former President and career sexual harasser / assaulter / rapist Slick Willy's special friendship with Epstein and his many rides on Epstein's private plane and visits to his 'pedophile island' get-away have been drawing a lot more attention than he, Hillary, or Democrats want...

Beware the 'Boomerang', Dems / snowflakes...

Pelosi and Schumer: Trump Labor Secretary Acosta must resign over plea deal for Jeffrey Epstein
Pedophiles SHOULD transcend politics. Hope all involved are dealt with harshly.
TOP Democrats are publicly questioning why Trump Labor Secretary Acosta still has a job after it was revealed he 'cut a sweet deal' with Epstein in 2008 over Sex Trafficking charges, keeping the case out of federal courts and the national spotlight and allowing Epstein to serve only 13 months for his heinous crimes...

Perhaps they should learn from the past and NOT rush to attack a Trump appointee / associate, since doing so has almost always resulted in a 'boomerang' effect, inflicting more damage on Democrats than on the President.

Their ability to go after President Trump has already been stripped as it has been reported by even the main stream media that Trump personally banned Epstein from his resorts due to Epstein attacking an underage girl years ago...

...but former President and career sexual harasser / assaulter / rapist Slick Willy's special friendship with Epstein and his many rides on Epstein's private plane and visits to his 'pedophile island' get-away have been drawing a lot more attention than he, Hillary, or Democrats want...

Beware the 'Boomerang', Dems / snowflakes...

Pelosi and Schumer: Trump Labor Secretary Acosta must resign over plea deal for Jeffrey Epstein
Pedophiles SHOULD transcend politics. Hope all involved are dealt with harshly.
Why would anyone defend Acosta or Epstein? That should be the no brainer. I mean we know Trump is morally a slime who uses women as a towel, and his supporters could not care less. And we know the Clintons are morally bankrupt and lust for power for power's sake. But generally, even sociopaths can tell when they are defending the undefensible and … just stop doing it.
Acosta was rewarded with a job in TRUMP'S Cabinet.

He ILLEGALLY protected Epstein ...and Trump thanked him.

Who was he protecting?

Bill Barr has just interjected HIMSELF in this case...who does Barr protect?
Acosta was the primary reason Esptein was convicted in the first place.
Every Democrat in Washington wanted to sweep it all under the rug.
Acosta did nothing wrong. He used prosecutorial discretion to get a conviction where he would get nothing otherwise. It's done every day. In California discretion has been used to keep democrat donor Ed Buck from being arrested after he killed two men!

Trying to connect Epstein to Trump is going to bring the backfire heard around the world to the dimwits.
Like it or not, politicians have a lot of power, have elevated themselves above the Law, and violate the Constitution and Rule of Law for their own benefit.

That is fact, just like 'fire is hot' & 'water is set's.

Democrats were caught engaging in not only criminal sexual misconduct for DECADES but also caught creating a committee whose sole purpose for existing was to STEAL tax dollars and use that money to pay for the silence of their victims.
-- ALL of them walked away / retired with full tax payer-funded benefits without being held accountable....

Why was this not a big deal for Democrats? Why was it allowed to happen....but now Acosta is being attacked for putting Epstein behind bars for 13 months?

'13 months is too lite of a sentence / not enough time for criminAl sexual misconduct'?!


13 months is a helluva lot less time than these Democrats who engaged in criminal sexual misconduct and stole / mis-used tax dollars for DECADES ever got!

Actually the "sweet deal" was probably intended to protect Hillary.
Slick Willy was boinking children while Hillary was SENATOR with the goal of becoming President.

It is un-f*ing believable what these w have gotten away with because of their political power and money...
TOP Democrats are publicly questioning why Trump Labor Secretary Acosta still has a job after it was revealed he 'cut a sweet deal' with Epstein in 2008 over Sex Trafficking charges, keeping the case out of federal courts and the national spotlight and allowing Epstein to serve only 13 months for his heinous crimes...

Perhaps they should learn from the past and NOT rush to attack a Trump appointee / associate, since doing so has almost always resulted in a 'boomerang' effect, inflicting more damage on Democrats than on the President.

Their ability to go after President Trump has already been stripped as it has been reported by even the main stream media that Trump personally banned Epstein from his resorts due to Epstein attacking an underage girl years ago...

...but former President and career sexual harasser / assaulter / rapist Slick Willy's special friendship with Epstein and his many rides on Epstein's private plane and visits to his 'pedophile island' get-away have been drawing a lot more attention than he, Hillary, or Democrats want...

Beware the 'Boomerang', Dems / snowflakes...

Pelosi and Schumer: Trump Labor Secretary Acosta must resign over plea deal for Jeffrey Epstein
Money talks, Epstein has billions of dollars, he also has connections to high Democrat Party members who visited him for his sex slaves. Just like with Weinstein, the house of cards is starting to collapse and the Dimwitocraps are going to come tumbling down. Libs dont open the link, it doesnt involve you, because you are too stupid to know better.


I don't know this one is so big and goes so high it wouldn't surprise me to see them all get away with it. This one might actually be too big to expose. That just pisses me right off.

TOP Democrats are publicly questioning why Trump Labor Secretary Acosta still has a job after it was revealed he 'cut a sweet deal' with Epstein in 2008 over Sex Trafficking charges, keeping the case out of federal courts and the national spotlight and allowing Epstein to serve only 13 months for his heinous crimes...

Perhaps they should learn from the past and NOT rush to attack a Trump appointee / associate, since doing so has almost always resulted in a 'boomerang' effect, inflicting more damage on Democrats than on the President.

Their ability to go after President Trump has already been stripped as it has been reported by even the main stream media that Trump personally banned Epstein from his resorts due to Epstein attacking an underage girl years ago...

...but former President and career sexual harasser / assaulter / rapist Slick Willy's special friendship with Epstein and his many rides on Epstein's private plane and visits to his 'pedophile island' get-away have been drawing a lot more attention than he, Hillary, or Democrats want...

Beware the 'Boomerang', Dems / snowflakes...

Pelosi and Schumer: Trump Labor Secretary Acosta must resign over plea deal for Jeffrey Epstein
Accosta is a RWNJ, why would he protect a Clinton?
Hey if Clinton partook of Trump's buddy's ....
Nice try, troll.

The problem is your BS has already been debunked....by LIBERAL media.

AFTER Trump had banned Epstein from his resorts, Slick Willy was still climbing aboard the Lolita Express bound for Pedophile Island, something records show he did 26 times in 2 years.

'Clinton partook...' - 'partook' meaning he was sexually abusing CHILDREN...
TOP Democrats are publicly questioning why Trump Labor Secretary Acosta still has a job after it was revealed he 'cut a sweet deal' with Epstein in 2008 over Sex Trafficking charges, keeping the case out of federal courts and the national spotlight and allowing Epstein to serve only 13 months for his heinous crimes...

Perhaps they should learn from the past and NOT rush to attack a Trump appointee / associate, since doing so has almost always resulted in a 'boomerang' effect, inflicting more damage on Democrats than on the President.

Their ability to go after President Trump has already been stripped as it has been reported by even the main stream media that Trump personally banned Epstein from his resorts due to Epstein attacking an underage girl years ago...

...but former President and career sexual harasser / assaulter / rapist Slick Willy's special friendship with Epstein and his many rides on Epstein's private plane and visits to his 'pedophile island' get-away have been drawing a lot more attention than he, Hillary, or Democrats want...

Beware the 'Boomerang', Dems / snowflakes...

Pelosi and Schumer: Trump Labor Secretary Acosta must resign over plea deal for Jeffrey Epstein
Bush was president at the time, loony toon

The more relevant question now is: will bar protect the criminal tonkeep Donald’s activities under wraps

Anything else the voices in your head are telling you, pondscum?

So special.
You gotta love how the left is treating the Epstein saga.
1) Epstein was a very active Democrat donor/organizer/facilitator paying for transpiration/lodging/facilities for Democrat events.
2) His list of contributions reads like a "Who's Who" list of the Democrat Party between the mid 90's - early 2000's.
3) He has direct ties to numerous foundations with ties to the highest Dems in America.

But wait.... it looks like Trump might have known him in some way...so therefore.... HE IS TRUMP's BEST FRIEND!!!!!... TRUMP IS A PEDOPHILE!!!!
Not sure what you are talking about. What I'm seeing from liberals here is a "bring them all down" attitude. We don't like child molesters and don't want the associated with our business.
TOP Democrats are publicly questioning why Trump Labor Secretary Acosta still has a job after it was revealed he 'cut a sweet deal' with Epstein in 2008 over Sex Trafficking charges, keeping the case out of federal courts and the national spotlight and allowing Epstein to serve only 13 months for his heinous crimes...

Perhaps they should learn from the past and NOT rush to attack a Trump appointee / associate, since doing so has almost always resulted in a 'boomerang' effect, inflicting more damage on Democrats than on the President.

Their ability to go after President Trump has already been stripped as it has been reported by even the main stream media that Trump personally banned Epstein from his resorts due to Epstein attacking an underage girl years ago...

...but former President and career sexual harasser / assaulter / rapist Slick Willy's special friendship with Epstein and his many rides on Epstein's private plane and visits to his 'pedophile island' get-away have been drawing a lot more attention than he, Hillary, or Democrats want...

Beware the 'Boomerang', Dems / snowflakes...

Pelosi and Schumer: Trump Labor Secretary Acosta must resign over plea deal for Jeffrey Epstein
Accosta is a RWNJ, why would he protect a Clinton?
Thing long and hard about that question... Consider everything going on, that had gone on, who the Clintons were, how / what politicians / influential people have done to spare other politicians / powerful people of accountability....

Ex-CIA Director was caught committing Perjury before Congress about lying about illegally spying on Americans...on US Senators. He should gave been Perp-walked, indicted, & gone to jail.

Instead Democrats / the Obama administration and Republicans agreed to a deal to prevent that from happening - all Brennan had to do was appear before Congress, admit he lied, admit he illegally spied on Senators, and promised not to do it again ... and the whole thing was dropped.

Republicans helping a POS Obama-appointed criminal stay out if jail....why would they do such a thing...

It happened just the same...
TOP Democrats are publicly questioning why Trump Labor Secretary Acosta still has a job after it was revealed he 'cut a sweet deal' with Epstein in 2008 over Sex Trafficking charges, keeping the case out of federal courts and the national spotlight and allowing Epstein to serve only 13 months for his heinous crimes...

Perhaps they should learn from the past and NOT rush to attack a Trump appointee / associate, since doing so has almost always resulted in a 'boomerang' effect, inflicting more damage on Democrats than on the President.

Their ability to go after President Trump has already been stripped as it has been reported by even the main stream media that Trump personally banned Epstein from his resorts due to Epstein attacking an underage girl years ago...

...but former President and career sexual harasser / assaulter / rapist Slick Willy's special friendship with Epstein and his many rides on Epstein's private plane and visits to his 'pedophile island' get-away have been drawing a lot more attention than he, Hillary, or Democrats want...

Beware the 'Boomerang', Dems / snowflakes...

Pelosi and Schumer: Trump Labor Secretary Acosta must resign over plea deal for Jeffrey Epstein
Accosta is a RWNJ, why would he protect a Clinton?
Thing long and hard about that question... Consider everything going on, that had gone on, who the Clintons were, how / what politicians / influential people have done to spare other politicians / powerful people of accountability....

Ex-CIA Director was caught committing Perjury before Congress about lying about illegally spying on Americans...on US Senators. He should gave been Perp-walked, indicted, & gone to jail.

Instead Democrats / the Obama administration and Republicans agreed to a deal to prevent that from happening - all Brennan had to do was appear before Congress, admit he lied, admit he illegally spied on Senators, and promised not to do it again ... and the whole thing was dropped.

Republicans helping a POS Obama-appointed criminal stay out if jail....why would they do such a thing...

It happened just the same...
Lol, quoting fake news to defend accista's actions?
I don't know this one is so big and goes so high it wouldn't surprise me to see them all get away with it. This one might actually be too big to expose. That just pisses me right off.
Hillary compromised national security, committed 'espionage', obstructed justice...and was protected by the Obama administration from prison ....

'Too big to jail'?

Obama and his administration have been caught red-handed committing crimes and attempting a soft coup....NO One will be held accountable...

'Too Big To Jail'...

There are 2 Americas... Not rich vs poor but those held accountable to the law & those who have elevated themselves above the law.

I don't know this one is so big and goes so high it wouldn't surprise me to see them all get away with it. This one might actually be too big to expose. That just pisses me right off.
H toillary compromised national security, committed 'espionage', obstructed justice...and was protected by the Obama administration from prison ....

'Too big to jail'?

Obama and his administration have been caught red-handed committing crimes and attempting a soft coup....NO One will be held accountable...

'Too Big To Jail'...

There are 2 Americas... Not rich vs poor but those held accountable to the law & those who have elevated themselves above the law.


I have a feeling about this it's so big and involves so many powerful people both Democrats and Republicans it's going to be buried.


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