Did Acosta Cut A 'Sweet Deal' With Epstein To Protect Slick Willey?

TOP Democrats are publicly questioning why Trump Labor Secretary Acosta still has a job after it was revealed he 'cut a sweet deal' with Epstein in 2008 over Sex Trafficking charges, keeping the case out of federal courts and the national spotlight and allowing Epstein to serve only 13 months for his heinous crimes...

Perhaps they should learn from the past and NOT rush to attack a Trump appointee / associate, since doing so has almost always resulted in a 'boomerang' effect, inflicting more damage on Democrats than on the President.

Their ability to go after President Trump has already been stripped as it has been reported by even the main stream media that Trump personally banned Epstein from his resorts due to Epstein attacking an underage girl years ago...

...but former President and career sexual harasser / assaulter / rapist Slick Willy's special friendship with Epstein and his many rides on Epstein's private plane and visits to his 'pedophile island' get-away have been drawing a lot more attention than he, Hillary, or Democrats want...

Beware the 'Boomerang', Dems / snowflakes...

Pelosi and Schumer: Trump Labor Secretary Acosta must resign over plea deal for Jeffrey Epstein
Accosta is a RWNJ, why would he protect a Clinton?
Thing long and hard about that question... Consider everything going on, that had gone on, who the Clintons were, how / what politicians / influential people have done to spare other politicians / powerful people of accountability....

Ex-CIA Director was caught committing Perjury before Congress about lying about illegally spying on Americans...on US Senators. He should gave been Perp-walked, indicted, & gone to jail.

Instead Democrats / the Obama administration and Republicans agreed to a deal to prevent that from happening - all Brennan had to do was appear before Congress, admit he lied, admit he illegally spied on Senators, and promised not to do it again ... and the whole thing was dropped.

Republicans helping a POS Obama-appointed criminal stay out if jail....why would they do such a thing...

It happened just the same...
They all have dirt on them in the Congress and Senate. When Charlie Rangel was going to be censured for his TAX EVASION, he waned those who were going after him both (D) and (R) if you continue, he, Charlie would spill the beans on everyone. Why else has the swamp been slowly drained of all the "professional" politicians? Because the day of reckoning is coming, they are going into hiding, for the mess they have made of the country. It will be time for ole reliable to come out.

TOP Democrats are publicly questioning why Trump Labor Secretary Acosta still has a job after it was revealed he 'cut a sweet deal' with Epstein in 2008 over Sex Trafficking charges, keeping the case out of federal courts and the national spotlight and allowing Epstein to serve only 13 months for his heinous crimes...

Perhaps they should learn from the past and NOT rush to attack a Trump appointee / associate, since doing so has almost always resulted in a 'boomerang' effect, inflicting more damage on Democrats than on the President.

Their ability to go after President Trump has already been stripped as it has been reported by even the main stream media that Trump personally banned Epstein from his resorts due to Epstein attacking an underage girl years ago...

...but former President and career sexual harasser / assaulter / rapist Slick Willy's special friendship with Epstein and his many rides on Epstein's private plane and visits to his 'pedophile island' get-away have been drawing a lot more attention than he, Hillary, or Democrats want...

Beware the 'Boomerang', Dems / snowflakes...

Pelosi and Schumer: Trump Labor Secretary Acosta must resign over plea deal for Jeffrey Epstein

You're disgusting.
Acosta was rewarded with a job in TRUMP'S Cabinet.

He ILLEGALLY protected Epstein ...and Trump thanked him.

Who was he protecting?

Bill Barr has just interjected HIMSELF in this case...who does Barr protect?

You are a sad, pathetic Trump-hating idiot...


Acosta got the job based on his rep in Fla...

Trump banned Epstein years ago from his resorts - Lib Media have already debunked your BS.

Slick Willy, however, frequently took a ride on the Lolita Express and visited Pedophile Island 10 years ago...while his wife was SENATOR Clinton...

-- This is the same Perv sticking cigars up inside Interns in the WH while the 1st Lady was out somewhere...but snowflakes want people to believe this same Perv was not screwing little kids...

Yeah, right....

....and Bill Clinton did NOT have sex with 'that' woman, too.


You're disgusting.
Every one knows that Clinton was a whore dog, every one knows Trump was a whore dog, men of money power take advantage, and are usually found above the law. this is age old news. sad but we must look forward & try and support those found to be the most honest & upright who attempt to work for the majority the regular working people who keep everything running.
Acosta was rewarded with a job in TRUMP'S Cabinet.

He ILLEGALLY protected Epstein ...and Trump thanked him.

Who was he protecting?

Bill Barr has just interjected HIMSELF in this case...who does Barr protect?

You are a sad, pathetic Trump-hating idiot...


Acosta got the job based on his rep in Fla...

Trump banned Epstein years ago from his resorts - Lib Media have already debunked your BS.

Slick Willy, however, frequently took a ride on the Lolita Express and visited Pedophile Island 10 years ago...while his wife was SENATOR Clinton...

-- This is the same Perv sticking cigars up inside Interns in the WH while the 1st Lady was out somewhere...but snowflakes want people to believe this same Perv was not screwing little kids...

Yeah, right....

....and Bill Clinton did NOT have sex with 'that' woman, too.


You're disgusting.

He's an attention seeking adolescent. Wait …. you're also right. LOL
Acosta was rewarded with a job in TRUMP'S Cabinet.

He ILLEGALLY protected Epstein ...and Trump thanked him.

Who was he protecting?

Bill Barr has just interjected HIMSELF in this case...who does Barr protect?

You are a sad, pathetic Trump-hating idiot...


Acosta got the job based on his rep in Fla...

Trump banned Epstein years ago from his resorts - Lib Media have already debunked your BS.

Slick Willy, however, frequently took a ride on the Lolita Express and visited Pedophile Island 10 years ago...while his wife was SENATOR Clinton...

-- This is the same Perv sticking cigars up inside Interns in the WH while the 1st Lady was out somewhere...but snowflakes want people to believe this same Perv was not screwing little kids...

Yeah, right....

....and Bill Clinton did NOT have sex with 'that' woman, too.


You're disgusting.

He's an attention seeking adolescent. Wait …. you're also right. LOL

Thanks, he's a unique hack, most usually don't go on and on with the hate for President Clinton and President Obama; he thrives on hate which is seriously pathological.
So you're on record defending this serial pedophile?

Wow...not only did you win today's r"jump through the highest number of hoops to reach a conclusion" you now have won today's second challenge... "Misrepresent and embelish someone's post to the point it means something completely different!! "

Wow...won two challenges in just a few minutes!!! Special!

It takes a particularly obtuse keyboard jockey to do that in such a short period of time.
Hey if Clinton partook of Trump's buddy's rape Island he should be prosecuted but that doesn't change the fact that Trump rewarded Acosta for getting this pedophile a sweet deal

prove it. back up what you say for once. just once.
Did tRump give him a job?


Oh, look! Evidence!
But Acosta got a conviction.
Is there something wrong with that now???
The powers that be wanted him to walk.
Hey if Clinton partook of Trump's buddy's rape Island he should be prosecuted but that doesn't change the fact that Trump rewarded Acosta for getting this pedophile a sweet deal

prove it. back up what you say for once. just once.
Did tRump give him a job?


Oh, look! Evidence!
But Acosta got a conviction.
Is there something wrong with that now???
The powers that be wanted him to walk.
Got a conviction?

Of COURSE he did. How could he NOT?

What he did though was make sure that Epstein plead to ONLY prostitution charges....got him out of jail during the day six days a week...sealed records and made sure that the victims didn't know the outcome (which is illegal)

That pedo creep should have been locked up for life
Hey if Clinton partook of Trump's buddy's rape Island he should be prosecuted but that doesn't change the fact that Trump rewarded Acosta for getting this pedophile a sweet deal

prove it. back up what you say for once. just once.
Did tRump give him a job?


Oh, look! Evidence!
But Acosta got a conviction.
Is there something wrong with that now???
The powers that be wanted him to walk.
Got a conviction?

Of COURSE he did. How could he NOT?

What he did though was make sure that Epstein plead to ONLY prostitution charges....got him out of jail during the day six days a week...sealed records and made sure that the victims didn't know the outcome (which is illegal)

That pedo creep should have been locked up for life
I'm sure the MSM has told you he had 3 virgins wildly fuck him every morning too.
Jesus Christ !!
You lib fuckers will believe anything.
did bill get on his plane? OH LOOK - EVIDENCE!!!

WTF you talkin about? Trump rode on the Pedo Express as well
never said he didn't did i?

stop making up my side of this shit, boy.

One would think he would just sly away from this thread after embarrassing himself so many times already.
no. it's his mission in life to simply be an ass everywhere he goes.

to his credit, he's damn good at it.
did bill get on his plane? OH LOOK - EVIDENCE!!!

WTF you talkin about? Trump rode on the Pedo Express as well
never said he didn't did i?

stop making up my side of this shit, boy.

One would think he would just sly away from this thread after embarrassing himself so many times already.

Stop talking out your ass.

Oh and by the way....you scream about Clinton being on Epstein's plane but ignore the fact that Trump was as well
This is very interesting. It's reported that Acosta said he was ordered to back off Epstein because he belonged to "Intelligence". This was at the end of George W. Bush's 2nd term. So (a bit of tinfoil required), given George H.'s former CIA role, what if the Bushes were part of the Swamp operation to use Epstein to entrap prominent people for blackmail purposes? It's not out of the real of possibility.

Bombshell: Alex Acosta Reportedly Claimed Jeffrey Epstein "Belonged To Intelligence"
Acosta was rewarded with a job in TRUMP'S Cabinet.

He ILLEGALLY protected Epstein ...and Trump thanked him.

Who was he protecting?

Bill Barr has just interjected HIMSELF in this case...who does Barr protect?

You are a sad, pathetic Trump-hating idiot...


Acosta got the job based on his rep in Fla...

Trump banned Epstein years ago from his resorts - Lib Media have already debunked your BS.

Slick Willy, however, frequently took a ride on the Lolita Express and visited Pedophile Island 10 years ago...while his wife was SENATOR Clinton...

-- This is the same Perv sticking cigars up inside Interns in the WH while the 1st Lady was out somewhere...but snowflakes want people to believe this same Perv was not screwing little kids...

Yeah, right....

....and Bill Clinton did NOT have sex with 'that' woman, too.


Whether Clinton was involved or not you cannot overlook the fact that William Barr's law firm represented Epstein and it looks like a few of the WH attorney's may have come from there.
It’s a violation of ethics rules

You’re welcome
Well, I have a hard time believing neither Slick nor Trump knew what Epstein was about, and they both palled around with him … but I didn't need that to conclude both are morally and psychologically unfit for public office. Slick may have tried to keep his nose clean (-: while in the WH but fell to the allure of a young woman bent on bending him, although I'd be surprised if he wasn't having it up with Marc Rich's ex, and Trump is so disgusting that he can only make it with porn stars and suitcase of Ed med

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