Did Barr order Mueller to end the investigation?

Barr should have told Mueller to end the investigation. But, he didn't.

Mueller knew that collusion was a farce early on, and kept the investigation going for months based on the obstruction question, which he wasn't even going to decide on. When Barr got the report, he should have sent it back to Mueller and told him to do his job one way or the other. Until then, the report will not be released.
Barr should have told Mueller to end the investigation. But, he didn't.

Until Mueller testifies in front of Congress we absolutely don't know that to be true and there is ample evidence that it's not

And every one of them can be ignored. Did they review ALL the underlying evidence like you cried about with Barr? No they didn't. Thus they can be called liars by your standards.

Maybe these prosecutors can comment on whether deleting e-mails under subpoena, destroying mobile devices with a hammer, removing the sim cards and using bleachbit to avoid examination amounts to obstruction. Maybe we can justice in that case.

And every one of them can be ignored. Did they review ALL the underlying evidence like you cried about with Barr? No they didn't. Thus they can be called liars by your standards.

Maybe these prosecutors can comment on whether deleting e-mails under subpoena, destroying mobile devices with a hammer, removing the sim cards and using bleachbit to avoid examination amounts to obstruction. Maybe we can justice in that case.

Funny. Maybe you should start a thread on it. Meanwhile, try to focus on this one.
It is hard to believe that people are still holding on to Mueller. It is over folks. It has been for over a month.

After Mueller testifies, it is going to be Clinton headquarters on election night all over again.
Hard to believe that Trump would try to stop Mueller from testifying...if he has nothing to hide
Barr should have told Mueller to end the investigation. But, he didn't.

Until Mueller testifies in front of Congress we absolutely don't know that to be true and there is ample evidence that it's not

So how long are the Democrats going to beat this dead horse? The rest of the summer? Rest of the year? Rest of Trump's five and a half years?

After they can't get anything on Mueller, they will question his legal team. When they can't get anything out of his legal team, they will subpoena their staff. When they can't get anything from the lawyers staff, they will subpoena.....
What law?

The court ruling that all grand jury hearings remain secret. You can't give information like that to any Congress critter.

Now, cite the historical precedents for courts ruling to release grand jury testimony. There are several. Plus, Barr redacted more than just grand jury testimony. Barr also withheld all of the supporting evidence for the Mueller report.

Supporting evidence like what? If it's redacted, how did you see it?

They're convinced, that's all that matters. They think Mueller's going to say something that contradicts his own conclusions.

Like Barr, they are going to try and entrap him now that it's evident he isn't working for their side like the FBI and DOJ were under DumBama. They are not worried about that so much. What they are really worried about is Barr investigating all the evidence that Comey ignored or didn't tell. If they can put pressure on Comey for illegal activity, then he could squeal like a pig about Hillary and Obama.

That is true. This whole thing is an attempt to negate or stop any investigation into how this got started and why. IOW, clear obstruction. It would be ironic should they be hoisted on their own petards.
There's no question about how "this got started". Russian attacks on our election and a Trump staffer babbling drunkenly about it
There's no question about how "this got started". Russian attacks on our election and a Trump staffer babbling drunkenly about it

Oh, that's right. The Russian attacks we knew about and didn't do anything to stop. The attacks Mueller found Trump didn't collude with. IOW, we need to know what Obama knew and when he knew it. Then we need to know how much unverified opposition research was used to justify spying on American citizens. There's a lot we need to know, so go Barr.
didn't do anything to stop
Do anything...lile what? What should have been done? Be specific.

How about a public announcement that we have credible information that Russian agents were trying to influence the election, compete with the ads they were posting on Facebook?
And that would have stopped them...how? Connect the dots for me.

By the way, that was done right after the 2016 election. Yet the russians continued their efforts in 2018.
didn't do anything to stop
Do anything...lile what? What should have been done? Be specific.

How about a public announcement that we have credible information that Russian agents were trying to influence the election, compete with the ads they were posting on Facebook?
About 25 of them have been indicted...it's in the Mueller Report moron

Ooooh, that stopped them in their tracks. Wow.

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