Did Blinken just announce WWIII?

Ukraine joining NATO???


Proving without a doubt your lack of intelligence regarding military matters
Really? How many years did you spend in schools studying, then teaching tactics, equipment, studying logistics, foreign tactics and organization, serving on staffs, participating in large terrain model/map Ex/ computer exercises, as well as foreign multinational exercises involving NATO, including G3 staff work at Corps HQs in Europe?
I seem to have forgotten your background.
It’s an election year and Democrats are going to get pounded. Before it was a bio WMD attack, now Joe is going to start WW3.
Tens of millions dead is a small price to pay for keeping the Satanic Fascist Progressives in power
Really? How many years did you spend in schools studying, then teaching tactics, equipment, studying logistics, foreign tactics and organization, serving on staffs, participating in large terrain model/map Ex/ computer exercises, as well as foreign multinational exercises involving NATO, including G3 staff work at Corps HQs in Europe?
I seem to have forgotten your background.
Ok then teach feel free to explain what makes you think it'll go down easy for NATO
If you call 315,000 Russians, killed or wounded, along with the loss of 6,523 tanks, plus nearly 12,400 armored vehicles and 9,867 artillery systems, along with close to 300 aircraft, doing well, against little Ukraine in a military operation Russia figured would be over in less than 3 weeks. Knowing what they started with, it ain't too impressive. Actually a pitiful statement on the Russian military and their lack of capabilities, in my opinion.
He seems to have mastered Stalin's tactics.
Stable enough for me. It is almost pool opening season and time to plan my next kayak trip. You can shimmy and shake and quake, as if the sky is falling, but it isn't. You will be fine. Calm yourself, unless that is a talent of self-control, you never had to learn and practice. If that is the case, try to panic quietly, while the adults go about their business.
No panic for me, I am more than capable of defending myself. It is still early and I look for your Biden democrats to give us all a replay of the last election. I'm sure you'll welcome their anarchy.
Nope. but if I am wrong, I'll take NATO and 10 points, easy.

NATO is not a good organization.
It is the old corrupt Allies who deliberately started WWI, which caused WWII.

And the US and NATO promised up and down to not expand NATO eastward.
They lied.
NATO had added a dozen ex-Warsaw Pact countries.

But the Ukraine is INSIDE the Russian defense grid.
If the Ukraine joins NATO, then Russia will have no choice but to pre-emptively nuke the US and NATO.
If you call 315,000 Russians, killed or wounded, along with the loss of 6,523 tanks, plus nearly 12,400 armored vehicles and 9,867 artillery systems, along with close to 300 aircraft, doing well, against little Ukraine in a military operation Russia figured would be over in less than 3 weeks. Knowing what they started with, it ain't too impressive. Actually a pitiful statement on the Russian military and their lack of capabilities, in my opinion.

All those years of so called experience and that's your take?

Russia wanted to protect ethnic Russians in the East getting bombed and brutalized by Ukraine since 2014.

When Crimea joined Russia they were still separated geographically by the Novorossiya region still being in Ukraine.

Look at the map

Russia faked going hard into Kyiv from the North while they sent another force into Novorossiya territory. They have held that region for a few years with no hope of Ukraine getting it back especially with 90% or more in all 4 regions voting to join Russia and forming and connecting land bridge to Crimea

Now since you're Mister Stats, why don't you pull up all of Ukraine's loses since the war started.
If you call 315,000 Russians, killed or wounded, along with the loss of 6,523 tanks, plus nearly 12,400 armored vehicles and 9,867 artillery systems, along with close to 300 aircraft, doing well, against little Ukraine in a military operation Russia figured would be over in less than 3 weeks. Knowing what they started with, it ain't too impressive. Actually a pitiful statement on the Russian military and their lack of capabilities, in my opinion.

The Ukraine is only holding on due to all the US weapons.
But the Ukraine is taking loses even higher than Russia.
And you know the US is operating those drones and surface to air missiles.

What’s left of Ukraine to even join NATO?

This is just begging for WWIII!

Please send every democrat politician to Kiev

In 2012 John McCain filibustered blinky bois nomination for assistant SOS. He said blinky is dangerous.

NATO is the clear aggressor, having bribed the 2014 Maidan coup that murdered, imprisoned, or exiles the Prime Minister and most of the legal government.
This will end badly.......~S~

All those BRICS nations will be joining on Russia's side. All the Islamic nations will join cause of course we've gotta side with Israel.




Those are the big players. Thing is, thanks to idiot shitlibs open border policies across Europe and the US if things do kick off expect many sleeper cells to wake up and start doing massive terror attacks inside western countries especially after that Bonehead move by Ukraine and US destroying Nord2 and arming/supplying those terrorist that attacked the Russian opera. And all that is BEFORE any talks of nukes comes into play
We are a nation of patriots. Our military services are fully staffed and ready to go. They all signed up on their own. There's something to be said about that.
The morons in DC got rid of the warfighters.

Now you have a bunch of wimps who go fetal if they are misgendered.

Good luck fighting with them.

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