Did Fox News falsely claim all three suspects in Lane murder were black?


Annoying Customer
Sep 7, 2008
With the Daily Caller even using the wrong photo, to further this claim.
"On Wednesday morning, Fox and Friends aired a segment in which they ostentatiously wondered why Revs. Sharpton and Jackson “haven’t come forward and said anything,” and even though they displayed a photo of the three suspects, which clearly showed that one of them is a white male, they quoted an Allen West tweet that said “Three black teens shoot white jogger.”

"A Duncan police source confirmed to Mediaite, Wednesday morning, that 17 year-old Michael Jones is not “the one with the lightest skin,” he is a white male. It is true that 15 year-old James Edwards and 16 year-old Chancey Luna have been charged, as adults, with first-degree murder, while Jones is charged as an accessory after the fact"


They still have the wrong photo up on the bottom of the page. While have the right one at the top.. Hmmm. Why leave the wrong photo up?


To be fair, Fox and Friends only repeated West's lie. Great reporting there.
Fox & Friends are only for the most clueless Republican voters.
the middle guy does not look white

and i don't see an actual link to where fox said that
You are more worried about what Fox reports than the tragic murder of this young man ? Who cares what color they are !! I would be more worried about the moral decay in this country than trying to stir up racist activity !!
You are more worried about what Fox reports than the tragic murder of this young man ? Who cares what color they are !! I would be more worried about the moral decay in this country than trying to stir up racist activity !!

Why do you ask the ones making it a big deal that they were black. ;)
You are more worried about what Fox reports than the tragic murder of this young man ? Who cares what color they are !! I would be more worried about the moral decay in this country than trying to stir up racist activity !!

Further indication that Luissa, contrary to what she claims, is black.
You are more worried about what Fox reports than the tragic murder of this young man ? Who cares what color they are !! I would be more worried about the moral decay in this country than trying to stir up racist activity !!

Who cares about the color of the shooters? Fox and right wingers. They got hard ons because they thought the shooters were blacks.

Want a link to idiots in here saying that yesterday?
You are more worried about what Fox reports than the tragic murder of this young man ? Who cares what color they are !! I would be more worried about the moral decay in this country than trying to stir up racist activity !!

Further indication that Luissa, contrary to what she claims, is black.

I read how you think you came to that conclusion. Even if Luissa was black, why in your mind is that a bad thing?

MOst would say it is not, but I know how your thought process came up i. You say this as if it is an insult.

With the Daily Caller even using the wrong photo, to further this claim.
"On Wednesday morning, Fox and Friends aired a segment in which they ostentatiously wondered why Revs. Sharpton and Jackson “haven’t come forward and said anything,” and even though they displayed a photo of the three suspects, which clearly showed that one of them is a white male, they quoted an Allen West tweet that said “Three black teens shoot white jogger.”

"A Duncan police source confirmed to Mediaite, Wednesday morning, that 17 year-old Michael Jones is not “the one with the lightest skin,” he is a white male. It is true that 15 year-old James Edwards and 16 year-old Chancey Luna have been charged, as adults, with first-degree murder, while Jones is charged as an accessory after the fact"

Fox & Friends, Daily Caller Falsely Report ?3 Black Teens? Arrested in Chris Lane Murder | Mediaite

They still have the wrong photo up on the bottom of the page. While have the right one at the top.. Hmmm. Why leave the wrong photo up?

Black Okla. teens murder white Australian jogger for sport | The Daily Caller

To be fair, Fox and Friends only repeated West's lie. Great reporting there.
Fox News Quotes Allen West, Falsely Claims 3 Black Teens Shot Australian College Student | The New Civil Rights Movement
The one boy that looks white is actually mixed I have seen other photos of him that he looks more black
In the first 24 hours of news coverage of some tragedy, it isn't uncommon for journalists to get some facts wrong, like some did the white kids statement about pulling the trigger was wrong.

Fox and Friends, according to the OP only quoted West, who was relying on the same mistaken initial media accounts.

But the standard libtard preference for blaming anything they can on their ideological opponents, (classic neoMarxist agit prop) is what is most illustrated here as F&F did not lie, nor did West.

And yet h ow many times has MSNBC, the New Yahk Times and the LA Times gotten stories totally wrong, (like saying that Palin said she could see Russia from her front porch) and no comment from the libtards at all?

And yes, Jesse the Pimp Jackson and the unReverend Al Sharpton are totally blind to anything that harms anyone that isn't a black criminal thug. Hence the need for libtards to distract from the main topic.
And also you according to the DEMS that part of his heritage doesnt matter since it doesnt in Obama's case
You are more worried about what Fox reports than the tragic murder of this young man ? Who cares what color they are !! I would be more worried about the moral decay in this country than trying to stir up racist activity !!

Why do you ask the ones making it a big deal that they were black. ;)

It was a mistake, why is it a big deal at all?

Mountain, meet fucking Mole Hill.

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