CDZ Did Germany's government ever officially apologize to the survivors of their terror campaign's ??

It's one thing to surrender to the opposing armies at the time, but to realize one's wrong in order to apologize in a formal and appropriate setting to the victims and their extended families would be a whole different thing altogether in my opinion.

I think it would be an historical event that could show that the German people are truly saddened by the past, and that they are truly a friend and protector of humanity in which is to be first and foremost within this day and age, and within the new German nation.

If not officially apologized, then would it be appropriate as a huge gesture of humanatarian kindness to do so now ?? My thoughts are that the German nation would want to show their humanatarian side in righting the wrongs of the past by officially separating that nation from the past forever and forever more Amen.

These stories are so sad when watching them, but they are needed in order to understand the human condition, and to understand how it can fail so tragically as we have given witness to over the many decades and generation's looking back now.. To be able to say that an entire nation is sorry for such tragic events (regardless of the time involved) could be the most healing thing ever for a nation. Closure is very important in a situation like that, and if that chapter has never truly been closed, then it should be, and it can be.

This is not to suggest any guilt on the German people living today, but rather only a suggestion that something can be done by those living today in order to truly honor and remember those poor people who had suffered so horrifically under the weight of it all during and after their experiences in that situation.

I meet many Germans who are very nice and regretful of that period in history.

I know I would be, even if I hadn't had anything to do with it.. Weird maybe ??

I just wanted to hug the woman in that story, and say to her that I am so sorry you experienced such a thing in your life. That was super cool that her and her rescuer were Jewish, and that they had gotten married in life afterwards. What an ending eh ?
Jake, correct me if i'm wrong, but didn't Germany adopt a no q's asked immigration policy as 'apology' to the world ?

Where do they have a “no questions asked” policy? You seem confused about what refugees are.

Yes, read it once and can;t find it now Jil


You probably “read it” because it was said by someone who lied
More likely my own confusion with their post WW2 Gastarbeiter policy

Trump hasn't apologized to desperate people legally coming here seeking asylum. He ripped breastfeeding babies from their mother's arms and sent the parents back to die.
why should he apologize??!!??
Exactly. You are a perfect example.

Don't worry, even if I explained it, you still wouldn't understand.
many of you use the same excuse when you know you are wrong
it just shows that I am right---keep it up--thank you
It's one thing to surrender to the opposing armies at the time, but to realize one's wrong in order to apologize in a formal and appropriate setting to the victims and their extended families would be a whole different thing altogether in my opinion.

I think it would be an historical event that could show that the German people are truly saddened by the past, and that they are truly a friend and protector of humanity in which is to be first and foremost within this day and age, and within the new German nation.

If not officially apologized, then would it be appropriate as a huge gesture of humanatarian kindness to do so now ?? My thoughts are that the German nation would want to show their humanatarian side in righting the wrongs of the past by officially separating that nation from the past forever and forever more Amen.

These stories are so sad when watching them, but they are needed in order to understand the human condition, and to understand how it can fail so tragically as we have given witness to over the many decades and generation's looking back now.. To be able to say that an entire nation is sorry for such tragic events (regardless of the time involved) could be the most healing thing ever for a nation. Closure is very important in a situation like that, and if that chapter has never truly been closed, then it should be, and it can be.

This is not to suggest any guilt on the German people living today, but rather only a suggestion that something can be done by those living today in order to truly honor and remember those poor people who had suffered so horrifically under the weight of it all during and after their experiences in that situation.

I am just wondering why you want the members of CDZ to find out for you- rather than doing some basic research?
It's one thing to surrender to the opposing armies at the time, but to realize one's wrong in order to apologize in a formal and appropriate setting to the victims and their extended families would be a whole different thing altogether in my opinion.

I think it would be an historical event that could show that the German people are truly saddened by the past, and that they are truly a friend and protector of humanity in which is to be first and foremost within this day and age, and within the new German nation.

If not officially apologized, then would it be appropriate as a huge gesture of humanatarian kindness to do so now ?? My thoughts are that the German nation would want to show their humanatarian side in righting the wrongs of the past by officially separating that nation from the past forever and forever more Amen.

These stories are so sad when watching them, but they are needed in order to understand the human condition, and to understand how it can fail so tragically as we have given witness to over the many decades and generation's looking back now.. To be able to say that an entire nation is sorry for such tragic events (regardless of the time involved) could be the most healing thing ever for a nation. Closure is very important in a situation like that, and if that chapter has never truly been closed, then it should be, and it can be.

This is not to suggest any guilt on the German people living today, but rather only a suggestion that something can be done by those living today in order to truly honor and remember those poor people who had suffered so horrifically under the weight of it all during and after their experiences in that situation.

I am just wondering why you want the members of CDZ to find out for you- rather than doing some basic research?

You are right, but the op was based on emotions created from watching the documentary. Wasn't sure what the reactions or answers would be, so a quick study by those here for whom would interpret the past differently, and then answer the question posed was the quest. So far it has been some interesting responses here. Your's, not so much.
It's one thing to surrender to the opposing armies at the time, but to realize one's wrong in order to apologize in a formal and appropriate setting to the victims and their extended families would be a whole different thing altogether in my opinion.

I think it would be an historical event that could show that the German people are truly saddened by the past, and that they are truly a friend and protector of humanity in which is to be first and foremost within this day and age, and within the new German nation.

If not officially apologized, then would it be appropriate as a huge gesture of humanatarian kindness to do so now ?? My thoughts are that the German nation would want to show their humanatarian side in righting the wrongs of the past by officially separating that nation from the past forever and forever more Amen.

These stories are so sad when watching them, but they are needed in order to understand the human condition, and to understand how it can fail so tragically as we have given witness to over the many decades and generation's looking back now.. To be able to say that an entire nation is sorry for such tragic events (regardless of the time involved) could be the most healing thing ever for a nation. Closure is very important in a situation like that, and if that chapter has never truly been closed, then it should be, and it can be.

This is not to suggest any guilt on the German people living today, but rather only a suggestion that something can be done by those living today in order to truly honor and remember those poor people who had suffered so horrifically under the weight of it all during and after their experiences in that situation.

I am just wondering why you want the members of CDZ to find out for you- rather than doing some basic research?

CDZ or USMB ??
All Anti-Semitic Propaganda Is Self-Referential

Once Christianity associated itself with the secular powers, it had to provide them with a scapegoat for their own devious tyranny. So all of Europe was guilty of a dragged-out Holocaust, with the same amount of total victims as the Nazis added up within a few years.
Hmm, not the same thing, and that is another subject unassociated with the thread and video submitted here. Open borders is still a very dangerous and ignorant thing, because it is abusive in nature to have such a thing if are a sovierign nation with a strong culture of people inside the borders.
Show us (be very specific) how the US has 'open borders'.
It doesn't, but isn't that what the left is starving for ??

Can you name any Democrat calling for open borders?

Certainly it was not Obama who was constantly criticized by the far left for his deportations of illegal aliens.

Who is calling for 'open borders'?
Who ? Why the Demon-crats are that's who..

I don't know who the 'Demon-crats' are- are they a special term reserved for the CDZ?

I am just looking for who has called for 'open borders' as the Right keeps claiming we are.

Shouldn't be hard to provide a quote or two from a prominant Democrat calling for the United States to have open borders.

I mean if anyone has actually done it.

Or are you all just using hyperbole to call compassion for illegal immigrants calling for 'open borders'?- i.e. are you just lying?
Your denial of the past is noted. Americans aren't so ignorant that they will somehow be convinced that the past didn't exist, and that these problems being experienced aren't real. Go find you another fool to toy with, because no one is in the mood to play political disappearing word games with you.
It's one thing to surrender to the opposing armies at the time, but to realize one's wrong in order to apologize in a formal and appropriate setting to the victims and their extended families would be a whole different thing altogether in my opinion.

I think it would be an historical event that could show that the German people are truly saddened by the past, and that they are truly a friend and protector of humanity in which is to be first and foremost within this day and age, and within the new German nation.

If not officially apologized, then would it be appropriate as a huge gesture of humanatarian kindness to do so now ?? My thoughts are that the German nation would want to show their humanatarian side in righting the wrongs of the past by officially separating that nation from the past forever and forever more Amen.

These stories are so sad when watching them, but they are needed in order to understand the human condition, and to understand how it can fail so tragically as we have given witness to over the many decades and generation's looking back now.. To be able to say that an entire nation is sorry for such tragic events (regardless of the time involved) could be the most healing thing ever for a nation. Closure is very important in a situation like that, and if that chapter has never truly been closed, then it should be, and it can be.

This is not to suggest any guilt on the German people living today, but rather only a suggestion that something can be done by those living today in order to truly honor and remember those poor people who had suffered so horrifically under the weight of it all during and after their experiences in that situation.

I made many trips to work in Germany in the late 90s. Was in Kiel -- the far north where they don't get a lot of tourists. And there was SO MUCH apology -- it was uncomfortable. The folks I met all asked about my last name and then went thru extensive apologies about the Holocaust. It's like a requirement or something.

The govt of Germany IS still apologizing in many ways. None of which I truly desire to see. Usually to do with banning the history, banning the words, banning the thoughts and writings.. And I BELIEVE there have been MANY FORMAL apologies as well.

OTH -- I was greatly touched visiting the Naval Memorial just outside of Keil. Shaped like a sub conning tower, the walls of this building are COVERED with the silhouettes of lost German WW2 ships and boats and the dates and the crew numbers. It was a numbing experience to SEE their loss. I didn't feel the need to apologize, but the grief and sadness was definitely there.

16 Posts deleted. Diversion to US "open borders" and retail political sniping deleted.

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It's one thing to surrender to the opposing armies at the time, but to realize one's wrong in order to apologize in a formal and appropriate setting to the victims and their extended families would be a whole different thing altogether in my opinion.

I think it would be an historical event that could show that the German people are truly saddened by the past, and that they are truly a friend and protector of humanity in which is to be first and foremost within this day and age, and within the new German nation.

If not officially apologized, then would it be appropriate as a huge gesture of humanatarian kindness to do so now ?? My thoughts are that the German nation would want to show their humanatarian side in righting the wrongs of the past by officially separating that nation from the past forever and forever more Amen.

These stories are so sad when watching them, but they are needed in order to understand the human condition, and to understand how it can fail so tragically as we have given witness to over the many decades and generation's looking back now.. To be able to say that an entire nation is sorry for such tragic events (regardless of the time involved) could be the most healing thing ever for a nation. Closure is very important in a situation like that, and if that chapter has never truly been closed, then it should be, and it can be.

This is not to suggest any guilt on the German people living today, but rather only a suggestion that something can be done by those living today in order to truly honor and remember those poor people who had suffered so horrifically under the weight of it all during and after their experiences in that situation.

I made many trips to work in Germany in the late 90s. Was in Kiel -- the far north where they don't get a lot of tourists. And there was SO MUCH apology -- it was uncomfortable. The folks I met all asked about my last name and then went thru extensive apologies about the Holocaust. It's like a requirement or something.

The govt of Germany IS still apologizing in many ways. None of which I truly desire to see. Usually to do with banning the history, banning the words, banning the thoughts and writings.. And I BELIEVE there have been MANY FORMAL apologies as well.

OTH -- I was greatly touched visiting the Naval Memorial just outside of Keil. Shaped like a sub conning tower, the walls of this building are COVERED with the silhouettes of lost German WW2 ships and boats and the dates and the crew numbers. It was a numbing experience to SEE their loss. I didn't feel the need to apologize, but the grief and sadness was definitely there.


Yes at some point it's time to restore the original culture and pride of the German people, and this before Hitler and his evil crew attempted to destroy it forever. Beautiful country, and unique culture that appears to be very clean, smart, and high tech. It's just sad that so many German's were dragged into an evil plot to take over the world by tyrants and monsters who weren't worthy of even the ground that the lowest form of life crawls upon.

I thought it was great in the story where the female gaurd who was tasked with taking the young girls into the factory to work, later turned out to be on their side or had a compassionate side that saved the girls lives when they were sick the day of the inspection.
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