Did Hillary Clinton commit perjury twice


Gold Member
Apr 17, 2011
Benghazigate: Did Hillary Clinton Commit Perjury Twice? // Mr. Conservative

This January, Clinton testified that: “I have made it very clear that the security cables did not come to my attention…” and “I didn’t see those requests. They didn’t come to me. I didn’t approve them. I didn’t deny them.”
But a new congressional report shows that Clinton did indeed sign an April, 2012 State Department cable acknowledging formal requests for help. So, she DID know of various cables requesting assistance in Libya. Reporter @SharylAtkisson tweeted that while Clinton knew of these requests for aid, she “ordered the withdrawal of elements to proceed as planned.” Worse yet, the report indicates that Obama’s White House and State Department literally changed their talking points in order to cover for Clinton. Specifically: “…. to remove references to likely participation of Islamic extremists in attacks, references to threat of extremists linked to al Qaeda…,” according to the report
And this who the liberals want our next president to me. I say she has no chance after her own party will hammer her during the election . But that is my two cents worth
So what? She was only the Secretary of State, for God's sake. Why hold a Democrat to such an impossibly high standard?
Benghazigate: Did Hillary Clinton Commit Perjury Twice? // Mr. Conservative

This January, Clinton testified that: “I have made it very clear that the security cables did not come to my attention…” and “I didn’t see those requests. They didn’t come to me. I didn’t approve them. I didn’t deny them.”
But a new congressional report shows that Clinton did indeed sign an April, 2012 State Department cable acknowledging formal requests for help. So, she DID know of various cables requesting assistance in Libya. Reporter @SharylAtkisson tweeted that while Clinton knew of these requests for aid, she “ordered the withdrawal of elements to proceed as planned.” Worse yet, the report indicates that Obama’s White House and State Department literally changed their talking points in order to cover for Clinton. Specifically: “…. to remove references to likely participation of Islamic extremists in attacks, references to threat of extremists linked to al Qaeda…,” according to the report
And this who the liberals want our next president to me. I say she has no chance after her own party will hammer her during the election . But that is my two cents worth

Yes I believe she did. She's a liar just like her husband.

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