CDZ Did John Kerry just win the Nobel Peace Prize?

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Yeah, because he was the only guy in the room with the Iranians...

There is nothing in this agreement that would justify anyone getting the Nobel. The only thing agreed to is that Iran's nuclear program will be suspended, maybe, for a relatively short period of time. And that only works if you believe they are telling you the truth and showing you everything...

And we all know just how honest the Iranians are...

Tell you what, you want Kerry to get the Nobel? ( :lmao: ) Then get Kerry to get our people back from Iran.
Kerry is working on that too

Once he gets them freed.., many GOP attack threads will be written ?
Just for kicks, NONE of this has been SIGNED, and the odds of it being signed, are quite small, as Iranian Generals do NOT like it!..... All this is going to accomplish, is that the jerkoff in the White House and Lurch, will SOMEHOW free up the $160 BILLION for Iran, and BOTH of them will probably get the Niblet Peace prize for VERY SMALL accomplishments!
Why America even allowed a KNOWN traitor to become S.O.S. is strange. Remember this?

Vietnam Vets, so said Kerry, were war criminals.

Kerry never said all vets were war criminals. Of course some were
Just for kicks, NONE of this has been SIGNED, and the odds of it being signed, are quite small, as Iranian Generals do NOT like it!..... All this is going to accomplish, is that the jerkoff in the White House and Lurch, will SOMEHOW free up the $160 BILLION for Iran, and BOTH of them will probably get the Niblet Peace prize for VERY SMALL accomplishments!
Why America even allowed a KNOWN traitor to become S.O.S. is strange. Remember this?

This thread is not about Kerry's heroic service in Vietnam
It is about him deserving a Nobel prize
I hear Al Qaeda and ISIS are already working on a stautue of Obama, Kerry and Val Jarrett
Just for kicks, NONE of this has been SIGNED, and the odds of it being signed, are quite small, as Iranian Generals do NOT like it!..... All this is going to accomplish, is that the jerkoff in the White House and Lurch, will SOMEHOW free up the $160 BILLION for Iran, and BOTH of them will probably get the Niblet Peace prize for VERY SMALL accomplishments!
Why America even allowed a KNOWN traitor to become S.O.S. is strange. Remember this?

Vietnam Vets, so said Kerry, were war criminals.

Kerry never said all vets were war criminals. Of course some were

Kerry said he was a war criminal. Big difference
This explains why he will get the Peace prize.....

This is the most significant peace initiative of 2015

A group or individual award for Kerry seems likely
After his handling of the Iranian nuclear disarmament where many said it was not will be hard not to give it to him


Ask these guys if "the deal" was a good one. Obama/Kerry's legacy starting WW3.

We invaded Iraq on far, far less evidence of WMDs than Iran currently has today

John Kerry convinced Iran to dismantle their centerfuges and dispose of their enriched uranium to set back their ability to produce a weapon by fifteen years

Appears to be Nobel Prize worthy
We invaded Iraq on far, far less evidence of WMDs than Iran currently has today

John Kerry convinced Iran to dismantle their centerfuges and dispose of their enriched uranium to set back their ability to produce a weapon by fifteen years

Appears to be Nobel Prize worthy

You have yet to tell me why you think Iran will comply.

They won't.

They will get rid of some centrifuges we know about all while keeping the ones we don't know about spinning.

They will get back billions in frozen assets and be able to sell 2million barrels of oil a day on the open market so they can sponsor more terrorism.

Nothing in their history indicates they will honor this treaty.
We invaded Iraq on far, far less evidence of WMDs than Iran currently has today

John Kerry convinced Iran to dismantle their centerfuges and dispose of their enriched uranium to set back their ability to produce a weapon by fifteen years

Appears to be Nobel Prize worthy

You have yet to tell me why you think Iran will comply.

They won't.

They will get rid of some centrifuges we know about all while keeping the ones we don't know about spinning.

They will get back billions in frozen assets and be able to sell 2million barrels of oil a day on the open market so they can sponsor more terrorism.

Nothing in their history indicates they will honor this treaty.

They will comply because no sanctions will be lifted until they dismantle their centerfuges and dispose of their enriched uranium stockpiles

Nobel Prize baby!
We invaded Iraq on far, far less evidence of WMDs than Iran currently has today

John Kerry convinced Iran to dismantle their centerfuges and dispose of their enriched uranium to set back their ability to produce a weapon by fifteen years

Appears to be Nobel Prize worthy

You have yet to tell me why you think Iran will comply.

They won't.

They will get rid of some centrifuges we know about all while keeping the ones we don't know about spinning.

They will get back billions in frozen assets and be able to sell 2million barrels of oil a day on the open market so they can sponsor more terrorism.

Nothing in their history indicates they will honor this treaty.

They will comply because no sanctions will be lifted until they dismantle their centerfuges and dispose of their enriched uranium stockpiles

Nobel Prize baby!

Are you giving odds?

We have no clue as to what Iran's actual nuclear capability is do we?

I'm betting they pulled the wool over Kerry's eyes and that they have centrifuges we don't know about.
You can measure the worthiness of Kerry's Nobel Prize by the degree of outrage coming from conservatives
Kerry will win the Neville Chamberlain "Peace in Our Lifetime" award

Of course, he may well have cut all our lifetimes short

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