Did last night's debate change your mind on who to vote for?

Did last night's debate change your mind on who you will vote for?

  • Yes

    Votes: 1 5.6%
  • No

    Votes: 17 94.4%

  • Total voters
Yes but not to the degree of changing my vote. It wasn't really the debate that changed my mind but Rush Limbaugh's analysis of something Trump said. I'm an extremely active Republican. It disturbs me that I am leaning toward Hillary. I'm looking for any reason I can to vote for Trump.

Trump said something like this to Hillary: You have been in public service 30 years. You have had plenty of time to implement these policies. Why are you just now coming up with these solutions here recently?

It got me to wondering. Maybe Hillary is not the "Less talk, more action" candidate that I thought she was. Limbaugh is a nut job but he really got me thinking about that. The problems Hillary was whining about thirty years ago, she is still whining about them today. Why is that? Shouldn't she have fixed at least one or two of those things?

If I had to vote right now then I'd vote for Hillary. I'm really thinking though.

If you can vote for Hillary, then you are not what you claim to be regardless of what tag you wear.
I'm still voting for Trump. If you've been following for the past year I can't imagine your mind is going to be changed. Neither candidate said anything new or delivered a knockout blow.
I don't care what a whackadoodle does, I just think you are pretty stupid listening to people you think are nuts. But by all means, continue to be stupid.

I'm not afraid of people who have different opinions than me. Are you? I have been wrong many times in the past. It is highly likely that I am presently wrong about some things. I'm not afraid of people who have different opinions than me. Are you?

I said nothing about being afraid of opinions different than mine. Not sure how that enters into the conversation. You listen to a person you deemed nuts. If you want to listen to people you think are nuts, go right ahead. It's stupid, in my opinion, to listen to people who I believe are nuts.
I think Hillary's memorized speeches came off more polished than Trumps off the cuff style. She would have won a debate contest in college.

The substance goes to Trump. Hillary said jack piss for 90 minutes other than cliches and sound bytes. She is useless.
Yes it changed my mind

I am voting not once but twice for Trump
Both candidates are less qualified than my church janitor to be president. Voting 3rd party.

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