Did Nancy violate the Former Presidents Act 18 U.S.C. § 2071?

Did Nancy Pelosi violate the Former President's Act by destroying the Official copy of the SOTU?

  • Yes

    Votes: 8 28.6%
  • No

    Votes: 17 60.7%
  • A Little, yeah

    Votes: 2 7.1%
  • No Opinion

    Votes: 1 3.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
what was she supposed to do with the copy???
She could have filed it in the National Archives or in her official House of Representative files that will be passed down to the next House Speaker when she is dead or leaves office. Instead she tore it up in front of the nation, and now the Democrats are in a panic trying to destroy all evidence of her footage of tearing up the President's official copy of the SOTU speech.

Those official papers actually are the property of the people, and they weren't given to her to piss on for partisan show.
Everyone who attended got a copy. We're they all supposed to be preserved?
Shoot, the torn in half Pelosi copy, is likely on record, with a footnote about her tearing it in half!!!


Y'all are trying to make mountains out of molehills again! Imho
what was she supposed to do with the copy???
She could have filed it in the National Archives or in her official House of Representative files that will be passed down to the next House Speaker when she is dead or leaves office. Instead she tore it up in front of the nation, and now the Democrats are in a panic trying to destroy all evidence of her footage of tearing up the President's official copy of the SOTU speech.

Those official papers actually are the property of the people, and they weren't given to her to piss on for partisan show.
Everyone who attended got a copy. We're they all supposed to be preserved?

thats another lie you just got caught in,,,not everyone that attended got a copy
All of my sources say her copy was the official copy, Care4all. The Democrats are now trying to hide everything she did on film. That tells me all I need to know, because the Democrats try to conceal each and every crime they commit that is a violation of the taxpayer's right to know what their national leaders do. Why do they want to destroy the pictoral evidence?

your talking dog is not a reliable source,,,
House Representative Gaetz is reasonably reliable, sir. Nancy Pelosi lies her ass off every minute of every day about President Trump. She has zero business being the House Speaker.

of course she is,,,but youre not far from being the same nutjob,,,
And the head cheerleader sez that I (of the loyal opposition) am a nutjob for tattling on Nasty Nancy, Queen of Poop, on a chatline. Project much, once again, PH? <snicker>

But you're a nutjob for so many other reasons as well.
Because I oppose the criminal socialist element in the stranglehold leadership positions in the Democrat Party?

Why Bullydog dear, you have delivered to me the ultimate thumbs up by attempted character assasination on a common seamstress work-a-holic for charities. How can I ever thank you for such a compliment?

I know! My next charity quilt for a kid will have a bulldog pieced or embroidered on it. Well, I gotta get to the design board, then head for the sewing machine with some grey fabric and thread fashioned into a cute baby bulldoggie with a grin on his face. Little kids and their mothers like cute stuff on quilts.
Bulldoggies for inspiration...
here's one...

and here's another...

and another...

Oh, ho, ho ho ho, and another...

I thought all bulldoggies were gray. All I found were brown and white. Glad I checked!
Off to the drawing board in my sewing room! :scared1:
what was she supposed to do with the copy???
She could have filed it in the National Archives or in her official House of Representative files that will be passed down to the next House Speaker when she is dead or leaves office. Instead she tore it up in front of the nation, and now the Democrats are in a panic trying to destroy all evidence of her footage of tearing up the President's official copy of the SOTU speech.

Those official papers actually are the property of the people, and they weren't given to her to piss on for partisan show.
Everyone who attended got a copy. We're they all supposed to be preserved?

thats another lie you just got caught in,,,not everyone that attended got a copy
My understanding is that everyone who attends is offered a copy.
Former Presidents Act
(18 U.S.C. § 2071)

(a) Whoever willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, or destroys, or attempts to do so, or, with intent to do so takes and carries away any record, proceeding, map, book, paper, document, or other thing, filed or deposited with any clerk or officer of any court of the United States, or in any public office, or with any judicial or public officer of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.
(b) Whoever, having the custody of any such record, proceeding, map, book, document, paper, or other thing, willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, falsifies, or destroys the same, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both; and shall forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any office under the United States. As used in this subsection, the term “office” does not include the office held by any person as a retired officer of the Armed Forces of the United States.
When Nancy Pelosi tore up the Official Copy of the President's SOTU address, almost immediately several Constitutional scholars and writers said that she had violated 18 USC § 2071, which is also known as the Former President's Act, but was written in a way that includes "whoever has custody of (a document filed with a judicial or public office or officer" could be imprisoned for 3 years, forfeit her office, be fined, or be disqualified from holding any office in the USA. (This does not apply to retired military officers.)

So just from reading this what is now a media topic exonerating Nancy Pelosi from her destructive little attention-grabbing public tearing up of the speech the President just delivered.

Why isn't she being tried for this anomaly performance of hers. And do you agree or disagree that this is a crime under the Former President's Act?

any record, proceeding, map, book, paper, document, or other thing, filed or deposited with any clerk or officer of any court of the United States, or in any public office, or with any judicial or public officer of the United States,


She's a moron, but this idea is just silly.

Nancy Pelosi tore up the Official Copy of the President's SOTU address,

No she didn't.
your talking dog is not a reliable source,,,
House Representative Gaetz is reasonably reliable, sir. Nancy Pelosi lies her ass off every minute of every day about President Trump. She has zero business being the House Speaker.

of course she is,,,but youre not far from being the same nutjob,,,
And the head cheerleader sez that I (of the loyal opposition) am a nutjob for tattling on Nasty Nancy, Queen of Poop, on a chatline. Project much, once again, PH? <snicker>

But you're a nutjob for so many other reasons as well.
Because I oppose the criminal socialist element in the stranglehold leadership positions in the Democrat Party?

Why Bullydog dear, you have delivered to me the ultimate thumbs up by attempted character assasination on a common seamstress work-a-holic for charities. How can I ever thank you for such a compliment?

I know! My next charity quilt for a kid will have a bulldog pieced or embroidered on it. Well, I gotta get to the design board, then head for the sewing machine with some grey fabric and thread fashioned into a cute baby bulldoggie with a grin on his face. Little kids and their mothers like cute stuff on quilts.
Bulldoggies for inspiration...
here's one...

and here's another...

and another...View attachment 306623
Oh, ho, ho ho ho, and another...

I thought all bulldoggies were gray. All I found were brown and white. Glad I checked!
Off to the drawing board in my sewing room! :scared1:

Yes, I've always been cute. Don't confuse cute with dumb.
what was she supposed to do with the copy???
She could have filed it in the National Archives or in her official House of Representative files that will be passed down to the next House Speaker when she is dead or leaves office. Instead she tore it up in front of the nation, and now the Democrats are in a panic trying to destroy all evidence of her footage of tearing up the President's official copy of the SOTU speech.

Those official papers actually are the property of the people, and they weren't given to her to piss on for partisan show.
Everyone who attended got a copy. We're they all supposed to be preserved?

thats another lie you just got caught in,,,not everyone that attended got a copy
My understanding is that everyone who attends is offered a copy.

there was over 1000 people there,,,all I saw was the two he gave the VP and nancy,,,
Rep. Matt Gaetz said “The law does not allow the speaker of the House to destroy the records of the House and the rules of the House do not permit some little temper tantrum just because you don’t like what the president of the United States says.” Rep. Gaetz also said that Nancy Pelosi had disgraced the office of the Speaker of the House.

Rep. Matt Gaetz files ethics complaint against Nancy Pelosi over torn-up speech

You mean like tramp does.
Richard Nixon Is the Reason President Trump's Aides Have to Repair Documents He Rips Up
President Trump reportedly has a habit of ripping up documents after he’s done with them, a tendency that has sent aides scrambling to quite literally pick up the pieces.

It was her copy to do whatever she wanted with.
Former Presidents Act
(18 U.S.C. § 2071)

(a) Whoever willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, or destroys, or attempts to do so, or, with intent to do so takes and carries away any record, proceeding, map, book, paper, document, or other thing, filed or deposited with any clerk or officer of any court of the United States, or in any public office, or with any judicial or public officer of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.
(b) Whoever, having the custody of any such record, proceeding, map, book, document, paper, or other thing, willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, falsifies, or destroys the same, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both; and shall forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any office under the United States. As used in this subsection, the term “office” does not include the office held by any person as a retired officer of the Armed Forces of the United States.
When Nancy Pelosi tore up the Official Copy of the President's SOTU address, almost immediately several Constitutional scholars and writers said that she had violated 18 USC § 2071, which is also known as the Former President's Act, but was written in a way that includes "whoever has custody of (a document filed with a judicial or public office or officer" could be imprisoned for 3 years, forfeit her office, be fined, or be disqualified from holding any office in the USA. (This does not apply to retired military officers.)

So just from reading this what is now a media topic exonerating Nancy Pelosi from her destructive little attention-grabbing public tearing up of the speech the President just delivered.

Why isn't she being tried for this anomaly performance of hers. And do you agree or disagree that this is a crime under the Former President's Act?
Copies don’t count
what was she supposed to do with the copy???
She could have filed it in the National Archives or in her official House of Representative files that will be passed down to the next House Speaker when she is dead or leaves office. Instead she tore it up in front of the nation, and now the Democrats are in a panic trying to destroy all evidence of her footage of tearing up the President's official copy of the SOTU speech.

Those official papers actually are the property of the people, and they weren't given to her to piss on for partisan show.
Everyone who attended got a copy. We're they all supposed to be preserved?

thats another lie you just got caught in,,,not everyone that attended got a copy
My understanding is that everyone who attends is offered a copy.

there was over 1000 people there,,,all I saw was the two he gave the VP and nancy,,,
I heard all the congress critters and Senators got a courtesy copy.
She could have filed it in the National Archives or in her official House of Representative files that will be passed down to the next House Speaker when she is dead or leaves office. Instead she tore it up in front of the nation, and now the Democrats are in a panic trying to destroy all evidence of her footage of tearing up the President's official copy of the SOTU speech.

Those official papers actually are the property of the people, and they weren't given to her to piss on for partisan show.
Everyone who attended got a copy. We're they all supposed to be preserved?

thats another lie you just got caught in,,,not everyone that attended got a copy
My understanding is that everyone who attends is offered a copy.

there was over 1000 people there,,,all I saw was the two he gave the VP and nancy,,,
I heard all the congress critters and Senators got a courtesy copy.

I heard a frog could fly if it had wings,,,
House Representative Gaetz is reasonably reliable, sir. Nancy Pelosi lies her ass off every minute of every day about President Trump. She has zero business being the House Speaker.

of course she is,,,but youre not far from being the same nutjob,,,
And the head cheerleader sez that I (of the loyal opposition) am a nutjob for tattling on Nasty Nancy, Queen of Poop, on a chatline. Project much, once again, PH? <snicker>

But you're a nutjob for so many other reasons as well.
Because I oppose the criminal socialist element in the stranglehold leadership positions in the Democrat Party?

Why Bullydog dear, you have delivered to me the ultimate thumbs up by attempted character assasination on a common seamstress work-a-holic for charities. How can I ever thank you for such a compliment?

I know! My next charity quilt for a kid will have a bulldog pieced or embroidered on it. Well, I gotta get to the design board, then head for the sewing machine with some grey fabric and thread fashioned into a cute baby bulldoggie with a grin on his face. Little kids and their mothers like cute stuff on quilts.
Bulldoggies for inspiration...
here's one...

and here's another...

and another...View attachment 306623
Oh, ho, ho ho ho, and another...

I thought all bulldoggies were gray. All I found were brown and white. Glad I checked!
Off to the drawing board in my sewing room! :scared1:

Yes, I've always been cute. Don't confuse cute with dumb.
Wouldn't think of it, Mr. Bulldog. :) I found some cute quilts others have done, but the above puppy pictures are too cute to ignore...
OIP (1).jpg
OIP (4).jpg

I found a lot of red and black bulldoggies that mention "Georgia" on them. Well, off to the drawing boards...
Former Presidents Act
(18 U.S.C. § 2071)

(a) Whoever willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, or destroys, or attempts to do so, or, with intent to do so takes and carries away any record, proceeding, map, book, paper, document, or other thing, filed or deposited with any clerk or officer of any court of the United States, or in any public office, or with any judicial or public officer of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.
(b) Whoever, having the custody of any such record, proceeding, map, book, document, paper, or other thing, willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, falsifies, or destroys the same, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both; and shall forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any office under the United States. As used in this subsection, the term “office” does not include the office held by any person as a retired officer of the Armed Forces of the United States.
When Nancy Pelosi tore up the Official Copy of the President's SOTU address, almost immediately several Constitutional scholars and writers said that she had violated 18 USC § 2071, which is also known as the Former President's Act, but was written in a way that includes "whoever has custody of (a document filed with a judicial or public office or officer" could be imprisoned for 3 years, forfeit her office, be fined, or be disqualified from holding any office in the USA. (This does not apply to retired military officers.)

So just from reading this what is now a media topic exonerating Nancy Pelosi from her destructive little attention-grabbing public tearing up of the speech the President just delivered.

Why isn't she being tried for this anomaly performance of hers. And do you agree or disagree that this is a crime under the Former President's Act?

any record, proceeding, map, book, paper, document, or other thing, filed or deposited with any clerk or officer of any court of the United States, or in any public office, or with any judicial or public officer of the United States,


She's a moron, but this idea is just silly.

Nancy Pelosi tore up the Official Copy of the President's SOTU address,

No she didn't.
Thank you, Toddsterpatriot. I thought I saw her doing a tear up number on President Trump's speech.
Former Presidents Act
(18 U.S.C. § 2071)

(a) Whoever willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, or destroys, or attempts to do so, or, with intent to do so takes and carries away any record, proceeding, map, book, paper, document, or other thing, filed or deposited with any clerk or officer of any court of the United States, or in any public office, or with any judicial or public officer of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.
(b) Whoever, having the custody of any such record, proceeding, map, book, document, paper, or other thing, willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, falsifies, or destroys the same, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both; and shall forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any office under the United States. As used in this subsection, the term “office” does not include the office held by any person as a retired officer of the Armed Forces of the United States.
When Nancy Pelosi tore up the Official Copy of the President's SOTU address, almost immediately several Constitutional scholars and writers said that she had violated 18 USC § 2071, which is also known as the Former President's Act, but was written in a way that includes "whoever has custody of (a document filed with a judicial or public office or officer" could be imprisoned for 3 years, forfeit her office, be fined, or be disqualified from holding any office in the USA. (This does not apply to retired military officers.)

So just from reading this what is now a media topic exonerating Nancy Pelosi from her destructive little attention-grabbing public tearing up of the speech the President just delivered.

Why isn't she being tried for this anomaly performance of hers. And do you agree or disagree that this is a crime under the Former President's Act?

Have I got a deal for you. :deal:

Make Rump a former President and Nancy can go to jail. Deal or no deal?
I voted NO, since Trump isn't a former President......

What she did was clearly unethical and stupid, but not illegal.
Former Presidents Act
(18 U.S.C. § 2071)

(a) Whoever willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, or destroys, or attempts to do so, or, with intent to do so takes and carries away any record, proceeding, map, book, paper, document, or other thing, filed or deposited with any clerk or officer of any court of the United States, or in any public office, or with any judicial or public officer of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.
(b) Whoever, having the custody of any such record, proceeding, map, book, document, paper, or other thing, willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, falsifies, or destroys the same, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both; and shall forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any office under the United States. As used in this subsection, the term “office” does not include the office held by any person as a retired officer of the Armed Forces of the United States.
When Nancy Pelosi tore up the Official Copy of the President's SOTU address, almost immediately several Constitutional scholars and writers said that she had violated 18 USC § 2071, which is also known as the Former President's Act, but was written in a way that includes "whoever has custody of (a document filed with a judicial or public office or officer" could be imprisoned for 3 years, forfeit her office, be fined, or be disqualified from holding any office in the USA. (This does not apply to retired military officers.)

So just from reading this what is now a media topic exonerating Nancy Pelosi from her destructive little attention-grabbing public tearing up of the speech the President just delivered.

Why isn't she being tried for this anomaly performance of hers. And do you agree or disagree that this is a crime under the Former President's Act?

any record, proceeding, map, book, paper, document, or other thing, filed or deposited with any clerk or officer of any court of the United States, or in any public office, or with any judicial or public officer of the United States,


She's a moron, but this idea is just silly.

Nancy Pelosi tore up the Official Copy of the President's SOTU address,

No she didn't.
Thank you, Toddsterpatriot. I thought I saw her doing a tear up number on President Trump's speech.

Notice that the title of the video says "rips up a copy".

Any of us could print out a transcript of that speech, rip it up, set fire to it, take it out to the woods where outhouses don't exist, whatever, without being liable for a 'former presidents act'.

Besides which ---- how does anyone know she wasn't just ripping up a random piece of paper for effect?

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