Did President Goober help give birth to Gruber?

Thank you and here it is-

Now, the problem is, it’s a political nightmare, … and people say, “No, you can’t tax my benefits.” So what we did a lot in that room was talk about, well, how could we make this work? And Obama was like, “Well, you know” — I mean, he is really a realistic guy. He is like, “Look, I can’t just do this.” He said: “It is just not going to happen politically. The bill will not pass. How do we manage to get there through phases and other things?”And we talked about it. And he was just very interested in that topic.

How many lies does this make now? And I hear a 6th video has also surfaced. Sounds like someone is really disgruntled.
How many lies does this make now? And I hear a 6th video has also surfaced. Sounds like someone is really disgruntled.
Oh, he was proud of it.

Same basic speech, to different gatherings of "elitists intellectuals" gloating over how they manipulated the Dem base again.
Yeah, sounds like he couldn't keep his mouth shut. Must have been his claim to fame.
I meant as to who is releasing these videos and bringing it to everyone's attention.
How many lies does this make now? And I hear a 6th video has also surfaced. Sounds like someone is really disgruntled.
Oh, he was proud of it.

Same basic speech, to different gatherings of "elitists intellectuals" gloating over how they manipulated the Dem base again.
Yeah, sounds like he couldn't keep his mouth shut. Must have been his claim to fame.
I meant as to who is releasing these videos and bringing it to everyone's attention.
How many lies does this make now? And I hear a 6th video has also surfaced. Sounds like someone is really disgruntled.
Oh, he was proud of it.

Same basic speech, to different gatherings of "elitists intellectuals" gloating over how they manipulated the Dem base again.
Probably being released by some dem bitter that Obama fucked up the party so bad.

But Gruber was on a victory tour, saying to the elitists what Obama could not openly say, and openly gloating whereas Obama had to gloat in private.
I found it! Turns out his family lost their healthcare, from the huff-
Weinstein, who runs his own company, and his family lost their health insurance after Obamacare forced higher standards for policies. On the exchange, the only plan with similar benefits was twice the cost of his old one. Irritated, he began looking into who put together the Affordable Care Act, searching Google with the term “ACA architects.” Days consumed with researching old videos became nights.

“Remember when the husbands used to come home at night in the '50s and '60s and grab a newspaper and read it?” said Weinstein. “Well, I’m like that with the iPad. It was a lot of time. For the past year, I put a lot of time into this.”

His break came last winter. An op-ed in the Wall Street Journal by Scott Pruitt, the attorney general of Oklahoma, outlined a long-shot legal argument that said a direct interpretation of Affordable Care Act precluded giving subsidies to people on federally run exchanges. Weinstein had seen that argument before, albeit from a different vantage point. Months earlier, he had stumbled across video of Gruber stating that the subsidies to help low-income Americans buy insurance are reserved for state-established exchanges, if only to give states an incentive to establish an exchange

Yeah, sounds like he couldn't keep his mouth shut. Must have been his claim to fame.
I meant as to who is releasing these videos and bringing it to everyone's attention.
How many lies does this make now? And I hear a 6th video has also surfaced. Sounds like someone is really disgruntled.
Oh, he was proud of it.

Same basic speech, to different gatherings of "elitists intellectuals" gloating over how they manipulated the Dem base again.
Probably being released by some dem bitter that Obama fucked up the party so bad.

But Gruber was on a victory tour, saying to the elitists what Obama could not openly say, and openly gloating whereas Obama had to gloat in private.
Remember how Obama and his administration was going to be the MOST TRANSPARENT ever?

you all just weren't told they were calling you stupid behind closed doors as they were making up this fascist pos law.

oh well we tried to warn you about voting for the LIAR. I'd be damned pissed if I voted for Obambam
Oh, you know it. Problem is they weren't fast enough for these revelations. Maybe Weinstein has a few more up his sleeve. We can only hope.
his foot prints are all over the white house

you can bet the admin scrubbers

will be in full force this weekend


Jonathan Gruber - The White House Search Results

well they did say that it was important to keep

the wool pulled over the eyes of the people

until it was all over
Some way, some how, I have the feeling it was Bush's fault. Ain't it always?
You know they'll spin and weave Bush into that web as soon as they can.
Oh, you know it. Problem is they weren't fast enough for these revelations. Maybe Weinstein has a few more up his sleeve. We can only hope.
his foot prints are all over the white house

you can bet the admin scrubbers

will be in full force this weekend


Jonathan Gruber - The White House Search Results

well they did say that it was important to keep

the wool pulled over the eyes of the people

until it was all over
Some way, some how, I have the feeling it was Bush's fault. Ain't it always?
This is sort of like Watergate but without the high crimes and misdemeanors needed to force resignation. I suspect we will see a lot of shifts from D to R in the senate and probably in the house.
You know they'll spin and weave Bush into that web as soon as they can.
Oh, you know it. Problem is they weren't fast enough for these revelations. Maybe Weinstein has a few more up his sleeve. We can only hope.
his foot prints are all over the white house

you can bet the admin scrubbers

will be in full force this weekend


Jonathan Gruber - The White House Search Results

well they did say that it was important to keep

the wool pulled over the eyes of the people

until it was all over
Some way, some how, I have the feeling it was Bush's fault. Ain't it always?

of course when all else fails

blame bush
This morning I heard it said, if a company had done this, the justice dept would be all over it.

It turns out this guy was also paid $1.6 million by states. Four of which were Vermont, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota. NIH also paid him $2.05 million.

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