Did President Obama separate families at the border? No!

I do wish you would read the posts you guys link to:

Favreau said in a series of tweets that he made a "mistake" by not checking the date of the photos before sharing them on Twitter. He explained that the photos were taken in 2014, when the Obama administration faced "an influx of unaccompanied minors who showed up at the border, fleeing violence from Central America."

He added that the pictures had been taken while the government was trying to "move those children out of those shelters as fast as humanly possible and connect them with their parents, most of whom were already in the United States."

Semantics. I saw it.
You rob a liquor store with your 5 year old kid, law enforcement sends them to separate holding facilities.

You sneak into America with your 5 year old kid, law enforcement sends them to separate holding facilities.

Moral of the story: don’t break the law.

Asylums seekers are not illegal immigrants, they turn themselves in. These people are not criminals they are running from criminals.

Just because your country has a bunch of criminals running around doesn't get you a free ticket to stay here.
Trump owns this atrocity! No previous presidents separated families at the border!
Why does Trump keep trying to blame Democrats for his kidnapping policy?

Is this the beginning of Trump's "Final Solution"? This is basically how the Nazis started.

Is this the beginning of Trump's "Final Solution"? This is basically how the Nazis started.

Washington Redskin, these people are illegal aliens they have no right to be here so they have no constitutional rights so shut the fuck up
Under federal law, anyone from another country can seek asylum by claiming to have fled their countries out of fear of persecution.

In 1948, the United Nations passed a declaration of human rights that recognized asylum as a method for immigrants to escape persecution in their home country. Three years later the U.S. participated in the UN’s Refugee Convention of 1951, which established the legal framework for protecting refugees. Asylum seekers gained formal protections under U.S. law with the Refugee Act of 1980, which created a system for admitting refugees into the country.

Generally, asylum is meant to serve as a humanitarian protection under international law, said Cori Alonso-Yoder, an attorney who helps run the Immigrant Justice Clinic at American University.

“Most basically, people who seek asylum are afraid to return to their countries of origin, though the law requires that this fear meet certain standards for asylum to be granted,” she said.

People who are granted asylum status can apply for permanent residence after one year, obtain a social security card, and work lawfully in the country.

Seeking asylum in the U.S. under Trump

Trump's new policy is treating all asylum seekers as criminals - hence separating families.

I repeat:

Asylum seekers gained formal protections under U.S. law with the Refugee Act of 1980, which created a system for admitting refugees into the country.​
Under federal law, anyone from another country can seek asylum by claiming to have fled their countries out of fear of persecution.

In 1948, the United Nations passed a declaration of human rights that recognized asylum as a method for immigrants to escape persecution in their home country. Three years later the U.S. participated in the UN’s Refugee Convention of 1951, which established the legal framework for protecting refugees. Asylum seekers gained formal protections under U.S. law with the Refugee Act of 1980, which created a system for admitting refugees into the country.

Generally, asylum is meant to serve as a humanitarian protection under international law, said Cori Alonso-Yoder, an attorney who helps run the Immigrant Justice Clinic at American University.

“Most basically, people who seek asylum are afraid to return to their countries of origin, though the law requires that this fear meet certain standards for asylum to be granted,” she said.

People who are granted asylum status can apply for permanent residence after one year, obtain a social security card, and work lawfully in the country.

Seeking asylum in the U.S. under Trump

Trump's new policy is treating all asylum seekers as criminals - hence separating families.

I repeat:

Asylum seekers gained formal protections under U.S. law with the Refugee Act of 1980, which created a system for admitting refugees into the country.​
Washington Redskin, fuck the UN.
We can’t let these illegal aliens come in to this country and be free loaders, Without going broke. That is part of the reason why this country is already broke

Laura Bush Calls Family Separations Cruel And Immoral

“People on all sides agree that our immigration system isn’t working, but the injustice of zero tolerance is not the answer.”

Former first lady Laura Bush issued a rare castigation of the Trump administration on Sunday, calling family separations at the U.S. border with Mexico “immoral” and drawing parallels to World War II internment camps.

Bush’s editorial in The Washington Post mirrored growing criticism of the Justice Department’s new policy to prosecute as many people as possible who cross the border illegally. The move, announced last month by Attorney General Jeff Sessions, has already resulted in a massive spike in children being separated from their parents. Last week, DHS announced that nearly 2,000 kids had been separated from their parents during a six-week period ending last month. Many are currently being held in juvenile detention centers.

Bush wrote:

“I live in a border state. I appreciate the need to enforce and protect our international boundaries, but this zero-tolerance policy is cruel. It is immoral. And it breaks my heart. Our government should not be in the business of warehousing children in converted box stores or making plans to place them in tent cities in the desert outside of El Paso. These images are eerily reminiscent of the Japanese American internment camps of World War II, now considered to have been one of the most shameful episodes in U.S. history.”

More: Laura Bush Calls Family Separations Cruel And Immoral

Thank you Laura Bush!
Just had to start another thread?
As if the other 20 doesn't have this covered.

Did any of the "other 20" threads address the fact that President Obama did NOT separate families at the border?

Yes he did.

Before Jeff Sessions Separated Immigrant Families, Obama Did It
May 8, 2018, 6:16pm Tina Vasquez

A program that detains male Mexican migrants near the border and repatriates them far from their area of origin ramped up under the Obama administration—and often led to family separation.

The Alien Transfer Exit Program

The United States since 2008 has had a policy called the Alien Transfer Exit Program (ATEP), which detains male Mexican migrants near the border and, instead of repatriating them to their area of origin, leaves them hundreds—and sometimes thousands—of miles away at the opposite end of the U.S.-Mexico border. They are often released from custody at unusual times of day in completely unfamiliar areas where they have no family or other support system. The practice is supposed to deter further border crossing attempts, but instead it subjects migrants to crime and danger.

Before Jeff Sessions Separated Immigrant Families, Obama Did It - Rewire.News
Is this the beginning of Trump's "Final Solution"? This is basically how the Nazis started.


Yes. Dormitories for illegal alien children is exactly like the Nazis.

Tell everyone you know, America isn't safe. Stop coming here.

For the CHILDREN!!!

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