Did President Obama separate families at the border? Yes!

Of course not. That is preposterous and unconstitutional.
"brown people" I have the same problem with them as i do illegal chinese, russians, canadians, arabs or anyone else that is in the country illegally.
Shove your racist cliche up your @$$

So are we not arresting the employers at any considerable rate?

Why is Trump at least not insulting the employers like he does illegals -- like calling these employers animals for giving good American jobs to filthy illegals?

Do you understand why these racist clichés don't sound so cliché ?
I believe the president asked for e-verify mandatory of all employers, right? did it get passed? of course not, the do nothing congress did nothing.
So you concede that the law can be ignored…good boy.
Amazing what you can learn when you accept the truth.
The law is ignored every day. Its even worse when its by the government.
We cant have the govt selecting what laws to abide by.
You STILL have no point to your argument. Its so funny!

Yet here you are trying to defend someone (an idiot—there you go calling people names again) you don’t like for some reason….

I pointed out that the government does ignore laws.

It can ignore this one and stop being assholes.

But for some reason you’re pro-asshole.
When did i defend trump in this thread?
Hell, i defend obama and you know i dont like that chick.
I was simply asking for solutions because you and your ilks ridiculously ignorant rhetoric is repugnant.
You really need to read what i write..

I did.
Then You had some sort of meltdown about “ignoring the law” as if it was some sort of novel idea.
I pointed out that we do it all the time.

Then I gave you some solutions as did little old lady….

What’s your problem?

What are you going to do today? How would it be any different if there was no illegal aliens in the nation?
Probably not any different at all…. Would you be safer? No. Would you be richer? No.
Im not selfish like most people. My beliefs dont focus around me. They focus on America.

Do you think you’re average?
sorry friend, I voted for trump. you can't get any further away from either party then him. so don't include me in with partisan hacks. I don't follow no man. I use judgement based on logic. present some logical solutions and let's begin to rebuild our fine nation. build a wall is one.

If you truly believe that Trump is so different from the republican party and different from the democrat party -- then why is this statement the main defense of a Trump supporter -- "...but Obama did it too"??

Why is that a defense if you truly believe Trump is so different?

You should pissed off anytime Trump does the same thing as the Anti-Christ muslim terrorist Negro did
but Obama did it too

people like me just wish to know why leftist are bothered by what trump does and had no issue with obammy. it's really quite simple. you all sat on your asses when obammy was president. and now want us to think you fking care now? LOL. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Neither party wants to fix immigration. They both benefit too much from it.[/QUOTE]

ting terrorist Obama never gave the signal to the Black Panthers to go take down all the employers of illegals? Color me shocked -- I would have thought for sure he would...

If you think both parties don't want to fix immigration -- then why do so many Trump lovers think that only one man (Trump) is trying to fix immigration?

Only time I see conservatives concede that neither side wants to fix it because of the benefits -- is when they can't really refute the points being made against them.
Sorry, WAPO is fake news....



Whatever you say, sheep....
Mexican kids held for months as punishment for border-crossing

Uh-oh....REALITY is a bit@h!

It started in 2014....WHO was 'El Jefe' at that time? Oh yeah.....

View attachment 199418
'F* The US! Gimme Free Sh!t!' / "That's my 'peeps'!"

Fake news.
View attachment 199420

View attachment 199421

...whatever you say, tinkerbell.....

Sorry, WAPO is fake news; your orange messiah said so.
it is.
The law is ignored every day. Its even worse when its by the government.
We cant have the govt selecting what laws to abide by.
You STILL have no point to your argument. Its so funny!

Yet here you are trying to defend someone (an idiot—there you go calling people names again) you don’t like for some reason….

I pointed out that the government does ignore laws.

It can ignore this one and stop being assholes.

But for some reason you’re pro-asshole.
When did i defend trump in this thread?
Hell, i defend obama and you know i dont like that chick.
I was simply asking for solutions because you and your ilks ridiculously ignorant rhetoric is repugnant.
You really need to read what i write..

I did.
Then You had some sort of meltdown about “ignoring the law” as if it was some sort of novel idea.
I pointed out that we do it all the time.

Then I gave you some solutions as did little old lady….

What’s your problem?

What are you going to do today? How would it be any different if there was no illegal aliens in the nation?
Probably not any different at all…. Would you be safer? No. Would you be richer? No.
Im not selfish like most people. My beliefs dont focus around me. They focus on America.

Do you think you’re average?
Dick size? I am not having this convo with you!
I am shocked, I tell you, SHOCKED! That Obama used policies that deterred illegal immigration. I was totally unaware that Obama deported immigrants. If I watched FOX News he was literally inviting them in.

The truth is what the Trump administration is doing, this change in policy, this idiotic 'zero tolerance' tough guy act is cruel, doesn't address the real problem anyway is on a level that far surpasses anything Obama had done by the policy of deporting male immigrants to different locations than where they entered. It's comparing a mole hill to Everest and the guy who started this thread probably didn't even bother to read his own link.

That being said, sometimes liberals didn't hold Obama's feet to the fire. We were more than happy to brag that Obama was deporting a lot of people who entered illegally and we liked to remind conservatives of this whenever we could. Obama of course never implemented something as heartless and devoid of compassion as this zero tolerance policy and the guy who started this thread is kind of a moron if he thinks they are on the same level, however there is a minor point to be made that Obama's immigration policy wasn't always 'liberal'.

Right now there is a refugee problem, people risking a lot by traveling long distances, many with families to make it to our southern border. They face more life challenging obstacles and many may be leaving even more harsh situations than those who came here from Cuba and the first thing we do is take their kids away as a deterrent, a zero tolerance policy started by Trump, not Obama. I hear it's the Christian thing to do.

Have we even bothered to work with Mexico to help alleviate the problem? Do we even have a relationship with Mexico at this point where we could work with them?

Regardless of what Obama did or did not do. Here we are and Trump is an asshole, doing asshole things that help nobody, especially those that need help the most.
Neither party wants to fix immigration. They both benefit too much from it.[/QUOTE]

ting terrorist Obama never gave the signal to the Black Panthers to go take down all the employers of illegals? Color me shocked -- I would have thought for sure he would...

If you think both parties don't want to fix immigration -- then why do so many Trump lovers think that only one man (Trump) is trying to fix immigration?

Only time I see conservatives concede that neither side wants to fix it because of the benefits -- is when they can't really refute the points being made against them.
well son, it is why trump's agenda was chosen. It is expected that some partisan hacks try to hang on to the cat tails of the swamp. we're seeing that. elections have consequences, the 2018 one is right around the corner. If you haven't noticed a change in partisan elections, you haven't been paying attention at all. It's a process and it has to filter out the scum. it's slowly happening.
Neither party wants to fix immigration. They both benefit too much from it.[/QUOTE]

ting terrorist Obama never gave the signal to the Black Panthers to go take down all the employers of illegals? Color me shocked -- I would have thought for sure he would...

If you think both parties don't want to fix immigration -- then why do so many Trump lovers think that only one man (Trump) is trying to fix immigration?

Only time I see conservatives concede that neither side wants to fix it because of the benefits -- is when they can't really refute the points being made against them.
Trump is being stronger than most but he is still willing to give them incentive. By that, i mean giving them reasons to come here.
Notice how when I bring up jailing the employers with the same passion that we jail illegals -- since they are both "committing crimes" -- Trump lovers get quiet??

There is a reason why -- those employers look like them -- not easy to demonize someone when you identify with them.

That is also why they hate how the "LEFT" humanizes a demographic of people that Trump lovers have tried so hard to demonize.
I'm not so sure it's because "they look like them." Republicans have always been the rich guys, at least in my lifetime. They are business people raking in the cash and making deals at their fancy country clubs. When I think Republican, I still think a bag of nice clubs.
I can name more rich democrats than republicans but thats just me.
I can start with silicon valley and new york city.
Maybe that's why I haven't been hearing that old cannard so much anymore.
but Obama did it too

people like me just wish to know why leftist are bothered by what trump does and had no issue with obammy. it's really quite simple. you all sat on your asses when obammy was president. and now want us to think you fking care now? LOL. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Your first problem is -- not knowing that Obama was strongly criticized and fought against for his immigration policies -- I don't recall you at those rallies supporting the protestors because Obama was actually doing something you liked -- you just wouldn't credit him for it because it didn't fit your narrative...just like the widespread protests against Obama's immigration policies don't fit your narrative -- but fuck yo confirmation bias

Obama faces immigration protests in 40 U.S. cities

When your core belief isn't really based on policy but instead, based on just being against whatever you were told the black guy did -- you would continue to be made a fool out of by folks like me -- who have principles that don't change based on what letter is by the person's name
Does anyone remember any of the boards libs starting any threads and being outraged, years ago about the issue of separating families during Obama's presidency ?

Before Jeff Sessions Separated Immigrant Families, Obama Did It
May 8, 2018, 6:16pm Tina Vasquez

A program that detains male Mexican migrants near the border and repatriates them far from their area of origin ramped up under the Obama administration—and often led to family separation.

The Alien Transfer Exit Program

The United States since 2008 has had a policy called the Alien Transfer Exit Program (ATEP), which detains male Mexican migrants near the border and, instead of repatriating them to their area of origin, leaves them hundreds—and sometimes thousands—of miles away at the opposite end of the U.S.-Mexico border. They are often released from custody at unusual times of day in completely unfamiliar areas where they have no family or other support system. The practice is supposed to deter further border crossing attempts, but instead it subjects migrants to crime and danger.

In 2011, the Alien Transfer Exit Program affected an estimated one-fifth of migrants detained by Border Patrol along the southwest border. That’s because ATEP ramped up under the Obama administration as a way to handle the spike in Mexican migrants attempting to enter the United States.

Before Jeff Sessions Separated Immigrant Families, Obama Did It - Rewire.News

Nope none of the lefty lunes on this board said a word.

Now all of a sudden its a sin.

They should kick the parents and the kids the hell out of our country. End of problem for the lefty lunes. LOL
Notice how when I bring up jailing the employers with the same passion that we jail illegals -- since they are both "committing crimes" -- Trump lovers get quiet??

There is a reason why -- those employers look like them -- not easy to demonize someone when you identify with them.

That is also why they hate how the "LEFT" humanizes a demographic of people that Trump lovers have tried so hard to demonize.
I'm not so sure it's because "they look like them." Republicans have always been the rich guys, at least in my lifetime. They are business people raking in the cash and making deals at their fancy country clubs. When I think Republican, I still think a bag of nice clubs.
I can name more rich democrats than republicans but thats just me.
I can start with silicon valley and new york city.
Maybe that's why I haven't been hearing that old cannard so much anymore.
Oh yea. The left is full of $$$
Now you have rich republicans increasing their funding to democrats. Like the Koch brothers. They LOVE illegal immigration.
If the republicans ever stop sucking off illegals, the chamber of commerce would be right behind the koch brothers.
but Obama did it too

people like me just wish to know why leftist are bothered by what trump does and had no issue with obammy. it's really quite simple. you all sat on your asses when obammy was president. and now want us to think you fking care now? LOL. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Your first problem is -- not knowing that Obama was strongly criticized and fought against for his immigration policies -- I don't recall you at those rallies supporting the protestors because Obama was actually doing something you liked -- you just wouldn't credit him for it because it didn't fit your narrative...just like the widespread protests against Obama's immigration policies don't fit your narrative -- but fuck yo confirmation bias

Obama faces immigration protests in 40 U.S. cities

When your core belief isn't really based on policy but instead, based on just being against whatever you were told the black guy did -- you would continue to be made a fool out of by folks like me -- who have principles that don't change based on what letter is by the person's name
funny you didn't pull a link for a leftist paper. hahahaahahahahaa Aljazeera.
It's been happening for years, long before Trump. It's only a thing now for Democrats, because it's another way to attack him. They didn't give a damn about the kids when their Ayatollah Hussein was in there. They're dishonest hateful hypocrites. It is what it is.

On Hussein's watch.
Does anyone remember any of the boards libs starting any threads and being outraged, years ago about the issue of separating families during Obama's presidency ?

Before Jeff Sessions Separated Immigrant Families, Obama Did It
May 8, 2018, 6:16pm Tina Vasquez

A program that detains male Mexican migrants near the border and repatriates them far from their area of origin ramped up under the Obama administration—and often led to family separation.

The Alien Transfer Exit Program

The United States since 2008 has had a policy called the Alien Transfer Exit Program (ATEP), which detains male Mexican migrants near the border and, instead of repatriating them to their area of origin, leaves them hundreds—and sometimes thousands—of miles away at the opposite end of the U.S.-Mexico border. They are often released from custody at unusual times of day in completely unfamiliar areas where they have no family or other support system. The practice is supposed to deter further border crossing attempts, but instead it subjects migrants to crime and danger.

In 2011, the Alien Transfer Exit Program affected an estimated one-fifth of migrants detained by Border Patrol along the southwest border. That’s because ATEP ramped up under the Obama administration as a way to handle the spike in Mexican migrants attempting to enter the United States.

Before Jeff Sessions Separated Immigrant Families, Obama Did It - Rewire.News
What does that link have to do with allegedly separating families during the Obama administration?
funny you didn't pull a link for a leftist paper. hahahaahahahahaa Aljazeera.
Funny how since the whole time you been babbling you haven't refuted any point I made -- let alone cited any links to support your narrative

So I will repeat it -- when your whole core belief is to be against what the black guy did -- I will continue to make you look like a fool.

Latinos to protest Obama's immigration policies - CNNPolitics
A Trump lovers reply "CNN doesn't count, fake news!!!"

Hundreds protest Obama's immigration policy in South Texas

A Trump lovers reply - That's a local newspaper from San Antonio and lots of brown people live there -- fake news!!!

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