Did President Obama separate families at the border? Yes!

Trump: Democrats are making me do this

If they will build my wall, extradite all illegals and end DACA, I will stop torturing children
You say that when he pissed off half his base by endorsing amnesty for millions.
You need new lines to attack president dipshit.
Using children to fight your battles is an ISIS tactic. The Administration is holding toddlers to force funding for a border wall. You don't use children as human shields.
How do you know this? The Atlantic? :rolleyes:
Did they say something similar? It's nice to know that people smarter than me are on the same wave length.
Can't think of any, and that has nothing to do with my point.
who cares about your point, you never answered the post you responded to, you asked a question to question. how white of you.
You bitched about my post, I responded.

Bitch at someone else, then.
I did. I asked you to answer the question with an answer rather than asking a stoopid question like why? And children are separated from the families when any adult is put in prison. we wouldn't have foster families if that didn't happen. build a wall and we can solve the issue with the illegal parent.
I asked "why" because he was ignoring my point.

Standard partisan tactic, and you obediently fell right in line.
no he didn't ignore your point. he answered you. he knows that a criminal citizen is separated from the children. yet no one blames anyone for that separation. blaming anyone is wrong if it isn't the person who is guilty of the crime. not sure how someone pointing out reality is partisan. hmmmmmmmm you really have a hard on for partisans don't you?
Yes, I believe partisans on both ends are causing this country great damage.

The rest of us, the majority, have not yet found a way to culturally marginalize you.

Until then, the damage continues.
It is your fault you’re a dumbass.
Like “crooked hillary” “little marco”, “Crazy ted cruz”? Someone called me a “dumbfuck” a few moments ago. It was you. Congratulations; you’re a dumb person. You go personal with me, I go personal with you.

Ignoring the law is an option. You and the other trump ass kissers pretend you can’t. I pointed out that it is routinely done. So shove that up your ass. As for solutions, Old Lady had some good ideas. I don’t know why we can’t treat the illegals like we do any other misdemeanor offender….maybe put ankle monitors on them, perhaps weekly check ins with the INS in person….etc… so they can prepare for their hearings like others prepare for their trials.
Trump is an idiot. I dotn even like trump.
Your "gotcha" is a bunch of bullshit.
Illegal entrance into a country isnt the same as other misdemeanors.
But at least you are actually trying to think now ;)
I didnt call you a dumbfuck. I said “save it" for a dumbfuck :D

So you concede that the law can be ignored…good boy.
Amazing what you can learn when you accept the truth.
The law is ignored every day. Its even worse when its by the government.
We cant have the govt selecting what laws to abide by.
You STILL have no point to your argument. Its so funny!

Yet here you are trying to defend someone (an idiot—there you go calling people names again) you don’t like for some reason….

I pointed out that the government does ignore laws.

It can ignore this one and stop being assholes.

But for some reason you’re pro-asshole.
When did i defend trump in this thread?
Hell, i defend obama and you know i dont like that chick.
I was simply asking for solutions because you and your ilks ridiculously ignorant rhetoric is repugnant.
You really need to read what i write..

I did.
Then You had some sort of meltdown about “ignoring the law” as if it was some sort of novel idea.
I pointed out that we do it all the time.

Then I gave you some solutions as did little old lady….

What’s your problem?

What are you going to do today? How would it be any different if there was no illegal aliens in the nation?
Probably not any different at all…. Would you be safer? No. Would you be richer? No.
Notice how when I bring up jailing the employers with the same passion that we jail illegals -- since they are both "committing crimes" -- Trump lovers get quiet??

I do not know these 'Trump Lovers' you speak of...unless you are talking about the American people who KNEW electing a FELON was a bad idea and settled for 'the lesser of two evils'...

...but I am all for:

Breaking down the factory doors, affecting raids, rounding up the illegals, shipping them back home, and fining the SH!T out of the company for a 1st-time offense. 2nd offense you do the same thing with a higher fine. 3rd time you put the owner in jail and padlock his factory door for no less than 30 days...or the factory is forfeit and becomes govt property to be auctioned off (like they do vehicles, guns, etc up in Alaska to hunters caught poaching / fishermen caught violating the law regarding catching salmon).

WHY stop there?

Sanctuary cities: Lock up the Mayor & Chief of Police for aiding and abetting criminals in violation of US law...

Fine / Lock up politicians for wanting to give US tax-payer-funded social programs to illegals - 'aiding and abetting'.

If there were no jobs, no place to stay, no free benefits there would be no incentive to make the trip. Open Border bi@tches are facilitating the crime / crimes, from the highest politicians to the factory owner hiring them.
Trump is an idiot. I dotn even like trump.
Your "gotcha" is a bunch of bullshit.
Illegal entrance into a country isnt the same as other misdemeanors.
But at least you are actually trying to think now ;)
I didnt call you a dumbfuck. I said “save it" for a dumbfuck :D

So you concede that the law can be ignored…good boy.
Amazing what you can learn when you accept the truth.
The law is ignored every day. Its even worse when its by the government.
We cant have the govt selecting what laws to abide by.
You STILL have no point to your argument. Its so funny!

Yet here you are trying to defend someone (an idiot—there you go calling people names again) you don’t like for some reason….

I pointed out that the government does ignore laws.

It can ignore this one and stop being assholes.

But for some reason you’re pro-asshole.
When did i defend trump in this thread?
Hell, i defend obama and you know i dont like that chick.
I was simply asking for solutions because you and your ilks ridiculously ignorant rhetoric is repugnant.
You really need to read what i write..

I did.
Then You had some sort of meltdown about “ignoring the law” as if it was some sort of novel idea.
I pointed out that we do it all the time.

Then I gave you some solutions as did little old lady….

What’s your problem?

What are you going to do today? How would it be any different if there was no illegal aliens in the nation?
Probably not any different at all…. Would you be safer? No. Would you be richer? No.
yep your solution is to ignore the law. hahaahahahahaahaha so leftist of you. build the wall.
Notice how when I bring up jailing the employers with the same passion that we jail illegals -- since they are both "committing crimes" -- Trump lovers get quiet??

There is a reason why -- those employers look like them -- not easy to demonize someone when you identify with them.

That is also why they hate how the "LEFT" humanizes a demographic of people that Trump lovers have tried so hard to demonize.
We should absolutely punish the people that hire illegals.


Should we fine them or strip their kids from them…you know…because it would be a deterrent?

That was and is Trump’s reasoning for the zero tolerance policy according to COS Kelly.
Fining.. Arresting. Im good with either.

C’mon..if we’re going to be assholes to brown people, can’t we also be assholes to white people who hire the illegal brown people and kidnap their kids and send them 1800 miles away…make them sleep on a small mat under a foil blanket.

Are you on board with that?
Of course not. That is preposterous and unconstitutional.
"brown people" I have the same problem with them as i do illegal chinese, russians, canadians, arabs or anyone else that is in the country illegally.
Shove your racist cliche up your @$$

Why is it preposterous?

Did the guy who hired the illegal break the law? Yes
Did the illegal break the law? Yes.

Okay so that’s not the issue.
Why is it different?
Mexican kids held for months as punishment for border-crossing

Uh-oh....REALITY is a bit@h!

It started in 2014....WHO was 'El Jefe' at that time? Oh yeah.....

View attachment 199418
'F* The US! Gimme Free Sh!t!' / "That's my 'peeps'!"

Fake news.


...whatever you say, tinkerbell.....
Notice how when I bring up jailing the employers with the same passion that we jail illegals -- since they are both "committing crimes" -- Trump lovers get quiet??

There is a reason why -- those employers look like them -- not easy to demonize someone when you identify with them.

That is also why they hate how the "LEFT" humanizes a demographic of people that Trump lovers have tried so hard to demonize.
I'm not so sure it's because "they look like them." Republicans have always been the rich guys, at least in my lifetime. They are business people raking in the cash and making deals at their fancy country clubs. When I think Republican, I still think a bag of nice clubs.
Using children to fight your battles is an ISIS tactic. The Administration is holding toddlers to force funding for a border wall. You don't use children as human shields.
How do you know this? The Atlantic? :rolleyes:
Did they say something similar? It's nice to know that people smarter than me are on the same wave length.
If they did, i figured i would have read it by now. But maybe they did. If so, my bad!
who cares about your point, you never answered the post you responded to, you asked a question to question. how white of you.
You bitched about my post, I responded.

Bitch at someone else, then.
I did. I asked you to answer the question with an answer rather than asking a stoopid question like why? And children are separated from the families when any adult is put in prison. we wouldn't have foster families if that didn't happen. build a wall and we can solve the issue with the illegal parent.
I asked "why" because he was ignoring my point.

Standard partisan tactic, and you obediently fell right in line.
no he didn't ignore your point. he answered you. he knows that a criminal citizen is separated from the children. yet no one blames anyone for that separation. blaming anyone is wrong if it isn't the person who is guilty of the crime. not sure how someone pointing out reality is partisan. hmmmmmmmm you really have a hard on for partisans don't you?
Yes, I believe partisans on both ends are causing this country great damage.

The rest of us, the majority, have not yet found a way to culturally marginalize you.

Until then, the damage continues.
sorry friend, I voted for trump. you can't get any further away from either party then him. so don't include me in with partisan hacks. I don't follow no man. I use judgement based on logic. present some logical solutions and let's begin to rebuild our fine nation. build a wall is one.
Of course not. That is preposterous and unconstitutional.
"brown people" I have the same problem with them as i do illegal chinese, russians, canadians, arabs or anyone else that is in the country illegally.
Shove your racist cliche up your @$$

So are we not arresting the employers at any considerable rate?

Why is Trump at least not insulting the employers like he does illegals -- like calling these employers animals for giving good American jobs to filthy illegals?

Do you understand why these racist clichés don't sound so cliché ?
Using children to fight your battles is an ISIS tactic. The Administration is holding toddlers to force funding for a border wall. You don't use children as human shields.
I believe they are detaining children because the parents broke a law. And the children have no home. would you like for us just to send them back across like cattle or be humane and hold them. you offer no solution. you are indeed leftist.
Using children to fight your battles is an ISIS tactic. The Administration is holding toddlers to force funding for a border wall. You don't use children as human shields.
how so exactly? who presented the children to the party?
So you're admitting it. That's a step in the right direction.
Trump is an idiot. I dotn even like trump.
Your "gotcha" is a bunch of bullshit.
Illegal entrance into a country isnt the same as other misdemeanors.
But at least you are actually trying to think now ;)
I didnt call you a dumbfuck. I said “save it" for a dumbfuck :D

So you concede that the law can be ignored…good boy.
Amazing what you can learn when you accept the truth.
The law is ignored every day. Its even worse when its by the government.
We cant have the govt selecting what laws to abide by.
You STILL have no point to your argument. Its so funny!

Yet here you are trying to defend someone (an idiot—there you go calling people names again) you don’t like for some reason….

I pointed out that the government does ignore laws.

It can ignore this one and stop being assholes.

But for some reason you’re pro-asshole.
When did i defend trump in this thread?
Hell, i defend obama and you know i dont like that chick.
I was simply asking for solutions because you and your ilks ridiculously ignorant rhetoric is repugnant.
You really need to read what i write..

I did.
Then You had some sort of meltdown about “ignoring the law” as if it was some sort of novel idea.
I pointed out that we do it all the time.

Then I gave you some solutions as did little old lady….

What’s your problem?

What are you going to do today? How would it be any different if there was no illegal aliens in the nation?
Probably not any different at all…. Would you be safer? No. Would you be richer? No.
Im not selfish like most people. My beliefs dont focus around me. They focus on America.
Notice how when I bring up jailing the employers with the same passion that we jail illegals -- since they are both "committing crimes" -- Trump lovers get quiet??

There is a reason why -- those employers look like them -- not easy to demonize someone when you identify with them.

That is also why they hate how the "LEFT" humanizes a demographic of people that Trump lovers have tried so hard to demonize.
I'm not so sure it's because "they look like them." Republicans have always been the rich guys, at least in my lifetime. They are business people raking in the cash and making deals at their fancy country clubs. When I think Republican, I still think a bag of nice clubs.
I can name more rich democrats than republicans but thats just me.
I can start with silicon valley and new york city.
sorry friend, I voted for trump. you can't get any further away from either party then him. so don't include me in with partisan hacks. I don't follow no man. I use judgement based on logic. present some logical solutions and let's begin to rebuild our fine nation. build a wall is one.

If you truly believe that Trump is so different from the republican party and different from the democrat party -- then why is this statement the main defense of a Trump supporter -- "...but Obama did it too"??

Why is that a defense if you truly believe Trump is so different?

You should pissed off anytime Trump does the same thing as the Anti-Christ muslim terrorist Negro did
Of course not. That is preposterous and unconstitutional.
"brown people" I have the same problem with them as i do illegal chinese, russians, canadians, arabs or anyone else that is in the country illegally.
Shove your racist cliche up your @$$

So are we not arresting the employers at any considerable rate?

Why is Trump at least not insulting the employers like he does illegals -- like calling these employers animals for giving good American jobs to filthy illegals?

Do you understand why these racist clichés don't sound so cliché ?
Has any president trashed the employer? I certainly cant remember one.
I do know fmandatory e verify got brought up but got rejected. Imagine that!
Neither party wants to fix immigration. They both benefit too much from it.

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