Did President Obama separate families at the border? Yes!

The tactic here, obviously, is to lay it ALL on Trump, even though things were already bad enough.
As usual, both parties fail us, and as usual, they just point the finger at the other guys.
Name one jail that puts children in with adults.
can you? That was a great post.
Can't think of any, and that has nothing to do with my point.
who cares about your point, you never answered the post you responded to, you asked a question to question. how white of you.
You bitched about my post, I responded.

Bitch at someone else, then.
so it's a very simple question. why didn't it bother you when obammy was president and now it does? come deary give the class an answer.

It did bother them -- which is why most progressives laughed when republicans called Obama a radical leftist -- he was anything but -- he was not progressive ENOUGH --

Also, to believe Obama did anything to the extent of what is currently happening -- is comical. Remember when conservatives cried about catch and release -- that is when Obama elected not to separate the families and instead released them?

Also, why were you Trump lovers not cheering from the highest mountain if you feel Obama was doing the same thing then? Because all I heard you conservatives say was that Obama was doing nothing to stop illegal immigration --

Cant have it both ways -- unless you suffer from cognitive dissonance -- which most cult members are -- and like Bob Corker said, trump lovers are a cult.
They be a cult of personality.
build the wall and problem solved.
It's pointless, I know, since there is no active listening ability where conservatives are concerned.

Obama did separate kids from parents but not as a hard and fast policy. Sometimes they did, some times (most times according to reports) they did not.
Trump is doing it as a hard and fast policy. So much so, a new center in El Paso is being opened to hold, I believe 4,100 boys. For how long? Nobody knows.

Those are simply the facts of the matter.

The really sad thing is that once they really ratchet up the body count….this will be remembered as the good old days. Soon there will be no room for the 1” thick mat and thermal saran wrap blanket:

View attachment 199411
Name one jail that puts children in with adults.
can you? That was a great post.
Can't think of any, and that has nothing to do with my point.
who cares about your point, you never answered the post you responded to, you asked a question to question. how white of you.
You bitched about my post, I responded.

Bitch at someone else, then.
I did. I asked you to answer the question with an answer rather than asking a stoopid question like why? And children are separated from the families when any adult is put in prison. we wouldn't have foster families if that didn't happen. build a wall and we can solve the issue with the illegal parent.
so it's a very simple question. why didn't it bother you when obammy was president and now it does? come deary give the class an answer.

It did bother them -- which is why most progressives laughed when republicans called Obama a radical leftist -- he was anything but -- he was not progressive ENOUGH --

Also, to believe Obama did anything to the extent of what is currently happening -- is comical. Remember when conservatives cried about catch and release -- that is when Obama elected not to separate the families and instead released them?

Also, why were you Trump lovers not cheering from the highest mountain if you feel Obama was doing the same thing then? Because all I heard you conservatives say was that Obama was doing nothing to stop illegal immigration --

Cant have it both ways -- unless you suffer from cognitive dissonance -- which most cult members are -- and like Bob Corker said, trump lovers are a cult.
They be a cult of personality.
build the wall and problem solved.
Another wet dream.
build the wall and problem solved.

I know trump lovers who don't care about policy think simple caveman talk fixes shit -- "brown people bad, build wall -- life good" -- not that simple..

Here is a solution that would be more effective than a wall -- Arrest those who employ illegals with the same zeal and passion as you demand those who came here looking for work get arrested...

Since Trump lovers don't say zip about the employers -- their outrage over illegal immigration gets placed in the xenophobia pile...
Name one jail that puts children in with adults.
can you? That was a great post.
Can't think of any, and that has nothing to do with my point.
who cares about your point, you never answered the post you responded to, you asked a question to question. how white of you.
You bitched about my post, I responded.

Bitch at someone else, then.
so it's a very simple question. why didn't it bother you when obammy was president and now it does? come deary give the class an answer.

It did bother them -- which is why most progressives laughed when republicans called Obama a radical leftist -- he was anything but -- he was not progressive ENOUGH --

Also, to believe Obama did anything to the extent of what is currently happening -- is comical. Remember when conservatives cried about catch and release -- that is when Obama elected not to separate the families and instead released them?

Also, why were you Trump lovers not cheering from the highest mountain if you feel Obama was doing the same thing then? Because all I heard you conservatives say was that Obama was doing nothing to stop illegal immigration --

Cant have it both ways -- unless you suffer from cognitive dissonance -- which most cult members are -- and like Bob Corker said, trump lovers are a cult.
They be a cult of personality.
build the wall and problem solved.
Another wet dream.
a solution.
so it's a very simple question. why didn't it bother you when obammy was president and now it does? come deary give the class an answer.

It did bother them -- which is why most progressives laughed when republicans called Obama a radical leftist -- he was anything but -- he was not progressive ENOUGH --

Also, to believe Obama did anything to the extent of what is currently happening -- is comical. Remember when conservatives cried about catch and release -- that is when Obama elected not to separate the families and instead released them?

Also, why were you Trump lovers not cheering from the highest mountain if you feel Obama was doing the same thing then? Because all I heard you conservatives say was that Obama was doing nothing to stop illegal immigration --

Cant have it both ways -- unless you suffer from cognitive dissonance -- which most cult members are -- and like Bob Corker said, trump lovers are a cult.
They be a cult of personality.
build the wall and problem solved.
Another wet dream.
a solution.
Walls don't keep people out or in if those people don't want to be.
It did bother them -- which is why most progressives laughed when republicans called Obama a radical leftist -- he was anything but -- he was not progressive ENOUGH --

Also, to believe Obama did anything to the extent of what is currently happening -- is comical. Remember when conservatives cried about catch and release -- that is when Obama elected not to separate the families and instead released them?

Also, why were you Trump lovers not cheering from the highest mountain if you feel Obama was doing the same thing then? Because all I heard you conservatives say was that Obama was doing nothing to stop illegal immigration --

Cant have it both ways -- unless you suffer from cognitive dissonance -- which most cult members are -- and like Bob Corker said, trump lovers are a cult.
They be a cult of personality.
build the wall and problem solved.
Another wet dream.
a solution.
Wall don't keep people out or in if those people don't want to be.
I know children won't be climbing them. so then separating parents is again on the parent, like it is today but ignored by leftists.
They be a cult of personality.
build the wall and problem solved.
Another wet dream.
a solution.
Wall don't keep people out or in if those people don't want to be.
I know children won't be climbing them. so then separating parents is again on the parent, like it is today but ignored by leftists.
funny how it is never the criminals with the accountability, always the enforcer at fault with a leftist. funny. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
They be a cult of personality.
build the wall and problem solved.
Another wet dream.
a solution.
Wall don't keep people out or in if those people don't want to be.
I know children won't be climbing them. so then separating parents is again on the parent, like it is today but ignored by leftists.
Why when they can get a day pass at a border checkpoint and do the same?
build the wall and problem solved.
Another wet dream.
a solution.
Wall don't keep people out or in if those people don't want to be.
I know children won't be climbing them. so then separating parents is again on the parent, like it is today but ignored by leftists.
funny how it is never the criminals with the accountability, always the enforcer at fault with a leftist. funny. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
You think like a cracka and not a desperate person looking at a meal.
build the wall and problem solved.
Another wet dream.
a solution.
Wall don't keep people out or in if those people don't want to be.
I know children won't be climbing them. so then separating parents is again on the parent, like it is today but ignored by leftists.
Why when they can get a day pass at a border checkpoint and do the same?
they aren't separated until they are criminally in the wrong. again, on the parent. why are you against enforcement of laws? I never took you being in that mold.
Another wet dream.
a solution.
Wall don't keep people out or in if those people don't want to be.
I know children won't be climbing them. so then separating parents is again on the parent, like it is today but ignored by leftists.
funny how it is never the criminals with the accountability, always the enforcer at fault with a leftist. funny. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
You think like a cracka and not a desperate person looking at a meal.
I love crackas, especially with peanut butter. build a wall.
can you? That was a great post.
Can't think of any, and that has nothing to do with my point.
who cares about your point, you never answered the post you responded to, you asked a question to question. how white of you.
You bitched about my post, I responded.

Bitch at someone else, then.
I did. I asked you to answer the question with an answer rather than asking a stoopid question like why? And children are separated from the families when any adult is put in prison. we wouldn't have foster families if that didn't happen. build a wall and we can solve the issue with the illegal parent.
I asked "why" because he was ignoring my point.

Standard partisan tactic, and you obediently fell right in line.
So do you suggest ignoring law?
Give me an actual solution and save your partisan rhetoric for a dumbfuck.

The government ignores laws all the time; for example, the Feds allow states to sell pot even though there is a federal law against it. True or false fuckface?
So your "solution" to this "problem" is "ignore law"
Get the fk outta here

I knew you’d be too much of limp wristed bitch to answer the question.

Up yours fuck face. We ignore the pot laws and there is no gigantic crisis caused by doing it. If we stopped ripping families apart, we wouldn’t have this crisis either and parents not seeing their kids for 80+ days
:lol: Someone got triggered.
Look, it isnt my fault you don’t have any solutions.
It is your fault you’re a dumbass.
A dumb person talks about people
Like “crooked hillary” “little marco”, “Crazy ted cruz”? Someone called me a “dumbfuck” a few moments ago. It was you. Congratulations; you’re a dumb person. You go personal with me, I go personal with you.

Ignoring the law is an option. You and the other trump ass kissers pretend you can’t. I pointed out that it is routinely done. So shove that up your ass. As for solutions, Old Lady had some good ideas. I don’t know why we can’t treat the illegals like we do any other misdemeanor offender….maybe put ankle monitors on them, perhaps weekly check ins with the INS in person….etc… so they can prepare for their hearings like others prepare for their trials.
Trump is an idiot. I dotn even like trump.
Your "gotcha" is a bunch of bullshit.
Illegal entrance into a country isnt the same as other misdemeanors.
But at least you are actually trying to think now ;)
I didnt call you a dumbfuck. I said "save it" for a dumbfuck :D
If Mexico would hurry up and build that damn wall, we wouldn't be having this problem. Remember, a big beautiful wall and who's gonna pay for it? MEXICO!!!! USA USA USA

We were told Mexico will pay for the wall. We’re just waiting for the check.

You don’t think Trump lied to his ass kissing supporters; do you?

Nah… LOL
can you? That was a great post.
Can't think of any, and that has nothing to do with my point.
who cares about your point, you never answered the post you responded to, you asked a question to question. how white of you.
You bitched about my post, I responded.

Bitch at someone else, then.
I did. I asked you to answer the question with an answer rather than asking a stoopid question like why? And children are separated from the families when any adult is put in prison. we wouldn't have foster families if that didn't happen. build a wall and we can solve the issue with the illegal parent.
I asked "why" because he was ignoring my point.

Standard partisan tactic, and you obediently fell right in line.
no he didn't ignore your point. he answered you. he knows that a criminal citizen is separated from the children. yet no one blames anyone for that separation. blaming anyone is wrong if it isn't the person who is guilty of the crime. not sure how someone pointing out reality is partisan. hmmmmmmmm you really have a hard on for partisans don't you?
If Mexico would hurry up and build that damn wall, we wouldn't be having this problem. Remember, a big beautiful wall and who's gonna pay for it? MEXICO!!!! USA USA USA

We were told Mexico will pay for the wall. We’re just waiting for the check.

You don’t think Trump lied to his ass kissing supporters; do you?

Nah… LOL
well the US continues to invest billions in care for illegals. we have in our schools on welfare draining our profits. and you're concerned with mexico paying for a wall. they truly spanked your fanny. they send their families here for you and I to pay for. They seem very intelligent.

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